% GT170 1MW geometry % Contains the geometry of the first 1MW 170GHz CW TH1509 tube % JPH : Aug. 4th, 2017 % z_shim = 0.00; % Shim that is possibly used to lift the gyrotron z_cat_min_design = 0.1335; % Coordinate of emitter at larger radius z_cat_design = 0.136; % 1MW 170GHz first prototype (2017), cathode CENTER z_cav_design = 0.4995; z_launcher_design = 0.78848; % Launcher edge r_cat_min = 0.05419; % largest emitter radius of first prototype 170GHz 1MW r_cat = 0.0533693; % 1MW 170GHz first prototype (2017) AVERAGE radius, WARM dimension r_launcher = 0.02068; % launcher radius % Add shimming if necessary z_cat_min = z_cat_min_design + z_shim; z_cat = z_cat_design + z_shim; z_cav = z_cav_design + z_shim; z_launcher = z_launcher_design + z_shim;