module psupply use constants implicit none type power_supply logical :: active = .false. ! is the power supply active real(kind=db):: geomcapacitor = 1 ! capacitance of the metalic vessel normalised to the neutral density in vessel used in the neutcol module real(kind=db):: PSresistor = 1 ! internal resistance of the power supply normalised to the actual neutral density in vessel real(kind=db):: targetbias = 0 ! Set voltage on the power supply real(kind=db):: bias = 0 ! current voltage on the power supply integer :: nbbounds = 2 ! number of boundaries defined in the geometry integer :: lststp = 0 ! previous step on which the bias was updated real(kind=db):: current(3) = 0 ! current collected on the boundaries normalised to the simulated collision neutral density set in neutcol module ! 1 is at time i-2nbhdt, 2 is at time i-nbhdt and 3 is at time i integer, allocatable:: bdpos(:) ! sign of each boundary for collected charge to determine direction of current real(kind=db),allocatable:: charge(:) ! Charge collected on each boundary and per nbdt real(kind=db),allocatable:: biases(:) ! Actual potentials at each boundary integer :: nbhdt = 10 ! half of the number of time steps between each calls to RK4 real(kind=db):: expdens ! [m-3] experimental neutral density real(kind=db):: neutcoldens ! [m-3] neutral density used in neutcol module real(kind=db):: frequency ! [Hz] frequency of an imposed oscillation in bias real(kind=db):: deltabias ! [V] Amplitude of the oscillations around targetbias end type type(power_supply):: the_ps contains ! read the input parameters from the input file and setup the necesary variables for the module to work subroutine psupply_init(fileid,cstep,nbbounds,neutcoldens,rstbias) use splinebound use basic, only: phinorm, tnorm, mpirank, qnorm, potinn, potout, dt use constants use mpi use geometry use weighttypes use fields integer:: fileid, cstep, nbbounds, istat, nbhdt, ierr,i real(kind=db),OPTIONAL, INTENT(IN):: rstbias real(kind=db):: neutcoldens ! [m-3] real(kind=db):: expneutdens = 1 ! [m-3] real(kind=db):: PsResistor = 1 ! [Ohm] real(kind=db):: geomcapacitor = 1 ! [F] real(kind=db):: targetbias = 0 ! [V] real(kind=db):: frequency = 0 ! [Hz] real(kind=db):: deltabias = 0 ! [V] integer, allocatable:: bdpos(:) character(len=1000) :: line logical :: active = .false. NAMELIST /psupplyparams/ expneutdens, PsResistor, geomcapacitor, targetbias, nbhdt, active, bdpos, frequency, deltabias the_ps%lststp=cstep the_ps%nbbounds=nbbounds allocate(the_ps%bdpos(nbbounds),bdpos(nbbounds)) allocate(the_ps%charge(nbbounds),the_ps%biases(nbbounds)) the_ps%bdpos=0 bdpos=0 the_ps%charge=0 the_ps%biases=0 the_ps%current=0 ! read the input parameters from file Rewind(fileid) READ(fileid, psupplyparams, iostat=istat) if ( then backspace(fileid) read(fileid,fmt='(A)') line write(*,'(A)') & 'Invalid line in pssupplyparams: '//trim(line) call MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, -1, ierr) stop end if ! save the parameters on output IF(mpirank .eq. 0) THEN WRITE(*, psupplyparams) END IF ! rescale the targetbias set on the power supply the_ps%targetbias=abs(targetbias)/phinorm the_ps%bdpos=bdpos the_ps%frequency=frequency*tnorm*2*pi the_ps%deltabias=deltabias/phinorm ! save the experimental neutral density the_ps%expdens=expneutdens ! save the neutral collision density the_ps%neutcoldens=neutcoldens if(present(rstbias))then ! Initialize the current bias from the restart value the_ps%bias=rstbias else ! initialize with the file input parameters if ( then do i=1,the_ps%nbbounds if(the_ps%bdpos(i) .lt. 0)then the_ps%bias=-the_domain%boundaries(i)%Dirichlet_val exit end if end do else the_ps%bias=(potout-potinn) end if end if ! set the initial bias where(the_ps%bdpos .lt. 0) the_ps%biases=-the_ps%bias end where ! Normalise resistor and capacitor to adapt to experimental pressure the_ps%PSresistor = PSresistor*the_ps%expdens/the_ps%neutcoldens*qnorm/(tnorm*phinorm) the_ps%geomcapacitor = geomcapacitor*phinorm/qnorm the_ps%nbhdt = nbhdt the_ps%active = active if( .not. the_ps%active) return ! Initialize the biases if ( then do i=1,the_ps%nbbounds the_domain%boundaries(i)%Dirichlet_val=the_ps%biases(i)+the_ps%deltabias*sin(the_ps%frequency*cstep*dt) end do else potinn=the_ps%biases(1)+the_ps%deltabias*sin(the_ps%frequency*cstep*dt) Potout=0 Phidown=Potinn Phiup=Potout end if ! recalculate gtilde to adapt for the new biases CALL total_gtilde(vec1, vec2, gtilde, gridwdir) !$OMP PARALLEL call comp_gradgtilde ! Recompute the vacuum field call vacuum_field !$OMP END PARALLEL end subroutine ! save to the result file the parameters of this module read from the input Subroutine psupply_diag(File_handle, str) use mpi Use futils use basic, only: tnorm, phinorm, qnorm implicit none Integer:: File_handle Character(len=*):: str CHARACTER(len=256):: grpname Integer:: ierr, mpirank CALL MPI_COMM_RANK(MPI_COMM_WORLD, mpirank, ierr) IF(mpirank .eq. 0 .and. the_ps%active) THEN Write(grpname,'(a,a)') trim(str),"/psupply" If(.not. isgroup(File_handle, trim(grpname))) THEN CALL creatg(File_handle, trim(grpname)) END IF Call attach(File_handle, trim(grpname), "expdens", the_ps%expdens) Call attach(File_handle, trim(grpname), "targetbias", the_ps%targetbias*phinorm) Call attach(File_handle, trim(grpname), "PSresistor", the_ps%PSresistor/the_ps%expdens*the_ps%neutcoldens/qnorm*(tnorm*phinorm)) Call attach(File_handle, trim(grpname), "geomcapacitor", the_ps%geomcapacitor/phinorm*qnorm) Call attach(File_handle, trim(grpname), "nbhdt", the_ps%nbhdt) Call putarr(File_handle,trim(grpname)//"/bdpos", the_ps%bdpos) END IF End subroutine psupply_diag ! gneral routine called from stepon to update the psupply bias subroutine psupply_step(ps,p,cstep) use particletypes use geometry use weighttypes use fields use basic, only: Potinn, potout type(power_supply):: ps type(particles):: p(:) integer:: cstep, i if (.not. ps%active ) return !$OMP SINGLE ! calculate the charge collected on each boundary due to the contribution of each specie call add_charge(ps,p) ! calculate the current flowing between the electrodes due to the cloud call calc_current(ps,cstep) ! calculate the bias at the new time step call updt_bias(ps,cstep) !$OMP END SINGLE NOWAIT if(mod(cstep-ps%lststp,2*ps%nbhdt) .ne. 0) return !$OMP BARRIER !$OMP SINGLE ! update the bias on the geometry for the Dirichlet b.c. if ( then do i=1,ps%nbbounds the_domain%boundaries(i)%Dirichlet_val=ps%biases(i) end do else potinn=ps%biases(1) Potout=0 Phidown=Potinn Phiup=Potout end if !$OMP END SINGLE !$OMP DO Do i=0,nr ! recalculate gtilde to adapt for the new biases CALL total_gtilde(vec1(i*(nz+1)+1:(i+1)*(nz+1)), vec2(i*(nz+1)+1:(i+1)*(nz+1)), gtilde(:,i*(nz+1)+1:(i+1)*(nz+1)), gridwdir(:,i*(nz+1)+1:(i+1)*(nz+1))) end do !$OMP END DO call comp_gradgtilde !$OMP BARRIER call vacuum_field end subroutine ! calculates the current flowing between the electrodes due to the cloud subroutine calc_current(ps,cstep) use geometry use basic, only: phinorm, dt use fields type(power_supply):: ps integer:: cstep if(mod(cstep-ps%lststp,ps%nbhdt).eq.0) then ! communicate the charge accumulation in this timestep call reduce_charge(ps) if(mod(cstep-ps%lststp,ps%nbhdt*2).eq.0)then ! calculates the current by adding the contribution of each boundary if (mpirank .eq. 0)then ps%current(3)=sum(-ps%charge*ps%bdpos)/(ps%nbhdt*dt) end if ps%lststp=cstep else ! calculates the current by adding the contribution of each boundary if (mpirank .eq. 0)then ps%current(2)=sum(-ps%charge*ps%bdpos)/(ps%nbhdt*dt) end if end if ps%charge=0 end if end subroutine ! calculate the charge deposited by each specie on the electrodes (used to calculate the resulting current) subroutine add_charge(ps,p) use particletypes use basic, only: qnorm type(power_supply):: ps type(particles):: p(:) integer:: i do i=1,size(p,1) if(.not. p(i)%is_field) cycle !Add the normalised contribution of each specie ps%charge=ps%charge+p(i)%nblost(5:)*p(i)%weight*p(i)%q/qnorm end do end subroutine ! Time integrate the ODE of the actual bias between the accelerating electrodes ! and broadcast it to all the workers subroutine updt_bias(ps,cstep) use basic, only: dt implicit none type(power_supply):: ps integer:: cstep real(kind=db):: bias,k1,k2,k3,k4, hdeltat if(mod(cstep-ps%lststp,2*ps%nbhdt) .ne. 0) return ! half delta t if ( hdeltat=dt*ps%nbhdt/(ps%PSresistor*ps%geomcapacitor) bias=ps%bias ! we update the bias using RK4 k1=-(bias+ps%current(1)*ps%PSresistor-ps%targetbias) k2=-(bias+hdeltat*k1+ps%current(2)*ps%PSresistor-ps%targetbias) k3=-(bias+hdeltat*k2+ps%current(2)*ps%PSresistor-ps%targetbias) k4=-(bias+2*hdeltat*k3+ps%current(3)*ps%PSresistor-ps%targetbias) ps%bias=bias+(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4)*2*hdeltat/6 end if !Write(*,*) " new bias ", ps%bias*phinorm where (ps%bdpos .lt. 0) ps%biases=-ps%bias+ps%deltabias*sin(ps%frequency*cstep*dt) end where where (ps%bdpos .eq. 2) ps%biases=ps%deltabias*sin(ps%frequency*cstep*dt) end where ! broadcast the bias to all the mpi processes call bcast_bias(ps) ps%current(1)=ps%current(3) end subroutine updt_bias ! gather on node 0 the collected charge on each metallic boundary subroutine reduce_charge(ps) use mpi use mpihelper use basic, ONLY: mpirank type(power_supply):: ps integer:: ierr if(mpirank .eq. 0) then call MPI_REDUCE(MPI_IN_PLACE,ps%charge,ps%nbbounds,db_type,db_sum_op,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) !Write(*,*) "curr charge ", ps%charge else call MPI_REDUCE(ps%charge,ps%charge,ps%nbbounds,db_type,db_sum_op,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) end if end subroutine ! broadcast to all the nodes the new bias imposed by the power supply on the electrodes subroutine bcast_bias(ps) use mpi use mpihelper type(power_supply):: ps integer:: ierr call MPI_BCAST(ps%biases,ps%nbbounds,db_type,0,MPI_COMM_WORLD,ierr) end subroutine end module psupply