MODULE xg USE constants USE basic, ONLY : nr, nz, nrun, zgrid, rgrid, nplasma, itgraph, resfile USE beam, ONLY: partslist USE fields, ONLY: nrank, vec1, vec2 IMPLICIT NONE ! REAL(kind=db) :: tstep=0.0_db, dnorm=1.0_db REAL(kind=db) :: zb1, zb2, rb1, rb2 REAL(kind=db), ALLOCATABLE :: pzxg(:), prxg(:), pthetxg(:) INTEGER :: nhist, maxhist REAL(kind=db), ALLOCATABLE :: thist(:), tepot(:), tekin(:), tetot(:), terror(:) INTEGER :: x0=250, xsize = 410, y0=0, ysize=335 ! CONTAINS SUBROUTINE initw ! ! Initialize Xgrafix ! ! Particle phase space ! ALLOCATE (pzxg(partslist(1)%Nploc)) ALLOCATE (prxg(partslist(1)%Nploc)) ALLOCATE (pthetxg(partslist(1)%Nploc)) ! ! Bounds of space domain ! zb1 = zgrid(0) zb2 = zgrid(nz) rb1 = rgrid(0) rb2 = rgrid(nr) ! ! Time history ! nhist = 0 maxhist=nrun/itgraph+1 ALLOCATE(thist(0:maxhist)) ALLOCATE(tepot(0:maxhist)) ALLOCATE(tekin(0:maxhist)) ALLOCATE(tetot(0:maxhist)) ALLOCATE(terror(0:maxhist)) ! CALL updt_xg_var ! CALL xginit(3,'fennecs:'//TRIM(resfile),'fennecs'//TRIM(resfile)//'.o','fennecs'//TRIM(resfile)//'.dump','N4','N5','N6',tstep) ! ! Particle phase space plots ! pzxg(:) = partslist(1)%uz(1:partslist(1)%Nploc) prxg(:) = partslist(1)%ur(1:partslist(1)%Nploc) pthetxg(:) = partslist(1)%uthet(1:partslist(1)%Nploc) ! Es potential ! CALL xgset2d('linlin','Z','Z-R phase space','open',x0, y0, dnorm, dnorm, & & .FALSE., .FALSE., ZB1, ZB2, RB1, RB2) CALL xgscat2d(partslist(1)%Z,partslist(1)%R,partslist(1)%Nploc,1) ! CALL xgset2d('linlin','PZ','PZ-PR phase space','open',x0+2*xsize, y0, 1._db, 1._db, & & .TRUE., .TRUE., 0._db, 1._db, 0._db, 1._db) CALL xgscat2d(pzxg, prxg, partslist(1)%Nploc,1) ! CALL xgset2d('linlin','PZ','PZ-PTHET phase space','open',x0+2*xsize, y0+ysize, 1._db, 1._db, & & .TRUE., .TRUE., 0._db, 1._db, 0._db, 1._db) CALL xgscat2d(pzxg, pthetxg, partslist(1)%Nploc,1) ! CALL xgset2d('linlin','Z','Z-PZ phase space','open',x0+xsize, y0, dnorm, 1.0_db, & & .FALSE., .TRUE., ZB1, ZB2, 0._db, 1._db) CALL xgscat2d(partslist(1)%Z, pzxg, partslist(1)%Nploc,1) ! ! Time history ! CALL xgset2d('linlin','T','Energies', 'open', x0, y0+ysize, 1._db, 1._db, & & .TRUE., .TRUE., 0._db, 1._db, 0._db, 1._db) CALL xgcurve(thist, tepot, nhist, 1) CALL xgcurve(thist, tekin, nhist, 2) CALL xgcurve(thist, tetot, nhist, 3) ! CALL xgset2d('linlog','T','Relative error in Etot', 'open', x0+xsize, y0+ysize, 1._db, 1._db, & & .TRUE., .TRUE., 0._db, 1._db, 0._db, 1._db) CALL xgcurve(thist, terror, nhist, 1) ! ! Xgrafix control ! CALL xgevent CALL xgupdate END SUBROUTINE initw !-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUBROUTINE updt_xg_var ! ! Update XG variables ! USE basic, ONLY : cstep, dt, tnorm USE beam, ONLY : ekin, epot, etot, etot0 ! ! Phase space tstep = REAL(cstep,db) pzxg(:) = partslist(1)%uz(1:partslist(1)%Nploc) prxg(:) = partslist(1)%ur(1:partslist(1)%Nploc) pthetxg(:) = partslist(1)%uthet(1:partslist(1)%Nploc) ! ! Time history ! thist(nhist) = nhist*itgraph*dt*tnorm tekin(nhist) = ekin tepot(nhist) = epot tetot(nhist) = etot terror(nhist) = ABS((etot-etot0)/etot) ! To be dispalyed on log scale! nhist = nhist+1 ! END SUBROUTINE updt_xg_var END MODULE xg