function [B] = B_Ellip_10T_DNP(mode,magnet,I,r,z) % % Call: [B] = B_Ellip_10T_DNP(mode,magnet,r,z) % Examples: % 1. Plot axis magnetic field profile: % % >> z = linspace(0,1,101); % >> r = 0*z + 0.0; % >> I = [61.56 66.45 113.43 108.09 ]; % >> [B] = B_Ellip_Cryogenic_170('bz','cryogenic',I,r,z); % >> figure(1); plot(z,B) % % 2. Plot field lines (r* aphi = cst) % % >> z = linspace(0,1,51); % >> r = linspace(0,0.2,21); % >> [Z,R] = meshgrid(z,r); % >> I = [61.56 66.45 113.43 108.09 ]; % >> [Aphi] = B_Ellip_Cryogenic_170('aphi','cryogenic',I,R,Z); % >> figure(2); contour(Z,R,R.*Aphi); % % Magnetic field associated with GT170 GHz magnet, with currents Igun and Icav, % as read on power supplies (i.e. a current -(Icav+Igun) is actually flowing in the % gun coil. % The computation is based on the elliptic integral formulae that can be found in: % Smythe: "Static and Dynamic Electricity", Third edition, McGraw-Hill, p.290. % % Version : 1.0 J.-P. Hogge Sep. 16, 2003 % 1.1 J.-P. Hogge Jan. 12, 2005 Included 165Ghz FZK magnet, other options deactivated % % mode : 'bz','br','dbzbz','dbzdr','dbrdz','dbrdr', 'd2bzdz2' or 'aphi' % magnet : 'fzk_165ghz_oi' only so far % z : a row vector (in [m]) or a 2D matrix containing the z locations where the field is to be evaluated % r : a row vector (in [m]) or a 2D matrix containing the r locations where the field is to be evaluated % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % 10T magnet for DNP gyrotron coils geometry [m] %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% switch lower(magnet) case 'bad' % Geometry of the 10Tesla sup.cond. solenoid with 76 mm bore diameter Ncoil = 13; Nturn = [1670 2117 2960 4995 12793 59 57 56 54 59 57 56 54]; rmin = [52.592 60.069 76.919 82.502 90.129 103.638 104.187 104.735 105.283 103.638 104.187 104.735 105.283].*10^(-3); rmax = [60.069 66.051 82.502 90.129 103.638 104.187 104.735 105.283 105.832 104.190 104.735 105.283 105.832].*10^(-3); zmin = [-145 -145 -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -150 -150].*10^(-3); zmax = [145 145 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150].*10^(-3); na = 8. *[10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10]; % Number of subcoils (radial direction nb = 8. *[10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10]; % Number of subcoils in longitudinal direction % I = 31.31 A => B~ 1.7T at flange % I = 32.35 A => B< 3T at z = 0 => 235 mm from top flange Current = [ I(1) I(2) I(3) I(4) I(5) I(6) I(7) I(8) I(9) I(10) I(11) I(12) I(13)]; % Current flowing in each power supply rcen = (rmin + rmax)/2; zcen = (zmin + zmax)/2; dr = rmax - rmin; dz = zmax - zmin; coilsurf= dr .* dz; JTot = Current .* Nturn; % Total current flowing in each coil J = JTot./(dr.*dz); % Current density in each coil Ic1 = JTot ; % Total current flowing in each coil [A] case 'new' % Geometry of the 10Tesla sup.cond. solenoid with 76 mm bore diameter Ncoil = 13; Nturn = [1670 2117 2960 4995 12793 59 57 56 54 59 57 56 54]; rmin = [52.592 60.069 76.919 82.502 90.129 103.638 104.187 104.735 105.283 103.638 104.187 104.735 105.283].*10^(-3); rmax = [60.069 66.051 82.502 90.129 103.638 104.187 104.735 105.283 105.832 104.190 104.735 105.283 105.832].*10^(-3); zmin = [-144.5 -144.5 -149.5 -149.5 -149.5 -149.5 -149.5 -149.5 -149.5 112.661 113.658 114.655 115.652].*10^(-3); zmax = [144.5 144.5 149.5 149.5 149.5 -112.661 -113.658 -114.655 -115.652 149.5 149.5 149.5 149.5].*10^(-3); na = 8. *[10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10]; % Number of subcoils (radial direction nb = 8. *[10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10]; % Number of subcoils in longitudinal direction % I = 31.31 A => B~ 1.7T at flange % I = 32.35 A => B< 3T at z = 0 => 235 mm from top flange Current = [ I(1) I(2) I(3) I(4) I(5) I(6) I(7) I(8) I(9) I(10) I(11) I(12) I(13)]; % Current flowing in each power supply rcen = (rmin + rmax)/2; zcen = (zmin + zmax)/2; dr = rmax - rmin; dz = zmax - zmin; coilsurf= dr .* dz; JTot = Current .* Nturn; % Total current flowing in each coil J = JTot./(dr.*dz); % Current density in each coil Ic1 = JTot ; % Total current flowing in each coil [A] otherwise disp('Unknown magnet') end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Construct array of current loops %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Number of coils ncoil = length(rcen); % Number of subcoils ntot = sum(na.*nb); % Preallocate space r2 = zeros(1,ntot); z2 = zeros(1,ntot); Ic = zeros(ntot,1); % isub is the index of subcoil isub = 0; for icoil=1:ncoil for ib=1:nb(icoil) for ia=1:na(icoil) isub = isub +1; r2(isub) = (rcen(icoil) - dr(icoil)/2) + (dr(icoil)/nb(icoil))*(ib-0.5); z2(isub) = (zcen(icoil) - dz(icoil)/2) + (dz(icoil)/na(icoil))*(ia-0.5); Ic(isub) = Ic1(icoil) / (na(icoil)*nb(icoil)); end end end % printf('isub =',isub) % Transform array of evaluation points in a one-dimensional array % r1d = reshape(r,1,prod(size(r))); z1d = reshape(z,1,prod(size(z))); % % Suppress locations where Green function diverges (i.e. on the sources) % for i=1:length(r2), [I] = find((r1d.*r1d -r2(i)*r2(i) == 0) & (z1d.*z1d - z2(i)^2)==0); if ~isempty(I) r1d(I)=NaN; z1d(I)=NaN; end end % Call greenem b = greenem_jph(mode,r1d,z1d,r2,z2); if(~iscell(mode)) nbmodes=length({mode}); else nbmodes=length(mode); end B=zeros(size(r,1),size(r,2),nbmodes); % b is a rectangular matrix (length(r1d) x length(r2)) which needs to be multiplied by the % column vector Ic to get the proper contribution of each source. for i=1:size(b,3) temp = b(:,:,i) * Ic; B(:,:,i) = reshape(temp,size(r,1),size(r,2)); end B(find((B==Inf)|(B==-Inf)))= 0; B(find(isnan(B))) = 0; return