<%= render :partial => 'standard_fig_layout' %> <%= javascript_tag do %> $("#view-title").html("Heatmap") var fig_data = <%= raw @data_json %>, cmax = 200, rmax = 200; if (fig_data.colnames.length > cmax || fig_data.rownames.length > rmax) { alert("Sorry, the heatmap is too big to be displayed:\n\ Its size is "+fig_data.colnames.length+"x"+fig_data.rownames.length+" but the max is "+cmax+"x"+rmax+"\n\n\ You can still download the PDF file from the Export button.") } else { heatMap('fig', 'fig-legend', fig_data, W = 750, H = 750, font_family = "verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif"); } <% end %>