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Sat, Jan 18, 02:45


\ProvidesClass{itc}[2012/4/12 My custom CV class]
%\RequirePackage[table, usenames,dvipsnames]{xcolor}
%% problem: problem number, number of points
% \section{\Large {\color{Blue} Problem #1}}
%% part: part number, number of points
% \section{\large {\color{Blue} Part #1} \hfill {\color{Gray} (#2 points)}}
%% ruler
% {{\color{Blue} \titlerule}}
%%use this to comment and comment the inner line to remove the comments
% \texttt{\color{BrickRed} #1}
%% section
%\titleformat{\section} % Customise the \section command
% {\color{Blue}\large\scshape\raggedright} % Make the \section headers large (\Large),
% % small capitals (\scshape) and left aligned (\raggedright)
% {}{0em} % Can be used to give a prefix to all sections, like 'Section ...'
% {} % Can be used to insert code before the heading
% [{\color{Blue} \titlerule}] % Inserts a horizontal line after the heading
%% subsection
% {\large\scshape\raggedright}
% {}{0em}
% {}
%% subsubsection
% {\normalsize\scshape\raggedright}
% {}{0em}
% {}
%% datedsubsection
%\newcommand{\datedsubsection}[2]{%name, date
% \subsection[#1]{#1 \hfill #2}
%% {\setlength{\leftmargin}{#1}}%
%% \item[]%

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