Project title
Advanced Optics Start the README file by stating the name of your project or the name of your repository.
Project description
We recommend that you provide a short description of your project, making sure to include relevant keywords for indexing. The goal of this repository is to provide you with _template files_ that help you initialize your repository and that you can modify to fit your own needs and your own project.
Then it is important to state the names of the authors and contributors of the project. The contributors of this repository and the included template files are Cécile Hardebolle, Pierre-Olivier Vallès and Patrick Jermann, from the Center for Digital Education at EPFL.
It is good practice to include the public URL of your repository. This repository is available at:
And finally, contact information can also be helpful. For any enquiries relating to this template or this repository, please contact:
Copyright and license
Providing licensing information is very important. A brief summary should be included into your README and then you should also provide a more detailed LICENSE file.
All content in this repository is distributed publicly and openly under a Creative Commons Attribution license, CC-BY 4.0, and all code is under [BSD-3-Clause](
Table of contents
This repository contains:
- a template .gitignore file
- a template file
- a templace file
- an example notebook