HeLaZ (Hermite-Laguerre Z-pinch solver, 2020) Current version : 0.6
Roadmap :
0. Write MOLI matlab solver in Fortran using Monli1D as starting point
0.0 go from 1D space to 2D fourier and from Hermite basis to Hermite-Laguerre basis
0.1 implement linear Poisson equation in fourier space
0.2 implement moment hierarchy linear terms
0.3 RK4 time solver
0.4 Benchmark with MOLI matlab results for Z-pinch (cf. kz_linear script)
Note : benchmark_*.m compares MOLI and HeLaZ linear results
0.5 Load COSOlver matrices
0.6 Benchmarks now include Dougherty, Lenard-Bernstein and Full Coulomb collision operators
Note : for full Coulomb, one must store a precomputed matrix from COSOlver in the iCa folder
- Implementation of the non linear Poisson brackets term
1.0 use MKL FFT library and Orzag rule to compute the convolution in the non linear term as a product
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