MODULE grid ! Grid module for spatial discretization USE prec_const USE basic IMPLICIT NONE PRIVATE ! GRID Namelist INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: pmaxe = 1 ! The maximal electron Hermite-moment computed INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: jmaxe = 1 ! The maximal electron Laguerre-moment computed INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: pmaxi = 1 ! The maximal ion Hermite-moment computed INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: jmaxi = 1 ! The maximal ion Laguerre-moment computed INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: maxj = 1 ! The maximal Laguerre-moment INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: dmaxe = 1 ! The maximal full GF set of e-moments v^dmax INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: dmaxi = 1 ! The maximal full GF set of i-moments v^dmax INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nx = 16 ! Number of total internal grid points in x REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Lx = 1._dp ! horizontal length of the spatial box INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Ny = 16 ! Number of total internal grid points in y REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Ly = 1._dp ! vertical length of the spatial box INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nz = 1 ! Number of total perpendicular planes REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Npol = 1._dp ! number of poloidal turns INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Odz = 4 ! order of z interp and derivative schemes INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nkx = 8 ! Number of total internal grid points in kx REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Lkx = 1._dp ! horizontal length of the fourier box INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Nky = 16 ! Number of total internal grid points in ky REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: Lky = 1._dp ! vertical length of the fourier box REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: kpar = 0_dp ! parallel wave vector component ! For Orszag filter REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: two_third_kxmax REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: two_third_kymax REAL(dp), PUBLIC :: two_third_kpmax ! 1D Antialiasing arrays (2/3 rule) REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: AA_x REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: AA_y ! Grids containing position in physical space REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: xarray REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: yarray ! Local and global z grids, 2D since it has to store odd and even grids REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: zarray REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: zarray_full ! local z weights for computing simpson rule INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: zweights_SR REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: deltax, deltay, deltaz, inv_deltaz, diff_dz_coeff INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ixs, ixe, iys, iye, izs, ize INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: izgs, izge ! ghosts LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: SG = .true.! shifted grid flag INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ir,iz ! counters ! Data about parallel distribution for ky.kx integer(C_INTPTR_T), PUBLIC :: local_nkx, local_nky integer(C_INTPTR_T), PUBLIC :: local_nkx_offset, local_nky_offset INTEGER, PUBLIC :: local_nkp INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: counts_nkx, counts_nky INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: displs_nkx, displs_nky ! "" for p INTEGER, PUBLIC :: local_np_e, local_np_i INTEGER, PUBLIC :: total_np_e, total_np_i integer(C_INTPTR_T), PUBLIC :: local_np_e_offset, local_np_i_offset INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: rcv_p_e, rcv_p_i INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: dsp_p_e, dsp_p_i ! "" for z INTEGER, PUBLIC :: local_nz INTEGER, PUBLIC :: total_nz integer(C_INTPTR_T), PUBLIC :: local_nz_offset INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: counts_nz INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: displs_nz ! "" for j (not parallelized) INTEGER, PUBLIC :: local_nj_e, local_nj_i ! Grids containing position in fourier space REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: kxarray, kxarray_full REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: kyarray, kyarray_full ! Kperp array depends on kx, ky, z (geometry), eo (even or odd zgrid) REAL(dp), DIMENSION(:,:,:,:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: kparray REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: deltakx, deltaky, kx_max, ky_max, kx_min, ky_min!, kp_max REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: local_kxmax, local_kymax INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ikxs, ikxe, ikys, ikye!, ikps, ikpe INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ikx_0, iky_0, ikx_max, iky_max ! Indices of k-grid origin and max INTEGER, PUBLIC :: ikx, iky, ip, ij, ikp, pp2, eo ! counters LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: contains_kx0 = .false. ! flag if the proc contains kx=0 index LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: contains_ky0 = .false. ! flag if the proc contains ky=0 index LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: contains_kymax = .false. ! flag if the proc contains kx=kxmax index ! Grid containing the polynomials degrees INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: parray_e, parray_e_full INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: parray_i, parray_i_full INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: jarray_e, jarray_e_full INTEGER, DIMENSION(:), ALLOCATABLE, PUBLIC :: jarray_i, jarray_i_full INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ips_e,ipe_e, ijs_e,ije_e ! Start and end indices for pol. deg. INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ips_i,ipe_i, ijs_i,ije_i INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ipgs_e,ipge_e, ijgs_e,ijge_e ! Ghosts start and end indices INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: ipgs_i,ipge_i, ijgs_i,ijge_i INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: deltape, ip0_e, ip1_e, ip2_e ! Pgrid spacing and moment 0,1,2 index INTEGER, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: deltapi, ip0_i, ip1_i, ip2_i LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: CONTAINS_ip0_e, CONTAINS_ip0_i LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: CONTAINS_ip1_e, CONTAINS_ip1_i LOGICAL, PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: CONTAINS_ip2_e, CONTAINS_ip2_i ! Usefull inverse numbers REAL(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: inv_Nx, inv_Ny, inv_Nz ! Public Functions PUBLIC :: init_1Dgrid_distr PUBLIC :: set_pgrid, set_jgrid PUBLIC :: set_kxgrid, set_kygrid, set_zgrid PUBLIC :: grid_readinputs, grid_outputinputs PUBLIC :: bare, bari ! Precomputations real(dp), PUBLIC, PROTECTED :: pmaxe_dp, pmaxi_dp, jmaxe_dp,jmaxi_dp CONTAINS SUBROUTINE grid_readinputs ! Read the input parameters USE prec_const IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: lu_in = 90 ! File duplicated from STDIN NAMELIST /GRID/ pmaxe, jmaxe, pmaxi, jmaxi, & Nx, Lx, Ny, Ly, Nz, Npol, SG READ(lu_in,grid) !! Compute the maximal degree of full GF moments set ! i.e. : all moments N_a^pj s.t. p+2j<=d are simulated (see GF closure) dmaxe = min(pmaxe,2*jmaxe+1) dmaxi = min(pmaxi,2*jmaxi+1) ! If no parallel dim (Nz=1), the moment hierarchy is separable between odds and even P !! and since the energy is injected in P=0 and P=2 for density/temperature gradients !! there is no need of simulating the odd p which will only be damped. !! We define in this case a grid Parray = 0,2,4,...,Pmax i.e. deltap = 2 instead of 1 !! to spare computation IF(Nz .EQ. 1) THEN deltape = 2; deltapi = 2; pp2 = 1; ! index p+2 is ip+1 SG = .FALSE. ELSE deltape = 1; deltapi = 1; pp2 = 2; ! index p+2 is ip+1 ENDIF ! Usefull precomputations inv_Nx = 1._dp/REAL(Nx,dp) inv_Ny = 1._dp/REAL(Ny,dp) END SUBROUTINE grid_readinputs SUBROUTINE init_1Dgrid_distr ! write(*,*) Nx local_nky = (Ny/2+1)/num_procs_ky ! write(*,*) local_nkx local_nky_offset = rank_ky*local_nky if (rank_ky .EQ. num_procs_ky-1) local_nky = (Ny/2+1)-local_nky_offset END SUBROUTINE init_1Dgrid_distr SUBROUTINE set_pgrid USE prec_const IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ip, istart, iend, in ! Total number of Hermite polynomials we will evolve total_np_e = (Pmaxe/deltape) + 1 total_np_i = (Pmaxi/deltapi) + 1 ! Build the full grids on process 0 to diagnose it without comm ALLOCATE(parray_e_full(1:total_np_e)) ALLOCATE(parray_i_full(1:total_np_i)) ! P DO ip = 1,total_np_e; parray_e_full(ip) = (ip-1)*deltape; END DO DO ip = 1,total_np_i; parray_i_full(ip) = (ip-1)*deltapi; END DO !! Parallel data distribution ! Local data distribution CALL decomp1D(total_np_e, num_procs_p, rank_p, ips_e, ipe_e) CALL decomp1D(total_np_i, num_procs_p, rank_p, ips_i, ipe_i) local_np_e = ipe_e - ips_e + 1 local_np_i = ipe_i - ips_i + 1 ! Ghosts boundaries ipgs_e = ips_e - 2/deltape; ipge_e = ipe_e + 2/deltape; ipgs_i = ips_i - 2/deltapi; ipge_i = ipe_i + 2/deltapi; ! List of shift and local numbers between the different processes (used in scatterv and gatherv) ALLOCATE(rcv_p_e (1:num_procs_p)) ALLOCATE(rcv_p_i (1:num_procs_p)) ALLOCATE(dsp_p_e (1:num_procs_p)) ALLOCATE(dsp_p_i (1:num_procs_p)) DO in = 0,num_procs_p-1 CALL decomp1D(total_np_e, num_procs_p, in, istart, iend) rcv_p_e(in+1) = iend-istart+1 dsp_p_e(in+1) = istart-1 CALL decomp1D(total_np_i, num_procs_p, in, istart, iend) rcv_p_i(in+1) = iend-istart+1 dsp_p_i(in+1) = istart-1 ENDDO ! local grid computation CONTAINS_ip0_e = .FALSE. CONTAINS_ip1_e = .FALSE. CONTAINS_ip2_e = .FALSE. CONTAINS_ip0_i = .FALSE. CONTAINS_ip1_i = .FALSE. CONTAINS_ip2_i = .FALSE. ALLOCATE(parray_e(ipgs_e:ipge_e)) ALLOCATE(parray_i(ipgs_i:ipge_i)) DO ip = ipgs_e,ipge_e parray_e(ip) = (ip-1)*deltape ! Storing indices of particular degrees for fluid moments computations IF(parray_e(ip) .EQ. 0) THEN ip0_e = ip CONTAINS_ip0_e = .TRUE. ENDIF IF(parray_e(ip) .EQ. 1) THEN ip1_e = ip CONTAINS_ip1_e = .TRUE. ENDIF IF(parray_e(ip) .EQ. 2) THEN ip2_e = ip CONTAINS_ip2_e = .TRUE. ENDIF END DO DO ip = ipgs_i,ipge_i parray_i(ip) = (ip-1)*deltapi ! Storing indices of particular degrees for fluid moments computations IF(parray_i(ip) .EQ. 0) THEN ip0_i = ip CONTAINS_ip0_i = .TRUE. ENDIF IF(parray_i(ip) .EQ. 1) THEN ip1_i = ip CONTAINS_ip1_i = .TRUE. ENDIF IF(parray_i(ip) .EQ. 2) THEN ip2_i = ip CONTAINS_ip2_i = .TRUE. ENDIF END DO !DGGK operator uses moments at index p=2 (ip=3) for the p=0 term so the ! process that contains ip=1 MUST contain ip=3 as well for both e and i. IF(((ips_e .EQ. ip0_e) .OR. (ips_i .EQ. ip0_e)) .AND. ((ipe_e .LT. ip2_e) .OR. (ipe_i .LT. ip2_i)))& WRITE(*,*) "Warning : distribution along p may not work with DGGK" ! Precomputations pmaxe_dp = real(pmaxe,dp) pmaxi_dp = real(pmaxi,dp) END SUBROUTINE set_pgrid SUBROUTINE set_jgrid USE prec_const IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: ij ! Build the full grids on process 0 to diagnose it without comm ALLOCATE(jarray_e_full(1:jmaxe+1)) ALLOCATE(jarray_i_full(1:jmaxi+1)) ! J DO ij = 1,jmaxe+1; jarray_e_full(ij) = (ij-1); END DO DO ij = 1,jmaxi+1; jarray_i_full(ij) = (ij-1); END DO ! Local data ijs_e = 1; ije_e = jmaxe + 1 ijs_i = 1; ije_i = jmaxi + 1 ! Ghosts boundaries ijgs_e = ijs_e - 1; ijge_e = ije_e + 1; ijgs_i = ijs_i - 1; ijge_i = ije_i + 1; ! Local number of J local_nj_e = ijge_e - ijgs_e + 1 local_nj_i = ijge_i - ijgs_i + 1 ALLOCATE(jarray_e(ijgs_e:ijge_e)) ALLOCATE(jarray_i(ijgs_i:ijge_i)) DO ij = ijgs_e,ijge_e; jarray_e(ij) = ij-1; END DO DO ij = ijgs_i,ijge_i; jarray_i(ij) = ij-1; END DO ! Precomputations maxj = MAX(jmaxi, jmaxe) jmaxe_dp = real(jmaxe,dp) jmaxi_dp = real(jmaxi,dp) END SUBROUTINE set_jgrid SUBROUTINE set_kygrid USE prec_const USE model, ONLY: LINEARITY IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i_, in, istart, iend Nky = Ny/2+1 ! Defined only on positive kx since fields are real ! Grid spacings IF (Ny .EQ. 1) THEN deltaky = 0._dp ky_max = 0._dp ky_min = 0._dp ELSE deltaky = 2._dp*PI/Ly ky_max = Nky*deltaky ky_min = deltaky ENDIF ! Build the full grids on process 0 to diagnose it without comm ALLOCATE(kyarray_full(1:Nky)) DO iky = 1,Nky kyarray_full(iky) = REAL(iky-1,dp) * deltaky END DO !! Parallel distribution ikys = local_nky_offset + 1 ikye = ikys + local_nky - 1 ALLOCATE(kyarray(ikys:ikye)) local_kymax = 0._dp ! List of shift and local numbers between the different processes (used in scatterv and gatherv) ALLOCATE(counts_nky (1:num_procs_ky)) ALLOCATE(displs_nky (1:num_procs_ky)) DO in = 0,num_procs_ky-1 CALL decomp1D(Nky, num_procs_ky, in, istart, iend) counts_nky(in+1) = iend-istart+1 displs_nky(in+1) = istart-1 ENDDO ! Creating a grid ordered as dk*(0 1 2 3) DO iky = ikys,ikye kyarray(iky) = REAL(iky-1,dp) * deltaky ! Finding kx=0 IF (kyarray(iky) .EQ. 0) THEN iky_0 = iky contains_ky0 = .true. ENDIF ! Finding local kxmax value IF (ABS(kyarray(iky)) .GT. local_kymax) THEN local_kymax = ABS(kyarray(iky)) ENDIF ! Finding kxmax idx IF (kyarray(iky) .EQ. ky_max) THEN iky_max = iky contains_kymax = .true. ENDIF END DO ! Orszag 2/3 filter two_third_kymax = 2._dp/3._dp*deltaky*(Nky-1) ALLOCATE(AA_y(ikys:ikye)) DO iky = ikys,ikye IF ( (kyarray(iky) .LT. two_third_kymax) .OR. (LINEARITY .EQ. 'linear')) THEN AA_y(iky) = 1._dp; ELSE AA_y(iky) = 0._dp; ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE set_kygrid SUBROUTINE set_kxgrid USE prec_const USE model, ONLY: LINEARITY IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i_, counter Nkx = Nx; ! Local data ! Start and END indices of grid ikxs = 1 ikxe = Nkx local_nkx = ikxe - ikxs + 1 ALLOCATE(kxarray(ikxs:ikxe)) ALLOCATE(kxarray_full(1:Nkx)) IF (Nx .EQ. 1) THEN ! "cancel" y dimension deltakx = 1._dp kxarray(1) = 0._dp ikx_0 = 1 contains_kx0 = .true. kx_max = 0._dp ikx_max = 1 kx_min = 0._dp kxarray_full(1) = 0._dp local_kxmax = 0._dp ELSE ! Build apprpopriate grid deltakx = 2._dp*PI/Lx kx_max = (Ny/2)*deltakx kx_min = deltakx ! Creating a grid ordered as dk*(0 1 2 3 -2 -1) local_kxmax = 0._dp DO ikx = ikxs,ikxe kxarray(ikx) = deltakx*(MODULO(ikx-1,Nkx/2)-Nkx/2*FLOOR(2.*real(ikx-1)/real(Nkx))) if (ikx .EQ. Nx/2+1) kxarray(ikx) = -kxarray(ikx) ! Finding kx=0 IF (kxarray(ikx) .EQ. 0) THEN ikx_0 = ikx contains_kx0 = .true. ENDIF ! Finding local kxmax IF (ABS(kxarray(ikx)) .GT. local_kxmax) THEN local_kxmax = ABS(kxarray(ikx)) ENDIF ! Finding kxmax IF (kxarray(ikx) .EQ. kx_max) ikx_max = ikx END DO ! Build the full grids on process 0 to diagnose it without comm ! kx DO ikx = 1,Nkx kxarray_full(ikx) = deltakx*(MODULO(ikx-1,Nkx/2)-Nkx/2*FLOOR(2.*real(ikx-1)/real(Nkx))) IF (ikx .EQ. Nx/2+1) kxarray_full(ikx) = -kxarray_full(ikx) END DO ENDIF ! Orszag 2/3 filter two_third_kxmax = 2._dp/3._dp*deltakx*(Nkx/2-1); ALLOCATE(AA_x(ikxs:ikxe)) DO ikx = ikxs,ikxe IF ( ((kxarray(ikx) .GT. -two_third_kxmax) .AND. & (kxarray(ikx) .LT. two_third_kxmax)) .OR. (LINEARITY .EQ. 'linear')) THEN AA_x(ikx) = 1._dp; ELSE AA_x(ikx) = 0._dp; ENDIF END DO END SUBROUTINE set_kxgrid SUBROUTINE set_zgrid USE prec_const USE model, ONLY: mu_z IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: i_, fid REAL :: grid_shift, Lz INTEGER :: ip, istart, iend, in total_nz = Nz ! Length of the flux tube (in ballooning angle) Lz = 2_dp*pi*Npol ! Z stepping (#interval = #points since periodic) deltaz = Lz/REAL(Nz,dp) inv_deltaz = 1._dp/deltaz ! Parallel hyperdiffusion coefficient IF(mu_z .GT. 0) THEN diff_dz_coeff = -(deltaz/2._dp)**4 ! adaptive fourth derivative (~GENE) ELSE diff_dz_coeff = 1._dp ! non adaptive (positive sign to compensate mu_z neg) ENDIF IF (SG) THEN grid_shift = deltaz/2._dp ELSE grid_shift = 0._dp ENDIF ! Build the full grids on process 0 to diagnose it without comm ALLOCATE(zarray_full(1:Nz)) IF (Nz .EQ. 1) Npol = 0 DO iz = 1,total_nz zarray_full(iz) = REAL(iz-1,dp)*deltaz - PI*REAL(Npol,dp) END DO !! Parallel data distribution ! Local data distribution CALL decomp1D(total_nz, num_procs_z, rank_z, izs, ize) local_nz = ize - izs + 1 ! Ghosts boundaries (depend on the order of z operators) IF(Nz .EQ. 1) THEN izgs = izs; izge = ize; ELSEIF(Nz .GE. 4) THEN izgs = izs - 2; izge = ize + 2; ELSE ERROR STOP 'Error stop: Nz is not appropriate!!' ENDIF ! List of shift and local numbers between the different processes (used in scatterv and gatherv) ALLOCATE(counts_nz (1:num_procs_z)) ALLOCATE(displs_nz (1:num_procs_z)) DO in = 0,num_procs_z-1 CALL decomp1D(total_nz, num_procs_z, in, istart, iend) counts_nz(in+1) = iend-istart+1 displs_nz(in+1) = istart-1 ENDDO ! Local z array ALLOCATE(zarray(izgs:izge,0:1)) DO iz = izgs,izge IF(iz .EQ. 0) THEN zarray(iz,0) = zarray_full(total_nz) zarray(iz,1) = zarray_full(total_nz) + grid_shift ELSEIF(iz .EQ. -1) THEN zarray(iz,0) = zarray_full(total_nz-1) zarray(iz,1) = zarray_full(total_nz-1) + grid_shift ELSEIF(iz .EQ. total_nz + 1) THEN zarray(iz,0) = zarray_full(1) zarray(iz,1) = zarray_full(1) + grid_shift ELSEIF(iz .EQ. total_nz + 2) THEN zarray(iz,0) = zarray_full(2) zarray(iz,1) = zarray_full(2) + grid_shift ELSE zarray(iz,0) = zarray_full(iz) zarray(iz,1) = zarray_full(iz) + grid_shift ENDIF ENDDO ! Weitghs for Simpson rule ALLOCATE(zweights_SR(izs:ize)) DO iz = izs,ize IF((iz .EQ. 1) .OR. (iz .EQ. Nz)) THEN zweights_SR(iz) = 1._dp ELSEIF(MODULO(iz-1,2)) THEN zweights_SR(iz) = 4._dp ELSE zweights_SR(iz) = 2._dp ENDIF ENDDO END SUBROUTINE set_zgrid SUBROUTINE grid_outputinputs(fidres, str) ! Write the input parameters to the results_xx.h5 file USE futils, ONLY: attach USE prec_const IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: fidres CHARACTER(len=256), INTENT(in) :: str CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "pmaxe", pmaxe) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "jmaxe", jmaxe) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "pmaxi", pmaxi) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "jmaxi", jmaxi) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "Nx", Nx) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "Lx", Lx) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "Ny", Ny) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "Ly", Ly) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "Nz", Nz) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "Nkx", Nkx) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "Lkx", Lkx) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "Nky", Nky) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "Lky", Lky) CALL attach(fidres, TRIM(str), "SG", SG) END SUBROUTINE grid_outputinputs FUNCTION bare(p_,j_) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: bare, p_, j_ bare = (jmaxe+1)*p_ + j_ + 1 END FUNCTION FUNCTION bari(p_,j_) IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: bari, p_, j_ bari = (jmaxi+1)*p_ + j_ + 1 END FUNCTION SUBROUTINE decomp1D( n, numprocs, myid, s, e ) INTEGER :: n, numprocs, myid, s, e INTEGER :: nlocal INTEGER :: deficit nlocal = n / numprocs s = myid * nlocal + 1 deficit = MOD(n,numprocs) s = s + MIN(myid,deficit) IF (myid .LT. deficit) nlocal = nlocal + 1 e = s + nlocal - 1 IF (e .GT. n .OR. myid .EQ. numprocs-1) e = n END SUBROUTINE decomp1D END MODULE grid