addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add %% Grid configuration N = 10; % Frequency gridpoints (Nkr = N/2) L = 120; % Size of the squared frequency domain dk = 2*pi/L; kmax = N/2*dk; kr = dk*(0:N/2); kz = dk*(0:N/2); [KZ, KR]= meshgrid(kz,kr); KPERP = sqrt(KR.^2 + KZ.^2); kperp = reshape(KPERP,[1,numel(kr)^2]); kperp = uniquetol(kperp,1e-14); Nperp = numel(kperp); COSOlver_path = '../../Documents/MoliSolver/COSOlver/'; COSOLVER.pmaxe = 10; COSOLVER.jmaxe = 5; COSOLVER.pmaxi = 10; COSOLVER.jmaxi = 5; COSOLVER.neFLR = max(5,ceil(COSOLVER.kperp^2)); % rule of thumb for sum truncation COSOLVER.niFLR = max(5,ceil(COSOLVER.kperp^2)); COSOLVER.neFLRs = 0; % ... only for GK abel COSOLVER.npeFLR = 0; % ... only for GK abel COSOLVER.niFLRs = 0; % ... only for GK abel COSOLVER.npiFLR = 0; % ... only for GK abel COSOLVER.gk = 1; = 3; if 0 %% plot the kperp distribution figure plot(kperp) end %% Load the matrices C_self_i = zeros((COSOLVER.pmaxi+1)*(COSOLVER.jmaxi+1),(COSOLVER.pmaxi+1)*(COSOLVER.jmaxi+1),Nperp); for n_ = 1:Nperp COSOLVER.kperp = kperp(n_); k_string = sprintf('%0.4f',kperp(n_)); mat_file_name = ['../iCa/self_Coll_GKE_',num2str(COSOLVER.gk),'_GKI_',num2str(COSOLVER.gk),... '_ESELF_',num2str(,'_ISELF_',num2str(,... '_Pmaxe_',num2str(COSOLVER.pmaxe),'_Jmaxe_',num2str(COSOLVER.jmaxe),... '_Pmaxi_',num2str(COSOLVER.pmaxi),'_Jmaxi_',num2str(COSOLVER.jmaxi),... '_JE_12',... '_NFLR_',num2str(COSOLVER.neFLR),... '_kperp_',k_string,'.h5']; tmp = h5read(mat_file_name,'/Caapj/Ceepj'); C_self_i(:,:,n_) = tmp; end %% Post processing dC_self_i = diff(C_self_i,1,3); gvar_dC = squeeze(sum(sum(abs(dC_self_i),2),1)); %% Plots %% all coeffs evolution figure for ip_ = 1:COSOLVER.pmaxi+1 for ij_ = 1:COSOLVER.jmaxi+1 plot(kperp,squeeze(C_self_i(ip_,ij_,:)),'o'); hold on; end end %% global matrix variation figure; kperpmid = 0.5*(kperp(2:end)+kperp(1:end-1)); plot(kperpmid,gvar_dC./diff(kperp)');