function [gamma,t,gammaoft] = LinearFit_s(time,Na00abs) % LinearFit computes the growth rate and frequency from the time evolution of Napj % - adapted from MOLI (B.J. Frei) % % ... amplitude ratio method % We compute the mean of the growth rate over a time window % Trun = time(end); % if tstart == -1 % [~,Tstart_ind] = min(abs(time - 0.5*Trun)); % else % [~,Tstart_ind] = min(abs(time - max(tstart,time(1)))); % end % % if tend == -1 % Tend_ind = numel(time)-1; % else % [~,Tend_ind] = min(abs(time - min(tend,Trun))); % end % Na00absshifted = circshift(Na00abs,-1); % ... shift by -1 the time position gammaoft = log(Na00absshifted(1:end-1)./Na00abs(1:end-1))./squeeze(diff(time)); % ... evaluate growth rate % Get gamma % gamma = mean(gammaoft(Tstart_ind:Tend_ind-1)); % ... take the mean of gamma over the time window gamma = mean(gammaoft); % ... take the mean of gamma over the time window % Return gamma(t) for amplitude ratio method t = 0.5*(time(2:end)+time(1:end-1)); if isnan(gamma) gamma =0; end end % ... end function