function create_film(DATA,OPTIONS,format) %% Plot options FPS = 16; DELAY = 1/FPS; BWR = 1; NORMALIZED = 1; if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'sx') T = DATA.Ts3D; else T = DATA.Ts5D; end %% Processing switch OPTIONS.PLAN case 'RZ' toplot = poloidal_plot(DATA,OPTIONS); otherwise toplot = process_field(DATA,OPTIONS); end %% FILENAME = [DATA.localdir,toplot.FILENAME,format]; XNAME = ['$',toplot.XNAME,'$']; YNAME = ['$',toplot.YNAME,'$']; FIELDNAME = ['$',toplot.FIELDNAME,'$']; FIELD = toplot.FIELD; X = toplot.X; Y = toplot.Y; FRAMES = toplot.FRAMES; switch format case '.avi' vidfile = VideoWriter(FILENAME,'Uncompressed AVI'); vidfile.FrameRate = FPS; open(vidfile); end % Set colormap boundaries hmax = max(max(max(FIELD(:,:,:)))); hmin = min(min(min(FIELD(:,:,:)))); scale = -1; flag = 0; if hmax == hmin disp('Warning : h = hmin = hmax = const') else % Setup figure frame fig = figure('Color','white','Position', toplot.DIMENSIONS.*[1 1 1.2 1]); if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'sx') pcolor(X,Y,FIELD(:,:,1)); % to set up if BWR colormap(bluewhitered) end axis tight manual % this ensures that getframe() returns a consistent size if toplot.INTERP shading interp; end else contour(toplot.X,toplot.Y,FIELD(:,:,1),128); end in = 1; nbytes = fprintf(2,'frame %d/%d',in,numel(FIELD(1,1,:))); for n = 1:numel(FRAMES) % loop over selected frames scale = max(max(abs(FIELD(:,:,n)))); % Scaling to normalize if ~strcmp(OPTIONS.PLAN,'sx') if NORMALIZED pclr = pcolor(X,Y,FIELD(:,:,n)/scale); % frame plot\ caxis([-1,1]); else pclr = pcolor(X,Y,FIELD(:,:,n)); % frame plot\ if CONST_CMAP caxis([-1,1]*max(abs([hmin hmax]))); % adaptive color map else caxis([-1,1]*scale); % adaptive color map end title([FIELDNAME,', $t \approx$', sprintf('%.3d',ceil(T(n)))... ,', scale = ',sprintf('%.1e',scale)]); end if toplot.INTERP shading interp; end set(pclr, 'edgecolor','none'); pbaspect(toplot.ASPECT); if BWR colormap(bluewhitered) end else % show velocity distr. contour(toplot.X,toplot.Y,FIELD(:,:,n)/scale,128); end title([FIELDNAME,', $t \approx$', sprintf('%.3d',ceil(T(FRAMES(n))))... ,', scaling = ',sprintf('%.1e',scale)]); xlabel(XNAME); ylabel(YNAME); %colorbar; drawnow % Capture the plot as an image frame = getframe(fig); switch format case '.gif' im = frame2im(frame); [imind,cm] = rgb2ind(im,32); % Write to the GIF File if in == 1 imwrite(imind,cm,FILENAME,'gif', 'Loopcount',inf); else imwrite(imind,cm,FILENAME,'gif','WriteMode','append', 'DelayTime',DELAY); end case '.avi' writeVideo(vidfile,frame); otherwise disp('Unknown format'); break end % terminal info while nbytes > 0 fprintf('\b') nbytes = nbytes - 1; end nbytes = fprintf(2,'frame %d/%d',n,numel(FIELD(1,1,:))); in = in + 1; end disp(' ') switch format case '.gif' disp(['Gif saved @ : ',FILENAME]) case '.avi' disp(['Video saved @ : ',FILENAME]) close(vidfile); end end end