subroutine auxval ! Set auxiliary values, at beginning of simulation USE basic USE grid USE array USE model USE fourier, ONLY: init_grid_distr_and_plans, alloc_local_1, alloc_local_2 use prec_const USE numerics USE geometry USE parallel, ONLY: init_parallel_var IMPLICIT NONE INTEGER :: irows,irowe, irow, icol, i_ IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) '=== Set auxiliary values ===' IF (LINEARITY .NE. 'linear') THEN IF (my_id .EQ. 0) write(*,*) 'FFTW3 y-grid distribution' CALL init_grid_distr_and_plans(Nx,Ny) ELSE CALL init_1Dgrid_distr IF (my_id .EQ. 0) write(*,*) 'Manual y-grid distribution' ENDIF ! Init the grids CALL set_pgrid ! parallel kin (MPI distributed) CALL set_jgrid ! perp kin CALL set_kxgrid(shear) ! radial modes (MPI distributed by FFTW) CALL set_kygrid ! azymuthal modes CALL set_zgrid ! field aligned angle IF ((my_id .EQ. 0) .AND. SG) WRITE(*,*) '--2 staggered z grids--' CALL memory ! Allocate memory for global arrays CALL init_parallel_var CALL eval_magnetic_geometry ! precompute coeff for lin equation CALL compute_lin_coeff ! precompute coeff for lin equation and geometry CALL evaluate_kernels ! precompute the kernels CALL evaluate_poisson_op ! precompute the kernels IF ( LINEARITY .NE. 'linear' ) THEN; CALL build_dnjs_table ! precompute the Laguerre nonlin product coeffs ENDIF !! Display parallel settings DO i_ = 0,num_procs-1 CALL mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) IF (my_id .EQ. i_) THEN IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) '' IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) '--------- Parallel environement ----------' IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,'(A12,I3)') 'n_procs ', num_procs IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,'(A12,I3,A14,I3,A14,I3)') 'num_procs_p = ', num_procs_p, ', num_procs_ky = ', num_procs_ky, ', num_procs_z = ', num_procs_z IF (my_id .EQ. 0) WRITE(*,*) '' WRITE(*,'(A9,I3,A10,I3,A10,I3,A9,I3)')& 'my_id = ', my_id, ', rank_p = ', rank_p, ', rank_ky = ', rank_ky,', rank_z = ', rank_z WRITE(*,'(A22,I3,A11,I3)')& ' ips_e = ', ips_e, ', ipe_e = ', ipe_e WRITE(*,'(A22,I3,A11,I3)')& ' ijs_e = ', ijs_e, ', ije_e = ', ije_e WRITE(*,'(A22,I3,A11,I3)')& ' ips_i = ', ips_i, ', ipe_i = ', ipe_i WRITE(*,'(A22,I3,A11,I3)')& ' ijs_i = ', ijs_i, ', ije_i = ', ije_i WRITE(*,'(A22,I3,A11,I3)')& ' ikxs = ', ikxs , ', ikxe = ', ikxe WRITE(*,'(A22,I3,A11,I3)')& ' ikys = ', ikys , ', ikye = ', ikye WRITE(*,'(A22,I3,A11,I3)')& ' izs = ', izs , ', ize = ', ize IF (my_id .NE. num_procs-1) WRITE (*,*) '' IF (my_id .EQ. num_procs-1) WRITE(*,*) '------------------------------------------' ENDIF ENDDO CALL mpi_barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr) IF((my_id.EQ.0) .AND. (CLOS .EQ. 1)) THEN IF(KIN_E) & write(*,*) 'Closure = 1 -> Maximal Nepj degree is min(Pmaxe,2*Jmaxe+1): De = ', dmaxi write(*,*) 'Closure = 1 -> Maximal Nipj degree is min(Pmaxi,2*Jmaxi+1): Di = ', dmaxi ENDIF END SUBROUTINE auxval