addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add default_plots_options SIMDIR = '../results/benchmarks/1D_linear_entropy_mode/'; % Compile HeLaZ cd .. system('make'); cd wk % Run HeLaZ in sequential system(['cd ',SIMDIR,';',' ./../../../bin/helaz3.03 0; cd ../../../wk']); % Run HeLaZ in parallel (discrepencies can occur at marginal growth rate) % since the random seed will not be the same) % system(['cd ',SIMDIR,';',' mpirun -np 6 ./../../../bin/helaz 1 6 0; cd ../../../wk']) % system(['cd ',SIMDIR,';',' mpirun -np 6 ./../../../bin/helaz 2 3 0; cd ../../../wk']) %compute growth rate %% filename = [SIMDIR,'/outputs_00.h5']; [ PHI, Ts3D, dt3D] = load_3D_data(filename, 'phi'); [Pe, Je, Pi, Ji, kx, ky, z] = load_grid_data(filename); gamma_phi = kx; for ikx = 2:size(kx) tend = max(Ts3D(abs(PHI(ikx,1,1,:))~=0)); tstart = 0.6*tend; [~,itstart] = min(abs(Ts3D-tstart)); [~,itend] = min(abs(Ts3D-tend)); trange = itstart:itend; % exp fit on phi X_ = Ts3D(trange); Y_ = squeeze(abs(PHI(ikx,1,1,trange))); gamma_phi (ikx) = LinearFit_s(X_,Y_); end %% Plot SCALE = 1;%sqrt(2); openfig([SIMDIR,'/benchmark_data_nadiab.fig']); hold on; plot(kx,gamma_phi,'-x','DisplayName','new results'); hold on; legend('show');