clear all; addpath(genpath('../matlab')) % ... add SUBMIT = 1; % To submit the job automatically CHAIN = 0; % To chain jobs (CHAIN = n will launch n jobs in chain) % EXECNAME = 'helaz3_dbg'; EXECNAME = 'helaz3'; SIMID = 'HP_fig2b_conv'; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% Set Up parameters %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% CLUSTER PARAMETERS CLUSTER.PART = 'prod'; % dbg or prod % CLUSTER.PART = 'dbg'; CLUSTER.TIME = '24:00:00'; % allocation time hh:mm:ss if(strcmp(CLUSTER.PART,'dbg')); CLUSTER.TIME = '00:30:00'; end; CLUSTER.MEM = '16GB'; % Memory CLUSTER.JNAME = 'nu0_b_conv';% Job name NP_P = 1; % MPI processes along p NP_KX = 12; % MPI processes along kx %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% PHYSICAL PARAMETERS NU = 0.0; % Collision frequency K_N = 2.5; % Density gradient drive (R/Ln) K_T = K_N/4; % Temperature gradient MU = 0.1; SIGMA_E = 0.0233380; % mass ratio sqrt(m_a/m_i) (correct = 0.0233380) %% GRID PARAMETERS NX = 300; % Realspace x-gridpoints NY = 300; % Realspace y-gridpoints LX = 120; % Size of the squared frequency domain LY = 120; % Size of the squared frequency domain NZ = 1; % number of perpendicular planes (parallel grid) Q0 = 1.0; % q factor () SHEAR = 0.0; % magnetic shear EPS = 0.0; % inverse aspect ratio P = 4; J = 2; %% TIME PARAMETERS TMAX = 1000; % Maximal time unit DT = 1e-2; % Time step SPS0D = 1/2; % Sampling per time unit for profiler SPS2D = 1/2; % Sampling per time unit for 2D arrays SPS3D = 1/2; % Sampling per time unit for 3D arrays SPS5D = 1/50; % Sampling per time unit for 5D arrays JOB2LOAD= -1; % start from t=0 if <0, else restart from outputs_$job2load %% OPTIONS AND NAMING % Collision operator % (LB:L.Bernstein, DG:Dougherty, SG:Sugama, LR: Lorentz, LD: Landau) CO = 'DG'; GKCO = 1; % gyrokinetic operator ABCO = 1; % interspecies collisions CLOS = 0; % Closure model (0: =0 truncation) NL_CLOS = -1; % nonlinear closure model (-2: nmax = jmax, -1: nmax = jmax-j, >=0 : nmax = NL_CLOS) LINEARITY = 'nonlinear'; % activate non-linearity (is cancelled if KXEQ0 = 1) % INIT options INIT_ZF = 0; ZF_AMP = 0.0; INIT_OPT = 'phi'; ACT_ON_MODES = 'donothing'; %% OUTPUTS W_DOUBLE = 0; W_GAMMA = 1; W_HF = 1; W_PHI = 1; W_NA00 = 1; W_DENS = 1; W_TEMP = 1; W_NAPJ = 1; W_SAPJ = 0; %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% unused KIN_E = 1; % Kinetic (1) or adiabatic (2) electron model GRADB = 1.0; % Magnetic gradient CURVB = 1.0; % Magnetic curvature SG = 0; % Staggered z grids option PMAXE = P; % Highest electron Hermite polynomial degree JMAXE = J; % Highest '' Laguerre '' PMAXI = P; % Highest ion Hermite polynomial degree JMAXI = J; % Highest '' Laguerre '' KERN = 0; % Kernel model (0 : GK) KX0KH = 0; A0KH = 0; % Background phi mode to drive Ray-Tay inst. KXEQ0 = 0; % put kx = 0 KPAR = 0.0; % Parellel wave vector component LAMBDAD = 0.0; MU_X = 1e-1; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient MU_Y = 1e-1; % Hyperdiffusivity coefficient NOISE0 = 1.0e-5; BCKGD0 = 0.0; % Init background TAU = 1.0; % e/i temperature ratio K_E = 0.0; % ES ''' MU_P = 0.0; % Hermite hyperdiffusivity -mu_p*(d/dvpar)^4 f MU_J = 0.0; % Laguerre hyperdiffusivity -mu_j*(d/dvperp)^4 f % Compute processes distribution Ntot = NP_P * NP_KX; Nnodes = ceil(Ntot/48); Nppn = Ntot/Nnodes; CLUSTER.NODES = num2str(Nnodes); % MPI process along p CLUSTER.NTPN = num2str(Nppn); % MPI process along kx CLUSTER.CPUPT = '1'; % CPU per task %% Run file management scripts setup SBATCH_CMD = 'sbatch\n'; write_sbash_marconi if(mod(NP_P*NP_KX,48)~= 0) disp('WARNING : unused cores (ntot cores must be a 48 multiple)'); end if(SUBMIT) [~,job_info_] = system('ssh sh HeLaZ/wk/'); disp(job_info_); jobid_ = job_info_(21:27); if(CHAIN>0) for CHAIN_IDX = 1:CHAIN SBATCH_CMD = ['sbatch --dependency=afterok:',jobid_,'\n']; disp(SBATCH_CMD); JOB2LOAD= JOB2LOAD+1; % DT = 1e-1; % NL_CLOS = -1; setup write_sbash_marconi [~,job_info_] = system('ssh sh HeLaZ/wk/'); jobid_ = job_info_(21:27); end end end % system('rm fort*.90'); disp('done');