%% INPUT simdir = '/misc/gyacomo_outputs/results/Zpinch_rerun'; resolu = 'UHD_512x256x2x1'; output = 'outputs_01.h5'; filename = [simdir,'/',resolu,'/',output]; fieldname = 'vEy'; %% OUTPUT outdir = '.'; outname = [fieldname,'_real_',resolu,'.h5']; outfile = [outdir,'/',outname]; %% Load the complex field F_c [ F_c, Ts3D, ~] = load_3D_data(filename, fieldname); %% Measure size and allocate the real field ff_ sz_ =size(real(fftshift(ifourier_GENE(F_c(:,:,1,1))))); % size one frame for the real dimensions f_r = zeros(sz_(1),sz_(2),numel(Ts3D)); sz_ = size(f_r); %% Fill the real field f_r for it = 1:numel(Ts3D) f_r(:,:,it) = squeeze(real(fftshift(ifourier_GENE(F_c(:,:,1,it))))); end clear F_c; %% Save the real field h5create(outfile,'/data',sz_,'Datatype','single') h5write(outfile,'/data',f_r) h5disp(outfile) clear f_r %% small check test_ = h5read(outfile,'/data'); figure; imagesc(test_(:,:,end));