function [W, stat] = gsp_learn_graph_Lx_fro(X, params) % Author: Vassilis Kalofolias % Date: March 2016 % % Url: % Copyright (C) 2013-2016 Nathanael Perraudin, Johan Paratte, David I Shuman. % This file is part of GSPbox version 0.7.0 % % This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program. If not, see . % If you use this toolbox please kindly cite % N. Perraudin, J. Paratte, D. Shuman, V. Kalofolias, P. Vandergheynst, % and D. K. Hammond. GSPBOX: A toolbox for signal processing on graphs. % ArXiv e-prints, Aug. 2014. % %% Default parameters if nargin < 2 params = struct; end if not(isfield(params, 'verbosity')), params.verbosity = 1; end if not(isfield(params, 'maxit')), params.maxit = 1000; end if not(isfield(params, 'tol')), params.tol = 1e-5; end if not(isfield(params, 'step_size')), params.step_size = .5; end % from (0, 1) %% Fix parameter size and initialize z = squareform(Z); z = full(z(:)); l = length(z); % number of edges % n(n-1)/2 = l => n = (1 + sqrt(1+8*l))/ 2 n = round((1 + sqrt(1+8*l))/ 2); % number of nodes if isfield(params, 'w_init') w = params.w_init(:); else % w_0 = exp(-6*dx2/mean(dx2)); w = zeros(size(z)); end %% Needed operators % needed for gradient of h(w) % L*w = sum(W) [S, St] = LG_create_S_matrix(n); ones_l = ones(l,1); sum_op = @(w) S*w; sum_t_op = @(z) St*z; % edges -> scalar K_op = @(w) 2*sum(w); % sum(sum(W)) = 2 * sum(w) % scalar -> edges % Kt_op = @(z) 2 * z * ones_l; norm_K = 2 * sqrt(l); %norm_L = l; % do i need the square norm or the square root? %% TODO: Rescaling?? %% Learn the graph % min_{W>=0} tr(X'*L*X) - gc * sum(log(sum(W))) + gp * norm(W-W0,'fro')^2, where L = diag(sum(W))-W % min_W I{W>=0} + W(:)'*Dx(:) - gc * sum(log(sum(W))) + gp * norm(W-W0,'fro')^2 % min_W f(W) + g(L_op(W)) + h(W) % put proximal of trace plus positivity together f.eval = @(w) 0; % half should be counted %f.eval = @(W) 0; f.prox = @(w, c) max(0, w); % just project to positive % projection of sum of W on n % g(w) = IND(sum(w) == n) g.eval = @(z) 1000 * abs(z-n); % this could be 0. Measures violation of the condition sum(w) = n!! g.prox = @(z, c) n; % proximal of conjugate of g: z - c*g.prox(z/c, 1/c) g_star_prox = @(z, c) z - c*n; % the following is the squared frobenius norm of the graph Laplacian * X % h.eval = @(w) a * (2*norm(w)^2 + norm(sum_op(w))^2); % CAREFUL: w two times! % h.grad = @(w) 2 * a * (2*w + sum_t_op(sum_op(w))); % h.beta = 2 * a * (n+1); % = norm(ones(n)+eye(n)) h.eval = @(w) a * (norm(w)^2 + norm(sum_op(w))^2); % CAREFUL: w two times! h.grad = @(w) 2 * a * (2*w + sum_t_op(sum_op(w))); h.beta = 2 * a * (n+1); % = norm(ones(n)+eye(n)) % if there is no quadratic term, it reduces to a linear program: %% My custom FBF based primal dual (see [Komodakis, Pesquet]) % parameters mu, epsilon for convergence (see [1]) mu = h.beta + norm_K; %TODO: is it squared or not?? epsilon = lin_map(0.0, [0, 1/(1+mu)], [0,1]); % in (0, 1/(1+mu) ) % INITIALIZATION % primal variable ALREADY INITIALIZED %w = params.w_init; % dual variable v_n = K_op(w); if nargout > 1 || params.verbosity > 1 stat.f_eval = nan(params.maxit, 1); stat.g_eval = nan(params.maxit, 1); stat.h_eval = nan(params.maxit, 1); stat.fgh_eval = nan(params.maxit, 1); stat.pos_violation = nan(params.maxit, 1); end if params.verbosity > 1 fprintf('Relative change of primal, dual variables, and objective fun\n'); end tic gn = lin_map(params.step_size, [epsilon, (1-epsilon)/mu], [0,1]); % in [epsilon, (1-epsilon)/mu] for i = 1:params.maxit %Y_n = w - gn * (h.grad(w) + Kt_op(v_n)); Y_n = w - gn * (h.grad(w) + v_n); y_n = v_n + gn * (K_op(w)); P_n = f.prox(Y_n, gn); p_n = g_star_prox(y_n, gn); % = y_n - gn*g_prox(y_n/gn, 1/gn) %Q_n = P_n - gn * (h.grad(P_n) + Kt_op(p_n)); Q_n = P_n - gn * (h.grad(P_n) + p_n); q_n = p_n + gn * (K_op(P_n)); if nargout > 1 || params.verbosity > 2 stat.f_eval(i) = f.eval(w); stat.g_eval(i) = g.eval(K_op(w)); stat.h_eval(i) = h.eval(w); stat.fgh_eval(i) = stat.f_eval(i) + stat.g_eval(i) + stat.h_eval(i); stat.pos_violation(i) = -sum(min(0,w)); end rel_norm_primal = norm(- Y_n + Q_n, 'fro')/norm(w, 'fro'); rel_norm_dual = norm(- y_n + q_n)/norm(v_n); if params.verbosity > 2 fprintf('iter %3d: %6.4e %6.4e %6.3e %6.3e %6.3e \n', i, rel_norm_primal, rel_norm_dual, stat.fgh_eval(i), full(sum(w)*2), stat.h_eval(i)); elseif params.verbosity > 1 fprintf('iter %3d: %6.4e %6.4e\n', i, rel_norm_primal, rel_norm_dual); end w = w - Y_n + Q_n; v_n = v_n - y_n + q_n; if rel_norm_primal < params.tol && rel_norm_dual < params.tol break end end stat.time = toc; if params.verbosity > 0 fprintf('# iters: %3d. Rel primal: %6.4e Rel dual: %6.4e %6.3e\n', i, rel_norm_primal, rel_norm_dual, f.eval(w) + g.eval(K_op(w)) + h.eval(w)); fprintf('Time needed is %f seconds\n', stat.time); end % Use the following for testing: % g.L = K_op; % g.Lt = Kt_op; % g.norm_L = norm_K; % [w, info] = fbf_primal_dual(w, f, g, h, params); %[w, info] = fb_based_primal_dual(w, f, g, h, params); %% if params.verbosity > 3 figure; plot(real([stat.f_eval, stat.g_eval, stat.h_eval])); hold all; plot(real(stat.fgh_eval), '.'); legend('f = w''*dx2', 'g = 1000 * abs(2sum(w)-n)', 'h = a*norm(L)^2', 'f+g+h'); figure; plot(stat.pos_violation); title('sum of negative (invalid) values per iteration') figure; semilogy(max(0,-diff(real(stat.fgh_eval'))),'b.-'); hold on; semilogy(max(0,diff(real(stat.fgh_eval'))),'ro-'); title('|f(i)-f(i-1)|'); legend('going down','going up'); end W = squareform(w);