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File Metadata

Thu, Mar 13, 04:20


* $Id: mat2file.c 7038 2017-03-15 12:43:51Z guillaume $
* John Ashburner
#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#include <math.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "mex.h"
#ifdef SPM_WIN32
#include <windows.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <io.h>
#if defined _FILE_OFFSET_BITS && _FILE_OFFSET_BITS == 64
#if defined _MSC_VER
#define off_t __int64
#define fseeko _fseeki64
#define off_t off64_t
#define fseeko fseeko64
#define snprintf _snprintf
#define MXDIMS 256
typedef struct dtype {
int code;
void (*swap)();
mxClassID clss;
int bits;
int channels;
} Dtype;
#define copy swap8
void swap8(int n, unsigned char id[], unsigned char od[])
unsigned char *de;
for(de=id+n; id<de; id++, od++)
*od = *id;
void swap16(int n, unsigned char id[], unsigned char od[])
unsigned char tmp, *de;
for(de=id+n; id<de; id+=2, od+=2)
tmp = id[0]; od[0] = id[1]; od[1] = tmp;
void swap32(int n, unsigned char id[], unsigned char od[])
unsigned char tmp, *de;
for(de=id+n; id<de; id+=4, od+=4)
tmp = id[0]; od[0] = id[3]; od[3] = tmp;
tmp = id[1]; od[1] = id[2]; od[2] = tmp;
void swap64(int n, unsigned char id[], unsigned char od[])
unsigned char tmp, *de;
for(de=id+n; id<de; id+=8, od+=8)
tmp = id[0]; od[0] = id[7]; od[7] = tmp;
tmp = id[1]; od[1] = id[6]; od[6] = tmp;
tmp = id[2]; od[2] = id[5]; od[5] = tmp;
tmp = id[3]; od[3] = id[4]; od[4] = tmp;
Dtype table[] = {
{ 1, swap8 , mxLOGICAL_CLASS, 1,1},
{ 2, swap8 , mxUINT8_CLASS , 8,1},
{ 4, swap16, mxINT16_CLASS ,16,1},
{ 8, swap32, mxINT32_CLASS ,32,1},
{ 16, swap32, mxSINGLE_CLASS ,32,1},
{ 32, swap32, mxSINGLE_CLASS ,32,2},
{ 64, swap64, mxDOUBLE_CLASS ,64,1},
{ 256, swap8 , mxINT8_CLASS , 8,1},
{ 512, swap16, mxUINT16_CLASS ,16,1},
{ 768, swap32, mxUINT32_CLASS ,32,1},
{1792, swap64, mxDOUBLE_CLASS ,64,2}
typedef struct ftype {
int ndim;
int dim[MXDIMS];
Dtype *dtype;
int swap;
FILE *fp;
off_t off;
off_t icumprod[MXDIMS], ocumprod[MXDIMS];
off_t poff;
long len;
#define BLEN 131072
unsigned char wbuf[BLEN], *dptr;
void put_bytes(int ndim, FILE *fp, int *ptr[], int idim[], unsigned char idat[], off_t indo, off_t indi, void (*swap)())
int i;
off_t nb = ocumprod[ndim];
if (ndim == 0)
off_t off;
for(i=0; i<idim[ndim]; i++)
off = indo+(ptr[ndim][i]-1)*nb;
if (((off-poff)!=nb) || (len == BLEN))
if (len && (fwrite(wbuf,1,len,fp) != len))
/* Problem */
(void)mexErrMsgTxt("Problem writing data (could be a disk space or quota issue).");
if (fseeko(fp, off, SEEK_SET) == -1)
/* Problem */
(void)mexErrMsgTxt("Problem writing data (can not move to the appropriate place in the file).");
dptr = idat+indi+i*nb;
len = 0;
len += nb;
poff = off;
for(i=0; i<idim[ndim]; i++)
put_bytes(ndim-1, fp, ptr, idim,
idat, indo+nb*(ptr[ndim][i]-1), indi+icumprod[ndim]*i, swap);
void put(FTYPE map, int *ptr[], int idim[], void *idat)
int i, nbytes;
void (*swap)();
dptr = idat;
nbytes = map.dtype->bits/8;
len = 0;
poff = -999999;
ocumprod[0] = nbytes*map.dtype->channels;
icumprod[0] = nbytes*1;
for(i=0; i<map.ndim; i++)
icumprod[i+1] = icumprod[i]*idim[i];
ocumprod[i+1] = ocumprod[i]*map.dim[i];
if (map.swap)
swap = map.dtype->swap;
swap = copy;
put_bytes(map.ndim-1, map.fp, ptr, idim, (unsigned char *)idat,, 0,swap);
if (fwrite(wbuf,1,len,map.fp) != len)
/* Problem */
(void)mexErrMsgTxt("Problem writing last piece of data (could be a disk space or quota issue).");
const double *getpr(const mxArray *ptr, const char nam[], int len, int *n)
char s[256];
mxArray *arr;
arr = mxGetField(ptr,0,nam);
if (arr == (mxArray *)0)
(void)sprintf(s,"'%s' field is missing.", nam);
if (!mxIsNumeric(arr))
(void)sprintf(s,"'%s' field is non-numeric.", nam);
if (!mxIsDouble(arr))
(void)sprintf(s,"'%s' field is not double precision.", nam);
if (len>=0)
*n = mxGetM(arr)*mxGetN(arr);
if (*n != len)
(void)sprintf(s,"'%s' field should have %d elements (has %d).", nam, len, *n);
*n = mxGetNumberOfElements(arr);
if (*n > -len)
(void)sprintf(s,"'%s' field should have a maximum of %d elements (has %d).", nam, -len, *n);
return (double *)mxGetData(arr);
void open_file(const mxArray *ptr, FTYPE *map)
int n;
int i, dtype;
const double *pr;
mxArray *arr;
if (!mxIsStruct(ptr)) mexErrMsgTxt("Not a structure.");
dtype = (int)(getpr(ptr, "dtype", 1, &n)[0]);
map->dtype = NULL;
for(i=0; i<sizeof(table)/sizeof(Dtype); i++)
if (table[i].code == dtype)
map->dtype = &table[i];
if (map->dtype == NULL) mexErrMsgTxt("Unrecognised 'dtype' value.");
if (map->dtype->bits % 8) mexErrMsgTxt("Can not yet write logical data.");
if (map->dtype->channels != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Can not yet write complex data.");
pr = getpr(ptr, "dim", -MXDIMS, &n);
map->ndim = n;
for(i=0; i<map->ndim; i++)
map->dim[i] = (int)fabs(pr[i]);
pr = getpr(ptr, "be",1, &n);
map->swap = (int)pr[0]==0;
map->swap = (int)pr[0]!=0;
pr = getpr(ptr, "offset",1, &n);
map->off = (off_t)pr[0];
/* if (map->off < 0) map->off = 0; Unsigned, so not necessary */
arr = mxGetField(ptr,0,"fname");
if (arr == (mxArray *)0) mexErrMsgTxt("Cannot find 'fname' field.");
if (mxIsChar(arr))
char *buf = NULL;
if ((buf = mxArrayToString(arr)) == NULL)
mexErrMsgTxt("Cannot get 'fname'.");
map->fp = fopen(buf,"rb+");
if (map->fp == (FILE *)0)
map->fp = fopen(buf,"wb");
if (map->fp == (FILE *)0)
char s[512];
(void)snprintf(s,sizeof(s),"Can't open file for writing:\n\t%s\nCheck for write permission or whether the directory exists.", buf);
mexErrMsgTxt("Wrong type of 'fname' field.");
void close_file(FTYPE map)
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[])
FTYPE map;
void *idat;
int i;
int *ptr[MXDIMS], *odim, ndim, idim[MXDIMS];
int one[1];
const mxArray *curr;
one[0] = 1;
if (nrhs < 3)
mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough input arguments.");
if (nlhs > 0)
mexErrMsgTxt("Too many output arguments.");
/* First input argument: file_array structure */
open_file(prhs[0], &map);
ndim = map.ndim;
odim = map.dim;
if (ndim >= MXDIMS)
mexErrMsgTxt("Too many dimensions.");
/* Second input argument: data */
if (mxGetClassID(prhs[1]) != map.dtype->clss)
mexErrMsgTxt("Incompatible class types.");
idat = mxGetData(prhs[1]);
/* Other input arguments: subscript vectors */
for(i=0;i<nrhs-2; i++)
int j;
curr = prhs[i+2];
if (!mxIsInt32(curr))
mexErrMsgTxt("Indices must be int32.");
if (i< mxGetNumberOfDimensions(prhs[1]))
idim[i] = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1])[i];
idim[i] = 1;
if (mxGetNumberOfElements(curr) != idim[i])
mexErrMsgTxt("Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch.");
ptr[i] = (int *)mxGetData(curr);
for(j=0; j<idim[i]; j++)
if (ptr[i][j]<1 || ptr[i][j]> ((i<ndim)?odim[i]:1))
mexErrMsgTxt("Index exceeds matrix dimensions.");
for(i=nrhs-2; i<ndim; i++)
idim[i] = 1;
ptr[i] = one;
if (ndim<nrhs-2)
for(i=ndim; i<nrhs-2; i++)
map.dim[i] = 1;
map.ndim = nrhs-2;
put(map, ptr, idim, idat);

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