function out = spm_run_con(job) % SPM job execution function - Specify and estimate contrasts % Input: % job - harvested job data structure (see matlabbatch help) % Output: % out - struct containing contrast and SPM{.} images filename %__________________________________________________________________________ % Copyright (C) 2005-2017 Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging % $Id: spm_run_con.m 7093 2017-06-05 16:34:04Z guillaume $ spm('FnBanner','spm_contrasts.m'); %-Change to the analysis directory %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cwd = pwd; try swd = spm_file(job.spmmat{1},'fpath'); cd(swd); fprintf('%-40s: %30s\n','Contrasts folder',spm_file(swd,'short30'));%-# catch error('Failed to change directory %s.',swd) end %-Load SPM.mat file %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- load(fullfile(swd,'SPM.mat')); SPM.swd = swd; try SPM.xVol.XYZ; catch error('This model has not been estimated.'); end bayes_con = isfield(SPM,'PPM'); %-Delete contrast (if requested) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if job.delete && isfield(SPM,'xCon') fprintf('%-40s: ','Deleting contrasts'); %-# for k=1:numel(SPM.xCon) if ~isempty(SPM.xCon(k).Vcon) f = SPM.xCon(k).Vcon.fname; switch spm_file(f,'ext') case 'img' n = spm_file(f,'basename'); spm_unlink([n '.img'],[n '.hdr']); case 'gii' n = spm_file(f,'basename'); spm_unlink([n '.gii'],[n '.dat']); otherwise spm_unlink(f); end end if ~isempty(SPM.xCon(k).Vspm) f = SPM.xCon(k).Vspm.fname; switch spm_file(f,'ext') case 'img' n = spm_file(f,'basename'); spm_unlink([n '.img'],[n '.hdr']); case 'gii' n = spm_file(f,'basename'); spm_unlink([n '.gii'],[n '.dat']); otherwise spm_unlink(f); end end end SPM.xCon = []; if bayes_con, SPM.PPM.xCon = []; end %-Save SPM if no new contrasts are specified if isempty(job.consess) save(fullfile(SPM.swd,'SPM.mat'), 'SPM', spm_get_defaults('mat.format')); end fprintf('%30s\n','...done'); %-# end %-Retrospectively label Bayesian contrasts as T's, if this info is missing %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if bayes_con if ~isfield(SPM.PPM,'xCon') SPM.PPM.xCon = []; for ii=1:length(SPM.xCon) SPM.PPM.xCon(ii).PSTAT = 'T'; end end end %-Specify contrasts %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ic = []; for i = 1:length(job.consess) %-T-contrast %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if isfield(job.consess{i},'tcon') name = job.consess{i}; if bayes_con STAT = 'P'; SPM.PPM.xCon(end+1).PSTAT = 'T'; SPM.xX.V = []; else STAT = 'T'; end con = job.consess{i}.tcon.weights(:)'; sessrep = job.consess{i}.tcon.sessrep; %-T-contrast (cond/sess based) %---------------------------------------------------------------------- elseif isfield(job.consess{i},'tconsess') name = job.consess{i}; if bayes_con STAT = 'P'; SPM.PPM.xCon(end+1).PSTAT = 'T'; SPM.xX.V = []; else STAT = 'T'; end %-T-contrast for conditions if isfield(job.consess{i}.tconsess.coltype,'colconds') ccond = job.consess{i}.tconsess.coltype.colconds; con = zeros(1,size(SPM.xX.X,2)); % overall contrast for cs = job.consess{i}.tconsess.sessions for k=1:numel(ccond) if SPM.xBF.order < ccond(k).colbf error(['Session-based contrast %d:\n'... 'Basis function order (%d) in design less ' ... 'than specified basis function number (%d).'],... i, SPM.xBF.order, ccond(k).colbf); end % Index into columns belonging to the specified % condition try cind = ccond(k).colbf + ... ccond(k).colmodord*SPM.xBF.order ... *SPM.Sess(cs).U(ccond(k).colcond).P(ccond(k) ... .colmod).i(ccond(k).colmodord+1); con(SPM.Sess(cs).col(SPM.Sess(cs).Fc(ccond(k).colcond).i(cind))) ... = ccond(k).conweight; catch error(['Session-based contrast %d:\n'... 'Column "Cond%d Mod%d Order%d" does not exist.'],... i, ccond(k).colcond, ccond(k).colmod, ccond(k).colmodord); end end end %-T-contrast for extra regressors else con = zeros(1,size(SPM.xX.X,2)); % overall contrast for cs = job.consess{i}.tconsess.sessions nC = size(SPM.Sess(cs).C.C,2); if nC < numel(job.consess{i}.tconsess.coltype.colreg) error(['Session-based contrast %d:\n'... 'Contrast vector for extra regressors too long.'],... i); end ccols = numel(SPM.Sess(cs).col)-(nC-1)+... [0:numel(job.consess{i}.tconsess.coltype.colreg)-1]; con(SPM.Sess(cs).col(ccols)) = job.consess{i}.tconsess.coltype.colreg; end end sessrep = 'none'; %-F-contrast %---------------------------------------------------------------------- else name = job.consess{i}; if bayes_con STAT = 'P'; SPM.PPM.xCon(end+1).PSTAT = 'F'; SPM.xX.V = []; else STAT = 'F'; end con = job.consess{i}.fcon.weights; sessrep = job.consess{i}.fcon.sessrep; end %-Replicate contrast over sessions %---------------------------------------------------------------------- if isfield(SPM,'Sess') && ~strcmp(sessrep,'none') nsessions = numel(SPM.Sess); % assume identical sessions switch sessrep case {'repl','replsc'} % within-session zero padding, replication over sessions cons = {zeros(size(con,1),size(SPM.xX.X,2))}; for sess=1:nsessions sfirst = SPM.Sess(sess).col(1); cons{1}(:,sfirst:sfirst+size(con,2)-1) = con; end if strcmp(sessrep,'replsc') cons{1} = cons{1} / nsessions; end names = {sprintf('%s - All Sessions', name)}; case 'replna' % within-session zero padding, new rows per session cons = {zeros(nsessions*size(con,1),size(SPM.xX.X,2))}; for sess=1:nsessions sfirst = SPM.Sess(sess).col(1); cons{1}((sess-1)*size(con,1)+(1:size(con,1)),sfirst-1+(1:size(con,2)))=con; end names = {sprintf('%s - All Sessions', name)}; case 'sess' cons = cell(1,numel(SPM.Sess)); names = cell(1,numel(SPM.Sess)); for k=1:numel(SPM.Sess) cons{k} = [zeros(size(con,1),SPM.Sess(k).col(1)-1) con]; names{k} = sprintf('%s - Session %d', name, k); end case {'both','bothsc'} cons = cell(1,numel(SPM.Sess)); names = cell(1,numel(SPM.Sess)); for k=1:numel(SPM.Sess) cons{k} = [zeros(size(con,1),SPM.Sess(k).col(1)-1) con]; names{k} = sprintf('%s - Session %d', name, k); end if numel(SPM.Sess) > 1 % within-session zero padding, replication over sessions cons{end+1} = zeros(size(con,1),size(SPM.xX.X,2)); for sess=1:nsessions sfirst = SPM.Sess(sess).col(1); cons{end}(:,sfirst:sfirst+size(con,2)-1)=con; end if strcmp(sessrep,'bothsc') cons{end} = cons{end}/nsessions; end names{end+1} = sprintf('%s - All Sessions', name); end end else cons = {con}; names = {name}; end %-Store newly created contrasts in SPM.xCon %---------------------------------------------------------------------- for k=1:numel(cons) %-Basic checking of contrast %------------------------------------------------------------------ [c,I,emsg,imsg] = spm_conman('ParseCon',cons{k},SPM.xX.xKXs,STAT); if ~isempty(emsg) disp(emsg); error('Error in contrast specification'); else %disp(imsg); end %-Fill-in the contrast structure %------------------------------------------------------------------ if all(I) DxCon = spm_FcUtil('Set',names{k},STAT,'c',c,SPM.xX.xKXs); else DxCon = []; end %-Append to SPM.xCon %------------------------------------------------------------------ if isempty(SPM.xCon) SPM.xCon = DxCon; elseif ~isempty(DxCon) SPM.xCon(end+1) = DxCon; end Ic = [Ic length(SPM.xCon)]; end end %-Estimate newly created contrasts (and save SPM.mat) %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ~isempty(Ic), SPM = spm_contrasts(SPM,Ic); end fprintf('%-40s: %30s\n','Completed',spm('time')) %-# %-Change back directory %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- cd(cwd); %-Output structure %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- out.spmmat = job.spmmat; %out.spmvar = SPM; if isfield(SPM, 'xCon') && ~isempty(SPM.xCon) Vcon = [SPM.xCon.Vcon]; % [SPM.xCon(Ic).Vcon] ? Vspm = [SPM.xCon.Vspm]; % [SPM.xCon(Ic).Vspm] ? elseif isfield(SPM, 'PPM') && ~isempty(SPM.PPM) Vcon = cat(1,SPM.PPM.xCon.Vcon); Vspm = cat(1,SPM.PPM.xCon.Vspm); else Vcon = ''; Vspm = ''; end if ~isempty(Vcon) && ~isempty(Vspm) out.con = spm_file(cellstr(char(Vcon.fname)),'path',swd); out.spm = spm_file(cellstr(char(Vspm.fname)),'path',swd); else out.con = {}; out.spm = {}; end