function [grid, cfg] = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg, data) % FT_PREPARE_LEADFIELD computes the forward model for many dipole locations % on a regular 2D or 3D grid and stores it for efficient inverse modelling % % Use as % [grid] = ft_prepare_leadfield(cfg, data); % % It is neccessary to input the data on which you want to perform the % inverse computations, since that data generally contain the gradiometer % information and information about the channels that should be included in % the forward model computation. The data structure can be either obtained % from FT_PREPROCESSING, FT_FREQANALYSIS or FT_TIMELOCKANALYSIS. If the data is empty, % all channels will be included in the forward model. % % The configuration should contain % = Nx1 cell-array with selection of channels (default = 'all'), % see FT_CHANNELSELECTION for details % % The positions of the sources can be specified as a regular 3-D % grid that is aligned with the axes of the head coordinate system % cfg.grid.xgrid = vector (e.g. -20:1:20) or 'auto' (default = 'auto') % cfg.grid.ygrid = vector (e.g. -20:1:20) or 'auto' (default = 'auto') % cfg.grid.zgrid = vector (e.g. 0:1:20) or 'auto' (default = 'auto') % cfg.grid.resolution = number (e.g. 1 cm) for automatic grid generation % Alternatively the position of a few sources at locations of interest can % be specified, for example obtained from an anatomical or functional MRI % cfg.grid.pos = N*3 matrix with position of each source % cfg.grid.inside = N*1 vector with boolean value whether grid point is inside brain (optional) % cfg.grid.dim = [Nx Ny Nz] vector with dimensions in case of 3-D grid (optional) % % The volume conduction model of the head should be specified as % cfg.headmodel = structure with volume conduction model, see FT_PREPARE_HEADMODEL % % The EEG or MEG sensor positions can be present in the data or can be specified as % cfg.elec = structure with electrode positions, see FT_DATATYPE_SENS % cfg.grad = structure with gradiometer definition, see FT_DATATYPE_SENS % cfg.elecfile = name of file containing the electrode positions, see FT_READ_SENS % cfg.gradfile = name of file containing the gradiometer definition, see FT_READ_SENS % % Optionally, you can modify the leadfields by reducing the rank (i.e. % remove the weakest orientation), or by normalizing each column. % cfg.reducerank = 'no', or number (default = 3 for EEG, 2 for MEG) % cfg.normalize = 'yes' or 'no' (default = 'no') % cfg.normalizeparam = depth normalization parameter (default = 0.5) % cfg.backproject = 'yes' or 'no' (default = 'yes') determines when reducerank is applied % whether the lower rank leadfield is projected back onto the original % linear subspace, or not. % % To facilitate data-handling and distributed computing you can use % cfg.inputfile = ... % If you specify this option the input data will be read from a *.mat % file on disk. This mat files should contain only a single variable named 'data', % corresponding to the input structure. % % See also FT_SOURCEANALYSIS, FT_DIPOLEFITTING, FT_PREPARE_HEADMODEL, % FT_PREPARE_SOURCEMODEL % Undocumented local options: % % cfg.sel50p = 'no' (default) or 'yes' % cfg.lbex = 'no' (default) or a number that corresponds with the radius % cfg.mollify = 'no' (default) or a number that corresponds with the FWHM % Copyright (C) 2004-2013, Robert Oostenveld % % This file is part of FieldTrip, see % for the documentation and details. % % FieldTrip is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or % (at your option) any later version. % % FieldTrip is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with FieldTrip. If not, see <>. % % $Id$ % these are used by the ft_preamble/ft_postamble function and scripts ft_revision = '$Id$'; ft_nargin = nargin; ft_nargout = nargout; % do the general setup of the function ft_defaults ft_preamble init ft_preamble debug ft_preamble loadvar data ft_preamble provenance data ft_preamble trackconfig % the ft_abort variable is set to true or false in ft_preamble_init if ft_abort return end % the data can be passed as input arguments or can be read from disk hasdata = exist('data', 'var'); if ~hasdata % the data variable will be passed to the prepare_headmodel function below % where it would be used for channel selection data = []; else % check if the input data is valid for this function data = ft_checkdata(data); end % check if the input cfg is valid for this function cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'hdmfile', 'headmodel'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'vol', 'headmodel'}); % set the defaults cfg.normalize = ft_getopt(cfg, 'normalize', 'no'); cfg.normalizeparam = ft_getopt(cfg, 'normalizeparam', 0.5); cfg.lbex = ft_getopt(cfg, 'lbex', 'no'); cfg.sel50p = ft_getopt(cfg, 'sel50p', 'no'); = ft_getopt(cfg, 'feedback', 'text'); cfg.mollify = ft_getopt(cfg, 'mollify', 'no'); cfg.patchsvd = ft_getopt(cfg, 'patchsvd', 'no'); cfg.backproject = ft_getopt(cfg, 'backproject', 'yes'); % determines whether after rank reduction the subspace projected leadfield is backprojected onto the original space % cfg.reducerank = ft_getopt(cfg, 'reducerank', 'no'); % the default for this depends on EEG/MEG and is set below % put the low-level options pertaining to the dipole grid in their own field cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'tightgrid', 'tight'}); % this is moved to cfg.grid.tight by the subsequent createsubcfg cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'renamed', {'sourceunits', 'unit'}); % this is moved to cfg.grid.unit by the subsequent createsubcfg cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'createsubcfg', {'grid'}); % this code expects the inside to be represented as a logical array cfg.grid = ft_checkconfig(cfg.grid, 'renamed', {'pnt' 'pos'}); cfg = ft_checkconfig(cfg, 'index2logical', 'yes'); if strcmp(cfg.sel50p, 'yes') && strcmp(cfg.lbex, 'yes') ft_error('subspace projection with either lbex or sel50p is mutually exclusive'); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % collect and preprocess the electrodes/gradiometer and head model [headmodel, sens, cfg] = prepare_headmodel(cfg, data); % set the default for reducing the rank of the leadfields if ft_senstype(sens, 'eeg') cfg.reducerank = ft_getopt(cfg, 'reducerank', 3); else cfg.reducerank = ft_getopt(cfg, 'reducerank', 2); end % construct the dipole grid according to the configuration tmpcfg = keepfields(cfg, {'grid', 'mri', 'headshape', 'symmetry', 'smooth', 'threshold', 'spheremesh', 'inwardshift', 'showcallinfo'}); tmpcfg.headmodel = headmodel; tmpcfg.grad = sens; % either electrodes or gradiometers grid = ft_prepare_sourcemodel(tmpcfg); % check whether units are equal (NOTE: this was previously not required, % this check can be removed if the underlying bug is resolved. See % if ~isfield(headmodel, 'unit') || ~isfield(grid, 'unit') || ~isfield(sens, 'unit') ft_warning('cannot determine the units of all geometric objects required for leadfield computation (headmodel, sourcemodel, sensor configuration). THIS CAN LEAD TO WRONG RESULTS! (refer to'); else if ~strcmp(headmodel.unit, grid.unit) || ~strcmp(grid.unit, sens.unit) ft_error('geometric objects (headmodel, sourcemodel, sensor configuration) are not expressed in the same units (this used to be allowed, and will be again in the future, but for now there is a bug which prevents a correct leadfield from being computed; see'); end end if ft_voltype(headmodel, 'openmeeg') % repeated system calls to the openmeeg executable makes it rather slow % calling it once is much more efficient fprintf('calculating leadfield for all positions at once, this may take a while...\n'); % find the indices of all grid points that are inside the brain insideindx = find(grid.inside); ndip = length(insideindx); ok = false(1,ndip); batchsize = ndip; while ~all(ok) % find the first one that is not yet done begdip = find(~ok, 1); % define a batch of dipoles to jointly deal with enddip = min((begdip+batchsize-1), ndip); % don't go beyond the end batch = begdip:enddip; try lf = ft_compute_leadfield(grid.pos(insideindx(batch),:), sens, headmodel, 'reducerank', cfg.reducerank, 'normalize', cfg.normalize, 'normalizeparam', cfg.normalizeparam); ok(batch) = true; catch ok(batch) = false; % the "catch me" syntax is broken on MATLAB74, this fixes it me = lasterror; if ~isempty(findstr(me.message, 'Output argument "dsm" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to')) % it does not fit in memory, split the problem in two halves and try once more batchsize = floor(batchsize/500); continue else rethrow(me); end % handling this particular error end % reassign the large leadfield matrix over the single grid locations for i=1:length(batch) sel = (3*i-2):(3*i); % 1:3, 4:6, ... dipindx = insideindx(batch(i)); grid.leadfield{dipindx} = lf(:,sel); end clear lf end % while else % find the indices of all grid points that are inside the brain insideindx = find(grid.inside); ft_progress('init',, 'computing leadfield'); for i=1:length(insideindx) % compute the leadfield on all grid positions inside the brain ft_progress(i/length(insideindx), 'computing leadfield %d/%d\n', i, length(insideindx)); thisindx = insideindx(i); grid.leadfield{thisindx} = ft_compute_leadfield(grid.pos(thisindx,:), sens, headmodel, 'reducerank', cfg.reducerank, 'normalize', cfg.normalize, 'normalizeparam', cfg.normalizeparam, 'backproject', cfg.backproject); if isfield(cfg, 'grid') && isfield(cfg.grid, 'mom') % multiply with the normalized dipole moment to get the leadfield in the desired orientation grid.leadfield{thisindx} = grid.leadfield{thisindx} *,thisindx); end end % for all grid locations inside the brain ft_progress('close'); end % represent the leadfield for positions outside the brain as empty array grid.leadfield(~grid.inside) = {[]}; % add the label of the channels grid.label = sens.label; grid.leadfielddimord = '{pos}_chan_ori'; % mollify the leadfields if ~strcmp(cfg.mollify, 'no') grid = mollify(cfg, grid); end % combine leadfields in patches and do an SVD on them if ~strcmp(cfg.patchsvd, 'no') grid = patchsvd(cfg, grid); end % compute the 50 percent channel selection subspace projection if ~strcmp(cfg.sel50p, 'no') grid = sel50p(cfg, grid, sens); end % compute the local basis function expansion (LBEX) subspace projection if ~strcmp(cfg.lbex, 'no') grid = lbex(cfg, grid); end %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % do the general cleanup and bookkeeping at the end of the function ft_postamble debug ft_postamble trackconfig ft_postamble previous data ft_postamble provenance grid ft_postamble history grid