BIOP VSI READER --------------- ## Installation as an End User Simply activate the **PTBIOP** and **IBMP-CNRS** Update Sites in Fiji. It will be under Plugins > BIOP > BIOP VSI Reader ## Installation in order to make modifications To edit this ActionBar, place the `BIOP_VSI_Reader.ijm` file in your `Plugins/ActionBar` folder. Then you can open it in Fiji. To work in debug mode, uncomment line 36 ```lang=java runFrom = "jar:file:BIOP/BIOP_VSI_reader.jar!/BIOP_VSI_reader.ijm"; 33. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 34. // The line below is for debugging. Place this VSI file in the ActionBar folder within Plugins 35. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 36. //runFrom = "/plugins/ActionBar/BIOP_VSI_reader.ijm"; ``` When you are finished, you must re-comment the above line, and repackage the file as a JAR. You can have a look at the `updataJar.bat` file in this repository. Alternatively, opening the JAR using winRAR or 7-ZIP and placing the modified IJM file inside works just fine.