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* #%L
* Fiji's plugin for colocalization analysis.
* %%
* Copyright (C) 2009 - 2017 Fiji developers.
* %%
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
* License along with this program. If not, see
* <>.
* #L%
package sc.fiji.coloc.algorithms;
import net.imglib2.RandomAccessibleInterval;
import net.imglib2.TwinCursor;
import net.imglib2.type.logic.BitType;
import net.imglib2.type.numeric.RealType;
import net.imglib2.view.Views;
import sc.fiji.coloc.gadgets.DataContainer;
import sc.fiji.coloc.gadgets.ThresholdMode;
import sc.fiji.coloc.results.ResultHandler;
* A class implementing the automatic finding of a threshold
* used for Pearson colocalisation calculation.
public class AutoThresholdRegression<T extends RealType< T >> extends Algorithm<T> {
// Identifiers for choosing which implementation to use
public enum Implementation {Costes, Bisection};
Implementation implementation = Implementation.Bisection;
/* The threshold for ratio of y-intercept : y-mean to raise a warning about
* it being to high or low, meaning far from zero. Don't use y-max as before,
* since this could be a very high value outlier. Mean is probably more
* reliable.
final double warnYInterceptToYMeanRatioThreshold = 0.01;
// the slope and and intercept of the regression line
double autoThresholdSlope = 0.0, autoThresholdIntercept = 0.0;
/* The thresholds for both image channels. Pixels below a lower
* threshold do NOT include the threshold and pixels above an upper
* one will NOT either. Pixels "in between (and including)" thresholds
* do include the threshold values.
T ch1MinThreshold, ch1MaxThreshold, ch2MinThreshold, ch2MaxThreshold;
// additional information
double bToYMeanRatio = 0.0;
//This is the Pearson's correlation we will use for further calculations
PearsonsCorrelation<T> pearsonsCorrellation;
public AutoThresholdRegression(PearsonsCorrelation<T> pc) {
this(pc, Implementation.Costes);
public AutoThresholdRegression(PearsonsCorrelation<T> pc, Implementation impl) {
super("auto threshold regression");
pearsonsCorrellation = pc;
implementation = impl;
public void execute(DataContainer<T> container)
throws MissingPreconditionException {
// get the 2 images for the calculation of Pearson's
final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> img1 = container.getSourceImage1();
final RandomAccessibleInterval<T> img2 = container.getSourceImage2();
final RandomAccessibleInterval<BitType> mask = container.getMask();
double ch1Mean = container.getMeanCh1();
double ch2Mean = container.getMeanCh2();
double combinedMean = ch1Mean + ch2Mean;
// get the cursors for iterating through pixels in images
TwinCursor<T> cursor = new TwinCursor<T>(
img1.randomAccess(), img2.randomAccess(),
// variables for summing up the
double ch1MeanDiffSum = 0.0, ch2MeanDiffSum = 0.0, combinedMeanDiffSum = 0.0;
double combinedSum = 0.0;
int N = 0, NZero = 0;
// reference image data type
final T type = cursor.getFirst();
while (cursor.hasNext()) {
double ch1 = cursor.getFirst().getRealDouble();
double ch2 = cursor.getSecond().getRealDouble();
combinedSum = ch1 + ch2;
// TODO: Shouldn't the whole calculation take only pixels
// into account that are combined above zero? And not just
// the denominator (like it is done now)?
// calculate the numerators for the variances
ch1MeanDiffSum += (ch1 - ch1Mean) * (ch1 - ch1Mean);
ch2MeanDiffSum += (ch2 - ch2Mean) * (ch2 - ch2Mean);
combinedMeanDiffSum += (combinedSum - combinedMean) * (combinedSum - combinedMean);
// count only pixels that are above zero
if ( (ch1 + ch2) > 0.00001)
double ch1Variance = ch1MeanDiffSum / (N - 1);
double ch2Variance = ch2MeanDiffSum / (N - 1);
double combinedVariance = combinedMeanDiffSum / (N - 1.0);
//?2 = X2?(X)2
// = E[X2]?(E[X])2
//var (x+y) = var(x)+var(y)+2(covar(x,y));
//2(covar(x,y)) = var(x+y) - var(x)-var(y);
double ch1ch2Covariance = 0.5*(combinedVariance - (ch1Variance + ch2Variance));
// calculate regression parameters
double denom = 2*ch1ch2Covariance;
double num = ch2Variance - ch1Variance
+ Math.sqrt( (ch2Variance - ch1Variance) * (ch2Variance - ch1Variance)
+ (4 * ch1ch2Covariance *ch1ch2Covariance) );
final double m = num/denom;
final double b = ch2Mean - m*ch1Mean ;
// A stepper that walks thresholds
Stepper stepper;
// to map working thresholds to channels
ChannelMapper mapper;
// let working threshold walk on channel one if the regression line
// leans more towards the abscissa (which represents channel one) for
// positive and negative correlation.
if (m > -1 && m < 1.0) {
// Map working threshold to channel one (because channel one has a
// larger maximum value.
mapper = new ChannelMapper() {
public double getCh1Threshold(double t) {
return t;
public double getCh2Threshold(double t) {
return (t * m) + b;
// Select a stepper
if (implementation == Implementation.Bisection) {
// Start at the midpoint of channel one
stepper = new BisectionStepper(
Math.abs(container.getMaxCh1() + container.getMinCh1()) * 0.5,
} else {
stepper = new SimpleStepper(container.getMaxCh1());
} else {
// Map working threshold to channel two (because channel two has a
// larger maximum value.
mapper = new ChannelMapper() {
public double getCh1Threshold(double t) {
return (t - b) / m;
public double getCh2Threshold(double t) {
return t;
// Select a stepper
if (implementation == Implementation.Bisection) {
// Start at the midpoint of channel two
stepper = new BisectionStepper(
Math.abs(container.getMaxCh2() + container.getMinCh2()) * 0.5,
} else {
stepper = new SimpleStepper(container.getMaxCh2());
// Min threshold not yet implemented
double ch1ThreshMax = container.getMaxCh1();
double ch2ThreshMax = container.getMaxCh2();
// define some image type specific threshold variables
T thresholdCh1 = type.createVariable();
T thresholdCh2 = type.createVariable();
// reset the previously created cursor
/* Get min and max value of image data type. Since type of image
* one and two are the same, we dont't need to distinguish them.
T dummyT = type.createVariable();
final double minVal = dummyT.getMinValue();
final double maxVal = dummyT.getMaxValue();
// do regression
while (!stepper.isFinished()) {
// round ch1 threshold and compute ch2 threshold
ch1ThreshMax = Math.round(mapper.getCh1Threshold(stepper.getValue()));
ch2ThreshMax = Math.round(mapper.getCh2Threshold(stepper.getValue()));
/* Make sure we don't get overflow the image type specific threshold variables
* if the image data type doesn't support this value.
thresholdCh1.setReal(clamp(ch1ThreshMax, minVal, maxVal));
thresholdCh2.setReal(clamp(ch2ThreshMax, minVal, maxVal));
try {
// do persons calculation within the limits
final double currentPersonsR =
ch1Mean, ch2Mean, thresholdCh1, thresholdCh2,
} catch (MissingPreconditionException e) {
/* the exception that could occur is due to numerical
* problems within the Pearsons calculation. */
// reset the cursor to reuse it
/* Store the new results. The lower thresholds are the types
* min value for now. For the max threshold we do a clipping
* to make it fit into the image type.
ch1MinThreshold = type.createVariable();
ch1MaxThreshold = type.createVariable();
ch1MaxThreshold.setReal(clamp(ch1ThreshMax, minVal, maxVal));
ch2MinThreshold = type.createVariable();
ch2MaxThreshold = type.createVariable();
ch2MaxThreshold.setReal(clamp(ch2ThreshMax, minVal, maxVal));
autoThresholdSlope = m;
autoThresholdIntercept = b;
bToYMeanRatio = b / container.getMeanCh2();
// add warnings if values are not in tolerance range
if ( Math.abs(bToYMeanRatio) > warnYInterceptToYMeanRatioThreshold ) {
addWarning("y-intercept far from zero",
"The ratio of the y-intercept of the auto threshold regression " +
"line to the mean value of Channel 2 is high. This means the " +
"y-intercept is far from zero, implying a significant positive " +
"or negative zero offset in the image data intensities. Maybe " +
"you should use a ROI. Maybe do a background subtraction in " +
"both channels. Make sure you didn't clip off the low " +
"intensities to zero. This might not affect Pearson's " +
"correlation values very much, but might harm other results.");
// add warning if threshold is above the image mean
if (ch1ThreshMax > ch1Mean) {
addWarning("Threshold of ch. 1 too high",
"Too few pixels are taken into account for above-threshold calculations. The threshold is above the channel's mean.");
if (ch2ThreshMax > ch2Mean) {
addWarning("Threshold of ch. 2 too high",
"Too few pixels are taken into account for above-threshold calculations. The threshold is above the channel's mean.");
// add warnings if values are below lowest pixel value of images
if ( ch1ThreshMax < container.getMinCh1() || ch2ThreshMax < container.getMinCh2() ) {
String msg = "The auto threshold method could not find a positive " +
"threshold, so thresholded results are meaningless.";
msg += implementation == Implementation.Costes ? "" : " Maybe you should try classic thresholding.";
addWarning("thresholds too low", msg);
* Clamp a value to a min or max value. If the value is below min, min is
* returned. Accordingly, max is returned if the value is larger. If it is
* neither, the value itself is returned.
public static double clamp(double val, double min, double max) {
return min > val ? min : max < val ? max : val;
public void processResults(ResultHandler<T> handler) {
handler.handleValue( "m (slope)", autoThresholdSlope , 2 );
handler.handleValue( "b (y-intercept)", autoThresholdIntercept, 2 );
handler.handleValue( "b to y-mean ratio", bToYMeanRatio, 2 );
handler.handleValue( "Ch1 Max Threshold", ch1MaxThreshold.getRealDouble(), 2);
handler.handleValue( "Ch2 Max Threshold", ch2MaxThreshold.getRealDouble(), 2);
handler.handleValue( "Threshold regression", implementation.toString());
public double getBToYMeanRatio() {
return bToYMeanRatio;
public double getWarnYInterceptToYMaxRatioThreshold() {
return warnYInterceptToYMeanRatioThreshold;
public double getAutoThresholdSlope() {
return autoThresholdSlope;
public double getAutoThresholdIntercept() {
return autoThresholdIntercept;
public T getCh1MinThreshold() {
return ch1MinThreshold;
public T getCh1MaxThreshold() {
return ch1MaxThreshold;
public T getCh2MinThreshold() {
return ch2MinThreshold;
public T getCh2MaxThreshold() {
return ch2MaxThreshold;

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