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Fri, Oct 4, 03:07


#include "FE_Engine.h"
#include "ATC_Transfer.h"
#include "FE_Element.h"
#include "Function.h"
#include "PhysicsModel.h"
#include "KernelFunction.h"
#include "Utility.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
namespace ATC{
static const double tol_sparse = 1.e-30;//tolerance for compaction from dense
FE_Engine::FE_Engine(MPI_Comm comm)
: communicator_(comm),
// Nothing to do here
if (feMesh_) delete feMesh_;
void FE_Engine::initialize()
if (!feMesh_) throw ATC_Error("FE_Engine has no mesh");
if (!initialized_) {
// set up work spaces
nNodesPerElement_ = feMesh_->num_nodes_per_element();
nIPsPerElement_ = feMesh_->num_ips_per_element();
nIPsPerFace_ = feMesh_->num_ips_per_face();
nSD_ = feMesh_->num_spatial_dimensions();
nElems_ = feMesh_->num_elements();
nNodesUnique_ = feMesh_->num_nodes_unique();
nNodes_ = feMesh_->num_nodes();
// arrays & matrices
_dN_.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(nIPsPerElement_,nNodesPerElement_));
_dNw_.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(nIPsPerElement_,nNodesPerElement_));
_Bfluxes_.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT());
// faces
_fdN_.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(nIPsPerFace_, nNodesPerElement_));
_nN_.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(nIPsPerFace_, nNodesPerElement_));
// remove specified elements
if (nullElements_.size() > 0) delete_elements(nullElements_);
initialized_ = true;
void FE_Engine::partition_mesh()
if (is_partitioned()) return;
// now do all FE_Engine data structure partitioning
// partition nullElements_
/*for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = feMesh_->processor_elts().begin();
elemsIter != feMesh_->processor_elts().end();
if (nullElements_.find(*elemsIter) != nullElements_.end()) {
void FE_Engine::departition_mesh()
if (!is_partitioned()) return;
void FE_Engine::set_quadrature(FeIntQuadrature type, bool temp) const
if (!feMesh_) throw ATC_Error("FE_Engine has no mesh");
if (!temp) quadrature_ = type;
int nIPsPerElement_new = feMesh_->num_ips_per_element();
int nIPsPerFace_new = feMesh_->num_ips_per_face();
if (nIPsPerElement_ != nIPsPerElement_new) {
// arrays & matrices
nIPsPerElement_ = nIPsPerElement_new;
_dN_.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(nIPsPerElement_,nNodesPerElement_));
_dNw_.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(nIPsPerElement_,nNodesPerElement_));
if (nIPsPerFace_ != nIPsPerFace_new) {
// faces
nIPsPerFace_ = nIPsPerFace_new;
_fdN_.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(nIPsPerFace_, nNodesPerElement_));
_nN_.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(nIPsPerFace_, nNodesPerElement_));
bool FE_Engine::modify(int narg, char **arg)
bool match = false;
/*! \page man_mesh fix_modify AtC mesh create
\section syntax
fix_modify AtC mesh create <nx> <ny> <nz> <region-id>
<f|p> <f|p> <f|p>
- nx ny nz = number of elements in x, y, z
- region-id = id of region that is to be meshed
- f p p = perioidicity flags for x, y, z
fix_modify AtC mesh quadrature <quad> where
- quad = one of <nodal|gauss1|gauss2|gauss3|face>
- when a mesh is created it defaults to gauss2, use this call
to change it after the fact
\section examples
<TT> fix_modify AtC create mesh 10 1 1 feRegion p p p </TT>
\section description
Creates a uniform mesh in a rectangular region
\section restrictions
creates only uniform rectangular grids in a rectangular region
\section related
\section default
int argIdx = 0;
if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"mesh")==0) {
// create mesh
if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"create")==0) {
if (feMesh_) throw ATC_Error("FE Engine already has a mesh");
int nx = atoi(arg[argIdx++]);
int ny = atoi(arg[argIdx++]);
int nz = atoi(arg[argIdx++]);
string box = arg[argIdx++];
Array<bool> periodicity(3);
periodicity(0) = (strcmp(arg[argIdx++],"p")==0) ? true : false;
periodicity(1) = (strcmp(arg[argIdx++],"p")==0) ? true : false;
periodicity(2) = (strcmp(arg[argIdx++],"p")==0) ? true : false;
if (argIdx < narg ) {
Array<double> dx(nx),dy(ny),dz(nz);
dx = 0;
dy = 0;
dz = 0;
double x[3] = {0,0,0};
while (argIdx < narg) {
if (strcmp(arg[argIdx++],"dx")==0) {
// parse relative values for each element
if (is_numeric(arg[argIdx])) {
for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
if (is_numeric(arg[argIdx])) { dx(i) = atof(arg[argIdx++]); }
else throw ATC_Error("not enough element partitions");
// construct relative values from a density function
// evaluate for a domain (0,1)
else {
XT_Function * f = XT_Function_Mgr::instance()->function(&(arg[argIdx]),narg-argIdx);
for (int i = 0; i < nx; ++i) {
x[0] = (i+0.5)/nx; dx(i) = f->f(x,0.);
break ;
else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx++],"dy")==0) {
for (int i = 0; i < ny; ++i) { dy(i) = atof(arg[argIdx++]); }
else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx++],"dz")==0) {
for (int i = 0; i < nz; ++i) { dz(i) = atof(arg[argIdx++]); }
create_mesh(dx, dy, dz, box.c_str(), periodicity);
else {
create_mesh(nx, ny, nz, box.c_str(), periodicity);
quadrature_ = GAUSS2;
match = true;
else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"quadrature")==0) {
string quadStr = arg[argIdx];
FeIntQuadrature quadEnum = string_to_FIQ(quadStr);
match = true;
/** Example command for reading a mesh from a file:
fix_modify atc mesh read fileName */
// read mesh
else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"read")==0) {
string meshFile = arg[argIdx++];
Array<bool> periodicity(3);
periodicity = false;
if (argIdx < narg) {
periodicity(0) = (strcmp(arg[argIdx++],"p")==0) ? true : false;
periodicity(1) = (strcmp(arg[argIdx++],"p")==0) ? true : false;
periodicity(2) = (strcmp(arg[argIdx++],"p")==0) ? true : false;
if (periodicity(0) || periodicity(1) || periodicity(2)) {
meshFile = "periodic_"+meshFile;
stringstream ss;
ss << "writing periodicity corrected mesh: " << meshFile;
match = true;
/** Example command for reading a mesh from a file:
fix_modify atc mesh write fileName */
// write mesh
else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"write")==0) {
string meshFile = arg[argIdx];
match = true;
/*! \page man_mesh_delete_elements fix_modify AtC mesh delete_elements
\section syntax
fix_modify AtC mesh delete_elements <element_set>
- <element_set> = name of an element set
\section examples
<TT> fix_modify AtC delete_elements gap </TT>
\section description
Deletes a group of elements from the mesh.
\section restrictions
\section related
\section default
else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"delete_elements")==0) {
string esetName = arg[argIdx];
set<int> elemSet = feMesh_->elementset(esetName);
nullElements_.insert(elemSet.begin(), elemSet.end());
match = true;
else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"cut")==0) {
string fsetName = arg[argIdx++];
set<PAIR> faceSet = feMesh_->faceset(fsetName);
cutFaces_.insert(faceSet.begin(), faceSet.end());
if (narg > argIdx && strcmp(arg[argIdx],"edge")==0) {
string nsetName = arg[argIdx];
set<int> nodeSet = feMesh_->nodeset(nsetName);
cutEdge_.insert(nodeSet.begin(), nodeSet.end());
// cut mesh
if (cutFaces_.size() > 0) cut_mesh(cutFaces_,cutEdge_);
match = true;
else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"lammps_partition")==0) {
match = true;
else if (strcmp(arg[argIdx],"data_decomposition")==0) {
match = true;
else {
if ( ! feMesh_ ) throw ATC_Error("need mesh for parsing");
match = feMesh_->modify(narg,arg);
// FE_Mesh
else {
if ( ! feMesh_ ) throw ATC_Error("need mesh for parsing");
match = feMesh_->modify(narg,arg);
return match;
void FE_Engine::finish()
// Nothing to do
// write geometry
void FE_Engine::initialize_output(int rank,
string outputPrefix, set<int> otypes)
outputManager_.initialize(outputPrefix, otypes);
if (!feMesh_) throw ATC_Error("output needs mesh");
if (!initialized_) initialize();
if (!feMesh_->coordinates() || !feMesh_->connectivity())
throw ATC_Error("output mesh not properly initialized");
if (!feMesh_->coordinates()->nCols() ||
throw ATC_Error("output mesh is empty");
if (rank == 0)
// write geometry
void FE_Engine::write_geometry(void)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// write data
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::write_data(double time,
FIELDS &soln,
time, &soln, data,
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// write data
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::write_data(double time, OUTPUT_LIST *data)
time, data,
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// amend mesh for deleted elements
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::delete_elements(const set<int> & elementList)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// amend mesh for cut at specified faces
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::cut_mesh(const set<PAIR> &faceSet,
const set<int> &nodeSet)
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// interpolate one value
// -------------------------------------------------------------
DENS_VEC FE_Engine::interpolate_field(const DENS_VEC & x, const FIELD & f) const
Array<int> nodelist;
feMesh_->shape_functions(x, N, nodelist);
const DENS_MAT &vI = f.quantity();
int dof = vI.nCols();
DENS_MAT vIe(nNodesPerElement_, dof);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dof; j++)
vIe(i,j) = vI(nodelist(i),j);
vP = N*vIe;
return vP;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// interpolate fields and gradients
// Currently, this function will break if called with an unowned ielem.
// Currently, this function is only called with owned ielems.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::interpolate_fields(
const int ielem,
const FIELDS &fields,
AliasArray<int> & conn,
DIAG_MAT & _weights_,
FIELD_MATS &fieldsAtIPs,
GRAD_FIELD_MATS &gradFieldsAtIPs) const
// evaluate shape functions
feMesh_->shape_function(ielem, N, dN, _weights_);
// get connectivity
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
// compute fields and gradients of fields ips of this element
FIELD_MATS localElementFields;
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
// field values at all nodes
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const DENS_MAT &vI = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int dof = vI.nCols();
// field values at integration points -> to be computed
DENS_MAT &vP = fieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_];
// gradients of field at integration points -> to be computed
DENS_MAT_VEC &dvP = gradFieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_];
vP = vI;
// field values at element nodes
DENS_MAT &vIe = localElementFields[_fieldName_];
// gather local field
vIe.reset(nNodesPerElement_, dof);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dof; j++)
vIe(i,j) = vI(conn(i),j);
// interpolate field at integration points
vP = N*vIe;
// gradients
dvP.assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(nIPsPerElement_, dof));
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) dvP[j] = dN[j]*vIe;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// interpolate fields
// Currently, this function will break if called with an unowned ielem.
// Currently, this function is only called with owned ielems.
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::interpolate_fields(
const int ielem,
const FIELDS &fields,
AliasArray<int> & conn,
DIAG_MAT & _weights_,
FIELD_MATS &fieldsAtIPs) const
// evaluate shape functions
feMesh_->shape_function(ielem, N, _weights_);
// get connectivity
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
// compute fields and gradients of fields ips of this element
FIELD_MATS localElementFields;
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
// field values at all nodes
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const DENS_MAT &vI = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int dof = vI.nCols();
// field values at integration points -> to be computed
DENS_MAT &vP = fieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_];
// field values at element nodes
DENS_MAT &vIe = localElementFields[_fieldName_];
vP = vI;
// gather local field
vIe.reset(nNodesPerElement_, dof);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < dof; j++)
vIe(i,j) = vI(conn(i),j);
// interpolate field at integration points
vP = N*vIe;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute dimensionless stiffness matrix using native quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::stiffness_matrix(SPAR_MAT &matrix) const
// assemble consistent mass
matrix.reset(nNodesUnique_,nNodesUnique_);// zero since partial fill
DENS_MAT elementMassMatrix(nNodesPerElement_,nNodesPerElement_);
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// evaluate shape functions
feMesh_->shape_function(ielem, _N_, _dN_, _weights_); // _N_ unused
// perform quadrature
elementMassMatrix = _dN_[0].transMat(_weights_*_dN_[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < nSD_; ++i) {
elementMassMatrix += _dN_[i].transMat(_weights_*_dN_[i]);
// get connectivity
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i)
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j)
int jnode = _conn_(j);
matrix.add(inode, jnode, elementMassMatrix(i,j));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute tangent using native quadrature for one (field,field) pair
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_tangent_matrix(
const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const pair<FieldName,FieldName> row_col,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array<int> & elementMaterials,
SPAR_MAT &tangent,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask) const
FieldName rowField = row_col.first;
FieldName colField = row_col.second;
bool BB = rhsMask(rowField,FLUX);
bool NN = rhsMask(rowField,SOURCE);
DENS_MAT elementMatrix(nNodesPerElement_,nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_MAT coefsAtIPs;
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// if element is masked, skip it
if (elementMask && !(*elementMask)(ielem,0)) continue;
// material id
int imat = elementMaterials(ielem);
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
// interpolate fields and gradients (nonlinear only)
// evaluate Physics model
if (! (physicsModel->null(rowField,imat)) ) {
if (BB && physicsModel->weak_equation(rowField)->
has_BB_tangent_coefficients() ) {
BB_tangent_coefficients(colField, _fieldsAtIPs_, mat, coefsAtIPs);
DIAG_MAT D(column(coefsAtIPs,0));
D = _weights_*D;
elementMatrix = _dN_[0].transMat(D*_dN_[0]);
for (int i = 1; i < nSD_; i++) {
elementMatrix += _dN_[i].transMat(D*_dN_[i]);
else {
if (NN && physicsModel->weak_equation(rowField)->
has_NN_tangent_coefficients() ) {
NN_tangent_coefficients(colField, _fieldsAtIPs_, mat, coefsAtIPs);
DIAG_MAT D(column(coefsAtIPs,0));
D = _weights_*D;
elementMatrix += _N_.transMat(D*_N_);
// assemble
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i)
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j)
int jnode = _conn_(j);
tangent.add(inode, jnode, elementMatrix(i,j));
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute tangent using given quadrature for one (field,field) pair
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_tangent_matrix(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const pair<FieldName,FieldName> row_col,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array<set<int> > & pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
const SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN,
SPAR_MAT &tangent,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask ) const
int nn = nNodesUnique_;
FieldName rowField = row_col.first;
FieldName colField = row_col.second;
bool BB = rhsMask(rowField,FLUX);
bool NN = rhsMask(rowField,SOURCE);
DENS_MAT K(nn,nn);
DENS_MAT coefsAtIPs;
int nips = weights.nCols();
if (nips>0) {
// compute fields and gradients of fields at given ips
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int dof = field.nCols();
fieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_] = N*field;
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) {
gradFieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_][j] = (*dN[j])*field;
// treat single material point sets specially
int nMatls = pointMaterialGroups.size();
int atomMatls = 0;
for (int imat = 0; imat < nMatls; imat++) {
const set<int> & indices = pointMaterialGroups(imat);
if ( indices.size() > 0) atomMatls++;
bool singleMaterial = ( atomMatls == 1 );
if (! singleMaterial ) throw ATC_Error("FE_Engine::compute_tangent_matrix-given quadrature can not handle multiple atom material currently");
if (singleMaterial)
int imat = 0;
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
// evaluate Physics model
if (! (physicsModel->null(rowField,imat)) ) {
if (BB && physicsModel->weak_equation(rowField)->
has_BB_tangent_coefficients() ) {
BB_tangent_coefficients(colField, fieldsAtIPs, mat, coefsAtIPs);
DIAG_MAT D(column(coefsAtIPs,0));
D = weights*D;
K = (*dN[0]).transMat(D*(*dN[0]));
for (int i = 1; i < nSD_; i++) {
K += (*dN[i]).transMat(D*(*dN[i]));
if (NN && physicsModel->weak_equation(rowField)->
has_NN_tangent_coefficients() ) {
NN_tangent_coefficients(colField, fieldsAtIPs, mat, coefsAtIPs);
DIAG_MAT D(column(coefsAtIPs,0));
D = weights*D;
K += N.transMat(D*N);
// share information between processors
int count = nn*nn;
DENS_MAT K_sum(nn,nn);
allsum(communicator_, K.ptr(), K_sum.ptr(), count);
// create sparse from dense
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute a consistent mass matrix for native quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_mass_matrix(
const Array<FieldName>& field_mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array<int> & elementMaterials,
CON_MASS_MATS & massMatrices,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask) const
int nfields = field_mask.size();
vector<FieldName> usedFields;
DENS_MAT elementMassMatrix(nNodesPerElement_,nNodesPerElement_);
// (JAT, 04/21/11) FIX THIS
DENS_MAT capacity;
// zero, use incoming matrix as template if possible
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
SPAR_MAT & M = massMatrices[_fieldName_].set_quantity();
// compresses 2May11
if (M.has_template()) { M = 0; }
else { M.reset(nNodesUnique_,nNodesUnique_); }
// element wise assembly
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// if element is masked, skip
if (elementMask && !(*elementMask)(ielem,0)) continue;
// material id
int imat = elementMaterials(ielem);
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
// interpolate fields
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
SPAR_MAT & M = massMatrices[_fieldName_].set_quantity();
// skip null weakEqns by material
if (! (physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) ) {
M_integrand(_fieldsAtIPs_, mat, capacity);
DIAG_MAT rho(column(capacity,0));
elementMassMatrix = _N_.transMat(_weights_*rho*_N_);
// assemble
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j) {
int jnode = _conn_(j);
M.add(inode, jnode, elementMassMatrix(i,j));
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
SPAR_MAT & M = massMatrices[_fieldName_].set_quantity();
// fix zero diagonal entries due to null material elements
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
SPAR_MAT & M = massMatrices[_fieldName_].set_quantity();
for (int inode = 0; inode < nNodesUnique_; ++inode) {
if (! M.has_entry(inode,inode)) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute dimensionless consistent mass using native quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_mass_matrix(SPAR_MAT &massMatrix) const
// assemble nnodes X nnodes matrix
massMatrix.reset(nNodesUnique_,nNodesUnique_);// zero since partial fill
DENS_MAT elementMassMatrix(nNodesPerElement_,nNodesPerElement_);
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// evaluate shape functions
feMesh_->shape_function(ielem, _N_, _weights_);
// perform quadrature
elementMassMatrix = _N_.transMat(_weights_*_N_);
// get connectivity
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j) {
int jnode = _conn_(j);
massMatrix.add(inode, jnode, elementMassMatrix(i,j));
// Assemble partial results
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute dimensionless consistent mass using given quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_mass_matrix(const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
SPAR_MAT &massMatrix) const
int nn = N.nCols();
int nips = N.nRows();
DENS_MAT tmp_mass_matrix_local(nn,nn), tmp_mass_matrix(nn,nn);
if (nips>0) { tmp_mass_matrix_local = N.transMat(weights*N); }
// share information between processors
int count = nn*nn;
tmp_mass_matrix.ptr(), count);
// create sparse from dense
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute dimensionless lumped mass using native quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_lumped_mass_matrix(DIAG_MAT & M) const
M.reset(nNodesUnique_,nNodesUnique_); // zero since partial fill
// assemble lumped diagonal mass
DENS_VEC Nvec(nNodesPerElement_);
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// evaluate shape functions
feMesh_->shape_function(ielem, _N_, _weights_);
CLON_VEC w(_weights_);
// get connectivity
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
Nvec = w*_N_;
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
M(inode,inode) += Nvec(i);
// Assemble partial results
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, M.ptr(), M.size());
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute physical lumped mass using native quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_lumped_mass_matrix(
const Array<FieldName>& field_mask,
const FIELDS & fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array<int> &elementMaterials,
MASS_MATS & massMatrices, // mass matrix
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask) const
int nfields = field_mask.size();
// zero initialize for assembly
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
DIAG_MAT & M = massMatrices[field_mask(j)].set_quantity();
// assemble diagonal matrix
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// if element is masked, skip it
if (elementMask && !(*elementMask)(ielem,0)) continue;
// material id
int imat = elementMaterials(ielem);
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
// compute densities, integrate & assemble
DENS_MAT capacity;
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
if (! physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) {
M_integrand(_fieldsAtIPs_, mat, capacity);
_Nmat_ = _N_.transMat(_weights_*capacity);
DIAG_MAT & M = massMatrices[_fieldName_].set_quantity();
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
M(inode,inode) += _Nmat_(i,0);
// Assemble partial results
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
DIAG_MAT & M = massMatrices[_fieldName_].set_quantity();
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, M.ptr(), M.size());
// fix zero diagonal entries due to null material elements
for (int inode = 0; inode < nNodesUnique_; ++inode) {
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
DIAG_MAT & M = massMatrices[_fieldName_].set_quantity();
if (M(inode,inode) == 0.0) {
M(inode,inode) = 1.0;
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute physical lumped mass using given quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_lumped_mass_matrix(
const Array<FieldName> &field_mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array<set<int> > & pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
MASS_MATS &M) const // mass matrices
int nips = weights.nCols();
int nfields = field_mask.size();
// initialize
map<FieldName, DIAG_MAT> M_local;
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
if (nips>0) {
// compute fields at given ips
// compute all fields since we don't the capacities dependencies
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int dof = field.nCols();
fieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_] = N*field;
// treat single material point sets specially
int nMatls = pointMaterialGroups.size();
int atomMatls = 0;
for (int imat = 0; imat < nMatls; imat++) {
const set<int> & indices = pointMaterialGroups(imat);
if ( indices.size() > 0) atomMatls++;
if (atomMatls == 0) {
throw ATC_Error("no materials in atom region - atoms may have migrated to FE-only region");
bool singleMaterial = ( atomMatls == 1 );
if (! singleMaterial ) {
stringstream ss; ss << " WARNING: multiple materials in atomic region";
// setup data structures
FIELD_MATS capacities;
// evaluate physics model & compute capacity|density for requested fields
if (singleMaterial) {
int imat = 0;
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
// mass matrix needs to be invertible so null matls have cap=1
if (physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) {
throw ATC_Error("null material not supported for atomic region (single material)");
const FIELD & f = (fields.find(_fieldName_))->second;
capacities[_fieldName_] = 1.;
else {
M_integrand(fieldsAtIPs, mat, capacities[_fieldName_]);
else {
FIELD_MATS groupCapacities, fieldsGroup;
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
for ( int imat = 0; imat < pointMaterialGroups.size(); imat++) {
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
const set<int> & indices = pointMaterialGroups(imat);
int npts = indices.size();
if (npts > 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
const FIELD & f = (fields.find(_fieldName_))->second;
int ndof = f.nCols();
int i = 0;
for (set<int>::const_iterator iter=indices.begin();
iter != indices.end(); iter++, i++ ) {
for (int dof = 0; dof < ndof; ++dof) {
= fieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_](*iter,dof);
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
if (physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) {
throw ATC_Error("null material not supported for atomic region (multiple materials)");
const FIELD & f = (fields.find(_fieldName_))->second;
groupCapacities[_fieldName_] = 1.;
else {
M_integrand(fieldsGroup, mat, groupCapacities[_fieldName_]);
int i = 0;
for (set<int>::const_iterator iter=indices.begin();
iter != indices.end(); iter++, i++ ) {
= groupCapacities[_fieldName_](i,0);
// integrate & assemble
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
M_local[_fieldName_].reset( // assume all columns same
column(N.transMat(weights*capacities[_fieldName_]),0) );
// Share information between processors
for (int j = 0; j < nfields; ++j) {
_fieldName_ = field_mask(j);
DIAG_MAT & myMassMat(M[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
int count = M_local[_fieldName_].size();
allsum(communicator_, M_local[_fieldName_].ptr(), myMassMat.ptr(), count);
// compute assembled average gradient evaluated at the nodes
void FE_Engine::compute_gradient_matrix(SPAR_MAT_VEC & grad_matrix) const
// zero
DENS_MAT_VEC tmp_grad_matrix(nSD_);
for (int i = 0; i < nSD_; i++) {
// element wise assembly
Array<int> count(nNodesUnique_); count = 0;
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// evaluate shape functions
feMesh_->shape_function(ielem, _N_, _dN_, _weights_);
// get connectivity
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
for (int j = 0; j < nIPsPerElement_; ++j) {
int jnode = _conn_(j);
count(jnode) += 1;
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
tmp_grad_matrix[k](jnode,inode) += _dN_[k](j,i);
// Assemble partial results
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, tmp_grad_matrix[k].ptr(), tmp_grad_matrix[k].size());
int_allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, count.ptr(), count.size());
set_quadrature(quadrature_); //reset to default
for (int inode = 0; inode < nNodesUnique_; ++inode) {
for (int jnode = 0; jnode < nNodesUnique_; ++jnode) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
tmp_grad_matrix[k](jnode,inode) /= count(jnode);
// compact dense matrices
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute energy per node using native quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_energy(const Array<FieldName> &mask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array<int> & elementMaterials,
FIELD_MATS &energies,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask,
const IntegrationDomainType domain) const
// Zero out all fields
for (int n = 0; n < mask.size(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = mask(n);
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
energies[_fieldName_].reset(field.nRows(), 1);
DENS_MAT elementEnergy(nNodesPerElement_,1); // workspace
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// if element is masked, skip it
if (domain != FULL_DOMAIN && elementMask && !(*elementMask)(ielem,0)) continue;
// material id
int imat = elementMaterials(ielem);
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
// assemble
for (int n = 0; n < mask.size(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = mask(n);
if (physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) continue;
if( ! (physicsModel->weak_equation(_fieldName_)-> has_E_integrand())) continue;
E_integrand(_fieldsAtIPs_, _gradFieldsAtIPs_, mat, elementEnergy);
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
_Nmat_ = _N_.transMat(_weights_*elementEnergy);
DENS_MAT & energy = energies[_fieldName_];
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
energy(inode,0) += _Nmat_(i,0);
for (int n = 0; n < mask.size(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = mask(n);
DENS_MAT& myEnergy(energies[_fieldName_]);
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, myEnergy.ptr(), myEnergy.size());
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute rhs using native quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_rhs_vector(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array<int> & elementMaterials,
FIELDS &rhs,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask) const
vector<FieldName> usedFields;
// size and zero output
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (rhsMask(_fieldName_, FLUX) || rhsMask(_fieldName_, SOURCE)) {
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
rhs[_fieldName_].reset(field.nRows(), field.nCols());
// Save field names for easy lookup later.
// Iterate over elements partitioned onto current processor.
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// Skip masked elements
if (elementMask && !(*elementMask)(ielem,0)) continue;
int imat = elementMaterials(ielem); // material id
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
// interpolate field values to integration points
// rescale by _weights_, a diagonal matrix
_Nw_ = _weights_*_N_;
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) _dNw_[j] = _weights_*_dN_[j];
// evaluate physics model and assemble
// _Nfluxes is a set of fields
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (!rhsMask(_fieldName_,SOURCE)) continue;
if (physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) continue;
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
DENS_MAT & myRhs(rhs[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
int dof = field.nCols();
bool has = physicsModel->weak_equation(_fieldName_)->
N_integrand(_fieldsAtIPs_,_gradFieldsAtIPs_, mat, _Nfluxes_);
if (!has) continue;
_Nmat_ = _Nw_.transMat(_Nfluxes_);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int k = 0; k < dof; ++k) {
myRhs(inode,k) += _Nmat_(i,k);
// _Bfluxes_ is a set of field gradients
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (!rhsMask(_fieldName_,FLUX)) continue;
if (physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) continue;
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
DENS_MAT & myRhs(rhs[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
int dof = field.nCols();
B_integrand(_fieldsAtIPs_, _gradFieldsAtIPs_, mat, _Bfluxes_);
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; j++) {
_Nmat_ = _dNw_[j].transMat(_Bfluxes_[j]);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int k = 0; k < dof; ++k) {
myRhs(inode,k) += _Nmat_(i,k);
vector<FieldName>::iterator _fieldIter_;
for (_fieldIter_ = usedFields.begin(); _fieldIter_ != usedFields.end();
++_fieldIter_) {
// myRhs is where we put the global result for this field.
_fieldName_ = *_fieldIter_;
DENS_MAT & myRhs(rhs[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
// Sum matrices in-place across all processors into myRhs.
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, myRhs.ptr(), myRhs.size());
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute rhs using given quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_rhs_vector(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<set<int> >&pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
const SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN,
FIELDS &rhs) const
FIELD_MATS rhs_local;
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (rhsMask(_fieldName_,FLUX) || rhsMask(_fieldName_,SOURCE)) {
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int nrows = field.nRows();
int ncols = field.nCols();
rhs [_fieldName_].reset(nrows,ncols);
int nips = weights.nCols();
if (nips>0) {
// compute fields and gradients of fields at given ips
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int dof = field.nCols();
fieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_] = N*field;
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) {
gradFieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_][j] = (*dN[j])*field;
// setup data structures
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if ( rhsMask(index,FLUX) ) {
Bfluxes[_fieldName_].assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT());
// treat single material point sets specially
int nMatls = pointMaterialGroups.size();
int atomMatls = 0;
for (int imat = 0; imat < nMatls; imat++) {
const set<int> & indices = pointMaterialGroups(imat);
if ( indices.size() > 0) atomMatls++;
bool singleMaterial = ( atomMatls == 1 );
// evaluate physics model
if (singleMaterial)
int imat = 0;
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if (! physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) {
if ( rhsMask(index,SOURCE) ) {
N_integrand(fieldsAtIPs, gradFieldsAtIPs, mat, Nfluxes[_fieldName_]);
if ( rhsMask(index,FLUX) ) {
B_integrand(fieldsAtIPs, gradFieldsAtIPs, mat, Bfluxes[_fieldName_]);
// 1) permanent workspace with per-row mapped clones per matl
// from caller/atc
// 2) per point calls to N/B_integrand
// 3) collect internalToAtom into materials and use mem-cont clones
// what about dof for matrices and data storage: clone _matrix_
// for each material group:
// set up storage
DENS_MAT group_Nfluxes;
DENS_MAT_VEC group_Bfluxes;
FIELD_MATS fieldsGroup;
GRAD_FIELD_MATS gradFieldsGroup;
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int ndof = field.nCols();
// copy fields
for ( int imat = 0; imat < pointMaterialGroups.size(); imat++)
const set<int> & indices = pointMaterialGroups(imat);
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(0);
int npts = indices.size();
int i = 0;
for (set<int>::const_iterator iter=indices.begin();
iter != indices.end(); iter++, i++ ) {
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int ndof = field.nCols();
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) {
for (int dof = 0; dof < ndof; ++dof) {
= fieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_](*iter,dof);
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) {
= gradFieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_][j](*iter,dof);
// calculate forces, & assemble
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if (physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) continue;
if ( rhsMask(index,SOURCE) ) {
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int ndof = field.nCols();
bool has = physicsModel->weak_equation(_fieldName_)->
N_integrand(fieldsGroup, gradFieldsGroup, mat, group_Nfluxes);
if (! has) throw ATC_Error("atomic source can not be null currently");
int i = 0;
for (set<int>::const_iterator iter=indices.begin();
iter != indices.end(); iter++, i++ ) {
for (int dof = 0; dof < ndof; ++dof) {
Nfluxes[_fieldName_](*iter,dof) += group_Nfluxes(i,dof);
// calculate forces, & assemble
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) continue;
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if ( rhsMask(index,FLUX) ) {
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int ndof = field.nCols();
B_integrand(fieldsGroup, gradFieldsGroup, mat, group_Bfluxes);
int i = 0;
for (set<int>::const_iterator iter=indices.begin();
iter != indices.end(); iter++, i++ ) {
for (int dof = 0; dof < ndof; ++dof) {
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) {
Bfluxes[_fieldName_][j](*iter,dof) += group_Bfluxes[j](i,dof);
} // endif multiple materials
// assemble : N/Bfluxes -> rhs_local
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if ( rhsMask(index,SOURCE) && Nfluxes[_fieldName_].nCols() > 0 ) {
+= N.transMat(weights*Nfluxes[_fieldName_]);
if ( rhsMask(index,FLUX) && (Bfluxes[_fieldName_][0]).nCols() > 0 ) {
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) {
+= dN[j]->transMat(weights*Bfluxes[_fieldName_][j]);
} // end nips > 0
// Share information between processors: rhs_local -> rhs
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (rhsMask(_fieldName_,FLUX) || rhsMask(_fieldName_,SOURCE)) {
DENS_MAT & myRhs(rhs[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
int count = rhs_local[_fieldName_].size();
allsum(communicator_, rhs_local[_fieldName_].ptr(), myRhs.ptr(), count);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute sources using given quadrature
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_source(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel *physicsModel,
const Array<set<int> >&pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT &weights,
const SPAR_MAT &N,
const SPAR_MAT_VEC &dN,
FIELD_MATS &sources) const
int nips = weights.nCols();
if (nips>0) {
// compute fields and gradients of fields at given ips
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int dof = field.nCols();
fieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_] = N*field;
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) {
gradFieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_][j] = (*dN[j])*field;
// treat single material point sets specially
int nMatls = pointMaterialGroups.size();
int atomMatls = 0;
for (int imat = 0; imat < nMatls; imat++) {
const set<int> & indices = pointMaterialGroups(imat);
if ( indices.size() > 0) atomMatls++;
bool singleMaterial = ( atomMatls == 1 );
// evaluate physics model
if (singleMaterial)
int imat = 0;
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if (! physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) {
if ( rhsMask(index,SOURCE) ) {
bool has = physicsModel->weak_equation(_fieldName_)->
N_integrand(fieldsAtIPs, gradFieldsAtIPs, mat, Nfluxes[_fieldName_]);
if (! has) throw ATC_Error("atomic source can not be null currently");
throw ATC_Error("compute source does not handle multiple materials currently");
// assemble
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if ( rhsMask(index,SOURCE) ) {
sources[_fieldName_] =weights*Nfluxes[_fieldName_];
// no need to share information between processors
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute flux for post processing
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_flux(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS &fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array<int> & elementMaterials,
const DenseMatrix<bool> *elementMask) const
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (rhsMask(_fieldName_,FLUX)) {
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
fluxes[_fieldName_].assign(nSD_, DENS_MAT(field.nRows(),field.nCols()));
// element wise assembly
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
// if element is masked, skip it
if (elementMask && !(*elementMask)(ielem,0)) continue;
// material id
int imat = elementMaterials(ielem);
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
_Nw_ = _weights_*_N_;
// evaluate Physics model & assemble
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (!rhsMask(_fieldName_,FLUX)) continue;
if (physicsModel->null(_fieldName_,imat)) continue;
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int dof = field.nCols();
B_integrand(_fieldsAtIPs_, _gradFieldsAtIPs_, mat, _Bfluxes_);
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; j++) {
_Nmat_ = _Nw_.transMat(_Bfluxes_[j]);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int k = 0; k < dof; ++k) {
fluxes[_fieldName_][j](inode,k) += _Nmat_(i,k);
// Assemble partial results
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (!rhsMask(_fieldName_,FLUX)) continue;
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; j++) {
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, fluxes[_fieldName_][j].ptr(), fluxes[_fieldName_][j].size());
// boundary flux using native quadrature
void FE_Engine::compute_boundary_flux(const Array2D<bool> & rhsMask,
const FIELDS & fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array<int> & elementMaterials,
const set< pair <int,int> > & faceSet,
FIELDS & rhs) const
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (rhsMask(_fieldName_,FLUX)) {
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
FIELD_MATS localElementFields;
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const FIELD & field = _fieldItr_->second;
int dof = field.nCols();
for (int i = 0; i < nSD_; ++i) {
// element wise assembly
set< PAIR >::iterator iter;
for (iter = faceSet.begin(); iter != faceSet.end(); iter++) {
// get connectivity
int ielem = iter->first;
// if this is not our element, do not do calculations
if (!feMesh_->is_owned_elt(ielem)) continue;
int imat = elementMaterials(ielem);
const Material * mat = physicsModel->material(imat);
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
// evaluate shape functions at ips
feMesh_->face_shape_function(*iter, _fN_, _fdN_, _nN_, _fweights_);
// interpolate fields and gradients of fields ips of this element
for (_fieldItr_ = fields.begin(); _fieldItr_ != fields.end(); _fieldItr_++) {
_fieldName_ = _fieldItr_->first;
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int dof = field.nCols();
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dof; j++) {
localElementFields[_fieldName_](i,j) = field(_conn_(i),j);
// ips X dof = ips X nodes * nodes X dof
fieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_] = _fN_*localElementFields[_fieldName_];
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; ++j) {
gradFieldsAtIPs[_fieldName_][j] = _fdN_[j]*localElementFields[_fieldName_];
// Evaluate- physics model
// do nothing for N_integrand
// nN : precomputed and held by ATC_Transfer
// assemble
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if ( rhsMask(index,FLUX) ) {
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
DENS_MAT & myRhs(rhs[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
B_integrand(fieldsAtIPs, gradFieldsAtIPs, mat, _Bfluxes_);
int dof = field.nCols();
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; j++) {
_Nmat_ = _nN_[j].transMat(_fweights_*_Bfluxes_[j]);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int k = 0; k < dof; ++k) {
myRhs(inode,k) += _Nmat_(i,k);
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if ( rhsMask(index,FLUX) ) {
DENS_MAT & myRhs(rhs[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, myRhs.ptr(), myRhs.size());
// -------------------------------------------------------------
// compute boundary flux using given quadrature and interpolation
// -------------------------------------------------------------
void FE_Engine::compute_boundary_flux(const Array2D<bool> & rhsMask,
const FIELDS & fields,
const PhysicsModel * physicsModel,
const Array< int > & elementMaterials,
const Array< set<int> > & pointMaterialGroups,
const DIAG_MAT & _weights_,
const SPAR_MAT & N,
const SPAR_MAT_VEC & dN,
const DIAG_MAT & flux_mask,
FIELDS & flux,
const DenseMatrix<bool> * elementMask,
const set<int> * nodeSet) const
FIELDS rhs, rhsSubset;
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if (rhsMask(_fieldName_,FLUX)) {
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int nrows = field.nRows();
int ncols = field.nCols();
rhs [_fieldName_].reset(nrows,ncols);
// R_I = - int_Omega Delta _N_I .q dV
compute_rhs_vector(rhsMask, fields, physicsModel, elementMaterials, rhs, elementMask);
// R_I^md = - int_Omega^md Delta _N_I .q dV
compute_rhs_vector(rhsMask, fields, physicsModel, pointMaterialGroups,
_weights_, N, dN, rhsSubset);
// flux_I = 1/Delta V_I V_I^md R_I + R_I^md
// where : Delta V_I = int_Omega _N_I dV
for (int n = 0; n < rhsMask.nRows(); n++) {
_fieldName_ = FieldName(n);
if ( rhsMask(_fieldName_,FLUX) ) {
if (nodeSet) {
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
int nrows = field.nRows();
int ncols = field.nCols();
DENS_MAT & myFlux(flux[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
const DENS_MAT & myRhsSubset(rhsSubset[_fieldName_].quantity());
const DENS_MAT & myRhs(rhs[_fieldName_].quantity());
set<int>::const_iterator iset;
for (iset = nodeSet->begin(); iset != nodeSet->end(); iset++) {
for (int j = 0; j < ncols; j++) {
myFlux(*iset,j) = myRhsSubset(*iset,j) - flux_mask(*iset,*iset)*myRhs(*iset,j);
else {
= rhsSubset[_fieldName_].quantity() - flux_mask*(rhs[_fieldName_].quantity());
/** integrate a nodal field over an element set */
DENS_VEC FE_Engine::integrate(const DENS_MAT &field, const ESET & eset) const
int dof = field.nCols();
DENS_MAT eField(nNodesPerElement_, dof);
int nips = nIPsPerElement_;
DENS_MAT ipField(nips, dof);
DENS_VEC integral(dof); integral = 0;
for (ESET::const_iterator itr = eset.begin(); itr != eset.end(); ++itr) {
int ielem = *itr;
// if this is not our element, do not do calculations
if (!feMesh_->is_owned_elt(ielem)) continue;
feMesh_->shape_function(ielem,_N_, _weights_);
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dof; j++) {
eField(i,j) = field(_conn_(i),j); }}
ipField = _N_*eField;
for (int i = 0; i < nips; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < dof; ++j) {
integral(j) += ipField(i,j)*_weights_[i];
// assemble partial results
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, integral.ptr(), integral.size());
return integral;
// Robin boundary flux using native quadrature
// integrate \int_delV _N_I s(x,t).n dA
void FE_Engine::add_robin_fluxes(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS & fields,
const double time,
const ROBIN_SURFACE_SOURCE & sourceFunctions,
FIELDS &nodalSources) const
// sizing working arrays
DENS_MAT xCoords(nSD_,nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_MAT faceSource;
DENS_MAT localField;
DENS_MAT xAtIPs(nSD_,nIPsPerFace_);
DENS_MAT uAtIPs(nIPsPerFace_,1);
// element wise assembly
ROBIN_SURFACE_SOURCE::const_iterator src_iter;
if (!(rank_zero(communicator_))) {
// Zero out unmasked nodal sources on all non-main processors.
// This is to avoid counting the previous nodal source values
// multiple times when we aggregate.
for (src_iter=sourceFunctions.begin(); src_iter!=sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++)
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
if (!rhsMask((int)_fieldName_,ROBIN_SOURCE)) continue;
DENS_MAT & myNodalSources(nodalSources[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
myNodalSources.reset(myNodalSources.nRows(), myNodalSources.nCols());
for (src_iter=sourceFunctions.begin(); src_iter!=sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++)
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
if (!rhsMask((int)_fieldName_,ROBIN_SOURCE)) continue;
typedef map<PAIR,Array<UXT_Function*> > FSET;
const FSET *fset = (const FSET *)&(src_iter->second);
FSET::const_iterator fset_iter;
for (fset_iter = fset->begin(); fset_iter != fset->end(); fset_iter++)
const PAIR &face = fset_iter->first;
const int elem = face.first;
// if this is not our element, do not do calculations
if (!feMesh_->is_owned_elt(elem)) continue;
const Array <UXT_Function*> &fs = fset_iter->second;
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(elem);
// evaluate location at ips
feMesh_->face_shape_function(face, _fN_, _fdN_, _nN_, _fweights_);
feMesh_->element_coordinates(elem, xCoords);
xAtIPs = xCoords*(_fN_.transpose());
// collect field
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
feMesh_->element_field(elem, field, localField);
uAtIPs = _fN_*localField;
// interpolate prescribed flux at ips of this element
FSET::const_iterator face_iter = fset->find(face);
int nFieldDOF = (face_iter->second).size();
for (int ip = 0; ip < nIPsPerFace_; ++ip) {
for (int idof = 0; idof<nFieldDOF; ++idof) {
UXT_Function * f = fs(idof);
if (!f) continue;
faceSource(ip,idof) = f->f(&(uAtIPs(ip,0)),
DENS_MAT coefsAtIPs(nIPsPerFace_,1);
coefsAtIPs(ip,idof) = f->dfdu(&(uAtIPs(ip,0)),
faceSource(ip,idof) -= coefsAtIPs(ip,0)*uAtIPs(ip,0);
// assemble
DENS_MAT & myNodalSources(nodalSources[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
_Nmat_ = _fN_.transMat(_fweights_*faceSource);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int idof = 0; idof < nFieldDOF; ++idof) {
myNodalSources(inode,idof) += _Nmat_(i,idof);
// assemble partial result matrices
for (src_iter=sourceFunctions.begin(); src_iter!=sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++) {
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
if (!rhsMask((int) _fieldName_,ROBIN_SOURCE)) continue;
DENS_MAT & myNodalSources(nodalSources[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, myNodalSources.ptr(), myNodalSources.size());
// Robin boundary flux stiffness using native quadrature
// integrate \int_delV _N_I ds/du(x,t).n dA
void FE_Engine::add_robin_tangent(const Array2D<bool> &rhsMask,
const FIELDS & fields,
const double time,
const ROBIN_SURFACE_SOURCE & sourceFunctions,
SPAR_MAT &tangent) const
// sizing working arrays
DENS_MAT xCoords(nSD_,nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_MAT coefsAtIPs;
DENS_MAT localField;
DENS_MAT xAtIPs(nSD_,nIPsPerFace_);
DENS_MAT uAtIPs(nIPsPerFace_,1);
// element wise assembly
ROBIN_SURFACE_SOURCE::const_iterator src_iter;
if (!(rank_zero(communicator_))) {
// Zero out result (tangent) matrix on all non-main processors
// to avoid multiple-counting of the values already in tangent
tangent.reset(tangent.nRows(), tangent.nCols());
for (src_iter=sourceFunctions.begin(); src_iter!=sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++)
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
if (!rhsMask((int)_fieldName_,ROBIN_SOURCE)) continue;
typedef map<PAIR,Array<UXT_Function*> > FSET;
const FSET *fset = (const FSET *)&(src_iter->second);
FSET::const_iterator fset_iter;
for (fset_iter = fset->begin(); fset_iter != fset->end(); fset_iter++)
const PAIR &face = fset_iter->first;
const int elem = face.first;
// if this is not our element, do not do calculations
if (!feMesh_->is_owned_elt(elem)) continue;
const Array <UXT_Function*> &fs = fset_iter->second;
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(elem);
// evaluate location at ips
feMesh_->face_shape_function(face, _fN_, _fdN_, _nN_, _fweights_);
feMesh_->element_coordinates(elem, xCoords);
xAtIPs = xCoords*(_fN_.transpose());
// collect field
_fieldItr_ = fields.find(_fieldName_);
const DENS_MAT & field = (_fieldItr_->second).quantity();
feMesh_->element_field(elem, field, localField);
uAtIPs = _fN_*localField;
// interpolate prescribed flux at ips of this element
FSET::const_iterator face_iter = fset->find(face);
int nFieldDOF = (face_iter->second).size();
for (int ip = 0; ip < nIPsPerFace_; ++ip) {
for (int idof = 0; idof<nFieldDOF; ++idof) {
UXT_Function * f = fs(idof);
if (!f) continue;
coefsAtIPs(ip,idof) = f->dfdu(&(uAtIPs(ip,0)),
// assemble
DIAG_MAT D(column(coefsAtIPs,0));
D *= -1;
D *= _fweights_;
_Nmat_ = _fN_.transMat(D*_fN_);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j) {
int jnode = _conn_(j);
tangent.add(inode, jnode, _Nmat_(i,j));
// assemble partial result matrices
// prescribed boundary flux using native quadrature
// integrate \int_delV _N_I s(x,t).n dA
void FE_Engine::add_fluxes(const Array<bool> &fieldMask,
const double time,
const SURFACE_SOURCE & sourceFunctions,
FIELDS &nodalSources) const
// sizing working arrays
DENS_MAT xCoords(nSD_,nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_MAT xAtIPs(nSD_,nIPsPerFace_);
DENS_MAT faceSource;
// element wise assembly
SURFACE_SOURCE::const_iterator src_iter;
if (!(rank_zero(communicator_))) {
// Zero out unmasked nodal sources on all non-main processors.
// This is to avoid counting the previous nodal source values
// multiple times when we aggregate.
for (src_iter=sourceFunctions.begin(); src_iter!=sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++)
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
if (!fieldMask((int)_fieldName_)) continue;
DENS_MAT & myNodalSources(nodalSources[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
myNodalSources.reset(myNodalSources.nRows(), myNodalSources.nCols());
for (src_iter=sourceFunctions.begin(); src_iter!=sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++)
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
if (!fieldMask((int)_fieldName_)) continue;
typedef map<PAIR,Array<XT_Function*> > FSET;
const FSET *fset = (const FSET *)&(src_iter->second);
FSET::const_iterator fset_iter;
for (fset_iter = fset->begin(); fset_iter != fset->end(); fset_iter++)
const PAIR &face = fset_iter->first;
const int elem = face.first;
// if this is not our element, do not do calculations
if (!feMesh_->is_owned_elt(elem)) continue;
const Array <XT_Function*> &fs = fset_iter->second;
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(elem);
// evaluate location at ips
feMesh_->face_shape_function(face, _fN_, _fdN_, _nN_, _fweights_);
feMesh_->element_coordinates(elem, xCoords);
MultAB(xCoords,_fN_,xAtIPs,0,1); //xAtIPs = xCoords*(N.transpose());
// interpolate prescribed flux at ips of this element
FSET::const_iterator face_iter = fset->find(face);
if (face_iter == fset->end())
stringstream ss;
ss << "face not found" << std::endl;
int nFieldDOF = (face_iter->second).size();
for (int ip = 0; ip < nIPsPerFace_; ++ip) {
for (int idof = 0; idof<nFieldDOF; ++idof) {
XT_Function * f = fs(idof);
if (!f) continue;
faceSource(ip,idof) = f->f(column(xAtIPs,ip).ptr(),time);
// assemble
DENS_MAT & myNodalSources(nodalSources[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
_Nmat_ = _fN_.transMat(_fweights_*faceSource);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i)
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int idof = 0; idof < nFieldDOF; ++idof)
myNodalSources(inode,idof) += _Nmat_(i,idof);
} // end assemble nFieldDOF
} // end assemble nNodesPerElement_
} // end fset loop
} // field loop
// assemble partial result matrices
for (src_iter=sourceFunctions.begin(); src_iter!=sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++) {
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
if (!fieldMask((int)_fieldName_)) continue;
DENS_MAT & myNodalSources(nodalSources[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, myNodalSources.ptr(), myNodalSources.size());
// prescribed volume flux using native quadrature
// integrate \int_V _N_I s(x,t) dV
void FE_Engine::add_sources(const Array<bool> &fieldMask,
const double time,
const VOLUME_SOURCE &sourceFunctions,
FIELDS &nodalSources) const
// sizing working arrays
DENS_MAT elemSource;
DENS_MAT xCoords(nSD_,nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_MAT xAtIPs(nSD_,nIPsPerElement_);
if (!(rank_zero(communicator_))) {
// Zero out unmasked nodal sources on all non-main processors.
// This is to avoid counting the previous nodal source values
// multiple times when we aggregate.
for (VOLUME_SOURCE::const_iterator src_iter = sourceFunctions.begin();
src_iter != sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++) {
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if (fieldMask(index)) {
DENS_MAT & myNodalSources(nodalSources[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
myNodalSources.reset(myNodalSources.nRows(), myNodalSources.nCols());
vector<int> myElems = feMesh_->owned_elts();
for (vector<int>::iterator elemsIter = myElems.begin();
elemsIter != myElems.end();
int ielem = *elemsIter;
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
// evaluate location at ips
feMesh_->shape_function(ielem, _N_, _weights_);
feMesh_->element_coordinates(ielem, xCoords);
xAtIPs =xCoords*(_N_.transpose());
for (VOLUME_SOURCE::const_iterator src_iter = sourceFunctions.begin();
src_iter != sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++) {
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if ( fieldMask(index) ) {
const Array2D<XT_Function *> * thisSource
= (const Array2D<XT_Function *> *) &(src_iter->second);
int nFieldDOF = thisSource->nCols();
// interpolate prescribed flux at ips of this element
for (int ip = 0; ip < nIPsPerElement_; ++ip) {
for (int idof = 0; idof < nFieldDOF; ++idof) {
XT_Function * f = (*thisSource)(ielem,idof);
if (f) {
elemSource(ip,idof) = f->f(column(xAtIPs,ip).ptr(),time);
// assemble
_Nmat_ = _N_.transMat(_weights_*elemSource);
DENS_MAT & myNodalSources(nodalSources[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; ++i) {
int inode = _conn_(i);
for (int idof = 0; idof < nFieldDOF; ++idof) {
myNodalSources(inode,idof) += _Nmat_(i,idof);
// Aggregate unmasked nodal sources on all processors.
for (VOLUME_SOURCE::const_iterator src_iter = sourceFunctions.begin();
src_iter != sourceFunctions.end(); src_iter++) {
_fieldName_ = src_iter->first;
int index = (int) _fieldName_;
if (fieldMask(index)) {
DENS_MAT & myNodalSources(nodalSources[_fieldName_].set_quantity());
allsum(communicator_,MPI_IN_PLACE, myNodalSources.ptr(), myNodalSources.size());
// boundary integral of a nodal field
void FE_Engine::field_surface_flux(
const DENS_MAT & field,
const set< PAIR > & faceSet,
DENS_MAT & values,
const bool contour,
const int axis) const
int dof = field.nCols();
double a[3] = {0,0,0};
a[axis] = 1;
// sizing working arrays
DENS_MAT n(nSD_,nIPsPerFace_);
DENS_MAT localElementFields(nNodesPerElement_,dof);
DENS_MAT integrals(dof,nSD_);
DENS_MAT fieldsAtIPs;
// SJL shouldn't this just be _fieldsAtIPs_
// the data member?
// element wise assembly
set< pair <int,int> >::iterator iter;
for (iter = faceSet.begin(); iter != faceSet.end(); iter++) {
int ielem = iter->first;
// if this is not our element, do not do calculations
//if (!feMesh_->is_owned_elt(ielem)) continue;
// evaluate shape functions at ips
feMesh_->face_shape_function(*iter, _N_, n, _fweights_);
// cross n with axis to get tangent
if (contour) {
double t[3];
for (int i = 0; i < nIPsPerFace_; i++) {
t[0] = a[1]*n(2,i) - a[2]*n(1,i);
t[1] = a[2]*n(0,i) - a[0]*n(2,i);
t[2] = a[0]*n(1,i) - a[1]*n(0,i);
n(0,i) = t[0];
n(1,i) = t[1];
n(2,i) = t[2];
// get connectivity
_conn_ = feMesh_->element_connectivity_unique(ielem);
// interpolate fields and gradients of fields ips of this element
for (int i = 0; i < nNodesPerElement_; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < dof; j++) {
localElementFields(i,j) = field(_conn_(i),j);
// ips X dof = ips X nodes * nodes X dof
fieldsAtIPs = _N_*localElementFields;
// assemble : integral(k,j) = sum_ip n(j,ip) wg(ip,ip) field(ip,k)
_Nmat_ = n*_fweights_*fieldsAtIPs;
for (int j = 0; j < nSD_; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < dof; ++k) {
integrals(k,j) += _Nmat_(j,k);
// assemble partial results
//LammpsInterface::instance()->allsum(MPI_IN_PLACE, integrals.ptr(), integrals.size());
// (S.n)_1 = S_1j n_j = S_11 n_1 + S_12 n_2 + S_13 n_3
// (S.n)_2 = S_2j n_j = S_21 n_1 + S_22 n_2 + S_23 n_3
// (S.n)_3 = S_3j n_j = S_31 n_1 + S_32 n_2 + S_33 n_3
if (dof == 9) { // tensor
values(0,0) = integrals(0,0)+integrals(1,1)+integrals(2,2);
values(1,0) = integrals(3,0)+integrals(4,1)+integrals(5,2);
values(2,0) = integrals(6,0)+integrals(7,1)+integrals(8,2);
else if (dof == 6) { // sym tensor
values(0,0) = integrals(0,0)+integrals(3,1)+integrals(4,2);
values(1,0) = integrals(3,0)+integrals(1,1)+integrals(5,2);
values(2,0) = integrals(4,1)+integrals(5,1)+integrals(2,2);
// (v.n) = v_j n_j
else if (dof == 3) { // vector
values(0,0) = integrals(0,0)+integrals(1,1)+integrals(2,2);
// s n = s n_j e_j
else if (dof == 1) { // scalar
values(0,0) = integrals(0,0);
values(1,0) = integrals(0,1);
values(2,0) = integrals(0,2);
else {
string msg = "FE_Engine::field_surface_flux unsupported field width: ";
msg += to_string(dof);
throw ATC_Error(msg);
// evaluate shape functions at given points
void FE_Engine::evaluate_shape_functions(
const MATRIX & pt_coords,
SPAR_MAT & N) const
// Get shape function and derivatives at atomic locations
int nnodes = feMesh_->num_nodes_unique();
int npts = pt_coords.nRows();
// loop over point (atom) coordinates
Array<int> node_index(nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_VEC shp(nNodesPerElement_);
for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) { x(k) = pt_coords(i,k); }
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j) {
int jnode = node_index(j);
// evaluate shape functions and their spatial derivatives at given points
void FE_Engine::evaluate_shape_functions(
const MATRIX & pt_coords,
SPAR_MAT_VEC & dN) const
// Get shape function and derivatives at atomic locations
int nnodes = feMesh_->num_nodes_unique();
int npts = pt_coords.nRows();
// loop over point (atom) coordinates
Array<int> node_index(nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_VEC shp(nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_MAT dshp(nSD_,nNodesPerElement_);
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) { x(k) = pt_coords(i,k); }
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j) {
int jnode = node_index(j);
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
// evaluate shape functions at given points
void FE_Engine::evaluate_shape_functions(
const MATRIX & pt_coords,
const INT_ARRAY & pointToEltMap,
SPAR_MAT & N) const
// Get shape function and derivatives at atomic locations
int nnodes = feMesh_->num_nodes_unique();
int npts = pt_coords.nRows();
// loop over point (atom) coordinates
Array<int> node_index(nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_VEC shp(nNodesPerElement_);
for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) { x(k) = pt_coords(i,k); }
int eltId = pointToEltMap(i,0);
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j) {
int jnode = node_index(j);
// evaluate shape functions and their spatial derivatives at given points
void FE_Engine::evaluate_shape_functions(
const MATRIX & pt_coords,
const INT_ARRAY & pointToEltMap,
SPAR_MAT_VEC & dN) const
// Get shape function and derivatives at atomic locations
int nnodes = feMesh_->num_nodes_unique();
int npts = pt_coords.nRows();
// loop over point (atom) coordinates
Array<int> node_index(nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_VEC shp(nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_MAT dshp(nSD_,nNodesPerElement_);
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) { x(k) = pt_coords(i,k); }
int eltId = pointToEltMap(i,0);
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j) {
int jnode = node_index(j);
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
// evaluate shape functions spatial derivatives at given points
void FE_Engine::evaluate_shape_function_derivatives(
const MATRIX & pt_coords,
const INT_ARRAY & pointToEltMap,
SPAR_MAT_VEC & dNdx ) const
int nnodes = feMesh_->num_nodes_unique();
int npts = pt_coords.nRows();
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
// loop over point (atom) coordinates
Array<int> node_index(nNodesPerElement_);
DENS_MAT dshp(nSD_,nNodesPerElement_);
for (int i = 0; i < npts; ++i) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) { x(k) = pt_coords(i,k); }
int eltId = pointToEltMap(i,0);
for (int j = 0; j < nNodesPerElement_; ++j) {
int jnode = node_index(j);
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) {
// set kernels
void FE_Engine::set_kernel(KernelFunction* ptr){kernelFunction_=ptr;}
// kernel_matrix_bandwidth
int FE_Engine::kernel_matrix_bandwidth(
const MATRIX & ptCoords) const
if (! kernelFunction_) throw ATC_Error("no kernel function specified");
int npts = ptCoords.nRows();
int bw = 0;
if (npts>0) {
DENS_VEC xI(nSD_),x(nSD_),dx(nSD_);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
xI = feMesh_->global_coordinates(i);
for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) { x(k) = ptCoords(j,k); }
dx = x - xI;
if (kernelFunction_->in_support(dx)) bw = max(bw,abs(j-map_global_to_unique(i)));
return bw;
// evaluate kernels
void FE_Engine::evaluate_kernel_functions(
const MATRIX & ptCoords,
SPAR_MAT & N ) const
print_msg_once(communicator_,"kernel matrix bandwidth " +to_string(kernel_matrix_bandwidth(ptCoords)));
if (! kernelFunction_) throw ATC_Error("no kernel function specified");
int npts = ptCoords.nRows();
if (npts>0) {
N.reset(npts,nNodesUnique_); // transpose of N_Ia
DENS_VEC xI(nSD_),x(nSD_),dx(nSD_);
for (int i = 0; i < nNodes_; i++) {
xI = feMesh_->global_coordinates(i);
for (int j = 0; j < npts; j++) {
for (int k = 0; k < nSD_; ++k) { x(k) = ptCoords(j,k); }
dx = x - xI;
double val = kernelFunction_->value(dx);
val *= kernelFunction_->dimensionality_factor();
if (val > 0) N.add(j,map_global_to_unique(i),val);
// create a non-uniform rectangular mesh on a rectangular region
void FE_Engine::create_mesh(Array<double> & dx,
Array<double> & dy,
Array<double> & dz,
const char * regionName,
Array<bool> periodicity)
double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
double xscale, yscale, zscale;
// check to see if region exists and is it a box, and if so get the bounds
bool isBox;
isBox = ATC::LammpsInterface::instance()->region_bounds(
xmin, xmax,
ymin, ymax,
zmin, zmax,
if (!isBox) throw ATC_Error("Region for FE mesh is not a box");
if (dx(0) == 0.0) dx = (xmax-xmin)/dx.size();
if (dy(0) == 0.0) dy = (ymax-ymin)/dy.size();
if (dz(0) == 0.0) dz = (zmax-zmin)/dz.size();
feMesh_ = new FE_Rectangular3DMesh(dx,dy,dz,
xmin, xmax,
ymin, ymax,
zmin, zmax,
xscale, yscale, zscale);
stringstream ss;
ss << "created structured mesh with " << feMesh_->num_nodes() << " nodes, "
<< feMesh_->num_nodes_unique() << " unique nodes, and "
<< feMesh_->num_elements() << " elements";
string msg = "element sizes in x:\n";
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dx.size(); ++i) { sum += dx(i); }
double xn= 1.0/sum;
double xs= xn*(xmax-xmin);
double xl= xs/(ATC::LammpsInterface::instance()->xlattice());
double sumn = 0, sums = 0, suml = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < dx.size(); ++i) {
double dxn = dx(i)*xn; sumn += dxn;
double dxs = dx(i)*xs; sums += dxs;
double dxl = dx(i)*xl; suml += dxl;
msg += " "+to_string(i+1)
+" "+to_string(dx(i))
+" "+to_string(dxn)
+" "+to_string(dxs)
+" "+to_string(dxl)+"\n";
msg += "sum "+to_string(sum)+" "
+to_string(sumn)+" "
+to_string(sums)+" "
// create a uniform rectangular mesh on a rectangular region
void FE_Engine::create_mesh(int nx, int ny, int nz, const char * regionName,
Array<bool> periodicity)
double xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
double xscale, yscale, zscale;
// check to see if region exists and is it a box, and if so get the bounds
bool isBox;
isBox = ATC::LammpsInterface::instance()->region_bounds(
xmin, xmax,
ymin, ymax,
zmin, zmax,
xscale, yscale, zscale);
if (!isBox) throw ATC_Error("Region for FE mesh is not a box");
feMesh_ = new FE_Uniform3DMesh(nx,ny,nz,
xmin, xmax,
ymin, ymax,
zmin, zmax,
xscale, yscale, zscale);
stringstream ss;
ss << "created uniform mesh with " << feMesh_->num_nodes() << " nodes, "
<< feMesh_->num_nodes_unique() << " unique nodes, and "
<< feMesh_->num_elements() << " elements";
// read a mesh from an input file using MeshReader object
void FE_Engine::read_mesh(string meshFile, Array<bool> & periodicity)
if (feMesh_) throw ATC_Error("FE_Engine already has a mesh");
feMesh_ = MeshReader(meshFile,periodicity).create_mesh();

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