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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
The FixIMD class contains code from VMD and NAMD which is copyrighted
by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois and is free to
use with LAMMPS according to point 2 of the UIUC license (10% clause):
" Licensee may, at its own expense, create and freely distribute
complimentary works that interoperate with the Software, directing others to
the TCBG server to license and obtain the Software itself. Licensee may, at
its own expense, modify the Software to make derivative works. Except as
explicitly provided below, this License shall apply to any derivative work
as it does to the original Software distributed by Illinois. Any derivative
work should be clearly marked and renamed to notify users that it is a
modified version and not the original Software distributed by Illinois.
Licensee agrees to reproduce the copyright notice and other proprietary
markings on any derivative work and to include in the documentation of such
work the acknowledgement:
"This software includes code developed by the Theoretical and Computational
Biophysics Group in the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and
Technology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign."
Licensee may redistribute without restriction works with up to 1/2 of their
non-comment source code derived from at most 1/10 of the non-comment source
code developed by Illinois and contained in the Software, provided that the
above directions for notice and acknowledgement are observed. Any other
distribution of the Software or any derivative work requires a separate
license with Illinois. Licensee may contact Illinois ( to
negotiate an appropriate license for such distribution."
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing author: Axel Kohlmeyer (Temple U)
IMD API, hash, and socket code written by: John E. Stone,
Justin Gullingsrud, and James Phillips, (TCBG, Beckman Institute, UIUC)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "fix_imd.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "update.h"
#include "respa.h"
#include "domain.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "group.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
#include <winsock2.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/file.h>
#include <errno.h>
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
using namespace FixConst;
/* re-usable integer hash table code with static linkage. */
/** hash table top level data structure */
typedef struct taginthash_t {
struct taginthash_node_t **bucket; /* array of hash nodes */
tagint size; /* size of the array */
tagint entries; /* number of entries in table */
tagint downshift; /* shift count, used in hash function */
tagint mask; /* used to select bits for hashing */
} taginthash_t;
/** hash table node data structure */
typedef struct taginthash_node_t {
tagint data; /* data in hash node */
tagint key; /* key for hash lookup */
struct taginthash_node_t *next; /* next node in hash chain */
} taginthash_node_t;
#define HASH_FAIL -1
#define HASH_LIMIT 0.5
/* initialize new hash table */
static void taginthash_init(taginthash_t *tptr, tagint buckets);
/* lookup entry in hash table */
static tagint taginthash_lookup(const taginthash_t *tptr, tagint key);
/* generate list of keys for reverse lookups. */
static tagint *taginthash_keys(taginthash_t *tptr);
/* insert an entry taginto hash table. */
static tagint taginthash_insert(taginthash_t *tptr, tagint key, tagint data);
/* delete the hash table */
static void taginthash_destroy(taginthash_t *tptr);
/* adapted sort for in-place sorting of map indices. */
static void id_sort(tagint *idmap, tagint left, tagint right);
* integer hash code:
/* taginthash() - Hash function returns a hash number for a given key.
* tptr: Pointer to a hash table, key: The key to create a hash number for */
static tagint taginthash(const taginthash_t *tptr, tagint key) {
tagint hashvalue;
hashvalue = (((key*1103515249)>>tptr->downshift) & tptr->mask);
if (hashvalue < 0) {
hashvalue = 0;
return hashvalue;
* rebuild_table_tagint() - Create new hash table when old one fills up.
* tptr: Pointer to a hash table
static void rebuild_table_tagint(taginthash_t *tptr) {
taginthash_node_t **old_bucket, *old_hash, *tmp;
tagint old_size, h, i;
/* create a new table and rehash old buckets */
taginthash_init(tptr, old_size<<1);
for (i=0; i<old_size; i++) {
while(old_hash) {
h=taginthash(tptr, tmp->key);
} /* while */
} /* for */
/* free memory used by old table */
* taginthash_init() - Initialize a new hash table.
* tptr: Pointer to the hash table to initialize
* buckets: The number of initial buckets to create
void taginthash_init(taginthash_t *tptr, tagint buckets) {
/* make sure we allocate something */
if (buckets==0)
/* initialize the table */
/* ensure buckets is a power of 2 */
while (tptr->size<buckets) {
} /* while */
/* allocate memory for table */
tptr->bucket=(taginthash_node_t **) calloc(tptr->size, sizeof(taginthash_node_t *));
* taginthash_lookup() - Lookup an entry in the hash table and return a pointer to
* it or HASH_FAIL if it wasn't found.
* tptr: Pointer to the hash table
* key: The key to lookup
tagint taginthash_lookup(const taginthash_t *tptr, tagint key) {
tagint h;
taginthash_node_t *node;
/* find the entry in the hash table */
h=taginthash(tptr, key);
for (node=tptr->bucket[h]; node!=NULL; node=node->next) {
if (node->key == key)
/* return the entry if it exists, or HASH_FAIL */
return(node ? node->data : HASH_FAIL);
* taginthash_keys() - Return a list of keys.
* NOTE: the returned list must be freed with free(3).
tagint *taginthash_keys(taginthash_t *tptr) {
tagint *keys;
taginthash_node_t *node;
keys = (tagint *)calloc(tptr->entries, sizeof(tagint));
for (tagint i=0; i < tptr->size; ++i) {
for (node=tptr->bucket[i]; node != NULL; node=node->next) {
keys[node->data] = node->key;
return keys;
* taginthash_insert() - Insert an entry into the hash table. If the entry already
* exists return a pointer to it, otherwise return HASH_FAIL.
* tptr: A pointer to the hash table
* key: The key to insert into the hash table
* data: A pointer to the data to insert into the hash table
tagint taginthash_insert(taginthash_t *tptr, tagint key, tagint data) {
tagint tmp;
taginthash_node_t *node;
tagint h;
/* check to see if the entry exists */
if ((tmp=taginthash_lookup(tptr, key)) != HASH_FAIL)
/* expand the table if needed */
while (tptr->entries>=HASH_LIMIT*tptr->size)
/* insert the new entry */
h=taginthash(tptr, key);
node=(struct taginthash_node_t *) malloc(sizeof(taginthash_node_t));
return HASH_FAIL;
* taginthash_destroy() - Delete the entire table, and all remaining entries.
void taginthash_destroy(taginthash_t *tptr) {
taginthash_node_t *node, *last;
tagint i;
for (i=0; i<tptr->size; i++) {
node = tptr->bucket[i];
while (node != NULL) {
last = node;
node = node->next;
/* free the entire array of buckets */
if (tptr->bucket != NULL) {
memset(tptr, 0, sizeof(taginthash_t));
* taginteger list sort code:
/* sort for taginteger map. initial call id_sort(idmap, 0, natoms - 1); */
static void id_sort(tagint *idmap, tagint left, tagint right)
tagint pivot, l_hold, r_hold;
l_hold = left;
r_hold = right;
pivot = idmap[left];
while (left < right) {
while ((idmap[right] >= pivot) && (left < right))
if (left != right) {
idmap[left] = idmap[right];
while ((idmap[left] <= pivot) && (left < right))
if (left != right) {
idmap[right] = idmap[left];
idmap[left] = pivot;
pivot = left;
left = l_hold;
right = r_hold;
if (left < pivot)
id_sort(idmap, left, pivot-1);
if (right > pivot)
id_sort(idmap, pivot+1, right);
/********** API definitions of the VMD/NAMD code ************************
* This code was taken and adapted from VMD-1.8.7/NAMD-2.7 in Sep 2009. *
* If there are any bugs or problems, please contact *
*cr (C) Copyright 1995-2009 The Board of Trustees of the
*cr University of Illinois
*cr All Rights Reserved
/* part 1: Interactive MD (IMD) API */
#include <limits.h>
#if ( INT_MAX == 2147483647 )
typedef int int32;
typedef short int32;
typedef struct {
int32 type;
int32 length;
} IMDheader;
#define IMDVERSION 2
typedef enum IMDType_t {
IMD_DISCONNECT, /**< close IMD connection, leaving sim running */
IMD_ENERGIES, /**< energy data block */
IMD_FCOORDS, /**< atom coordinates */
IMD_GO, /**< start the simulation */
IMD_HANDSHAKE, /**< endianism and version check message */
IMD_KILL, /**< kill the simulation job, shutdown IMD */
IMD_MDCOMM, /**< MDComm style force data */
IMD_PAUSE, /**< pause the running simulation */
IMD_TRATE, /**< set IMD update transmission rate */
IMD_IOERROR /**< indicate an I/O error */
} IMDType; /**< IMD command message type enumerations */
typedef struct {
int32 tstep; /**< integer timestep index */
float T; /**< Temperature in degrees Kelvin */
float Etot; /**< Total energy, in Kcal/mol */
float Epot; /**< Potential energy, in Kcal/mol */
float Evdw; /**< Van der Waals energy, in Kcal/mol */
float Eelec; /**< Electrostatic energy, in Kcal/mol */
float Ebond; /**< Bond energy, Kcal/mol */
float Eangle; /**< Angle energy, Kcal/mol */
float Edihe; /**< Dihedral energy, Kcal/mol */
float Eimpr; /**< Improper energy, Kcal/mol */
} IMDEnergies; /**< IMD simulation energy report structure */
/** Send control messages - these consist of a header with no subsequent data */
static int imd_handshake(void *); /**< check endianness, version compat */
/** Receive header and data */
static IMDType imd_recv_header(void *, int32 *);
/** Receive MDComm-style forces, units are Kcal/mol/angstrom */
static int imd_recv_mdcomm(void *, int32, int32 *, float *);
/** Receive energies */
static int imd_recv_energies(void *, IMDEnergies *);
/** Receive atom coordinates. */
static int imd_recv_fcoords(void *, int32, float *);
/** Prepare IMD data packet header */
static void imd_fill_header(IMDheader *header, IMDType type, int32 length);
/** Write data to socket */
static int32 imd_writen(void *s, const char *ptr, int32 n);
/* part 2: abstracts platform-dependent routines/APIs for using sockets */
typedef struct {
struct sockaddr_in addr; /* address of socket provided by bind() */
int addrlen; /* size of the addr struct */
int sd; /* socket file descriptor */
} imdsocket;
static int imdsock_init(void);
static void *imdsock_create(void);
static int imdsock_bind(void *, int);
static int imdsock_listen(void *);
static void *imdsock_accept(void *); /* return new socket */
static int imdsock_write(void *, const void *, int);
static int imdsock_read(void *, void *, int);
static int imdsock_selread(void *, int);
static int imdsock_selwrite(void *, int);
static void imdsock_shutdown(void *);
static void imdsock_destroy(void *);
* End of API definitions of the VMD/NAMD code. *
* The implementation follows at the end of the file. *
/* struct for packed data communication of coordinates and forces. */
struct commdata {
tagint tag;
float x,y,z;
* create class and parse arguments in LAMMPS script. Syntax:
* fix ID group-ID imd <imd_trate> <imd_port> [unwrap (on|off)] [fscale <imd_fscale>]
FixIMD::FixIMD(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
Fix(lmp, narg, arg)
if (narg < 4)
error->all(FLERR,"Illegal fix imd command");
imd_port = force->inumeric(FLERR,arg[3]);
if (imd_port < 1024)
error->all(FLERR,"Illegal fix imd parameter: port < 1024");
/* default values for optional flags */
unwrap_flag = 0;
nowait_flag = 0;
connect_msg = 1;
imd_fscale = 1.0;
imd_trate = 1;
/* parse optional arguments */
int argsdone = 4;
while (argsdone+1 < narg) {
if (0 == strcmp(arg[argsdone], "unwrap")) {
if (0 == strcmp(arg[argsdone+1], "on")) {
unwrap_flag = 1;
} else {
unwrap_flag = 0;
} else if (0 == strcmp(arg[argsdone], "nowait")) {
if (0 == strcmp(arg[argsdone+1], "on")) {
nowait_flag = 1;
} else {
nowait_flag = 0;
} else if (0 == strcmp(arg[argsdone], "fscale")) {
imd_fscale = force->numeric(FLERR,arg[argsdone+1]);
} else if (0 == strcmp(arg[argsdone], "trate")) {
imd_trate = force->inumeric(FLERR,arg[argsdone+1]);
} else {
error->all(FLERR,"Unknown fix imd parameter");
++argsdone; ++argsdone;
/* sanity check on parameters */
if (imd_trate < 1)
error->all(FLERR,"Illegal fix imd parameter. trate < 1.");
bigint n = group->count(igroup);
if (n > MAXSMALLINT) error->all(FLERR,"Too many atoms for fix imd");
num_coords = static_cast<int> (n);
/* initialize various imd state variables. */
clientsock = NULL;
localsock = NULL;
nlevels_respa = 0;
imd_inactive = 0;
imd_terminate = 0;
imd_forces = 0;
force_buf = NULL;
maxbuf = 0;
msgdata = NULL;
msglen = 0;
comm_buf = NULL;
idmap = NULL;
rev_idmap = NULL;
if (me == 0) {
/* set up incoming socket on MPI rank 0. */
localsock = imdsock_create();
clientsock = NULL;
if (imdsock_bind(localsock,imd_port)) {
perror("bind to socket failed");
imd_terminate = 1;
} else {
MPI_Bcast(&imd_terminate, 1, MPI_INT, 0, world);
if (imd_terminate)
error->all(FLERR,"LAMMPS Terminated on error in IMD.");
/* storage required to communicate a single coordinate or force. */
size_one = sizeof(struct commdata);
#if defined(LAMMPS_ASYNC_IMD)
/* set up for i/o worker thread on MPI rank 0.*/
if (me == 0) {
if (screen)
fputs("Using fix imd with asynchronous I/O.\n",screen);
if (logfile)
fputs("Using fix imd with asynchronous I/O.\n",logfile);
/* set up mutex and condition variable for i/o thread */
/* hold mutex before creating i/o thread to keep it waiting. */
pthread_mutex_init(&read_mutex, NULL);
pthread_mutex_init(&write_mutex, NULL);
pthread_cond_init(&write_cond, NULL);
/* set up and launch i/o thread */
pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&iot_attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE);
pthread_create(&iothread, &iot_attr, &fix_imd_ioworker, this);
* Clean up on deleting the fix. *
#if defined(LAMMPS_ASYNC_IMD)
if (me == 0) {
pthread_join(iothread, NULL);
/* cleanup */
taginthash_t *hashtable = (taginthash_t *)idmap;
delete hashtable;
// close sockets
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixIMD::setmask()
int mask = 0;
mask |= POST_FORCE;
return mask;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixIMD::init()
if (strstr(update->integrate_style,"respa"))
nlevels_respa = ((Respa *) update->integrate)->nlevels;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* (re-)connect to an IMD client (e.g. VMD). return 1 if
new connection was made, 0 if not. */
int FixIMD::reconnect()
/* set up IMD communication, but only if needed. */
imd_inactive = 0;
imd_terminate = 0;
if (me == 0) {
if (clientsock) return 1;
if (screen && connect_msg) {
if (nowait_flag) {
fprintf(screen,"Listening for IMD connection on port %d. Transfer rate %d.\n",imd_port, imd_trate);
} else {
fprintf(screen,"Waiting for IMD connection on port %d. Transfer rate %d.\n",imd_port, imd_trate);
connect_msg = 0;
clientsock = NULL;
if (nowait_flag) {
int retval = imdsock_selread(localsock,0);
if (retval > 0) {
clientsock = imdsock_accept(localsock);
} else {
imd_inactive = 1;
return 0;
} else {
int retval=0;
do {
retval = imdsock_selread(localsock, 60);
} while (retval <= 0);
clientsock = imdsock_accept(localsock);
if (!imd_inactive && !clientsock) {
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "IMD socket accept error. Dropping connection.\n");
imd_terminate = 1;
return 0;
} else {
/* check endianness and IMD protocol version. */
if (imd_handshake(clientsock)) {
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "IMD handshake error. Dropping connection.\n");
imd_terminate = 1;
return 0;
} else {
int32 length;
if (imdsock_selread(clientsock, 1) != 1 ||
imd_recv_header(clientsock, &length) != IMD_GO) {
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "Incompatible IMD client version? Dropping connection.\n");
imd_terminate = 1;
return 0;
} else {
return 1;
return 0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* wait for IMD client (e.g. VMD) to respond, initialize communication
* buffers and collect tag/id maps. */
void FixIMD::setup(int)
/* nme: number of atoms in group on this MPI task
* nmax: max number of atoms in group across all MPI tasks
* nlocal: all local atoms
int i,j;
int nmax,nme,nlocal;
int *mask = atom->mask;
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
nlocal = atom->nlocal;
for (i=0; i < nlocal; ++i)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) ++nme;
maxbuf = nmax*size_one;
comm_buf = (void *) memory->smalloc(maxbuf,"imd:comm_buf");
connect_msg = 1;
MPI_Bcast(&imd_inactive, 1, MPI_INT, 0, world);
MPI_Bcast(&imd_terminate, 1, MPI_INT, 0, world);
if (imd_terminate)
error->all(FLERR,"LAMMPS terminated on error in setting up IMD connection.");
/* initialize and build hashtable. */
taginthash_t *hashtable=new taginthash_t;
taginthash_init(hashtable, num_coords);
idmap = (void *)hashtable;
int tmp, ndata;
struct commdata *buf = static_cast<struct commdata *>(comm_buf);
if (me == 0) {
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Request request;
tagint *taglist = new tagint[num_coords];
int numtag=0; /* counter to map atom tags to a 0-based consecutive index list */
for (i=0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
taglist[numtag] = tag[i];
/* loop over procs to receive remote data */
for (i=1; i < comm->nprocs; ++i) {
MPI_Irecv(comm_buf, maxbuf, MPI_BYTE, i, 0, world, &request);
MPI_Send(&tmp, 0, MPI_INT, i, 0, world);
MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &ndata);
ndata /= size_one;
for (j=0; j < ndata; ++j) {
taglist[numtag] = buf[j].tag;
/* sort list of tags by value to have consistently the
* same list when running in parallel and build hash table. */
id_sort(taglist, 0, num_coords-1);
for (i=0; i < num_coords; ++i) {
taginthash_insert(hashtable, taglist[i], i);
delete[] taglist;
/* generate reverse index-to-tag map for communicating
* IMD forces back to the proper atoms */
} else {
for (i=0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
buf[nme].tag = tag[i];
/* blocking receive to wait until it is our turn to send data. */
MPI_Recv(&tmp, 0, MPI_INT, 0, 0, world, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
MPI_Rsend(comm_buf, nme*size_one, MPI_BYTE, 0, 0, world);
/* worker threads for asynchronous i/o */
#if defined(LAMMPS_ASYNC_IMD)
/* c bindings wrapper */
void *fix_imd_ioworker(void *t)
FixIMD *imd=(FixIMD *)t;
return NULL;
/* the real i/o worker thread */
void FixIMD::ioworker()
while (1) {
if (buf_has_data < 0) {
/* master told us to go away */
fprintf(screen,"Asynchronous I/O thread is exiting.\n");
} else if (buf_has_data > 0) {
/* send coordinate data, if client is able to accept */
if (clientsock && imdsock_selwrite(clientsock,0)) {
imd_writen(clientsock, msgdata, msglen);
delete[] msgdata;
} else {
/* nothing to write out yet. wait on condition. */
pthread_cond_wait(&write_cond, &write_mutex);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Main IMD protocol handler:
* Send coodinates, energies, and add IMD forces to atoms. */
void FixIMD::post_force(int vflag)
/* check for reconnect */
if (imd_inactive) {
MPI_Bcast(&imd_inactive, 1, MPI_INT, 0, world);
MPI_Bcast(&imd_terminate, 1, MPI_INT, 0, world);
if (imd_terminate)
error->all(FLERR,"LAMMPS terminated on error in setting up IMD connection.");
if (imd_inactive)
return; /* IMD client has detached and not yet come back. do nothing. */
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
double **x = atom->x;
imageint *image = atom->image;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int *mask = atom->mask;
struct commdata *buf;
if (me == 0) {
/* process all pending incoming data. */
int imd_paused=0;
while ((imdsock_selread(clientsock, 0) > 0) || imd_paused) {
/* if something requested to turn off IMD while paused get out */
if (imd_inactive) break;
int32 length;
int msg = imd_recv_header(clientsock, &length);
switch(msg) {
case IMD_GO:
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "Ignoring unexpected IMD_GO message.\n");
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "IMD connection lost.\n");
/* fallthrough */
/* disconnect from client. wait for new connection. */
imd_paused = 0;
imd_forces = 0;
force_buf = NULL;
clientsock = NULL;
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "IMD client detached. LAMMPS run continues.\n");
connect_msg = 1;
if (imd_terminate) imd_inactive = 1;
case IMD_KILL:
/* stop the simulation job and shutdown IMD */
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "IMD client requested termination of run.\n");
imd_inactive = 1;
imd_terminate = 1;
imd_paused = 0;
clientsock = NULL;
/* pause the running simulation. wait for second IMD_PAUSE to continue. */
if (imd_paused) {
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "Continuing run on IMD client request.\n");
imd_paused = 0;
} else {
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "Pausing run on IMD client request.\n");
imd_paused = 1;
/* change the IMD transmission data rate */
if (length > 0)
imd_trate = length;
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "IMD client requested change of transfer rate. Now it is %d.\n", imd_trate);
IMDEnergies dummy_energies;
imd_recv_energies(clientsock, &dummy_energies);
float *dummy_coords = new float[3*length];
imd_recv_fcoords(clientsock, length, dummy_coords);
delete[] dummy_coords;
case IMD_MDCOMM: {
int32 *imd_tags = new int32[length];
float *imd_fdat = new float[3*length];
imd_recv_mdcomm(clientsock, length, imd_tags, imd_fdat);
if (imd_forces < length) { /* grow holding space for forces, if needed. */
force_buf = (void *) memory->smalloc(length*size_one,
imd_forces = length;
buf = static_cast<struct commdata *>(force_buf);
/* compare data to hash table */
for (int ii=0; ii < length; ++ii) {
buf[ii].tag = rev_idmap[imd_tags[ii]];
buf[ii].x = imd_fdat[3*ii];
buf[ii].y = imd_fdat[3*ii+1];
buf[ii].z = imd_fdat[3*ii+2];
delete[] imd_tags;
delete[] imd_fdat;
if (screen)
fprintf(screen, "Unhandled incoming IMD message #%d. length=%d\n", msg, length);
/* update all tasks with current settings. */
int old_imd_forces = imd_forces;
MPI_Bcast(&imd_trate, 1, MPI_INT, 0, world);
MPI_Bcast(&imd_inactive, 1, MPI_INT, 0, world);
MPI_Bcast(&imd_forces, 1, MPI_INT, 0, world);
MPI_Bcast(&imd_terminate, 1, MPI_INT, 0, world);
if (imd_terminate)
error->all(FLERR,"LAMMPS terminated on IMD request.");
if (imd_forces > 0) {
/* check if we need to readjust the forces comm buffer on the receiving nodes. */
if (me != 0) {
if (old_imd_forces < imd_forces) { /* grow holding space for forces, if needed. */
if (force_buf != NULL)
force_buf = memory->smalloc(imd_forces*size_one, "imd:force_buf");
MPI_Bcast(force_buf, imd_forces*size_one, MPI_BYTE, 0, world);
/* Check if we need to communicate coordinates to the client.
* Tuning imd_trate allows to keep the overhead for IMD low
* at the expense of a more jumpy display. Rather than using
* end_of_step() we do everything here in one go.
* If we don't communicate, only check if we have forces
* stored away and apply them. */
if (update->ntimestep % imd_trate) {
if (imd_forces > 0) {
double **f = atom->f;
buf = static_cast<struct commdata *>(force_buf);
/* XXX. this is in principle O(N**2) == not good.
* however we assume for now that the number of atoms
* that we manipulate via IMD will be small compared
* to the total system size, so we don't hurt too much. */
for (int j=0; j < imd_forces; ++j) {
for (int i=0; i < nlocal; ++i) {
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
if (buf[j].tag == tag[i]) {
f[i][0] += imd_fscale*buf[j].x;
f[i][1] += imd_fscale*buf[j].y;
f[i][2] += imd_fscale*buf[j].z;
/* check and potentially grow local communication buffers. */
int i, k, nmax, nme=0;
for (i=0; i < nlocal; ++i)
if (mask[i] & groupbit) ++nme;
if (nmax*size_one > maxbuf) {
maxbuf = nmax*size_one;
comm_buf = memory->smalloc(maxbuf,"imd:comm_buf");
int tmp, ndata;
buf = static_cast<struct commdata *>(comm_buf);
if (me == 0) {
MPI_Status status;
MPI_Request request;
/* collect data into new array. we bypass the IMD API to save
* us one extra copy of the data. */
msglen = 3*sizeof(float)*num_coords+IMDHEADERSIZE;
msgdata = new char[msglen];
imd_fill_header((IMDheader *)msgdata, IMD_FCOORDS, num_coords);
/* array pointer, to the offset where we receive the coordinates. */
float *recvcoord = (float *) (msgdata+IMDHEADERSIZE);
/* add local data */
if (unwrap_flag) {
double xprd = domain->xprd;
double yprd = domain->yprd;
double zprd = domain->zprd;
double xy = domain->xy;
double xz = domain->xz;
double yz = domain->yz;
for (i=0; i<nlocal; ++i) {
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
const tagint j = 3*taginthash_lookup((taginthash_t *)idmap, tag[i]);
if (j != 3*HASH_FAIL) {
int ix = (image[i] & IMGMASK) - IMGMAX;
int iy = (image[i] >> IMGBITS & IMGMASK) - IMGMAX;
int iz = (image[i] >> IMG2BITS) - IMGMAX;
if (domain->triclinic) {
recvcoord[j] = x[i][0] + ix * xprd + iy * xy + iz * xz;
recvcoord[j+1] = x[i][1] + iy * yprd + iz * yz;
recvcoord[j+2] = x[i][2] + iz * zprd;
} else {
recvcoord[j] = x[i][0] + ix * xprd;
recvcoord[j+1] = x[i][1] + iy * yprd;
recvcoord[j+2] = x[i][2] + iz * zprd;
} else {
for (i=0; i<nlocal; ++i) {
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
const tagint j = 3*taginthash_lookup((taginthash_t *)idmap, tag[i]);
if (j != 3*HASH_FAIL) {
recvcoord[j] = x[i][0];
recvcoord[j+1] = x[i][1];
recvcoord[j+2] = x[i][2];
/* loop over procs to receive remote data */
for (i=1; i < comm->nprocs; ++i) {
MPI_Irecv(comm_buf, maxbuf, MPI_BYTE, i, 0, world, &request);
MPI_Send(&tmp, 0, MPI_INT, i, 0, world);
MPI_Wait(&request, &status);
MPI_Get_count(&status, MPI_BYTE, &ndata);
ndata /= size_one;
for (k=0; k<ndata; ++k) {
const tagint j = 3*taginthash_lookup((taginthash_t *)idmap, buf[k].tag);
if (j != 3*HASH_FAIL) {
recvcoord[j] = buf[k].x;
recvcoord[j+1] = buf[k].y;
recvcoord[j+2] = buf[k].z;
/* done collecting frame data now communicate with IMD client. */
#if defined(LAMMPS_ASYNC_IMD)
/* wake up i/o worker thread and release lock on i/o buffer
* we can go back to our MD and let the i/o thread do the rest */
/* send coordinate data, if client is able to accept */
if (clientsock && imdsock_selwrite(clientsock,0)) {
imd_writen(clientsock, msgdata, msglen);
delete[] msgdata;
} else {
/* copy coordinate data into communication buffer */
nme = 0;
if (unwrap_flag) {
double xprd = domain->xprd;
double yprd = domain->yprd;
double zprd = domain->zprd;
double xy = domain->xy;
double xz = domain->xz;
double yz = domain->yz;
for (i=0; i<nlocal; ++i) {
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
int ix = (image[i] & IMGMASK) - IMGMAX;
int iy = (image[i] >> IMGBITS & IMGMASK) - IMGMAX;
int iz = (image[i] >> IMG2BITS) - IMGMAX;
if (domain->triclinic) {
buf[nme].tag = tag[i];
buf[nme].x = x[i][0] + ix * xprd + iy * xy + iz * xz;
buf[nme].y = x[i][1] + iy * yprd + iz * yz;
buf[nme].z = x[i][2] + iz * zprd;
} else {
buf[nme].tag = tag[i];
buf[nme].x = x[i][0] + ix * xprd;
buf[nme].y = x[i][1] + iy * yprd;
buf[nme].z = x[i][2] + iz * zprd;
} else {
for (i=0; i<nlocal; ++i) {
if (mask[i] & groupbit) {
buf[nme].tag = tag[i];
buf[nme].x = x[i][0];
buf[nme].y = x[i][1];
buf[nme].z = x[i][2];
/* blocking receive to wait until it is our turn to send data. */
MPI_Recv(&tmp, 0, MPI_INT, 0, 0, world, MPI_STATUS_IGNORE);
MPI_Rsend(comm_buf, nme*size_one, MPI_BYTE, 0, 0, world);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixIMD::post_force_respa(int vflag, int ilevel, int iloop)
/* only process IMD on the outmost RESPA level. */
if (ilevel == nlevels_respa-1) post_force(vflag);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* local memory usage. approximately. */
double FixIMD::memory_usage(void)
return static_cast<double>(num_coords+maxbuf+imd_forces)*size_one;
/* End of FixIMD class implementation. */
/* NOTE: the following code is the based on the example implementation
* of the IMD protocol API from VMD and NAMD. The UIUC license allows
* to re-use up to 10% of a project's code to be used in other software */
* Socket interface, abstracts machine dependent APIs/routines.
int imdsock_init(void) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
int rc = 0;
static int initialized=0;
if (!initialized) {
WSADATA wsdata;
rc = WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(1,1), &wsdata);
if (rc == 0)
initialized = 1;
return rc;
return 0;
void * imdsock_create(void) {
imdsocket * s;
s = (imdsocket *) malloc(sizeof(imdsocket));
if (s != NULL)
memset(s, 0, sizeof(imdsocket));
else return NULL;
if ((s->sd = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) {
printf("Failed to open socket.");
return NULL;
return (void *) s;
int imdsock_bind(void * v, int port) {
imdsocket *s = (imdsocket *) v;
memset(&(s->addr), 0, sizeof(s->addr));
s->addr.sin_family = PF_INET;
s->addr.sin_port = htons(port);
return bind(s->sd, (struct sockaddr *) &s->addr, sizeof(s->addr));
int imdsock_listen(void * v) {
imdsocket *s = (imdsocket *) v;
return listen(s->sd, 5);
void *imdsock_accept(void * v) {
int rc;
imdsocket *new_s = NULL, *s = (imdsocket *) v;
#if defined(ARCH_AIX5) || defined(ARCH_AIX5_64) || defined(ARCH_AIX6_64)
unsigned int len;
#define _SOCKLEN_TYPE unsigned int
#elif defined(SOCKLEN_T)
#elif defined(_POSIX_SOURCE) || (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) || defined(__linux)
socklen_t len;
#define _SOCKLEN_TYPE socklen_t
#define _SOCKLEN_TYPE int
int len;
len = sizeof(s->addr);
rc = accept(s->sd, (struct sockaddr *) &s->addr, ( _SOCKLEN_TYPE * ) &len);
if (rc >= 0) {
new_s = (imdsocket *) malloc(sizeof(imdsocket));
if (new_s != NULL) {
*new_s = *s;
new_s->sd = rc;
return (void *)new_s;
int imdsock_write(void * v, const void *buf, int len) {
imdsocket *s = (imdsocket *) v;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
return send(s->sd, (const char*) buf, len, 0); /* windows lacks the write() call */
return write(s->sd, buf, len);
int imdsock_read(void * v, void *buf, int len) {
imdsocket *s = (imdsocket *) v;
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
return recv(s->sd, (char*) buf, len, 0); /* windows lacks the read() call */
return read(s->sd, buf, len);
void imdsock_shutdown(void *v) {
imdsocket * s = (imdsocket *) v;
if (s == NULL)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
shutdown(s->sd, SD_SEND);
shutdown(s->sd, 1); /* complete sends and send FIN */
void imdsock_destroy(void * v) {
imdsocket * s = (imdsocket *) v;
if (s == NULL)
#if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__MINGW32__)
int imdsock_selread(void *v, int sec) {
imdsocket *s = (imdsocket *)v;
fd_set rfd;
struct timeval tv;
int rc;
if (v == NULL) return 0;
FD_SET(s->sd, &rfd);
memset((void *)&tv, 0, sizeof(struct timeval));
tv.tv_sec = sec;
do {
rc = select(s->sd+1, &rfd, NULL, NULL, &tv);
} while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR);
return rc;
int imdsock_selwrite(void *v, int sec) {
imdsocket *s = (imdsocket *)v;
fd_set wfd;
struct timeval tv;
int rc;
if (v == NULL) return 0;
FD_SET(s->sd, &wfd);
memset((void *)&tv, 0, sizeof(struct timeval));
tv.tv_sec = sec;
do {
rc = select(s->sd + 1, NULL, &wfd, NULL, &tv);
} while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR);
return rc;
/* end of socket code. */
/* start of imd API code. */
/** structure used to perform byte swapping operations */
typedef union {
int32 i;
struct {
unsigned int highest : 8;
unsigned int high : 8;
unsigned int low : 8;
unsigned int lowest : 8;
} b;
} netint;
static int32 imd_htonl(int32 h) {
netint n;
n.b.highest = h >> 24;
n.b.high = h >> 16;
n.b.low = h >> 8;
n.b.lowest = h;
return n.i;
static int32 imd_ntohl(int32 n) {
netint u;
u.i = n;
return (u.b.highest << 24 | u.b.high << 16 | u.b.low << 8 | u.b.lowest);
static void imd_fill_header(IMDheader *header, IMDType type, int32 length) {
header->type = imd_htonl((int32)type);
header->length = imd_htonl(length);
static void swap_header(IMDheader *header) {
header->type = imd_ntohl(header->type);
header->length= imd_ntohl(header->length);
static int32 imd_readn(void *s, char *ptr, int32 n) {
int32 nleft;
int32 nread;
nleft = n;
while (nleft > 0) {
if ((nread = imdsock_read(s, ptr, nleft)) < 0) {
if (errno == EINTR)
nread = 0; /* and call read() again */
return -1;
} else if (nread == 0)
break; /* EOF */
nleft -= nread;
ptr += nread;
return n-nleft;
static int32 imd_writen(void *s, const char *ptr, int32 n) {
int32 nleft;
int32 nwritten;
nleft = n;
while (nleft > 0) {
if ((nwritten = imdsock_write(s, ptr, nleft)) <= 0) {
if (errno == EINTR)
nwritten = 0;
return -1;
nleft -= nwritten;
ptr += nwritten;
return n;
int imd_handshake(void *s) {
IMDheader header;
imd_fill_header(&header, IMD_HANDSHAKE, 1);
header.length = IMDVERSION; /* Not byteswapped! */
return (imd_writen(s, (char *)&header, IMDHEADERSIZE) != IMDHEADERSIZE);
/* The IMD receive functions */
IMDType imd_recv_header(void *s, int32 *length) {
IMDheader header;
if (imd_readn(s, (char *)&header, IMDHEADERSIZE) != IMDHEADERSIZE)
*length = header.length;
return IMDType(header.type);
int imd_recv_mdcomm(void *s, int32 n, int32 *indices, float *forces) {
if (imd_readn(s, (char *)indices, 4*n) != 4*n) return 1;
if (imd_readn(s, (char *)forces, 12*n) != 12*n) return 1;
return 0;
int imd_recv_energies(void *s, IMDEnergies *energies) {
return (imd_readn(s, (char *)energies, sizeof(IMDEnergies))
!= sizeof(IMDEnergies));
int imd_recv_fcoords(void *s, int32 n, float *coords) {
return (imd_readn(s, (char *)coords, 12*n) != 12*n);
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// mode: c++
// compile-command: "make -j4 openmpi"
// c-basic-offset: 2
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