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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
This software is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing author: Axel Kohlmeyer (Temple U)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <math.h>
#include "pair_airebo_omp.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "my_page.h"
#include "math_special.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_list.h"
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#include <omp.h>
#include "suffix.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
using namespace MathSpecial;
#define TOL 1.0e-9
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PairAIREBO(lmp), ThrOMP(lmp, THR_PAIR)
suffix_flag |= Suffix::OMP;
respa_enable = 0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBOOMP::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
if (eflag || vflag) {
} else evflag = vflag_fdotr = vflag_atom = 0;
const int nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
const int nthreads = comm->nthreads;
const int inum = list->inum;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) shared(eflag,vflag)
int ifrom, ito, tid;
loop_setup_thr(ifrom, ito, tid, inum, nthreads);
ThrData *thr = fix->get_thr(tid);
ev_setup_thr(eflag, vflag, nall, eatom, vatom, thr);
if (ljflag) FLJ_thr(ifrom,ito,evflag,eflag,vflag_atom,thr);
if (torflag) TORSION_thr(ifrom,ito,evflag,eflag,thr);
reduce_thr(this, eflag, vflag, thr);
} // end of omp parallel region
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bij function
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBOOMP::bondorder_thr(int i, int j, double rij[3], double rijmag,
double VA, int vflag_atom, ThrData * const thr)
int atomi,atomj,k,n,l,atomk,atoml,atomn,atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4;
int itype,jtype,ktype,ltype,ntype;
double rik[3],rjl[3],rkn[3],rji[3],rki[3],rlj[3],rknmag,dNki,dwjl,bij;
double NijC,NijH,NjiC,NjiH,wik,dwik,dwkn,wjl;
double rikmag,rjlmag,cosjik,cosijl,g,tmp2,tmp3;
double Etmp,pij,tmp,wij,dwij,NconjtmpI,NconjtmpJ,Nki,Nlj,dS;
double lamdajik,lamdaijl,dgdc,dgdN,pji,Nijconj,piRC;
double dcosjikdri[3],dcosijldri[3],dcosjikdrk[3];
double dN2[2],dN3[3];
double dcosjikdrj[3],dcosijldrj[3],dcosijldrl[3];
double Tij;
double r32[3],r32mag,cos321,r43[3],r13[3];
double dNlj;
double om1234,rln[3];
double rlnmag,dwln,r23[3],r23mag,r21[3],r21mag;
double w21,dw21,r34[3],r34mag,cos234,w34,dw34;
double cross321[3],cross234[3],prefactor,SpN;
double fcijpc,fcikpc,fcjlpc,fcjkpc,fcilpc;
double dt2dik[3],dt2djl[3],dt2dij[3],aa,aaa1,aaa2,at2,cw,cwnum,cwnom;
double sin321,sin234,rr,rijrik,rijrjl,rjk2,rik2,ril2,rjl2;
double dctik,dctjk,dctjl,dctij,dctji,dctil,rik2i,rjl2i,sink2i,sinl2i;
double rjk[3],ril[3],dt1dik,dt1djk,dt1djl,dt1dil,dt1dij;
double F23[3],F12[3],F34[3],F31[3],F24[3],fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fl[3];
double f1[3],f2[3],f3[3],f4[4];
double dcut321,PijS,PjiS;
double rij2,tspjik,dtsjik,tspijl,dtsijl,costmp;
int *REBO_neighs,*REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_j,*REBO_neighs_k,*REBO_neighs_l;
const double * const * const x = atom->x;
double * const * const f = thr->get_f();
int *type = atom->type;
atomi = i;
atomj = j;
itype = map[type[i]];
jtype = map[type[j]];
wij = Sp(rijmag,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij);
NijC = nC[i]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,0));
NijH = nH[i]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,1));
NjiC = nC[j]-(wij*kronecker(itype,0));
NjiH = nH[j]-(wij*kronecker(itype,1));
bij = 0.0;
tmp = 0.0;
tmp2 = 0.0;
tmp3 = 0.0;
dgdc = 0.0;
dgdN = 0.0;
NconjtmpI = 0.0;
NconjtmpJ = 0.0;
Etmp = 0.0;
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) *
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dS);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
cosjik = ((rij[0]*rik[0])+(rij[1]*rik[1])+(rij[2]*rik[2])) /
cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0);
cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
Etmp = Etmp+(wik*g*exp(lamdajik));
tmp3 = tmp3+(wik*dgdN*exp(lamdajik));
NconjtmpI = NconjtmpI+(kronecker(ktype,0)*wik*Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dS));
PijS = 0.0;
dN2[0] = 0.0;
dN2[1] = 0.0;
PijS = PijSpline(NijC,NijH,itype,jtype,dN2);
pij = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PijS);
tmp = -0.5*pij*pij*pij;
const double invrijm = 1.0/rijmag;
const double invrijm2 = invrijm*invrijm;
// pij forces
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) *
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
const double invrikm = 1.0/rikmag;
const double invrijkm = invrijm*invrikm;
const double invrikm2 = invrikm*invrikm;
cosjik = (rij[0]*rik[0] + rij[1]*rik[1] + rij[2]*rik[2]) * invrijkm;
cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0);
cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0);
dcosjikdri[0] = ((rij[0]+rik[0])*invrijkm) -
dcosjikdri[1] = ((rij[1]+rik[1])*invrijkm) -
dcosjikdri[2] = ((rij[2]+rik[2])*invrijkm) -
dcosjikdrk[0] = (-rij[0]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rik[0]*invrikm2));
dcosjikdrk[1] = (-rij[1]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rik[1]*invrikm2));
dcosjikdrk[2] = (-rij[2]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rik[2]*invrikm2));
dcosjikdrj[0] = (-rik[0]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rij[0]*invrijm2));
dcosjikdrj[1] = (-rik[1]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rij[1]*invrijm2));
dcosjikdrj[2] = (-rik[2]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rij[2]*invrijm2));
g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*dgdc*exp(lamdajik));
fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[0];
fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[1];
fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[2];
fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[0];
fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[1];
fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[2];
fk[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[0];
fk[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[1];
fk[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[2];
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*g*exp(lamdajik)*4.0*kronecker(itype,1));
fj[0] -= tmp2*(-rij[0]*invrijm);
fj[1] -= tmp2*(-rij[1]*invrijm);
fj[2] -= tmp2*(-rij[2]*invrijm);
fi[0] -= tmp2*((-rik[0]*invrikm)+(rij[0]*invrijm));
fi[1] -= tmp2*((-rik[1]*invrikm)+(rij[1]*invrijm));
fi[2] -= tmp2*((-rik[2]*invrikm)+(rij[2]*invrijm));
fk[0] -= tmp2*(rik[0]*invrikm);
fk[1] -= tmp2*(rik[1]*invrikm);
fk[2] -= tmp2*(rik[2]*invrikm);
// coordination forces
// dwik forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwik*g*exp(lamdajik))*invrikm;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
// PIJ forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ktype]*dwik)*invrikm;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
// dgdN forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwik)*invrikm;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atomk][0] += fk[0]; f[atomk][1] += fk[1]; f[atomk][2] += fk[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
rji[0] = -rij[0]; rji[1] = -rij[1]; rji[2] = -rij[2];
rki[0] = -rik[0]; rki[1] = -rik[1]; rki[2] = -rik[2];
tmp = 0.0;
tmp2 = 0.0;
tmp3 = 0.0;
Etmp = 0.0;
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) *
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dS);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0)) +
cosijl = -1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2])) /
cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0);
cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
Etmp = Etmp+(wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl));
tmp3 = tmp3+(wjl*dgdN*exp(lamdaijl));
NconjtmpJ = NconjtmpJ+(kronecker(ltype,0)*wjl*Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dS));
PjiS = 0.0;
dN2[0] = 0.0;
dN2[1] = 0.0;
PjiS = PijSpline(NjiC,NjiH,jtype,itype,dN2);
pji = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PjiS);
tmp = -0.5*pji*pji*pji;
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) *
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
const double invrjlm = 1.0/rjlmag;
const double invrijlm = invrijm*invrjlm;
const double invrjlm2 = invrjlm*invrjlm;
cosijl = (-1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2])))
* invrijlm;
cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0);
cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0);
dcosijldri[0] = (-rjl[0]*invrijlm) - (cosijl*rij[0]*invrijm2);
dcosijldri[1] = (-rjl[1]*invrijlm) - (cosijl*rij[1]*invrijm2);
dcosijldri[2] = (-rjl[2]*invrijlm) - (cosijl*rij[2]*invrijm2);
dcosijldrj[0] = ((-rij[0]+rjl[0])*invrijlm) +
dcosijldrj[1] = ((-rij[1]+rjl[1])*invrijlm) +
dcosijldrj[2] = ((-rij[2]+rjl[2])*invrijlm) +
dcosijldrl[0] = (rij[0]*invrijlm)+(cosijl*rjl[0]*invrjlm2);
dcosijldrl[1] = (rij[1]*invrijlm)+(cosijl*rjl[1]*invrjlm2);
dcosijldrl[2] = (rij[2]*invrijlm)+(cosijl*rjl[2]*invrjlm2);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*dgdc*exp(lamdaijl));
fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[0];
fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[1];
fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[2];
fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[0];
fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[1];
fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[2];
fl[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[0];
fl[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[1];
fl[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[2];
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl)*4.0*kronecker(jtype,1));
fi[0] -= tmp2*(rij[0]*invrijm);
fi[1] -= tmp2*(rij[1]*invrijm);
fi[2] -= tmp2*(rij[2]*invrijm);
fj[0] -= tmp2*((-rjl[0]*invrjlm)-(rij[0]*invrijm));
fj[1] -= tmp2*((-rjl[1]*invrjlm)-(rij[1]*invrijm));
fj[2] -= tmp2*((-rjl[2]*invrjlm)-(rij[2]*invrijm));
fl[0] -= tmp2*(rjl[0]*invrjlm);
fl[1] -= tmp2*(rjl[1]*invrjlm);
fl[2] -= tmp2*(rjl[2]*invrjlm);
// coordination forces
// dwik forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwjl*g*exp(lamdaijl))*invrjlm;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
// PIJ forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ltype]*dwjl)*invrjlm;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
// dgdN forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwjl)*invrjlm;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atoml][0] += fl[0]; f[atoml][1] += fl[1]; f[atoml][2] += fl[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
rlj[0] = -rjl[0]; rlj[1] = -rjl[1]; rlj[2] = -rjl[2];
// evaluate Nij conj
Nijconj = 1.0+(NconjtmpI*NconjtmpI)+(NconjtmpJ*NconjtmpJ);
piRC = piRCSpline(NijC+NijH,NjiC+NjiH,Nijconj,itype,jtype,dN3);
// piRC forces
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
if (atomk !=atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik,thr);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik,thr);
if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n];
if (atomn != atomi) {
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0];
rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1];
rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2];
rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)/rknmag;
f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn,thr);
// piRC forces
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[atomj];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[atomj]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml !=atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl,thr);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl,thr);
if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n];
if (atomn != atomj) {
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0];
rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1];
rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2];
rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)/rlnmag;
f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0];
f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1];
f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln,thr);
Tij = 0.0;
dN3[0] = 0.0;
dN3[1] = 0.0;
dN3[2] = 0.0;
if (itype == 0 && jtype == 0)
Etmp = 0.0;
if (fabs(Tij) > TOL) {
atom2 = atomi;
atom3 = atomj;
r32[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom2][0];
r32[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom2][1];
r32[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom2][2];
r32mag = sqrt((r32[0]*r32[0])+(r32[1]*r32[1])+(r32[2]*r32[2]));
r23[0] = -r32[0];
r23[1] = -r32[1];
r23[2] = -r32[2];
r23mag = r32mag;
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
atom1 = atomk;
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
if (atomk != atomj) {
r21[0] = x[atom2][0]-x[atom1][0];
r21[1] = x[atom2][1]-x[atom1][1];
r21[2] = x[atom2][2]-x[atom1][2];
r21mag = sqrt(r21[0]*r21[0] + r21[1]*r21[1] + r21[2]*r21[2]);
cos321 = -1.0*((r21[0]*r32[0])+(r21[1]*r32[1])+(r21[2]*r32[2])) /
cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0);
cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0);
sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321);
sink2i = 1.0/(sin321*sin321);
rik2i = 1.0/(r21mag*r21mag);
if (sin321 != 0.0) {
rr = (r23mag*r23mag)-(r21mag*r21mag);
rjk[0] = r21[0]-r23[0];
rjk[1] = r21[1]-r23[1];
rjk[2] = r21[2]-r23[2];
rjk2 = (rjk[0]*rjk[0])+(rjk[1]*rjk[1])+(rjk[2]*rjk[2]);
rijrik = 2.0*r23mag*r21mag;
rik2 = r21mag*r21mag;
dctik = (-rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*rik2);
dctij = (rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*r23mag*r23mag);
dctjk = -2.0/rijrik;
w21 = Sp(r21mag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmaxp[itype][ktype],dw21);
rijmag = r32mag;
rikmag = r21mag;
rij2 = r32mag*r32mag;
rik2 = r21mag*r21mag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rijmag/rikmag;
tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik);
dtsjik = -dtsjik;
REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs_j[l];
atom4 = atoml;
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
if (!(atoml == atomi || atoml == atomk)) {
r34[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom4][0];
r34[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom4][1];
r34[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom4][2];
r34mag = sqrt((r34[0]*r34[0])+(r34[1]*r34[1])+(r34[2]*r34[2]));
cos234 = (r32[0]*r34[0] + r32[1]*r34[1] + r32[2]*r34[2]) /
cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0);
cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0);
sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234);
sinl2i = 1.0/(sin234*sin234);
rjl2i = 1.0/(r34mag*r34mag);
if (sin234 != 0.0) {
w34 = Sp(r34mag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmaxp[jtype][ltype],dw34);
rr = (r23mag*r23mag)-(r34mag*r34mag);
ril[0] = r23[0]+r34[0];
ril[1] = r23[1]+r34[1];
ril[2] = r23[2]+r34[2];
ril2 = (ril[0]*ril[0])+(ril[1]*ril[1])+(ril[2]*ril[2]);
rijrjl = 2.0*r23mag*r34mag;
rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag;
dctjl = (-rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*rjl2);
dctji = (rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*r23mag*r23mag);
dctil = -2.0/rijrjl;
rjlmag = r34mag;
rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rijmag/rjlmag;
tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl);
dtsijl = -dtsijl;
prefactor = VA*Tij;
cross321[0] = (r32[1]*r21[2])-(r32[2]*r21[1]);
cross321[1] = (r32[2]*r21[0])-(r32[0]*r21[2]);
cross321[2] = (r32[0]*r21[1])-(r32[1]*r21[0]);
cross234[0] = (r23[1]*r34[2])-(r23[2]*r34[1]);
cross234[1] = (r23[2]*r34[0])-(r23[0]*r34[2]);
cross234[2] = (r23[0]*r34[1])-(r23[1]*r34[0]);
cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) +
(cross321[1]*cross234[1]) + (cross321[2]*cross234[2]);
cwnom = r21mag*r34mag*r23mag*r23mag*sin321*sin234;
om1234 = cwnum/cwnom;
cw = om1234;
Etmp += ((1.0-(om1234*om1234))*w21*w34) *
dt1dik = (rik2i)-(dctik*sink2i*cos321);
dt1djk = (-dctjk*sink2i*cos321);
dt1djl = (rjl2i)-(dctjl*sinl2i*cos234);
dt1dil = (-dctil*sinl2i*cos234);
dt1dij = (2.0/(r23mag*r23mag))-(dctij*sink2i*cos321) -
dt2dik[0] = (-r23[2]*cross234[1])+(r23[1]*cross234[2]);
dt2dik[1] = (-r23[0]*cross234[2])+(r23[2]*cross234[0]);
dt2dik[2] = (-r23[1]*cross234[0])+(r23[0]*cross234[1]);
dt2djl[0] = (-r23[1]*cross321[2])+(r23[2]*cross321[1]);
dt2djl[1] = (-r23[2]*cross321[0])+(r23[0]*cross321[2]);
dt2djl[2] = (-r23[0]*cross321[1])+(r23[1]*cross321[0]);
dt2dij[0] = (r21[2]*cross234[1])-(r34[2]*cross321[1]) -
dt2dij[1] = (r21[0]*cross234[2])-(r34[0]*cross321[2]) -
dt2dij[2] = (r21[1]*cross234[0])-(r34[1]*cross321[0]) -
aa = (prefactor*2.0*cw/cwnom)*w21*w34 *
aaa1 = -prefactor*(1.0-(om1234*om1234)) *
aaa2 = aaa1*w21*w34;
at2 = aa*cwnum;
fcijpc = (-dt1dij*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctij*(1.0-tspijl)) +
fcikpc = (-dt1dik*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctik*(1.0-tspijl));
fcjlpc = (-dt1djl*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctjl*(1.0-tspjik));
fcjkpc = (-dt1djk*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctjk*(1.0-tspijl));
fcilpc = (-dt1dil*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctil*(1.0-tspjik));
F23[0] = (fcijpc*r23[0])+(aa*dt2dij[0]);
F23[1] = (fcijpc*r23[1])+(aa*dt2dij[1]);
F23[2] = (fcijpc*r23[2])+(aa*dt2dij[2]);
F12[0] = (fcikpc*r21[0])+(aa*dt2dik[0]);
F12[1] = (fcikpc*r21[1])+(aa*dt2dik[1]);
F12[2] = (fcikpc*r21[2])+(aa*dt2dik[2]);
F34[0] = (fcjlpc*r34[0])+(aa*dt2djl[0]);
F34[1] = (fcjlpc*r34[1])+(aa*dt2djl[1]);
F34[2] = (fcjlpc*r34[2])+(aa*dt2djl[2]);
F31[0] = (fcjkpc*rjk[0]);
F31[1] = (fcjkpc*rjk[1]);
F31[2] = (fcjkpc*rjk[2]);
F24[0] = (fcilpc*ril[0]);
F24[1] = (fcilpc*ril[1]);
F24[2] = (fcilpc*ril[2]);
f1[0] = -F12[0]-F31[0];
f1[1] = -F12[1]-F31[1];
f1[2] = -F12[2]-F31[2];
f2[0] = F23[0]+F12[0]+F24[0];
f2[1] = F23[1]+F12[1]+F24[1];
f2[2] = F23[2]+F12[2]+F24[2];
f3[0] = -F23[0]+F34[0]+F31[0];
f3[1] = -F23[1]+F34[1]+F31[1];
f3[2] = -F23[2]+F34[2]+F31[2];
f4[0] = -F34[0]-F24[0];
f4[1] = -F34[1]-F24[1];
f4[2] = -F34[2]-F24[2];
// coordination forces
tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) *
f2[0] -= tmp2*r21[0];
f2[1] -= tmp2*r21[1];
f2[2] -= tmp2*r21[2];
f1[0] += tmp2*r21[0];
f1[1] += tmp2*r21[1];
f1[2] += tmp2*r21[2];
tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) *
f3[0] -= tmp2*r34[0];
f3[1] -= tmp2*r34[1];
f3[2] -= tmp2*r34[2];
f4[0] += tmp2*r34[0];
f4[1] += tmp2*r34[1];
f4[2] += tmp2*r34[2];
f[atom1][0] += f1[0]; f[atom1][1] += f1[1];
f[atom1][2] += f1[2];
f[atom2][0] += f2[0]; f[atom2][1] += f2[1];
f[atom2][2] += f2[2];
f[atom3][0] += f3[0]; f[atom3][1] += f3[1];
f[atom3][2] += f3[2];
f[atom4][0] += f4[0]; f[atom4][1] += f4[1];
f[atom4][2] += f4[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
r13[0] = -rjk[0]; r13[1] = -rjk[1]; r13[2] = -rjk[2];
r43[0] = -r34[0]; r43[1] = -r34[1]; r43[2] = -r34[2];
// Tij forces now that we have Etmp
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik*Etmp/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik,thr);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)*Etmp/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik,thr);
if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n];
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
if (atomn != atomi) {
rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0];
rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1];
rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2];
rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)*Etmp/rknmag;
f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn,thr);
// Tij forces
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl*Etmp/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl,thr);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)*Etmp/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl,thr);
if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n];
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
if (atomn !=atomj) {
rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0];
rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1];
rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2];
rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)*Etmp/rlnmag;
f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0];
f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1];
f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln,thr);
bij = (0.5*(pij+pji))+piRC+(Tij*Etmp);
return bij;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bij* function
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBOOMP::bondorderLJ_thr(int i, int j, double rij[3], double rijmag,
double VA, double rij0[3], double rij0mag,
int vflag_atom, ThrData * const thr)
int k,n,l,atomk,atoml,atomn,atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4;
int atomi,atomj,itype,jtype,ktype,ltype,ntype;
double rik[3], rjl[3], rkn[3],rknmag,dNki;
double NijC,NijH,NjiC,NjiH,wik,dwik,dwkn,wjl;
double rikmag,rjlmag,cosjik,cosijl,g,tmp2,tmp3;
double Etmp,pij,tmp,wij,dwij,NconjtmpI,NconjtmpJ;
double Nki,Nlj,dS,lamdajik,lamdaijl,dgdc,dgdN,pji,Nijconj,piRC;
double dcosjikdri[3],dcosijldri[3],dcosjikdrk[3];
double dN2[2],dN3[3];
double dcosijldrj[3],dcosijldrl[3],dcosjikdrj[3],dwjl;
double Tij,crosskij[3],crosskijmag;
double crossijl[3],crossijlmag,omkijl;
double tmppij,tmppji,dN2PIJ[2],dN2PJI[2],dN3piRC[3],dN3Tij[3];
double bij,tmp3pij,tmp3pji,Stb,dStb;
double r32[3],r32mag,cos321;
double om1234,rln[3];
double rlnmag,dwln,r23[3],r23mag,r21[3],r21mag;
double w21,dw21,r34[3],r34mag,cos234,w34,dw34;
double cross321[3],cross234[3],prefactor,SpN;
double fcijpc,fcikpc,fcjlpc,fcjkpc,fcilpc;
double dt2dik[3],dt2djl[3],dt2dij[3],aa,aaa1,aaa2,at2,cw,cwnum,cwnom;
double sin321,sin234,rr,rijrik,rijrjl,rjk2,rik2,ril2,rjl2;
double dctik,dctjk,dctjl,dctij,dctji,dctil,rik2i,rjl2i,sink2i,sinl2i;
double rjk[3],ril[3],dt1dik,dt1djk,dt1djl,dt1dil,dt1dij;
double dNlj;
double PijS,PjiS;
double rij2,tspjik,dtsjik,tspijl,dtsijl,costmp;
int *REBO_neighs,*REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_j,*REBO_neighs_k,*REBO_neighs_l;
double F12[3],F23[3],F34[3],F31[3],F24[3];
double fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fl[3],f1[3],f2[3],f3[3],f4[4];
double rji[3],rki[3],rlj[3],r13[3],r43[3];
const double * const * const x = atom->x;
double * const * const f = thr->get_f();
const int * const type = atom->type;
atomi = i;
atomj = j;
itype = map[type[atomi]];
jtype = map[type[atomj]];
wij = Sp(rij0mag,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij);
NijC = nC[atomi]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,0));
NijH = nH[atomi]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,1));
NjiC = nC[atomj]-(wij*kronecker(itype,0));
NjiH = nH[atomj]-(wij*kronecker(itype,1));
bij = 0.0;
tmp = 0.0;
tmp2 = 0.0;
tmp3 = 0.0;
dgdc = 0.0;
dgdN = 0.0;
NconjtmpI = 0.0;
NconjtmpJ = 0.0;
Etmp = 0.0;
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) *
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dS);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0)) +
cosjik = ((rij[0]*rik[0])+(rij[1]*rik[1])+(rij[2]*rik[2])) /
cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0);
cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
Etmp += (wik*g*exp(lamdajik));
tmp3 += (wik*dgdN*exp(lamdajik));
NconjtmpI = NconjtmpI+(kronecker(ktype,0)*wik*Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dS));
PijS = 0.0;
dN2PIJ[0] = 0.0;
dN2PIJ[1] = 0.0;
PijS = PijSpline(NijC,NijH,itype,jtype,dN2PIJ);
pij = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PijS);
tmppij = -.5*pij*pij*pij;
tmp3pij = tmp3;
tmp = 0.0;
tmp2 = 0.0;
tmp3 = 0.0;
Etmp = 0.0;
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) *
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dS);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
cosijl = -1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2])) /
cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0);
cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
Etmp = Etmp+(wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl));
tmp3 = tmp3+(wjl*dgdN*exp(lamdaijl));
NconjtmpJ = NconjtmpJ+(kronecker(ltype,0)*wjl*Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dS));
PjiS = 0.0;
dN2PJI[0] = 0.0;
dN2PJI[1] = 0.0;
PjiS = PijSpline(NjiC,NjiH,jtype,itype,dN2PJI);
pji = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PjiS);
tmppji = -.5*pji*pji*pji;
tmp3pji = tmp3;
// evaluate Nij conj
Nijconj = 1.0+(NconjtmpI*NconjtmpI)+(NconjtmpJ*NconjtmpJ);
piRC = piRCSpline(NijC+NijH,NjiC+NjiH,Nijconj,itype,jtype,dN3piRC);
Tij = 0.0;
dN3Tij[0] = 0.0;
dN3Tij[1] = 0.0;
dN3Tij[2] = 0.0;
if (itype == 0 && jtype == 0)
Etmp = 0.0;
if (fabs(Tij) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
if (atomk != atomj) {
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
cos321 = ((rij[0]*rik[0])+(rij[1]*rik[1])+(rij[2]*rik[2])) /
cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0);
cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0);
rjk[0] = rik[0]-rij[0];
rjk[1] = rik[1]-rij[1];
rjk[2] = rik[2]-rij[2];
rjk2 = (rjk[0]*rjk[0])+(rjk[1]*rjk[1])+(rjk[2]*rjk[2]);
rij2 = rijmag*rijmag;
rik2 = rikmag*rikmag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rijmag/rikmag;
tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik);
if (sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321) > sqrt(TOL)) {
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmaxp[itype][ktype],dwik);
REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs_j[l];
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
if (!(atoml == atomi || atoml == atomk)) {
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt(rjl[0]*rjl[0] + rjl[1]*rjl[1] + rjl[2]*rjl[2]);
cos234 = -((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2])) /
cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0);
cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0);
ril[0] = rij[0]+rjl[0];
ril[1] = rij[1]+rjl[1];
ril[2] = rij[2]+rjl[2];
ril2 = (ril[0]*ril[0])+(ril[1]*ril[1])+(ril[2]*ril[2]);
rijrjl = 2.0*rijmag*rjlmag;
rjl2 = rjlmag*rjlmag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rijmag/rjlmag;
tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl);
if (sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234) > sqrt(TOL)) {
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmaxp[jtype][ltype],dS);
crosskij[0] = (rij[1]*rik[2]-rij[2]*rik[1]);
crosskij[1] = (rij[2]*rik[0]-rij[0]*rik[2]);
crosskij[2] = (rij[0]*rik[1]-rij[1]*rik[0]);
crosskijmag = sqrt(crosskij[0]*crosskij[0] +
crosskij[1]*crosskij[1] +
crossijl[0] = (rij[1]*rjl[2]-rij[2]*rjl[1]);
crossijl[1] = (rij[2]*rjl[0]-rij[0]*rjl[2]);
crossijl[2] = (rij[0]*rjl[1]-rij[1]*rjl[0]);
crossijlmag = sqrt(crossijl[0]*crossijl[0] +
crossijl[1]*crossijl[1] +
omkijl = -1.0*(((crosskij[0]*crossijl[0]) +
(crosskij[1]*crossijl[1]) +
(crosskij[2]*crossijl[2])) /
Etmp += ((1.0-(omkijl*omkijl))*wik*wjl) *
bij = (.5*(pij+pji))+piRC+(Tij*Etmp);
Stb = Sp2(bij,bLJmin[itype][jtype],bLJmax[itype][jtype],dStb);
VA = VA*dStb;
if (dStb != 0.0) {
tmp = tmppij;
dN2[0] = dN2PIJ[0];
dN2[1] = dN2PIJ[1];
tmp3 = tmp3pij;
const double invrijm = 1.0/rijmag;
const double invrijm2 = invrijm*invrijm;
// pij forces
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
if (atomk != atomj) {
lamdajik = 0.0;
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt(rik[0]*rik[0] + rik[1]*rik[1] + rik[2]*rik[2]);
lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) *
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
const double invrikm = 1.0/rikmag;
const double invrijkm = invrijm*invrikm;
const double invrikm2 = invrikm*invrikm;
cosjik = ((rij[0]*rik[0])+(rij[1]*rik[1])+(rij[2]*rik[2]))
* invrijkm;
cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0);
cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0);
dcosjikdri[0] = ((rij[0]+rik[0])*invrijkm) -
dcosjikdri[1] = ((rij[1]+rik[1])*invrijkm) -
dcosjikdri[2] = ((rij[2]+rik[2])*invrijkm) -
dcosjikdrk[0] = (-rij[0]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rik[0]*invrikm2));
dcosjikdrk[1] = (-rij[1]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rik[1]*invrikm2));
dcosjikdrk[2] = (-rij[2]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rik[2]*invrikm2));
dcosjikdrj[0] = (-rik[0]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rij[0]*invrijm2));
dcosjikdrj[1] = (-rik[1]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rij[1]*invrijm2));
dcosjikdrj[2] = (-rik[2]*invrijkm) + (cosjik*(rij[2]*invrijm2));
g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*dgdc*exp(lamdajik));
fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[0];
fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[1];
fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[2];
fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[0];
fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[1];
fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[2];
fk[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[0];
fk[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[1];
fk[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[2];
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*g*exp(lamdajik)*4.0*kronecker(itype,1));
fj[0] -= tmp2*(-rij[0]*invrijm);
fj[1] -= tmp2*(-rij[1]*invrijm);
fj[2] -= tmp2*(-rij[2]*invrijm);
fi[0] -= tmp2*((-rik[0]/rikmag)+(rij[0]*invrijm));
fi[1] -= tmp2*((-rik[1]/rikmag)+(rij[1]*invrijm));
fi[2] -= tmp2*((-rik[2]/rikmag)+(rij[2]*invrijm));
fk[0] -= tmp2*(rik[0]/rikmag);
fk[1] -= tmp2*(rik[1]/rikmag);
fk[2] -= tmp2*(rik[2]/rikmag);
// coordination forces
// dwik forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwik*g*exp(lamdajik))/rikmag;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
// PIJ forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ktype]*dwik)/rikmag;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
// dgdN forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwik)/rikmag;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atomk][0] += fk[0]; f[atomk][1] += fk[1]; f[atomk][2] += fk[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
rji[0] = -rij[0]; rji[1] = -rij[1]; rji[2] = -rij[2];
rki[0] = -rik[0]; rki[1] = -rik[1]; rki[2] = -rik[2];
tmp = tmppji;
tmp3 = tmp3pji;
dN2[0] = dN2PJI[0];
dN2[1] = dN2PJI[1];
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml !=atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) *
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
const double invrjlm = 1.0/rjlmag;
const double invrijlm = invrijm*invrjlm;
const double invrjlm2 = invrjlm*invrjlm;
cosijl = (-1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2]))) *
cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0);
cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0);
dcosijldri[0] = (-rjl[0]*invrijlm) - (cosijl*rij[0]*invrijm2);
dcosijldri[1] = (-rjl[1]*invrijlm) - (cosijl*rij[1]*invrijm2);
dcosijldri[2] = (-rjl[2]*invrijlm) - (cosijl*rij[2]*invrijm2);
dcosijldrj[0] = ((-rij[0]+rjl[0])*invrijlm) +
dcosijldrj[1] = ((-rij[1]+rjl[1])*invrijlm) +
dcosijldrj[2] = ((-rij[2]+rjl[2])*invrijlm) +
dcosijldrl[0] = (rij[0]*invrijlm) + (cosijl*rjl[0]*invrjlm2);
dcosijldrl[1] = (rij[1]*invrijlm) + (cosijl*rjl[1]*invrjlm2);
dcosijldrl[2] = (rij[2]*invrijlm) + (cosijl*rjl[2]*invrjlm2);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*dgdc*exp(lamdaijl));
fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[0];
fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[1];
fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[2];
fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[0];
fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[1];
fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[2];
fl[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[0];
fl[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[1];
fl[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[2];
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl)*4.0*kronecker(jtype,1));
fi[0] -= tmp2*(rij[0]*invrijm);
fi[1] -= tmp2*(rij[1]*invrijm);
fi[2] -= tmp2*(rij[2]*invrijm);
fj[0] -= tmp2*((-rjl[0]*invrjlm)-(rij[0]*invrijm));
fj[1] -= tmp2*((-rjl[1]*invrjlm)-(rij[1]*invrijm));
fj[2] -= tmp2*((-rjl[2]*invrjlm)-(rij[2]*invrijm));
fl[0] -= tmp2*(rjl[0]*invrjlm);
fl[1] -= tmp2*(rjl[1]*invrjlm);
fl[2] -= tmp2*(rjl[2]*invrjlm);
// coordination forces
// dwik forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwjl*g*exp(lamdaijl))*invrjlm;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
// PIJ forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ltype]*dwjl)*invrjlm;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
// dgdN forces
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atoml][0] += fl[0]; f[atoml][1] += fl[1]; f[atoml][2] += fl[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
rlj[0] = -rjl[0]; rlj[1] = -rjl[1]; rlj[2] = -rjl[2];
// piRC forces
dN3[0] = dN3piRC[0];
dN3[1] = dN3piRC[1];
dN3[2] = dN3piRC[2];
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik,thr);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik,thr);
if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n];
if (atomn != atomi) {
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0];
rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1];
rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2];
rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)/rknmag;
f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn,thr);
// piRC forces to J side
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl,thr);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl,thr);
if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n];
if (atomn != atomj) {
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0];
rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1];
rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2];
rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)/rlnmag;
f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0];
f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1];
f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln,thr);
if (fabs(Tij) > TOL) {
dN3[0] = dN3Tij[0];
dN3[1] = dN3Tij[1];
dN3[2] = dN3Tij[2];
atom2 = atomi;
atom3 = atomj;
r32[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom2][0];
r32[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom2][1];
r32[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom2][2];
r32mag = sqrt((r32[0]*r32[0])+(r32[1]*r32[1])+(r32[2]*r32[2]));
r23[0] = -r32[0];
r23[1] = -r32[1];
r23[2] = -r32[2];
r23mag = r32mag;
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
atom1 = atomk;
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
if (atomk != atomj) {
r21[0] = x[atom2][0]-x[atom1][0];
r21[1] = x[atom2][1]-x[atom1][1];
r21[2] = x[atom2][2]-x[atom1][2];
r21mag = sqrt(r21[0]*r21[0] + r21[1]*r21[1] + r21[2]*r21[2]);
cos321 = ((r21[0]*rij[0])+(r21[1]*rij[1])+(r21[2]*rij[2])) /
cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0);
cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0);
sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321);
sink2i = 1.0/(sin321*sin321);
rik2i = 1.0/(r21mag*r21mag);
if (sin321 != 0.0) {
rr = (rijmag*rijmag)-(r21mag*r21mag);
rjk[0] = r21[0]-rij[0];
rjk[1] = r21[1]-rij[1];
rjk[2] = r21[2]-rij[2];
rjk2 = (rjk[0]*rjk[0])+(rjk[1]*rjk[1])+(rjk[2]*rjk[2]);
rijrik = 2.0*rijmag*r21mag;
rik2 = r21mag*r21mag;
dctik = (-rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*rik2);
dctij = (rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*rijmag*rijmag);
dctjk = -2.0/rijrik;
w21 = Sp(r21mag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmaxp[itype][ktype],dw21);
rikmag = r21mag;
rij2 = r32mag*r32mag;
rik2 = r21mag*r21mag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rijmag/rikmag;
tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik);
dtsjik = -dtsjik;
REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs_j[l];
atom4 = atoml;
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
if (!(atoml == atomi || atoml == atomk)) {
r34[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom4][0];
r34[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom4][1];
r34[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom4][2];
r34mag = sqrt(r34[0]*r34[0] + r34[1]*r34[1] + r34[2]*r34[2]);
cos234 = -1.0*((rij[0]*r34[0])+(rij[1]*r34[1]) +
cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0);
cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0);
sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234);
sinl2i = 1.0/(sin234*sin234);
rjl2i = 1.0/(r34mag*r34mag);
if (sin234 != 0.0) {
w34 = Sp(r34mag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],
rr = (r23mag*r23mag)-(r34mag*r34mag);
ril[0] = r23[0]+r34[0];
ril[1] = r23[1]+r34[1];
ril[2] = r23[2]+r34[2];
ril2 = (ril[0]*ril[0])+(ril[1]*ril[1])+(ril[2]*ril[2]);
rijrjl = 2.0*r23mag*r34mag;
rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag;
dctjl = (-rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*rjl2);
dctji = (rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*r23mag*r23mag);
dctil = -2.0/rijrjl;
rjlmag = r34mag;
rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rijmag/rjlmag;
tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl);
dtsijl = -dtsijl; //need minus sign
prefactor = VA*Tij;
cross321[0] = (r32[1]*r21[2])-(r32[2]*r21[1]);
cross321[1] = (r32[2]*r21[0])-(r32[0]*r21[2]);
cross321[2] = (r32[0]*r21[1])-(r32[1]*r21[0]);
cross234[0] = (r23[1]*r34[2])-(r23[2]*r34[1]);
cross234[1] = (r23[2]*r34[0])-(r23[0]*r34[2]);
cross234[2] = (r23[0]*r34[1])-(r23[1]*r34[0]);
cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) +
cwnom = r21mag*r34mag*r23mag*r23mag*sin321*sin234;
om1234 = cwnum/cwnom;
cw = om1234;
Etmp += ((1.0-(om1234*om1234))*w21*w34) *
dt1dik = (rik2i)-(dctik*sink2i*cos321);
dt1djk = (-dctjk*sink2i*cos321);
dt1djl = (rjl2i)-(dctjl*sinl2i*cos234);
dt1dil = (-dctil*sinl2i*cos234);
dt1dij = (2.0/(r23mag*r23mag)) -
dt2dik[0] = (-r23[2]*cross234[1])+(r23[1]*cross234[2]);
dt2dik[1] = (-r23[0]*cross234[2])+(r23[2]*cross234[0]);
dt2dik[2] = (-r23[1]*cross234[0])+(r23[0]*cross234[1]);
dt2djl[0] = (-r23[1]*cross321[2])+(r23[2]*cross321[1]);
dt2djl[1] = (-r23[2]*cross321[0])+(r23[0]*cross321[2]);
dt2djl[2] = (-r23[0]*cross321[1])+(r23[1]*cross321[0]);
dt2dij[0] = (r21[2]*cross234[1]) -
(r34[2]*cross321[1])-(r21[1]*cross234[2]) +
dt2dij[1] = (r21[0]*cross234[2]) -
(r34[0]*cross321[2])-(r21[2]*cross234[0]) +
dt2dij[2] = (r21[1]*cross234[0]) -
(r34[1]*cross321[0])-(r21[0]*cross234[1]) +
aa = (prefactor*2.0*cw/cwnom)*w21*w34 *
aaa1 = -prefactor*(1.0-(om1234*om1234)) *
aaa2 = aaa1*w21*w34;
at2 = aa*cwnum;
fcijpc = (-dt1dij*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctij*(1.0-tspijl)) +
fcikpc = (-dt1dik*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctik*(1.0-tspijl));
fcjlpc = (-dt1djl*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctjl*(1.0-tspjik));
fcjkpc = (-dt1djk*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctjk*(1.0-tspijl));
fcilpc = (-dt1dil*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctil*(1.0-tspjik));
F23[0] = (fcijpc*r23[0])+(aa*dt2dij[0]);
F23[1] = (fcijpc*r23[1])+(aa*dt2dij[1]);
F23[2] = (fcijpc*r23[2])+(aa*dt2dij[2]);
F12[0] = (fcikpc*r21[0])+(aa*dt2dik[0]);
F12[1] = (fcikpc*r21[1])+(aa*dt2dik[1]);
F12[2] = (fcikpc*r21[2])+(aa*dt2dik[2]);
F34[0] = (fcjlpc*r34[0])+(aa*dt2djl[0]);
F34[1] = (fcjlpc*r34[1])+(aa*dt2djl[1]);
F34[2] = (fcjlpc*r34[2])+(aa*dt2djl[2]);
F31[0] = (fcjkpc*rjk[0]);
F31[1] = (fcjkpc*rjk[1]);
F31[2] = (fcjkpc*rjk[2]);
F24[0] = (fcilpc*ril[0]);
F24[1] = (fcilpc*ril[1]);
F24[2] = (fcilpc*ril[2]);
f1[0] = -F12[0]-F31[0];
f1[1] = -F12[1]-F31[1];
f1[2] = -F12[2]-F31[2];
f2[0] = F23[0]+F12[0]+F24[0];
f2[1] = F23[1]+F12[1]+F24[1];
f2[2] = F23[2]+F12[2]+F24[2];
f3[0] = -F23[0]+F34[0]+F31[0];
f3[1] = -F23[1]+F34[1]+F31[1];
f3[2] = -F23[2]+F34[2]+F31[2];
f4[0] = -F34[0]-F24[0];
f4[1] = -F34[1]-F24[1];
f4[2] = -F34[2]-F24[2];
// coordination forces
tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) *
f2[0] -= tmp2*r21[0];
f2[1] -= tmp2*r21[1];
f2[2] -= tmp2*r21[2];
f1[0] += tmp2*r21[0];
f1[1] += tmp2*r21[1];
f1[2] += tmp2*r21[2];
tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) *
f3[0] -= tmp2*r34[0];
f3[1] -= tmp2*r34[1];
f3[2] -= tmp2*r34[2];
f4[0] += tmp2*r34[0];
f4[1] += tmp2*r34[1];
f4[2] += tmp2*r34[2];
f[atom1][0] += f1[0]; f[atom1][1] += f1[1];
f[atom1][2] += f1[2];
f[atom2][0] += f2[0]; f[atom2][1] += f2[1];
f[atom2][2] += f2[2];
f[atom3][0] += f3[0]; f[atom3][1] += f3[1];
f[atom3][2] += f3[2];
f[atom4][0] += f4[0]; f[atom4][1] += f4[1];
f[atom4][2] += f4[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
r13[0] = -rjk[0]; r13[1] = -rjk[1]; r13[2] = -rjk[2];
r43[0] = -r34[0]; r43[1] = -r34[1]; r43[2] = -r34[2];
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik*Etmp/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik,thr);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)*Etmp/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik,thr);
if (fabs(dNki) >TOL) {
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n];
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
if (atomn !=atomi) {
rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0];
rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1];
rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2];
rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)*Etmp/rknmag;
f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn,thr);
// Tij forces
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl*Etmp/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl,thr);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)*Etmp/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl,thr);
if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n];
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
if (atomn != atomj) {
rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0];
rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1];
rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2];
rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)*Etmp/rlnmag;
f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0];
f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1];
f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln,thr);
return Stb;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
REBO forces and energy
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBOOMP::FREBO_thr(int ifrom, int ito, int evflag, int eflag,
int vflag_atom, ThrData * const thr)
int i,j,k,m,ii,itype,jtype;
tagint itag,jtag;
double delx,dely,delz,evdwl,fpair,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp;
double rsq,rij,wij;
double Qij,Aij,alphaij,VR,pre,dVRdi,VA,term,bij,dVAdi,dVA;
double dwij,del[3];
int *ilist,*REBO_neighs;
evdwl = 0.0;
const double * const * const x = atom->x;
double * const * const f = thr->get_f();
int *type = atom->type;
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
ilist = list->ilist;
// two-body interactions from REBO neighbor list, skip half of them
for (ii = ifrom; ii < ito; ii++) {
i = ilist[ii];
itag = tag[i];
itype = map[type[i]];
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
j = REBO_neighs[k];
jtag = tag[j];
if (itag > jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue;
} else if (itag < jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue;
} else {
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue;
jtype = map[type[j]];
delx = x[i][0] - x[j][0];
dely = x[i][1] - x[j][1];
delz = x[i][2] - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
rij = sqrt(rsq);
wij = Sp(rij,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij);
if (wij <= TOL) continue;
Qij = Q[itype][jtype];
Aij = A[itype][jtype];
alphaij = alpha[itype][jtype];
VR = wij*(1.0+(Qij/rij)) * Aij*exp(-alphaij*rij);
pre = wij*Aij * exp(-alphaij*rij);
dVRdi = pre * ((-alphaij)-(Qij/rsq)-(Qij*alphaij/rij));
dVRdi += VR/wij * dwij;
VA = dVA = 0.0;
for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
term = -wij * BIJc[itype][jtype][m] * exp(-Beta[itype][jtype][m]*rij);
VA += term;
dVA += -Beta[itype][jtype][m] * term;
dVA += VA/wij * dwij;
del[0] = delx;
del[1] = dely;
del[2] = delz;
bij = bondorder_thr(i,j,del,rij,VA,vflag_atom,thr);
dVAdi = bij*dVA;
fpair = -(dVRdi+dVAdi) / rij;
f[i][0] += delx*fpair;
f[i][1] += dely*fpair;
f[i][2] += delz*fpair;
f[j][0] -= delx*fpair;
f[j][1] -= dely*fpair;
f[j][2] -= delz*fpair;
if (eflag) evdwl = VR + bij*VA;
if (evflag) ev_tally_thr(this,i,j,nlocal,/* newton_pair */ 1,
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute LJ forces and energy
find 3- and 4-step paths between atoms I,J via REBO neighbor lists
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBOOMP::FLJ_thr(int ifrom, int ito, int evflag, int eflag,
int vflag_atom, ThrData * const thr)
int i,j,k,m,ii,jj,kk,mm,jnum,itype,jtype,ktype,mtype;
tagint itag,jtag;
int atomi,atomj,atomk,atomm;
int testpath,npath,done;
double evdwl,fpair,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp;
double rsq,best,wik,wkm,cij,rij,dwij,dwik,dwkj,dwkm,dwmj;
double delij[3],rijsq,delik[3],rik,deljk[3];
double rkj,wkj,dC,VLJ,dVLJ,VA,Str,dStr,Stb;
double vdw,slw,dvdw,dslw,drij,swidth,tee,tee2;
double rljmin,rljmax,sigcut,sigmin,sigwid;
double delkm[3],rkm,deljm[3],rmj,wmj,r2inv,r6inv,scale,delscale[3];
int *ilist,*jlist,*numneigh,**firstneigh;
int *REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_k;
double delikS[3],deljkS[3],delkmS[3],deljmS[3],delimS[3];
double rikS,rkjS,rkmS,rmjS,wikS,dwikS;
double wkjS,dwkjS,wkmS,dwkmS,wmjS,dwmjS;
double fpair1,fpair2,fpair3;
double fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fm[3];
// I-J interaction from full neighbor list
// skip 1/2 of interactions since only consider each pair once
evdwl = 0.0;
rljmin = 0.0;
rljmax = 0.0;
sigcut = 0.0;
sigmin = 0.0;
sigwid = 0.0;
const double * const * const x = atom->x;
double * const * const f = thr->get_f();
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
int *type = atom->type;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
ilist = list->ilist;
numneigh = list->numneigh;
firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
// loop over neighbors of my atoms
for (ii = ifrom; ii < ito; ii++) {
i = ilist[ii];
itag = tag[i];
itype = map[type[i]];
atomi = i;
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
jlist = firstneigh[i];
jnum = numneigh[i];
for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
j = jlist[jj];
jtag = tag[j];
if (itag > jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue;
} else if (itag < jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue;
} else {
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue;
jtype = map[type[j]];
atomj = j;
delij[0] = xtmp - x[j][0];
delij[1] = ytmp - x[j][1];
delij[2] = ztmp - x[j][2];
rijsq = delij[0]*delij[0] + delij[1]*delij[1] + delij[2]*delij[2];
// if outside of LJ cutoff, skip
// if outside of 4-path cutoff, best = 0.0, no need to test paths
// if outside of 2-path cutoff but inside 4-path cutoff,
// best = 0.0, test 3-,4-paths
// if inside 2-path cutoff, best = wij, only test 3-,4-paths if best < 1
if (rijsq >= cutljsq[itype][jtype]) continue;
rij = sqrt(rijsq);
if (rij >= cut3rebo) {
best = 0.0;
testpath = 0;
} else if (rij >= rcmax[itype][jtype]) {
best = 0.0;
testpath = 1;
} else {
best = Sp(rij,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij);
npath = 2;
if (best < 1.0) testpath = 1;
else testpath = 0;
done = 0;
if (testpath) {
// test all 3-body paths = I-K-J
// I-K interactions come from atom I's REBO neighbors
// if wik > current best, compute wkj
// if best = 1.0, done
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (kk = 0; kk < REBO_numneigh[i] && done==0; kk++) {
k = REBO_neighs_i[kk];
if (k == j) continue;
ktype = map[type[k]];
delik[0] = x[i][0] - x[k][0];
delik[1] = x[i][1] - x[k][1];
delik[2] = x[i][2] - x[k][2];
rsq = delik[0]*delik[0] + delik[1]*delik[1] + delik[2]*delik[2];
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[itype][ktype]) {
rik = sqrt(rsq);
wik = Sp(rik,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
} else wik = 0.0;
if (wik > best) {
deljk[0] = x[j][0] - x[k][0];
deljk[1] = x[j][1] - x[k][1];
deljk[2] = x[j][2] - x[k][2];
rsq = deljk[0]*deljk[0] + deljk[1]*deljk[1] + deljk[2]*deljk[2];
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[ktype][jtype]) {
rkj = sqrt(rsq);
wkj = Sp(rkj,rcmin[ktype][jtype],rcmax[ktype][jtype],dwkj);
if (wik*wkj > best) {
best = wik*wkj;
npath = 3;
atomk = k;
delikS[0] = delik[0];
delikS[1] = delik[1];
delikS[2] = delik[2];
rikS = rik;
wikS = wik;
dwikS = dwik;
deljkS[0] = deljk[0];
deljkS[1] = deljk[1];
deljkS[2] = deljk[2];
rkjS = rkj;
wkjS = wkj;
dwkjS = dwkj;
if (best == 1.0) {
done = 1;
// test all 4-body paths = I-K-M-J
// K-M interactions come from atom K's REBO neighbors
// if wik*wkm > current best, compute wmj
// if best = 1.0, done
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[k];
for (mm = 0; mm < REBO_numneigh[k] && done==0; mm++) {
m = REBO_neighs_k[mm];
if (m == i || m == j) continue;
mtype = map[type[m]];
delkm[0] = x[k][0] - x[m][0];
delkm[1] = x[k][1] - x[m][1];
delkm[2] = x[k][2] - x[m][2];
rsq = delkm[0]*delkm[0] + delkm[1]*delkm[1] + delkm[2]*delkm[2];
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[ktype][mtype]) {
rkm = sqrt(rsq);
wkm = Sp(rkm,rcmin[ktype][mtype],rcmax[ktype][mtype],dwkm);
} else wkm = 0.0;
if (wik*wkm > best) {
deljm[0] = x[j][0] - x[m][0];
deljm[1] = x[j][1] - x[m][1];
deljm[2] = x[j][2] - x[m][2];
rsq = deljm[0]*deljm[0] + deljm[1]*deljm[1] +
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[mtype][jtype]) {
rmj = sqrt(rsq);
wmj = Sp(rmj,rcmin[mtype][jtype],rcmax[mtype][jtype],dwmj);
if (wik*wkm*wmj > best) {
best = wik*wkm*wmj;
npath = 4;
atomk = k;
delikS[0] = delik[0];
delikS[1] = delik[1];
delikS[2] = delik[2];
rikS = rik;
wikS = wik;
dwikS = dwik;
atomm = m;
delkmS[0] = delkm[0];
delkmS[1] = delkm[1];
delkmS[2] = delkm[2];
rkmS = rkm;
wkmS = wkm;
dwkmS = dwkm;
deljmS[0] = deljm[0];
deljmS[1] = deljm[1];
deljmS[2] = deljm[2];
rmjS = rmj;
wmjS = wmj;
dwmjS = dwmj;
if (best == 1.0) {
done = 1;
cij = 1.0 - best;
if (cij == 0.0) continue;
// compute LJ forces and energy
sigwid = 0.84;
sigcut = 3.0;
sigmin = sigcut - sigwid;
rljmin = sigma[itype][jtype];
rljmax = sigcut * rljmin;
rljmin = sigmin * rljmin;
if (rij > rljmax) {
slw = 0.0;
dslw = 0.0;
} else if (rij > rljmin) {
drij = rij - rljmin;
swidth = rljmax - rljmin;
tee = drij / swidth;
tee2 = tee*tee;
slw = 1.0 - tee2 * (3.0 - 2.0 * tee);
dslw = 6.0 * tee * (1.0 - tee) / rij / swidth;
} else {
slw = 1.0;
dslw = 0.0;
if (morseflag) {
const double exr = exp(-rij*lj4[itype][jtype]);
vdw = lj1[itype][jtype]*exr*(lj2[itype][jtype]*exr - 2);
dvdw = lj3[itype][jtype]*exr*(1-lj2[itype][jtype]*exr);
} else {
r2inv = 1.0/rijsq;
r6inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
vdw = r6inv*(lj3[itype][jtype]*r6inv-lj4[itype][jtype]);
dvdw = -r6inv * (lj1[itype][jtype]*r6inv - lj2[itype][jtype]) / rij;
// VLJ now becomes vdw * slw, derivaties, etc.
VLJ = vdw * slw;
dVLJ = dvdw * slw + vdw * dslw;
Str = Sp2(rij,rcLJmin[itype][jtype],rcLJmax[itype][jtype],dStr);
VA = Str*cij*VLJ;
if (Str > 0.0) {
scale = rcmin[itype][jtype] / rij;
delscale[0] = scale * delij[0];
delscale[1] = scale * delij[1];
delscale[2] = scale * delij[2];
Stb = bondorderLJ_thr(i,j,delscale,rcmin[itype][jtype],VA,
} else Stb = 0.0;
fpair = -(dStr * (Stb*cij*VLJ - cij*VLJ) +
dVLJ * (Str*Stb*cij + cij - Str*cij)) / rij;
f[i][0] += delij[0]*fpair;
f[i][1] += delij[1]*fpair;
f[i][2] += delij[2]*fpair;
f[j][0] -= delij[0]*fpair;
f[j][1] -= delij[1]*fpair;
f[j][2] -= delij[2]*fpair;
if (eflag) evdwl = VA*Stb + (1.0-Str)*cij*VLJ;
if (evflag) ev_tally_thr(this,i,j,nlocal,/* newton_pair */ 1,
if (cij < 1.0) {
dC = Str*Stb*VLJ + (1.0-Str)*VLJ;
if (npath == 2) {
fpair = dC*dwij / rij;
f[atomi][0] += delij[0]*fpair;
f[atomi][1] += delij[1]*fpair;
f[atomi][2] += delij[2]*fpair;
f[atomj][0] -= delij[0]*fpair;
f[atomj][1] -= delij[1]*fpair;
f[atomj][2] -= delij[2]*fpair;
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2_thr(atomi,atomj,fpair,delij,thr);
} else if (npath == 3) {
fpair1 = dC*dwikS*wkjS / rikS;
fi[0] = delikS[0]*fpair1;
fi[1] = delikS[1]*fpair1;
fi[2] = delikS[2]*fpair1;
fpair2 = dC*wikS*dwkjS / rkjS;
fj[0] = deljkS[0]*fpair2;
fj[1] = deljkS[1]*fpair2;
fj[2] = deljkS[2]*fpair2;
f[atomi][0] += fi[0];
f[atomi][1] += fi[1];
f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0];
f[atomj][1] += fj[1];
f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atomk][0] -= fi[0] + fj[0];
f[atomk][1] -= fi[1] + fj[1];
f[atomk][2] -= fi[2] + fj[2];
if (vflag_atom)
} else if (npath == 4) {
fpair1 = dC*dwikS*wkmS*wmjS / rikS;
fi[0] = delikS[0]*fpair1;
fi[1] = delikS[1]*fpair1;
fi[2] = delikS[2]*fpair1;
fpair2 = dC*wikS*dwkmS*wmjS / rkmS;
fk[0] = delkmS[0]*fpair2 - fi[0];
fk[1] = delkmS[1]*fpair2 - fi[1];
fk[2] = delkmS[2]*fpair2 - fi[2];
fpair3 = dC*wikS*wkmS*dwmjS / rmjS;
fj[0] = deljmS[0]*fpair3;
fj[1] = deljmS[1]*fpair3;
fj[2] = deljmS[2]*fpair3;
fm[0] = -delkmS[0]*fpair2 - fj[0];
fm[1] = -delkmS[1]*fpair2 - fj[1];
fm[2] = -delkmS[2]*fpair2 - fj[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0];
f[atomi][1] += fi[1];
f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0];
f[atomj][1] += fj[1];
f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atomk][0] += fk[0];
f[atomk][1] += fk[1];
f[atomk][2] += fk[2];
f[atomm][0] += fm[0];
f[atomm][1] += fm[1];
f[atomm][2] += fm[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
delimS[0] = delikS[0] + delkmS[0];
delimS[1] = delikS[1] + delkmS[1];
delimS[2] = delikS[2] + delkmS[2];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
torsional forces and energy
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBOOMP::TORSION_thr(int ifrom, int ito,
int evflag, int eflag, ThrData * const thr)
int i,j,k,l,ii;
tagint itag,jtag;
double evdwl,fpair,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp;
double cos321;
double w21,dw21,cos234,w34,dw34;
double cross321[3],cross321mag,cross234[3],cross234mag;
double w23,dw23,cw2,ekijl,Ec;
double cw,cwnum,cwnom;
double rij,rij2,rik,rjl,tspjik,dtsjik,tspijl,dtsijl,costmp,fcpc;
double sin321,sin234,rjk2,rik2,ril2,rjl2;
double rjk,ril;
double Vtors;
double dndij[3],tmpvec[3],dndik[3],dndjl[3];
double dcidij,dcidik,dcidjk,dcjdji,dcjdjl,dcjdil;
double dsidij,dsidik,dsidjk,dsjdji,dsjdjl,dsjdil;
double dxidij,dxidik,dxidjk,dxjdji,dxjdjl,dxjdil;
double ddndij,ddndik,ddndjk,ddndjl,ddndil,dcwddn,dcwdn,dvpdcw,Ftmp[3];
double del32[3],rsq,r32,del23[3],del21[3],r21;
double deljk[3],del34[3],delil[3],delkl[3],r23,r34;
double fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fl[3];
int itype,jtype,ktype,ltype,kk,ll,jj;
int *ilist,*REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_j;
const double * const * const x = atom->x;
double * const * const f = thr->get_f();
int *type = atom->type;
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
ilist = list->ilist;
for (ii = ifrom; ii < ito; ii++) {
i = ilist[ii];
itag = tag[i];
itype = map[type[i]];
if (itype != 0) continue;
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (jj = 0; jj < REBO_numneigh[i]; jj++) {
j = REBO_neighs_i[jj];
jtag = tag[j];
if (itag > jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue;
} else if (itag < jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue;
} else {
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue;
jtype = map[type[j]];
if (jtype != 0) continue;
del32[0] = x[j][0]-x[i][0];
del32[1] = x[j][1]-x[i][1];
del32[2] = x[j][2]-x[i][2];
rsq = del32[0]*del32[0] + del32[1]*del32[1] + del32[2]*del32[2];
r32 = sqrt(rsq);
del23[0] = -del32[0];
del23[1] = -del32[1];
del23[2] = -del32[2];
r23 = r32;
w23 = Sp(r23,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dw23);
for (kk = 0; kk < REBO_numneigh[i]; kk++) {
k = REBO_neighs_i[kk];
ktype = map[type[k]];
if (k == j) continue;
del21[0] = x[i][0]-x[k][0];
del21[1] = x[i][1]-x[k][1];
del21[2] = x[i][2]-x[k][2];
rsq = del21[0]*del21[0] + del21[1]*del21[1] + del21[2]*del21[2];
r21 = sqrt(rsq);
cos321 = - ((del21[0]*del32[0]) + (del21[1]*del32[1]) +
(del21[2]*del32[2])) / (r21*r32);
cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0);
cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0);
sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321);
if (sin321 < TOL) continue;
deljk[0] = del21[0]-del23[0];
deljk[1] = del21[1]-del23[1];
deljk[2] = del21[2]-del23[2];
rjk2 = deljk[0]*deljk[0] + deljk[1]*deljk[1] + deljk[2]*deljk[2];
rik2 = r21*r21;
w21 = Sp(r21,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dw21);
rij = r32;
rik = r21;
rij2 = r32*r32;
rik2 = r21*r21;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rij/rik;
tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik);
dtsjik = -dtsjik;
REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (ll = 0; ll < REBO_numneigh[j]; ll++) {
l = REBO_neighs_j[ll];
ltype = map[type[l]];
if (l == i || l == k) continue;
del34[0] = x[j][0]-x[l][0];
del34[1] = x[j][1]-x[l][1];
del34[2] = x[j][2]-x[l][2];
rsq = del34[0]*del34[0] + del34[1]*del34[1] + del34[2]*del34[2];
r34 = sqrt(rsq);
cos234 = (del32[0]*del34[0] + del32[1]*del34[1] +
del32[2]*del34[2]) / (r32*r34);
cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0);
cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0);
sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234);
if (sin234 < TOL) continue;
w34 = Sp(r34,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dw34);
delil[0] = del23[0] + del34[0];
delil[1] = del23[1] + del34[1];
delil[2] = del23[2] + del34[2];
ril2 = delil[0]*delil[0] + delil[1]*delil[1] + delil[2]*delil[2];
rjl2 = r34*r34;
rjl = r34;
rjl2 = r34*r34;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rij/rjl;
tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl);
dtsijl = -dtsijl; //need minus sign
cross321[0] = (del32[1]*del21[2])-(del32[2]*del21[1]);
cross321[1] = (del32[2]*del21[0])-(del32[0]*del21[2]);
cross321[2] = (del32[0]*del21[1])-(del32[1]*del21[0]);
cross321mag = sqrt(cross321[0]*cross321[0]+
cross234[0] = (del23[1]*del34[2])-(del23[2]*del34[1]);
cross234[1] = (del23[2]*del34[0])-(del23[0]*del34[2]);
cross234[2] = (del23[0]*del34[1])-(del23[1]*del34[0]);
cross234mag = sqrt(cross234[0]*cross234[0]+
cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) +
cwnom = r21*r34*r32*r32*sin321*sin234;
cw = cwnum/cwnom;
cw2 = (.5*(1.0-cw));
ekijl = epsilonT[ktype][ltype];
Ec = 256.0*ekijl/405.0;
Vtors = (Ec*(powint(cw2,5)))-(ekijl/10.0);
if (eflag) evdwl = Vtors*w21*w23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl);
dndij[0] = (cross234[1]*del21[2])-(cross234[2]*del21[1]);
dndij[1] = (cross234[2]*del21[0])-(cross234[0]*del21[2]);
dndij[2] = (cross234[0]*del21[1])-(cross234[1]*del21[0]);
tmpvec[0] = (del34[1]*cross321[2])-(del34[2]*cross321[1]);
tmpvec[1] = (del34[2]*cross321[0])-(del34[0]*cross321[2]);
tmpvec[2] = (del34[0]*cross321[1])-(del34[1]*cross321[0]);
dndij[0] = dndij[0]+tmpvec[0];
dndij[1] = dndij[1]+tmpvec[1];
dndij[2] = dndij[2]+tmpvec[2];
dndik[0] = (del23[1]*cross234[2])-(del23[2]*cross234[1]);
dndik[1] = (del23[2]*cross234[0])-(del23[0]*cross234[2]);
dndik[2] = (del23[0]*cross234[1])-(del23[1]*cross234[0]);
dndjl[0] = (cross321[1]*del23[2])-(cross321[2]*del23[1]);
dndjl[1] = (cross321[2]*del23[0])-(cross321[0]*del23[2]);
dndjl[2] = (cross321[0]*del23[1])-(cross321[1]*del23[0]);
dcidij = ((r23*r23)-(r21*r21)+(rjk*rjk))/(2.0*r23*r23*r21);
dcidik = ((r21*r21)-(r23*r23)+(rjk*rjk))/(2.0*r23*r21*r21);
dcidjk = (-rjk)/(r23*r21);
dcjdji = ((r23*r23)-(r34*r34)+(ril*ril))/(2.0*r23*r23*r34);
dcjdjl = ((r34*r34)-(r23*r23)+(ril*ril))/(2.0*r23*r34*r34);
dcjdil = (-ril)/(r23*r34);
dsidij = (-cos321/sin321)*dcidij;
dsidik = (-cos321/sin321)*dcidik;
dsidjk = (-cos321/sin321)*dcidjk;
dsjdji = (-cos234/sin234)*dcjdji;
dsjdjl = (-cos234/sin234)*dcjdjl;
dsjdil = (-cos234/sin234)*dcjdil;
dxidij = (r21*sin321)+(r23*r21*dsidij);
dxidik = (r23*sin321)+(r23*r21*dsidik);
dxidjk = (r23*r21*dsidjk);
dxjdji = (r34*sin234)+(r23*r34*dsjdji);
dxjdjl = (r23*sin234)+(r23*r34*dsjdjl);
dxjdil = (r23*r34*dsjdil);
ddndij = (dxidij*cross234mag)+(cross321mag*dxjdji);
ddndik = dxidik*cross234mag;
ddndjk = dxidjk*cross234mag;
ddndjl = cross321mag*dxjdjl;
ddndil = cross321mag*dxjdil;
dcwddn = -cwnum/(cwnom*cwnom);
dcwdn = 1.0/cwnom;
dvpdcw = (-1.0)*Ec*(-.5)*5.0*powint(cw2,4) *
Ftmp[0] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndij[0])+(dcwddn*ddndij*del23[0]/r23));
Ftmp[1] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndij[1])+(dcwddn*ddndij*del23[1]/r23));
Ftmp[2] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndij[2])+(dcwddn*ddndij*del23[2]/r23));
fi[0] = Ftmp[0];
fi[1] = Ftmp[1];
fi[2] = Ftmp[2];
fj[0] = -Ftmp[0];
fj[1] = -Ftmp[1];
fj[2] = -Ftmp[2];
Ftmp[0] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndik[0])+(dcwddn*ddndik*del21[0]/r21));
Ftmp[1] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndik[1])+(dcwddn*ddndik*del21[1]/r21));
Ftmp[2] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndik[2])+(dcwddn*ddndik*del21[2]/r21));
fi[0] += Ftmp[0];
fi[1] += Ftmp[1];
fi[2] += Ftmp[2];
fk[0] = -Ftmp[0];
fk[1] = -Ftmp[1];
fk[2] = -Ftmp[2];
Ftmp[0] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndjk*deljk[0])/rjk;
Ftmp[1] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndjk*deljk[1])/rjk;
Ftmp[2] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndjk*deljk[2])/rjk;
fj[0] += Ftmp[0];
fj[1] += Ftmp[1];
fj[2] += Ftmp[2];
fk[0] -= Ftmp[0];
fk[1] -= Ftmp[1];
fk[2] -= Ftmp[2];
Ftmp[0] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndjl[0])+(dcwddn*ddndjl*del34[0]/r34));
Ftmp[1] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndjl[1])+(dcwddn*ddndjl*del34[1]/r34));
Ftmp[2] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndjl[2])+(dcwddn*ddndjl*del34[2]/r34));
fj[0] += Ftmp[0];
fj[1] += Ftmp[1];
fj[2] += Ftmp[2];
fl[0] = -Ftmp[0];
fl[1] = -Ftmp[1];
fl[2] = -Ftmp[2];
Ftmp[0] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndil*delil[0])/ril;
Ftmp[1] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndil*delil[1])/ril;
Ftmp[2] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndil*delil[2])/ril;
fi[0] += Ftmp[0];
fi[1] += Ftmp[1];
fi[2] += Ftmp[2];
fl[0] -= Ftmp[0];
fl[1] -= Ftmp[1];
fl[2] -= Ftmp[2];
// coordination forces
fpair = Vtors*dw21*w23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl) / r21;
fi[0] -= del21[0]*fpair;
fi[1] -= del21[1]*fpair;
fi[2] -= del21[2]*fpair;
fk[0] += del21[0]*fpair;
fk[1] += del21[1]*fpair;
fk[2] += del21[2]*fpair;
fpair = Vtors*w21*dw23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl) / r23;
fi[0] -= del23[0]*fpair;
fi[1] -= del23[1]*fpair;
fi[2] -= del23[2]*fpair;
fj[0] += del23[0]*fpair;
fj[1] += del23[1]*fpair;
fj[2] += del23[2]*fpair;
fpair = Vtors*w21*w23*dw34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl) / r34;
fj[0] -= del34[0]*fpair;
fj[1] -= del34[1]*fpair;
fj[2] -= del34[2]*fpair;
fl[0] += del34[0]*fpair;
fl[1] += del34[1]*fpair;
fl[2] += del34[2]*fpair;
// additional cut off function forces
fcpc = -Vtors*w21*w23*w34*dtsjik*(1.0-tspijl);
fpair = fcpc*dcidij/rij;
fi[0] += fpair*del23[0];
fi[1] += fpair*del23[1];
fi[2] += fpair*del23[2];
fj[0] -= fpair*del23[0];
fj[1] -= fpair*del23[1];
fj[2] -= fpair*del23[2];
fpair = fcpc*dcidik/rik;
fi[0] += fpair*del21[0];
fi[1] += fpair*del21[1];
fi[2] += fpair*del21[2];
fk[0] -= fpair*del21[0];
fk[1] -= fpair*del21[1];
fk[2] -= fpair*del21[2];
fpair = fcpc*dcidjk/rjk;
fj[0] += fpair*deljk[0];
fj[1] += fpair*deljk[1];
fj[2] += fpair*deljk[2];
fk[0] -= fpair*deljk[0];
fk[1] -= fpair*deljk[1];
fk[2] -= fpair*deljk[2];
fcpc = -Vtors*w21*w23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*dtsijl;
fpair = fcpc*dcjdji/rij;
fi[0] += fpair*del23[0];
fi[1] += fpair*del23[1];
fi[2] += fpair*del23[2];
fj[0] -= fpair*del23[0];
fj[1] -= fpair*del23[1];
fj[2] -= fpair*del23[2];
fpair = fcpc*dcjdjl/rjl;
fj[0] += fpair*del34[0];
fj[1] += fpair*del34[1];
fj[2] += fpair*del34[2];
fl[0] -= fpair*del34[0];
fl[1] -= fpair*del34[1];
fl[2] -= fpair*del34[2];
fpair = fcpc*dcjdil/ril;
fi[0] += fpair*delil[0];
fi[1] += fpair*delil[1];
fi[2] += fpair*delil[2];
fl[0] -= fpair*delil[0];
fl[1] -= fpair*delil[1];
fl[2] -= fpair*delil[2];
// sum per-atom forces into atom force array
f[i][0] += fi[0]; f[i][1] += fi[1]; f[i][2] += fi[2];
f[j][0] += fj[0]; f[j][1] += fj[1]; f[j][2] += fj[2];
f[k][0] += fk[0]; f[k][1] += fk[1]; f[k][2] += fk[2];
f[l][0] += fl[0]; f[l][1] += fl[1]; f[l][2] += fl[2];
if (evflag) {
delkl[0] = delil[0] - del21[0];
delkl[1] = delil[1] - del21[1];
delkl[2] = delil[2] - del21[2];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create REBO neighbor list from main neighbor list
REBO neighbor list stores neighbors of ghost atoms
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBOOMP::REBO_neigh_thr()
const int nthreads = comm->nthreads;
if (atom->nmax > maxlocal) {
maxlocal = atom->nmax;
REBO_firstneigh = (int **) memory->smalloc(maxlocal*sizeof(int *),
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none)
int i,j,ii,jj,n,jnum,itype,jtype;
double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq,dS;
int *ilist,*jlist,*numneigh,**firstneigh;
int *neighptr;
double **x = atom->x;
int *type = atom->type;
const int allnum = list->inum + list->gnum;
ilist = list->ilist;
numneigh = list->numneigh;
firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
const int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
const int tid = 0;
const int iidelta = 1 + allnum/nthreads;
const int iifrom = tid*iidelta;
const int iito = ((iifrom+iidelta)>allnum) ? allnum : (iifrom+iidelta);
// store all REBO neighs of owned and ghost atoms
// scan full neighbor list of I
// each thread has its own page allocator
MyPage<int> &ipg = ipage[tid];
for (ii = iifrom; ii < iito; ii++) {
i = ilist[ii];
n = 0;
neighptr = ipg.vget();
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
itype = map[type[i]];
nC[i] = nH[i] = 0.0;
jlist = firstneigh[i];
jnum = numneigh[i];
for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
j = jlist[jj];
jtype = map[type[j]];
delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[itype][jtype]) {
neighptr[n++] = j;
if (jtype == 0)
nC[i] += Sp(sqrt(rsq),rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dS);
nH[i] += Sp(sqrt(rsq),rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dS);
REBO_firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
REBO_numneigh[i] = n;
if (ipg.status())
error->one(FLERR,"REBO list overflow, boost neigh_modify one");
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBOOMP::memory_usage()
double bytes = memory_usage_thr();
bytes += PairAIREBO::memory_usage();
return bytes;

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