Notes for cross-compiling LAMMPS in multiple variants from Fedora Linux to 32-bit and 64-bit Windows using the provided MinGW64/gcc toolchain.
Set up a suitable (virtual) machine and install the following packages: make git vim-enhanced mingw32-nsis mingw32-gcc-c++ mingw32-gcc-gfortran mingw32-libjpeg-static mingw32-pthreads-static mingw32-libgomp mingw64-gcc-c++ mingw64-gcc-gfortran mingw64-libjpeg-static mingw64-pthreads-static mingw64-libgomp
Create a LAMMPS-ICMS (plain LAMMPS is missing stuff yet) git repo clone and do
cd lib for d in colvars linalg meam poems voronoi
do make -C $d mingw32-cross mingw64-cross
done cd ../src make yes-all make no-lib make yes-user-colvars yes-voronoi yes-meam yes-poems yes-user-molfile make -C STUBS -f Makefile.mingw32-cross make -C STUBS -f Makefile.mingw64-cross make mingw32-cross mingw64-cross