LAMMPS (30 Jul 2016)
# biaxial NPT deformation of WCA fluid

units		lj
atom_style	atomic

pair_style	lj/cut 1.122562
read_data       data.wca
  orthogonal box = (0 0 0) to (8.39798 8.39798 8.39798)
  1 by 2 by 2 MPI processor grid
  reading atoms ...
  500 atoms
  reading velocities ...
  500 velocities
pair_coeff	1 1 1.0 1.0
pair_modify     shift yes

neighbor	0.5 bin
neigh_modify	delay 0

change_box      all triclinic
  triclinic box = (0 0 0) to (8.39798 8.39798 8.39798) with tilt (0 0 0)

# these commads show the different methods that may be used to impose
# a constant stress through isotropic or anisotropic coupling
fix		1 all npt/uef temp 0.722 0.722 0.5 iso 10 10 5 erate 0.5 0.5 ext z
#fix		1 all npt/uef temp 0.722 0.722 0.5 z 10 10 5  erate 0.5 0.5 ext xyz

fix             2 all momentum 100 linear 1 1 1

#dump		1 all atom 25 dump.lammpstrj

#dump		2 all cfg/uef 25 dump.*.cfg mass type xs ys zs

thermo_style    custom step c_1_press[1] c_1_press[2] c_1_press[3]

thermo		50
run		10000
Neighbor list info ...
  1 neighbor list requests
  update every 1 steps, delay 0 steps, check yes
  max neighbors/atom: 2000, page size: 100000
  master list distance cutoff = 1.62256
  ghost atom cutoff = 1.62256
  binsize = 0.811281 -> bins = 11 11 11
Memory usage per processor = 2.38201 Mbytes
Step 1_press[ 1_press[ 1_press[ 
       0    6.3937851    7.0436438    6.4461087 
      50    7.9020345     7.303289    14.733929 
     100    8.3214325     8.385843    13.166247 
     150    5.7168419    5.6083988    9.7224198 
     200    3.8875348    4.0840705    7.9912973 
     250    4.2933724    4.2410519    7.7200953 
     300    4.5452314    4.2434949    8.6709832 
     350     5.446489    5.6166962    11.300536 
     400    6.0682558    5.7787878    12.106852 
     450    5.3884296    5.5066688    9.9100012 
     500    4.8046418    4.7115986    9.9769201 
     550    4.9043933    4.6240966     9.319336 
     600    4.6843238    4.9571246    9.5325487 
     650    5.1952989     5.195648    9.6187047 
     700    5.4163364    5.2938289    10.136655 
     750    5.6723178    5.0670261    11.415221 
     800    5.9379901    5.6402916    10.815209 
     850    5.0695389    5.3021432    10.742859 
     900    4.6498961    4.7111912    9.8453525 
     950    4.4811637     5.170132    9.4217644 
    1000    4.7501491    4.2420769    9.3510789 
    1050    4.5973375    5.2046786    9.8633021 
    1100    4.7879517     4.905134    9.8658575 
    1150    5.0528775    5.5048673    10.110907 
    1200    4.9926837    5.2482072     9.961051 
    1250    4.8475661    4.8499052    9.5753719 
    1300    5.2929874    5.0593404    10.869345 
    1350    5.4722108     5.083063    10.693408 
    1400     4.816304    4.9851244    10.041255 
    1450    4.6280905    4.5646059    9.2298768 
    1500      5.01985    4.5471327     8.721625 
    1550    4.8741077    5.1549887    10.256565 
    1600    5.4916921    5.3197646    10.281538 
    1650    5.4772243    5.1837045    9.9982297 
    1700    4.9419503    5.2869766    9.5825456 
    1750    5.0000465    4.6358961    8.8873809 
    1800    5.0008968    4.9755404    10.274347 
    1850    5.3911106    5.0602442    10.252838 
    1900    5.6306791    5.5982927    11.287727 
    1950    5.0117663    4.9037147    9.9079668 
    2000    4.9080829    4.8206128    9.2645313 
    2050    4.7794302    4.5942332      9.22621 
    2100    5.1197536     4.884078    9.9557557 
    2150    5.5674448    4.9602998    10.825168 
    2200    5.9993278     5.484917    11.201052 
    2250     5.619781    5.2475017    10.382149 
    2300    4.7213112    4.5460993    10.254176 
    2350    4.4310098    4.6363048    8.2696199 
    2400    4.2798177    4.1485611    8.2037599 
    2450    5.0414399    5.2572888    10.126969 
    2500    5.2807077    5.4633007    10.424033 
    2550    5.4538601    5.3268172     10.06153 
    2600    4.9750473    5.2268468    10.433373 
    2650    4.8397032    5.2258654    9.8686538 
    2700    4.8943282    4.7637421    9.8715146 
    2750    4.8870682    4.7334316    9.2096451 
    2800    4.7611053    4.9820018    9.0797655 
    2850     4.826047    5.2478652    10.549013 
    2900    5.5999506    5.0160442    9.6169413 
    2950    5.6210454    5.1519961     10.23173 
    3000    5.2132243    5.1449194    9.9778889 
    3050     5.651798    5.5919186    10.772823 
    3100    4.8453492    4.6559497     9.175617 
    3150     4.359467    4.9901271     8.512659 
    3200    4.5724772    4.8788065    9.2580198 
    3250    5.3195893    5.6518901    10.562311 
    3300    5.4571458    5.9778537    11.804991 
    3350    5.1322763     5.280149    10.894715 
    3400    4.9393514    4.9051844    9.3048468 
    3450    4.6741698    4.6317669    9.4965959 
    3500    4.8634066    4.9618835     8.926419 
    3550    4.7096981    4.4196734    9.5607265 
    3600    5.1871839    5.3427606    9.9467134 
    3650    5.7619975    5.2486309    10.359674 
    3700    5.2563068    5.4591612    10.360825 
    3750    5.2492743    5.4861677    9.7648858 
    3800    5.0335744    5.2240642    9.6668438 
    3850    5.1003253    5.0865548    11.111281 
    3900    5.2978019    5.2126205    10.581896 
    3950    5.0067291    5.2645911    10.750446 
    4000    4.6513682    4.7407991    9.3959165 
    4050    4.1903728    4.4021987    8.8451881 
    4100    5.0089655    4.4961608    9.7363416 
    4150    5.1557684    5.6110293    10.804015 
    4200    5.2607824    5.3663361    10.663617 
    4250    5.0134036    5.1164765    9.3320261 
    4300    4.2919496    4.6118896    9.2176556 
    4350    4.9118467    4.9766595    9.8989104 
    4400    5.7694762    5.2410849    10.660891 
    4450    5.3793656    5.4714178    10.784611 
    4500     5.187077    5.0952514    9.6404449 
    4550    4.9522826    4.5959954     10.30975 
    4600    4.9512246    5.0305627    10.295169 
    4650    5.8017637    5.3485687    10.411051 
    4700    5.2499784    4.8217382    10.077816 
    4750    4.9961796    4.9148313    9.4660475 
    4800    4.8958835    4.6546838    9.1730325 
    4850    4.7408482    5.1862514    9.9399226 
    4900     4.999383    4.9513486    9.5506941 
    4950    5.0375134      4.63474    10.325618 
    5000    5.0274884     5.391675     9.592851 
    5050    5.3817822    5.5141892     11.43286 
    5100     5.533224    5.1489534     10.56325 
    5150    4.4884587    4.8979144    9.7439562 
    5200    4.7352575    4.2854079    8.8328248 
    5250    4.6347427    4.7579757    9.5316726 
    5300    4.9765192    5.1378784    9.7376039 
    5350    5.1899675    4.9469798    10.699202 
    5400    5.0178189      5.47536     9.707559 
    5450    4.9537295    5.1651951    9.7430567 
    5500    4.8448459    4.6800231     9.297621 
    5550    5.1703386     4.865903    10.090954 
    5600    5.6293349    5.4332687    10.047955 
    5650    5.2729245     6.180173    10.259202 
    5700    5.1034054    5.2082315    10.031079 
    5750    5.0982009    5.0158875      10.3517 
    5800    4.8139573    4.8454398    10.001093 
    5850    5.3237843    4.9860148    10.493724 
    5900     4.421652    4.7147453     10.30137 
    5950    5.3475173    4.8489279    9.7495241 
    6000     5.013939     4.796874    9.7433063 
    6050    5.1111778    5.2773346    10.245638 
    6100    5.1484609    5.2230939    9.9800589 
    6150    5.0101213    5.0702323    9.7021038 
    6200    4.5881964    5.2635287    9.3903355 
    6250    5.5340791    5.5956851    10.809705 
    6300    5.3121762    5.3679934    9.4683653 
    6350     5.072589    5.0111289    10.494452 
    6400    5.3134876    5.3779245    11.439347 
    6450    4.9930408    5.3215491    10.287925 
    6500    4.6925854    4.4527123    9.3141266 
    6550    4.5127115    4.5276223    9.2970101 
    6600    4.6857945    5.0039986    9.8782575 
    6650    5.4210348    4.6775837    10.404812 
    6700     5.416291    5.1705872    10.935776 
    6750    5.2396825    5.0306589     10.14922 
    6800    5.3579349    4.9442072    10.510841 
    6850    4.8287972    4.4930847    9.4697502 
    6900    4.9688784    4.5977364    10.004321 
    6950    4.7853293    4.5578984    9.0727469 
    7000    5.0589506    4.9662362     11.04237 
    7050    5.2657677    5.3989373    10.712811 
    7100    5.5373555    5.6700228    10.099215 
    7150    4.7085526    4.4207863     9.417028 
    7200    4.7480934    4.8575585     9.970864 
    7250    5.2732588     5.211703    9.8573725 
    7300    5.0152654    5.5514349    11.104278 
    7350    4.9255785    5.3533123     10.69476 
    7400    5.1041241    5.0597338    9.5918592 
    7450    4.7333067     4.584844    10.820426 
    7500    4.9157751    5.0274623    10.706391 
    7550    4.8231717    5.2251684    9.7721097 
    7600    4.5115685    4.6809903    9.1230191 
    7650      4.76928    5.0869557    9.2881957 
    7700    5.1014383    5.4733369    9.9024386 
    7750    5.7812792    5.6404429    10.895814 
    7800     5.451651    5.4137204    10.471661 
    7850    4.7982757    5.2043999    10.046712 
    7900    4.4490306     4.546108    8.3934233 
    7950    4.3147055     4.489834    8.8833017 
    8000    5.0558378    5.1022203     11.21385 
    8050    6.0715673    5.9289687    12.007167 
    8100    5.4463621    5.8686057    9.7475724 
    8150    4.6295786    4.5658519    8.9353979 
    8200    4.4109788    4.4122705    8.8574801 
    8250    4.9903375    5.2807872    10.024069 
    8300    5.2930602    5.7480682     10.33242 
    8350    5.6166755    5.3279586    10.761278 
    8400    5.2344331    5.3991078    10.261601 
    8450    4.9395736    4.8421048    10.544976 
    8500    4.8692729    4.4538669     10.38133 
    8550    4.7746965    4.5959252    10.413873 
    8600    4.4344376    4.9176179    9.0368016 
    8650    5.0230802    4.7795825    8.5121429 
    8700    4.9279145    4.8844196    10.145405 
    8750     5.343116    5.7462499    11.191805 
    8800    5.4073851    5.1952022    9.6534892 
    8850    5.6085471    5.1332845     10.28282 
    8900    4.9077946    5.1446696     9.236557 
    8950    4.9416647    5.2071136    10.106251 
    9000    5.4201564    5.3733264    11.081109 
    9050    5.9648951    5.5501112    12.621681 
    9100    4.8947991    5.2187898    10.470022 
    9150      4.48197    4.1036268    8.4201904 
    9200    4.3946543    4.3973715    8.5340163 
    9250    5.3021965    5.2717867    9.2560849 
    9300    5.1768568    5.8272523    10.232503 
    9350    5.7291082    5.7641611    11.622836 
    9400    5.5971415    6.0957826    11.948662 
    9450    4.6317008    4.8550521    9.7699372 
    9500    4.3364192    4.4197985    8.8085022 
    9550    4.4961662    4.5930997    9.6064493 
    9600     4.901858    5.3789866    10.044551 
    9650    5.2916208    4.9071387    9.9083075 
    9700    4.8995154      4.78658    9.3871144 
    9750    5.5045136    5.3070515    10.969147 
    9800    5.2729372    6.0714054    11.027892 
    9850    4.8794625    5.2788176    10.100819 
    9900    4.6173961    4.6918339    9.2090718 
    9950    4.7478539    4.6911854    8.6831286 
   10000    4.9331146    5.3771408    11.489778 
Loop time of 2.62782 on 4 procs for 10000 steps with 500 atoms

Performance: 1643945.149 tau/day, 3805.429 timesteps/s
99.9% CPU use with 4 MPI tasks x no OpenMP threads

MPI task timing breakdown:
Section |  min time  |  avg time  |  max time  |%varavg| %total
Pair    | 0.29968    | 0.30667    | 0.31341    |   1.2 | 11.67
Neigh   | 1.0173     | 1.0395     | 1.0668     |   2.1 | 39.56
Comm    | 0.55804    | 0.59161    | 0.62132    |   3.5 | 22.51
Output  | 0.0028653  | 0.0035743  | 0.0056112  |   2.0 |  0.14
Modify  | 0.5692     | 0.5732     | 0.57625    |   0.4 | 21.81
Other   |            | 0.1132     |            |       |  4.31

Nlocal:    125 ave 130 max 121 min
Histogram: 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1
Nghost:    452.25 ave 455 max 449 min
Histogram: 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1
Neighs:    837 ave 882 max 804 min
Histogram: 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1

Total # of neighbors = 3348
Ave neighs/atom = 6.696
Neighbor list builds = 4598
Dangerous builds = 0
Total wall time: 0:00:02