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#ifndef VECTOR_H
#define VECTOR_H
#include "Matrix.h"
// forward declarations ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//* Matrix-vector product
//template<typename T>
//void MultMv(const Matrix<T> &A, const Vector<T> &v, DenseVector<T> &c,
// const bool At=0, T a=1, T b=0);
* abstract class Vector
template<typename T>
class Vector : public Matrix<T>
Vector() {}
Vector(const Vector<T> &c); // do not implement!
virtual ~Vector() {}
string tostring() const;
// pure virtual functions
virtual T operator()(INDEX i, INDEX j=0) const=0;
virtual T& operator()(INDEX i, INDEX j=0) =0;
virtual T operator[](INDEX i) const=0;
virtual T& operator[](INDEX i) =0;
virtual INDEX nRows() const=0;
virtual T* get_ptr() const=0;
virtual void resize(INDEX nRows, INDEX nCols=1, bool copy=0)=0;
virtual void reset(INDEX nRows, INDEX nCols=1, bool zero=0)=0;
virtual void copy(const T * ptr, INDEX nRows, INDEX nCols=1)=0;
void write_restart(FILE *f) const; // will be virtual
// output to matlab
using Matrix<T>::matlab;
void matlab(ostream &o, const string &s="v") const;
INDEX nCols() const;
bool in_range(INDEX i) const;
bool same_size(const Vector &m) const;
static bool same_size(const Vector &a, const Vector &b);
//* don't allow this
Vector& operator=(const Vector &r);
//* performs a matrix-vector multiply with default naive implementation
template<typename T>
void MultMv(const Matrix<T> &A, const Vector<T> &v, DenseVector<T> &c,
const bool At, T a, T b)
const INDEX sA[2] = {A.nRows(), A.nCols()}; // m is sA[At] k is sA[!At]
const INDEX M=sA[At], K=sA[!At];
GCK(A, v, v.size()!=K, "MultAb<T>: matrix-vector multiply");
if (c.size() != M)
c.resize(M); // set size of C; // do not add result to C
else c *= b;
for (INDEX p=0; p<M; p++)
for (INDEX r=0; r<K; r++)
c[p] += A(p*!At+r*At, p*At+r*!At) * v[r];
//* Operator for Matrix-vector product
template<typename T>
DenseVector<T> operator*(const Matrix<T> &A, const Vector<T> &b)
DenseVector<T> c;
MultMv(A, b, c, 0, 1.0, 0.0);
return c;
//* Operator for Vector-matrix product
template<typename T>
DenseVector<T> operator*(const Vector<T> &a, const Matrix<T> &B)
DenseVector<T> c;
MultMv(B, a, c, 1, 1.0, 0.0);
return c;
//* Multiply a vector by a scalar
template<typename T>
DenseVector<T> operator*(const Vector<T> &v, const T s)
DenseVector<T> r(v);
return r;
//* Multiply a vector by a scalar - communitive
template<typename T>
DenseVector<T> operator*(const T s, const Vector<T> &v)
DenseVector<T> r(v);
return r;
//* inverse scaling operator - must always create memory
template<typename T>
DenseMatrix<T> operator/(const Vector<T> &v, const T s)
DenseVector<T> r(v);
r*=(1.0/s); // for integer types this may be worthless
return ;
//* Operator for Vector-Vector sum
template<typename T>
DenseVector<T> operator+(const Vector<T> &a, const Vector<T> &b)
DenseVector<T> c(a);
return c;
//* Operator for Vector-Vector subtraction
template<typename T>
DenseVector<T> operator-(const Vector<T> &a, const Vector<T> &b)
DenseVector<T> c(a);
return c;
// Template definitions ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//* output operator
template<typename T>
string Vector<T>::tostring() const
string s;
FORi s += string(i?"\t":"") + ATC_STRING::tostring(VIDX(i),5);
return s;
//* Writes a matlab script defining the vector to the stream
template<typename T>
void Vector<T>::matlab(ostream &o, const string &s) const
o << s <<"=zeros(" << this->size() << ",1);\n";
FORi o << s << "("<<i+1<<") = " << VIDX(i) << ";\n";
//* writes the vector data to a file
template <typename T>
void Vector<T>::write_restart(FILE *f) const
INDEX size = this->size();
fwrite(&size, sizeof(INDEX),1,f);
if (size) fwrite(this->get_ptr(), sizeof(T), this->size(), f);
//* returns the number of columns; always 1
template<typename T>
inline INDEX Vector<T>::nCols() const
return 1;
//* returns true if INDEX i is within the range of the vector
template<typename T>
bool Vector<T>::in_range(INDEX i) const
return i<this->size();
//* returns true if m has the same number of elements this vector
template<typename T>
bool Vector<T>::same_size(const Vector &m) const
return this->size() == m.size();
//* returns true if a and b have the same number of elements
template<typename T>
inline bool Vector<T>::same_size(const Vector &a, const Vector &b)
return a.same_size(b);

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