* Properties of a given CUDA device and the corresponding PTX bundle
#pragma once
#include "util_arch.cuh"
#include "util_debug.cuh"
#include "util_namespace.cuh"
#include "util_macro.cuh"
/// Optional outer namespace(s)
/// CUB namespace
namespace cub {
* \addtogroup UtilModule
* @{
#ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS // Do not document
* Empty kernel for querying PTX manifest metadata (e.g., version) for the current device
template <typename T>
__global__ void EmptyKernel(void) { }
* Alias temporaries to externally-allocated device storage (or simply return the amount of storage needed).
template <int ALLOCATIONS>
__host__ __device__ __forceinline__
cudaError_t AliasTemporaries(
void *d_temp_storage, ///< [in] %Device allocation of temporary storage. When NULL, the required allocation size is returned in \p temp_storage_bytes and no work is done.
size_t &temp_storage_bytes, ///< [in,out] Size in bytes of \t d_temp_storage allocation
void* (&allocations)[ALLOCATIONS], ///< [in,out] Pointers to device allocations needed
size_t (&allocation_sizes)[ALLOCATIONS]) ///< [in] Sizes in bytes of device allocations needed
const int ALIGN_BYTES = 256;
const int ALIGN_MASK = ~(ALIGN_BYTES - 1);
// Compute exclusive prefix sum over allocation requests