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// ************************************************************************
// Kokkos v. 2.0
// Copyright (2014) Sandia Corporation
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// Questions? Contact H. Carter Edwards (
// ************************************************************************
#include <Kokkos_Core_fwd.hpp>
#include <Kokkos_Parallel.hpp>
#include <Kokkos_Atomic.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_BitOps.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_Error.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_SharedAlloc.hpp>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <chrono>
// How should errors be handled? In general, production code should return a
// value indicating failure so the user can decide how the error is handled.
// While experimental, code can abort instead. If KOKKOS_ENABLE_MEMPOOL_PRINTERR is
// defined, the code will abort with an error message. Otherwise, the code will
// return with a value indicating failure when possible, or do nothing instead.
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Experimental {
namespace MempoolImpl {
template < typename T, typename ExecutionSpace >
struct initialize_array {
typedef ExecutionSpace execution_space;
typedef typename ExecutionSpace::size_type size_type;
T * m_data;
T m_value;
initialize_array( T * d, size_t size, T v ) : m_data( d ), m_value( v )
Kokkos::parallel_for( size, *this );
void operator()( size_type i ) const { m_data[i] = m_value; }
template <typename Bitset>
struct bitset_count
typedef typename Bitset::execution_space execution_space;
typedef typename execution_space::size_type size_type;
typedef typename Bitset::size_type value_type;
typedef typename Bitset::word_type word_type;
word_type * m_words;
value_type & m_result;
bitset_count( word_type * w, value_type num_words, value_type & r )
: m_words( w ), m_result( r )
parallel_reduce( num_words, *this, m_result );
void init( value_type & v ) const
{ v = 0; }
void join( volatile value_type & dst, volatile value_type const & src ) const
{ dst += src; }
void operator()( size_type i, value_type & count ) const
count += Kokkos::Impl::bit_count( m_words[i] );
template < typename Device >
class Bitset {
typedef typename Device::execution_space execution_space;
typedef typename Device::memory_space memory_space;
typedef unsigned word_type;
typedef unsigned size_type;
typedef Kokkos::Impl::DeepCopy< memory_space, Kokkos::HostSpace > raw_deep_copy;
// Define some constants.
enum {
// Size of bitset word. Should be 32.
WORD_SIZE = sizeof(word_type) * CHAR_BIT,
LG_WORD_SIZE = Kokkos::Impl::integral_power_of_two( WORD_SIZE ),
word_type * m_words;
size_type m_size;
size_type m_num_words;
word_type m_last_word_mask;
~Bitset() = default;
Bitset() = default;
Bitset( Bitset && ) = default;
Bitset( const Bitset & ) = default;
Bitset & operator = ( Bitset && ) = default;
Bitset & operator = ( const Bitset & ) = default;
void init( void * w, size_type s )
// Assumption: The size of the memory pointed to by w is a multiple of
// sizeof(word_type).
m_words = reinterpret_cast<word_type*>( w );
m_size = s;
m_num_words = ( s + WORD_SIZE - 1 ) >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
m_last_word_mask = m_size & WORD_MASK ? ( word_type(1) << ( m_size & WORD_MASK ) ) - 1 : 0;
size_type size() const { return m_size; }
size_type count() const
size_type val = 0;
bitset_count< Bitset > bc( m_words, m_num_words, val );
return val;
void set()
// Set all the bits.
initialize_array< word_type, execution_space > ia( m_words, m_num_words, ~word_type(0) );
if ( m_last_word_mask ) {
// Clear the unused bits in the last block.
raw_deep_copy( m_words + ( m_num_words - 1 ), &m_last_word_mask, sizeof(word_type) );
void reset()
initialize_array< word_type, execution_space > ia( m_words, m_num_words, word_type(0) );
bool test( size_type i ) const
size_type word_pos = i >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
word_type word = volatile_load( &m_words[ word_pos ] );
word_type mask = word_type(1) << ( i & WORD_MASK );
return word & mask;
bool set( size_type i ) const
size_type word_pos = i >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
word_type mask = word_type(1) << ( i & WORD_MASK );
return !( atomic_fetch_or( &m_words[ word_pos ], mask ) & mask );
bool reset( size_type i ) const
size_type word_pos = i >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
word_type mask = word_type(1) << ( i & WORD_MASK );
return atomic_fetch_and( &m_words[ word_pos ], ~mask ) & mask;
Kokkos::pair< bool, word_type >
fetch_word_set( size_type i ) const
size_type word_pos = i >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
word_type mask = word_type(1) << ( i & WORD_MASK );
Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type> result;
result.second = atomic_fetch_or( &m_words[ word_pos ], mask );
result.first = !( result.second & mask );
return result;
Kokkos::pair< bool, word_type >
fetch_word_reset( size_type i ) const
size_type word_pos = i >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
word_type mask = word_type(1) << ( i & WORD_MASK );
Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type> result;
result.second = atomic_fetch_and( &m_words[ word_pos ], ~mask );
result.first = result.second & mask;
return result;
Kokkos::pair< bool, word_type >
set_any_in_word( size_type & pos ) const
size_type word_pos = pos >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
word_type word = volatile_load( &m_words[ word_pos ] );
// Loop until there are no more unset bits in the word.
while ( ~word ) {
// Find the first unset bit in the word.
size_type bit = Kokkos::Impl::bit_scan_forward( ~word );
// Try to set the bit.
word_type mask = word_type(1) << bit;
word = atomic_fetch_or( &m_words[ word_pos ], mask );
if ( !( word & mask ) ) {
// Successfully set the bit.
pos = ( word_pos << LG_WORD_SIZE ) + bit;
return Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type>( true, word );
// Didn't find a free bit in this word.
return Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type>( false, word_type(0) );
Kokkos::pair< bool, word_type >
set_any_in_word( size_type & pos, word_type word_mask ) const
size_type word_pos = pos >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
word_type word = volatile_load( &m_words[ word_pos ] );
word = ( ~word ) & word_mask;
// Loop until there are no more unset bits in the word.
while ( word ) {
// Find the first unset bit in the word.
size_type bit = Kokkos::Impl::bit_scan_forward( word );
// Try to set the bit.
word_type mask = word_type(1) << bit;
word = atomic_fetch_or( &m_words[ word_pos ], mask );
if ( !( word & mask ) ) {
// Successfully set the bit.
pos = ( word_pos << LG_WORD_SIZE ) + bit;
return Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type>( true, word );
word = ( ~word ) & word_mask;
// Didn't find a free bit in this word.
return Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type>( false, word_type(0) );
Kokkos::pair< bool, word_type >
reset_any_in_word( size_type & pos ) const
size_type word_pos = pos >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
word_type word = volatile_load( &m_words[ word_pos ] );
// Loop until there are no more set bits in the word.
while ( word ) {
// Find the first unset bit in the word.
size_type bit = Kokkos::Impl::bit_scan_forward( word );
// Try to reset the bit.
word_type mask = word_type(1) << bit;
word = atomic_fetch_and( &m_words[ word_pos ], ~mask );
if ( word & mask ) {
// Successfully reset the bit.
pos = ( word_pos << LG_WORD_SIZE ) + bit;
return Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type>( true, word );
// Didn't find a free bit in this word.
return Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type>( false, word_type(0) );
Kokkos::pair< bool, word_type >
reset_any_in_word( size_type & pos, word_type word_mask ) const
size_type word_pos = pos >> LG_WORD_SIZE;
word_type word = volatile_load( &m_words[ word_pos ] );
word = word & word_mask;
// Loop until there are no more set bits in the word.
while ( word ) {
// Find the first unset bit in the word.
size_type bit = Kokkos::Impl::bit_scan_forward( word );
// Try to reset the bit.
word_type mask = word_type(1) << bit;
word = atomic_fetch_and( &m_words[ word_pos ], ~mask );
if ( word & mask ) {
// Successfully reset the bit.
pos = ( word_pos << LG_WORD_SIZE ) + bit;
return Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type>( true, word );
word = word & word_mask;
// Didn't find a free bit in this word.
return Kokkos::pair<bool, word_type>( false, word_type(0) );
template < typename UInt32View, typename BSHeaderView, typename SBHeaderView,
typename MempoolBitset >
struct create_histogram {
typedef typename UInt32View::execution_space execution_space;
typedef typename execution_space::size_type size_type;
typedef Kokkos::pair< double, uint32_t > value_type;
size_t m_start;
UInt32View m_page_histogram;
BSHeaderView m_blocksize_info;
SBHeaderView m_sb_header;
MempoolBitset m_sb_blocks;
size_t m_lg_max_sb_blocks;
uint32_t m_lg_min_block_size;
uint32_t m_blocks_per_page;
value_type & m_result;
create_histogram( size_t start, size_t end, UInt32View ph, BSHeaderView bsi,
SBHeaderView sbh, MempoolBitset sbb, size_t lmsb,
uint32_t lmbs, uint32_t bpp, value_type & r )
: m_start( start ), m_page_histogram( ph ), m_blocksize_info( bsi ),
m_sb_header( sbh ), m_sb_blocks( sbb ), m_lg_max_sb_blocks( lmsb ),
m_lg_min_block_size( lmbs ), m_blocks_per_page( bpp ), m_result( r )
Kokkos::parallel_reduce( end - start, *this, m_result );
void init( value_type & v ) const
v.first = 0.0;
v.second = 0;
void join( volatile value_type & dst, volatile value_type const & src ) const
dst.first += src.first;
dst.second += src.second;
void operator()( size_type i, value_type & r ) const
size_type i2 = i + m_start;
uint32_t lg_block_size = m_sb_header(i2).m_lg_block_size;
// A superblock only has a block size of 0 when it is empty.
if ( lg_block_size != 0 ) {
uint32_t block_size_id = lg_block_size - m_lg_min_block_size;
uint32_t blocks_per_sb = m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_blocks_per_sb;
uint32_t pages_per_sb = m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_pages_per_sb;
uint32_t total_allocated_blocks = 0;
for ( uint32_t j = 0; j < pages_per_sb; ++j ) {
unsigned start_pos = ( i2 << m_lg_max_sb_blocks ) + j * m_blocks_per_page;
unsigned end_pos = start_pos + m_blocks_per_page;
uint32_t page_allocated_blocks = 0;
for ( unsigned k = start_pos; k < end_pos; ++k ) {
page_allocated_blocks += m_sb_blocks.test( k );
total_allocated_blocks += page_allocated_blocks;
atomic_increment( &m_page_histogram(page_allocated_blocks) );
r.first += double(total_allocated_blocks) / blocks_per_sb;
r.second += blocks_per_sb;
template < typename UInt32View, typename SBHeaderView, typename MempoolBitset >
struct count_allocated_blocks {
typedef typename UInt32View::execution_space execution_space;
typedef typename execution_space::size_type size_type;
UInt32View m_num_allocated_blocks;
SBHeaderView m_sb_header;
MempoolBitset m_sb_blocks;
size_t m_sb_size;
size_t m_lg_max_sb_blocks;
count_allocated_blocks( size_t num_sb, UInt32View nab, SBHeaderView sbh,
MempoolBitset sbb, size_t sbs, size_t lmsb )
: m_num_allocated_blocks( nab ), m_sb_header( sbh ),
m_sb_blocks( sbb ), m_sb_size( sbs ), m_lg_max_sb_blocks( lmsb )
Kokkos::parallel_for( num_sb, *this );
void operator()( size_type i ) const
uint32_t lg_block_size = m_sb_header(i).m_lg_block_size;
// A superblock only has a block size of 0 when it is empty.
if ( lg_block_size != 0 ) {
// Count the allocated blocks in the superblock.
uint32_t blocks_per_sb = lg_block_size > 0 ? m_sb_size >> lg_block_size : 0;
unsigned start_pos = i << m_lg_max_sb_blocks;
unsigned end_pos = start_pos + blocks_per_sb;
uint32_t count = 0;
for ( unsigned j = start_pos; j < end_pos; ++j ) {
count += m_sb_blocks.test( j );
m_num_allocated_blocks(i) = count;
/// \class MemoryPool
/// \brief Bitset based memory manager for pools of same-sized chunks of memory.
/// \tparam Device Kokkos device that gives the execution and memory space the
/// allocator will be used in.
/// MemoryPool is a memory space that can be on host or device. It provides a
/// pool memory allocator for fast allocation of same-sized chunks of memory.
/// The memory is only accessible on the host / device this allocator is
/// associated with.
/// This allocator is based on ideas from the following GPU allocators:
/// Halloc (
/// ScatterAlloc (
template < typename Device >
class MemoryPool {
// The allocator uses superblocks. A superblock is divided into pages, and a
// page is divided into blocks. A block is the chunk of memory that is given
// out by the allocator. A page always has a number of blocks equal to the
// size of the word used by the bitset. Thus, the pagesize can vary between
// superblocks as it is based on the block size of the superblock. The
// allocator supports all powers of 2 from MIN_BLOCK_SIZE to the size of a
// superblock as block sizes.
// Superblocks are divided into 4 categories:
// 1. empty - is completely empty; there are no active allocations
// 2. partfull - partially full; there are some active allocations
// 3. full - full enough with active allocations that new allocations
// will likely fail
// 4. active - is currently the active superblock for a block size
// An inactive superblock is one that is empty, partfull, or full.
// New allocations occur only from an active superblock. If a superblock is
// made inactive after an allocation request is made to it but before the
// allocation request is fulfilled, the allocation will still be attempted
// from that superblock. Deallocations can occur to partfull, full, or
// active superblocks. Superblocks move between categories as allocations
// and deallocations happen. Superblocks all start empty.
// Here are the possible moves between categories:
// empty -> active During allocation, there is no active superblock
// or the active superblock is full.
// active -> full During allocation, the full threshold of the
// superblock is reached when increasing the fill
// level.
// full -> partfull During deallocation, the full threshold of the
// superblock is crossed when decreasing the fill
// level.
// partfull -> empty Deallocation of the last allocated block of an
// inactive superblock.
// partfull -> active During allocation, the active superblock is full.
// When a new active superblock is needed, partfull superblocks of the same
// block size are chosen over empty superblocks.
// The empty and partfull superblocks are tracked using bitsets that represent
// the superblocks in those repsective categories. Empty superblocks use a
// single bitset, while partfull superblocks use a bitset per block size
// (contained sequentially in a single bitset). Active superblocks are
// tracked by the active superblocks array. Full superblocks aren't tracked
// at all.
typedef typename Device::execution_space execution_space;
typedef typename Device::memory_space backend_memory_space;
typedef Device device_type;
typedef MempoolImpl::Bitset< device_type > MempoolBitset;
// Define some constants.
enum {
LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE = Kokkos::Impl::integral_power_of_two( MIN_BLOCK_SIZE ),
// Size of bitset word.
INVALID_SUPERBLOCK = ~uint32_t(0),
SUPERBLOCK_LOCK = ~uint32_t(0) - 1,
MAX_TRIES = 32 // Cap on the number of pages searched
// before an allocation returns empty.
// Stores information about each superblock.
struct SuperblockHeader {
uint32_t m_full_pages;
uint32_t m_empty_pages;
uint32_t m_lg_block_size;
uint32_t m_is_active;
SuperblockHeader() :
m_full_pages(0), m_empty_pages(0), m_lg_block_size(0), m_is_active(false) {}
// Stores information about each block size.
struct BlockSizeHeader {
uint32_t m_blocks_per_sb;
uint32_t m_pages_per_sb;
uint32_t m_sb_full_level;
uint32_t m_page_full_level;
BlockSizeHeader() :
m_blocks_per_sb(0), m_pages_per_sb(0), m_sb_full_level(0), m_page_full_level(0) {}
typedef Kokkos::Impl::SharedAllocationTracker Tracker;
typedef View< uint32_t *, device_type > UInt32View;
typedef View< SuperblockHeader *, device_type > SBHeaderView;
// The letters 'sb' used in any variable name mean superblock.
size_t m_lg_sb_size; // Log2 of superblock size.
size_t m_sb_size; // Superblock size.
size_t m_lg_max_sb_blocks; // Log2 of the number of blocks of the
// minimum block size in a superblock.
size_t m_num_sb; // Number of superblocks.
size_t m_ceil_num_sb; // Number of superblocks rounded up to the smallest
// multiple of the bitset word size. Used by
// bitsets representing superblock categories to
// ensure different block sizes never share a word
// in the bitset.
size_t m_num_block_size; // Number of block sizes supported.
size_t m_data_size; // Amount of memory available to the allocator.
size_t m_sb_blocks_size; // Amount of memory for free / empty blocks bitset.
size_t m_empty_sb_size; // Amount of memory for empty superblocks bitset.
size_t m_partfull_sb_size; // Amount of memory for partfull superblocks bitset.
size_t m_total_size; // Total amount of memory allocated.
char * m_data; // Beginning device memory location used for
// superblocks.
UInt32View m_active; // Active superblocks IDs.
SBHeaderView m_sb_header; // Header info for superblocks.
MempoolBitset m_sb_blocks; // Bitsets representing free / allocated status
// of blocks in superblocks.
MempoolBitset m_empty_sb; // Bitset representing empty superblocks.
MempoolBitset m_partfull_sb; // Bitsets representing partially full superblocks.
Tracker m_track; // Tracker for superblock memory.
BlockSizeHeader m_blocksize_info[MAX_BLOCK_SIZES]; // Header info for block sizes.
// There were several methods tried for storing the block size header info: in a View,
// in a View of const data, and in a RandomAccess View. All of these were slower than
// storing it in a static array that is a member variable to the class. In the latter
// case, the block size info gets copied into the constant memory on the GPU along with
// the class when it is copied there for exeucting a parallel loop. Instead of storing
// the values, computing the values every time they were needed was also tried. This
// method was slightly slower than storing them in the static array.
//! Tag this class as a kokkos memory space
typedef MemoryPool memory_space;
~MemoryPool() = default;
MemoryPool() = default;
MemoryPool( MemoryPool && ) = default;
MemoryPool( const MemoryPool & ) = default;
MemoryPool & operator = ( MemoryPool && ) = default;
MemoryPool & operator = ( const MemoryPool & ) = default;
/// \brief Initializes the memory pool.
/// \param memspace The memory space from which the memory pool will allocate memory.
/// \param total_size The requested memory amount controlled by the allocator. The
/// actual amount is rounded up to the smallest multiple of the
/// superblock size >= the requested size.
/// \param log2_superblock_size Log2 of the size of superblocks used by the allocator.
/// In most use cases, the default value should work.
MemoryPool( const backend_memory_space & memspace,
size_t total_size, size_t log2_superblock_size = 20 )
: m_lg_sb_size( log2_superblock_size ),
m_sb_size( size_t(1) << m_lg_sb_size ),
m_lg_max_sb_blocks( m_lg_sb_size - LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE ),
m_num_sb( ( total_size + m_sb_size - 1 ) >> m_lg_sb_size ),
m_ceil_num_sb( ( ( m_num_sb + BLOCKS_PER_PAGE - 1 ) >> LG_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE ) <<
m_num_block_size( m_lg_sb_size - LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE + 1 ),
m_data_size( m_num_sb * m_sb_size ),
m_sb_blocks_size( ( m_num_sb << m_lg_max_sb_blocks ) / CHAR_BIT ),
m_empty_sb_size( m_ceil_num_sb / CHAR_BIT ),
m_partfull_sb_size( m_ceil_num_sb * m_num_block_size / CHAR_BIT ),
m_total_size( m_data_size + m_sb_blocks_size + m_empty_sb_size + m_partfull_sb_size ),
m_active( "Active superblocks" ),
m_sb_header( "Superblock headers" ),
// Assumption. The minimum block size must be a power of 2.
static_assert( Kokkos::Impl::is_integral_power_of_two( MIN_BLOCK_SIZE ), "" );
// Assumption. Require a superblock be large enough so it takes at least 1
// whole bitset word to represent it using the minimum blocksize.
if ( m_sb_size < MIN_BLOCK_SIZE * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE ) {
printf( "\n** MemoryPool::MemoryPool() Superblock size must be >= %u **\n",
fflush( stdout );
Kokkos::abort( "" );
// Assumption. A superblock's size can be at most 2^31. Verify this.
if ( m_lg_sb_size > 31 ) {
printf( "\n** MemoryPool::MemoryPool() Superblock size must be < %u **\n",
( uint32_t(1) << 31 ) );
fflush( stdout );
Kokkos::abort( "" );
// Assumption. The Bitset only uses unsigned for size types which limits
// the amount of memory the allocator can manage. Verify the memory size
// is below this limit.
if ( m_data_size > size_t(MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) * std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max() ) {
printf( "\n** MemoryPool::MemoryPool() Allocator can only manage %lu bytes of memory; requested %lu **\n",
size_t(MIN_BLOCK_SIZE) * std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max(), total_size );
fflush( stdout );
Kokkos::abort( "" );
// Allocate memory for Views. This is done here instead of at construction
// so that the runtime checks can be performed before allocating memory.
resize( m_active, m_num_block_size );
resize( m_sb_header, m_num_sb );
// Allocate superblock memory.
typedef Kokkos::Impl::SharedAllocationRecord< backend_memory_space, void > SharedRecord;
SharedRecord * rec =
SharedRecord::allocate( memspace, "mempool", m_total_size );
m_track.assign_allocated_record_to_uninitialized( rec );
m_data = reinterpret_cast<char *>( rec->data() );
// Set and initialize the free / empty block bitset memory.
m_sb_blocks.init( m_data + m_data_size, m_num_sb << m_lg_max_sb_blocks );
// Set and initialize the empty superblock block bitset memory.
m_empty_sb.init( m_data + m_data_size + m_sb_blocks_size, m_num_sb );
// Start with all superblocks in the empty category.
// Set and initialize the partfull superblock block bitset memory.
m_partfull_sb.init( m_data + m_data_size + m_sb_blocks_size + m_empty_sb_size,
m_ceil_num_sb * m_num_block_size );
// Initialize all active superblocks to be invalid.
typename UInt32View::HostMirror host_active = create_mirror_view( m_active );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_num_block_size; ++i ) host_active(i) = INVALID_SUPERBLOCK;
deep_copy( m_active, host_active );
// A superblock is considered full when this percentage of its pages are full.
const double superblock_full_fraction = .8;
// A page is considered full when this percentage of its blocks are full.
const double page_full_fraction = .875;
// Initialize the blocksize info.
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_num_block_size; ++i ) {
uint32_t lg_block_size = i + LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t blocks_per_sb = m_sb_size >> lg_block_size;
uint32_t pages_per_sb = ( blocks_per_sb + BLOCKS_PER_PAGE - 1 ) >> LG_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
m_blocksize_info[i].m_blocks_per_sb = blocks_per_sb;
m_blocksize_info[i].m_pages_per_sb = pages_per_sb;
// Set the full level for the superblock.
m_blocksize_info[i].m_sb_full_level =
static_cast<uint32_t>( pages_per_sb * superblock_full_fraction );
if ( m_blocksize_info[i].m_sb_full_level == 0 ) {
m_blocksize_info[i].m_sb_full_level = 1;
// Set the full level for the page.
uint32_t blocks_per_page =
blocks_per_sb < BLOCKS_PER_PAGE ? blocks_per_sb : BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
m_blocksize_info[i].m_page_full_level =
static_cast<uint32_t>( blocks_per_page * page_full_fraction );
if ( m_blocksize_info[i].m_page_full_level == 0 ) {
m_blocksize_info[i].m_page_full_level = 1;
printf( "\n" );
printf( " m_lg_sb_size: %12lu\n", m_lg_sb_size );
printf( " m_sb_size: %12lu\n", m_sb_size );
printf( " m_max_sb_blocks: %12lu\n", size_t(1) << m_lg_max_sb_blocks );
printf( "m_lg_max_sb_blocks: %12lu\n", m_lg_max_sb_blocks );
printf( " m_num_sb: %12lu\n", m_num_sb );
printf( " m_ceil_num_sb: %12lu\n", m_ceil_num_sb );
printf( " m_num_block_size: %12lu\n", m_num_block_size );
printf( " data bytes: %12lu\n", m_data_size );
printf( " sb_blocks bytes: %12lu\n", m_sb_blocks_size );
printf( " empty_sb bytes: %12lu\n", m_empty_sb_size );
printf( " partfull_sb bytes: %12lu\n", m_partfull_sb_size );
printf( " total bytes: %12lu\n", m_total_size );
printf( " m_empty_sb size: %12u\n", m_empty_sb.size() );
printf( "m_partfull_sb size: %12u\n", m_partfull_sb.size() );
printf( "\n" );
fflush( stdout );
// Print the blocksize info for all the block sizes.
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_num_block_size; ++i ) {
printf( "%4zu %13u %12u %13u %15u\n", i + LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE,
m_blocksize_info[i].m_blocks_per_sb, m_blocksize_info[i].m_pages_per_sb,
m_blocksize_info[i].m_sb_full_level, m_blocksize_info[i].m_page_full_level );
printf( "\n" );
/// \brief The actual block size allocated given alloc_size.
size_t allocate_block_size( const size_t alloc_size ) const
{ return size_t(1) << ( get_block_size_index( alloc_size ) + LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE ); }
/// \brief Allocate a chunk of memory.
/// \param alloc_size Size of the requested allocated in number of bytes.
/// The function returns a void pointer to a memory location on success and
/// NULL on failure.
void * allocate( size_t alloc_size ) const
void * p = 0;
// Only support allocations up to the superblock size. Just return 0
// (failed allocation) for any size above this.
if ( alloc_size <= m_sb_size )
int block_size_id = get_block_size_index( alloc_size );
uint32_t blocks_per_sb = m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_blocks_per_sb;
uint32_t pages_per_sb = m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_pages_per_sb;
// Without this test it looks like pages_per_sb might come back wrong.
if ( pages_per_sb == 0 ) return NULL;
unsigned word_size = blocks_per_sb > 32 ? 32 : blocks_per_sb;
unsigned word_mask = ( uint64_t(1) << word_size ) - 1;
// Instead of forcing an atomic read to guarantee the updated value,
// reading the old value is actually beneficial because more threads will
// attempt allocations on the old active superblock instead of waiting on
// the new active superblock. This will help hide the latency of
// switching the active superblock.
uint32_t sb_id = volatile_load( &m_active(block_size_id) );
// If the active is locked, keep reading it atomically until the lock is
// released.
while ( sb_id == SUPERBLOCK_LOCK ) {
sb_id = atomic_fetch_or( &m_active(block_size_id), uint32_t(0) );
bool allocation_done = false;
while ( !allocation_done ) {
bool need_new_sb = false;
if ( sb_id != INVALID_SUPERBLOCK ) {
// Use the value from the clock register as the hash value.
uint64_t hash_val = get_clock_register();
// Get the starting position for this superblock's bits in the bitset.
uint32_t pos_base = sb_id << m_lg_max_sb_blocks;
// Mod the hash value to choose a page in the superblock. The
// initial block searched is the first block of that page.
uint32_t pos_rel = uint32_t( hash_val & ( pages_per_sb - 1 ) ) << LG_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
// Get the absolute starting position for this superblock's bits in the bitset.
uint32_t pos = pos_base + pos_rel;
// Keep track of the number of pages searched. Pages in the superblock are
// searched linearly from the starting page. All pages in the superblock are
// searched until either a location is found, or it is proven empty.
uint32_t pages_searched = 0;
bool search_done = false;
while ( !search_done ) {
bool success = false;
unsigned prev_val = 0;
Kokkos::tie( success, prev_val ) = m_sb_blocks.set_any_in_word( pos, word_mask );
if ( !success ) {
if ( ++pages_searched >= pages_per_sb ) {
// Searched all the pages in this superblock. Look for a new superblock.
// The previous method tried limiting the number of pages searched, but
// that caused a huge performance issue in CUDA where the outer loop
// executed massive numbers of times. Threads weren't able to find a
// free location when the superblock wasn't full and were able to execute
// the outer loop many times before the superblock was switched for a new
// one. Switching to an exhaustive search eliminated this possiblity and
// didn't slow anything down for the tests.
need_new_sb = true;
search_done = true;
else {
// Move to the next page making sure the new search position
// doesn't go past this superblock's bits.
pos = ( pos < pos_base + blocks_per_sb ) ? pos : pos_base;
else {
// Reserved a memory location to allocate.
search_done = true;
allocation_done = true;
uint32_t lg_block_size = block_size_id + LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
p = m_data + ( size_t(sb_id) << m_lg_sb_size ) +
( ( pos - pos_base ) << lg_block_size );
uint32_t used_bits = Kokkos::Impl::bit_count( prev_val );
if ( used_bits == 0 ) {
// This page was empty. Decrement the number of empty pages for
// the superblock.
atomic_decrement( &m_sb_header(sb_id).m_empty_pages );
else if ( used_bits == m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_page_full_level - 1 )
// This page is full. Increment the number of full pages for
// the superblock.
uint32_t full_pages = atomic_fetch_add( &m_sb_header(sb_id).m_full_pages, 1 );
// This allocation made the superblock full, so a new one needs to be found.
if ( full_pages == m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_sb_full_level - 1 ) {
need_new_sb = true;
else {
// This is the first allocation for this block size. A superblock needs
// to be set as the active one. If this point is reached any other time,
// it is an error.
need_new_sb = true;
if ( need_new_sb ) {
uint32_t new_sb_id = find_superblock( block_size_id, sb_id );
if ( new_sb_id == sb_id ) {
allocation_done = true;
printf( "** No superblocks available. **\n" );
fflush( stdout );
else {
sb_id = new_sb_id;
else {
printf( "** Requested allocation size (%zu) larger than superblock size (%lu). **\n",
alloc_size, m_sb_size );
fflush( stdout );
return p;
/// \brief Release allocated memory back to the pool.
/// \param alloc_ptr Pointer to chunk of memory previously allocated by
/// the allocator.
/// \param alloc_size Size of the allocated memory in number of bytes.
void deallocate( void * alloc_ptr, size_t alloc_size ) const
char * ap = static_cast<char *>( alloc_ptr );
// Only deallocate memory controlled by this pool.
if ( ap >= m_data && ap + alloc_size <= m_data + m_data_size ) {
// Get the superblock for the address. This can be calculated by math on
// the address since the superblocks are stored contiguously in one memory
// chunk.
uint32_t sb_id = ( ap - m_data ) >> m_lg_sb_size;
// Get the starting position for this superblock's bits in the bitset.
uint32_t pos_base = sb_id << m_lg_max_sb_blocks;
// Get the relative position for this memory location's bit in the bitset.
uint32_t offset = ( ap - m_data ) - ( size_t(sb_id) << m_lg_sb_size );
uint32_t lg_block_size = m_sb_header(sb_id).m_lg_block_size;
uint32_t block_size_id = lg_block_size - LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t pos_rel = offset >> lg_block_size;
bool success = false;
unsigned prev_val = 0;
Kokkos::tie( success, prev_val ) = m_sb_blocks.fetch_word_reset( pos_base + pos_rel );
// If the memory location was previously deallocated, do nothing.
if ( success ) {
uint32_t page_fill_level = Kokkos::Impl::bit_count( prev_val );
if ( page_fill_level == 1 ) {
// This page is now empty. Increment the number of empty pages for the
// superblock.
uint32_t empty_pages = atomic_fetch_add( &m_sb_header(sb_id).m_empty_pages, 1 );
if ( !volatile_load( &m_sb_header(sb_id).m_is_active ) &&
empty_pages == m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_pages_per_sb - 1 )
// This deallocation caused the superblock to be empty. Change the
// superblock category from partially full to empty.
unsigned pos = block_size_id * m_ceil_num_sb + sb_id;
if ( m_partfull_sb.reset( pos ) ) {
// Reset the empty pages and block size for the superblock.
volatile_store( &m_sb_header(sb_id).m_empty_pages, uint32_t(0) );
volatile_store( &m_sb_header(sb_id).m_lg_block_size, uint32_t(0) );
m_empty_sb.set( sb_id );
else if ( page_fill_level == m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_page_full_level ) {
// This page is no longer full. Decrement the number of full pages for
// the superblock.
uint32_t full_pages = atomic_fetch_sub( &m_sb_header(sb_id).m_full_pages, 1 );
if ( !volatile_load( &m_sb_header(sb_id).m_is_active ) &&
full_pages == m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_sb_full_level )
// This deallocation caused the number of full pages to decrease below
// the full threshold. Change the superblock category from full to
// partially full.
unsigned pos = block_size_id * m_ceil_num_sb + sb_id;
m_partfull_sb.set( pos );
else {
printf( "\n** MemoryPool::deallocate() ADDRESS_OUT_OF_RANGE(0x%llx) **\n",
reinterpret_cast<uint64_t>( alloc_ptr ) );
fflush( stdout );
/// \brief Tests if the memory pool has no more memory available to allocate.
bool is_empty() const
// The allocator is empty if all superblocks are full. A superblock is
// full if it has >= 80% of its pages allocated.
// Look at all the superblocks. If one is not full, then the allocator
// isn't empty.
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_num_sb; ++i ) {
uint32_t lg_block_size = m_sb_header(i).m_lg_block_size;
// A superblock only has a block size of 0 when it is empty.
if ( lg_block_size == 0 ) return false;
uint32_t block_size_id = lg_block_size - LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t full_pages = volatile_load( &m_sb_header(i).m_full_pages );
if ( full_pages < m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_sb_full_level ) return false;
// All the superblocks were full. The allocator is empty.
return true;
// The following functions are used for debugging.
void print_status() const
printf( "\n" );
typename SBHeaderView::HostMirror host_sb_header = create_mirror_view( m_sb_header );
deep_copy( host_sb_header, m_sb_header );
UInt32View num_allocated_blocks( "Allocated Blocks", m_num_sb );
// Count the number of allocated blocks per superblock.
MempoolImpl::count_allocated_blocks< UInt32View, SBHeaderView, MempoolBitset >
mch( m_num_sb, num_allocated_blocks, m_sb_header,
m_sb_blocks, m_sb_size, m_lg_max_sb_blocks );
typename UInt32View::HostMirror host_num_allocated_blocks =
create_mirror_view( num_allocated_blocks );
deep_copy( host_num_allocated_blocks, num_allocated_blocks );
// Print header info of all superblocks.
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_num_sb; ++i ) {
printf( "%5zu %4u %6d %11u %10u %10u\n", i,
host_sb_header(i).m_lg_block_size, host_sb_header(i).m_is_active,
host_sb_header(i).m_empty_pages, host_sb_header(i).m_full_pages,
host_num_allocated_blocks(i) );
printf( "\n" );
UInt32View page_histogram( "Page Histogram", 33 );
// Get a View version of the blocksize info.
typedef View< BlockSizeHeader *, device_type > BSHeaderView;
BSHeaderView blocksize_info( "BlockSize Headers", MAX_BLOCK_SIZES );
Kokkos::Impl::DeepCopy< backend_memory_space, Kokkos::HostSpace >
dc( blocksize_info.ptr_on_device(), m_blocksize_info,
sizeof(BlockSizeHeader) * m_num_block_size );
Kokkos::pair< double, uint32_t > result = Kokkos::pair< double, uint32_t >( 0.0, 0 );
// Create the page histogram.
MempoolImpl::create_histogram< UInt32View, BSHeaderView, SBHeaderView, MempoolBitset >
mch( 0, m_num_sb, page_histogram, blocksize_info, m_sb_header, m_sb_blocks,
m_lg_max_sb_blocks, LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCKS_PER_PAGE, result );
typename UInt32View::HostMirror host_page_histogram = create_mirror_view( page_histogram );
deep_copy( host_page_histogram, page_histogram );
// Find the used and total pages and blocks.
uint32_t used_pages = 0;
uint32_t used_blocks = 0;
for ( uint32_t i = 1; i < 33; ++i ) {
used_pages += host_page_histogram(i);
used_blocks += i * host_page_histogram(i);
uint32_t total_pages = used_pages + host_page_histogram(0);
unsigned num_empty_sb = m_empty_sb.count();
unsigned num_non_empty_sb = m_num_sb - num_empty_sb;
unsigned num_partfull_sb = m_partfull_sb.count();
uint32_t total_blocks = result.second;
double ave_sb_full = num_non_empty_sb == 0 ? 0.0 : result.first / num_non_empty_sb;
double percent_used_sb = double( m_num_sb - num_empty_sb ) / m_num_sb;
double percent_used_pages = total_pages == 0 ? 0.0 : double(used_pages) / total_pages;
double percent_used_blocks = total_blocks == 0 ? 0.0 : double(used_blocks) / total_blocks;
// Count active superblocks.
typename UInt32View::HostMirror host_active = create_mirror_view( m_active );
deep_copy( host_active, m_active );
unsigned num_active_sb = 0;
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_num_block_size; ++i ) {
num_active_sb += host_active(i) != INVALID_SUPERBLOCK;
// Print active superblocks.
printf( "BS_ID SB_ID\n" );
for ( size_t i = 0; i < m_num_block_size; ++i ) {
uint32_t sb_id = host_active(i);
if ( sb_id == INVALID_SUPERBLOCK ) {
printf( "%5zu I\n", i );
else if ( sb_id == SUPERBLOCK_LOCK ) {
printf( "%5zu L\n", i );
else {
printf( "%5zu %7u\n", i, sb_id );
printf( "\n" );
fflush( stdout );
// Print the summary page histogram.
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < 33; ++i ) {
printf( "%10u %10u\n", i, host_page_histogram[i] );
printf( "\n" );
// Print the page histogram for a few individual superblocks.
// const uint32_t num_sb_id = 2;
// uint32_t sb_id[num_sb_id] = { 0, 10 };
const uint32_t num_sb_id = 1;
uint32_t sb_id[num_sb_id] = { 0 };
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < num_sb_id; ++i ) {
deep_copy( page_histogram, 0 );
MempoolImpl::create_histogram< UInt32View, BSHeaderView, SBHeaderView, MempoolBitset >
mch( sb_id[i], sb_id[i] + 1, page_histogram, blocksize_info, m_sb_header,
m_sb_blocks, m_lg_max_sb_blocks, LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, BLOCKS_PER_PAGE, result );
deep_copy( host_page_histogram, page_histogram );
for ( uint32_t j = 0; j < 33; ++j ) {
printf( "%5u %10u %10u\n", sb_id[i], j, host_page_histogram[j] );
printf( "\n" );
// Print the blocks used for each page of a few individual superblocks.
for ( uint32_t i = 0; i < num_sb_id; ++i ) {
uint32_t lg_block_size = host_sb_header(sb_id[i]).m_lg_block_size;
if ( lg_block_size != 0 ) {
uint32_t block_size_id = lg_block_size - LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
uint32_t pages_per_sb = m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_pages_per_sb;
for ( uint32_t j = 0; j < pages_per_sb; ++j ) {
unsigned start_pos = ( sb_id[i] << m_lg_max_sb_blocks ) + j * BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
unsigned end_pos = start_pos + BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
uint32_t num_allocated_blocks = 0;
for ( unsigned k = start_pos; k < end_pos; ++k ) {
num_allocated_blocks += m_sb_blocks.test( k );
printf( "%5u %8u %11u\n", sb_id[i], j, num_allocated_blocks );
printf( "\n" );
printf( " Used blocks: %10u / %10u = %10.6lf\n", used_blocks, total_blocks,
percent_used_blocks );
printf( " Used pages: %10u / %10u = %10.6lf\n", used_pages, total_pages,
percent_used_pages );
printf( " Used SB: %10zu / %10zu = %10.6lf\n", m_num_sb - num_empty_sb, m_num_sb,
percent_used_sb );
printf( " Active SB: %10u\n", num_active_sb );
printf( " Empty SB: %10u\n", num_empty_sb );
printf( " Partfull SB: %10u\n", num_partfull_sb );
printf( " Full SB: %10lu\n",
m_num_sb - num_active_sb - num_empty_sb - num_partfull_sb );
printf( "Ave. SB Full %%: %10.6lf\n", ave_sb_full );
printf( "\n" );
fflush( stdout );
fflush( stdout );
size_t get_min_block_size() const { return MIN_BLOCK_SIZE; }
size_t get_mem_size() const { return m_data_size; }
/// \brief Returns the index into the active array for the given size.
/// Computes log2 of the largest power of two >= the given size
/// ( ie ceil( log2(size) ) ) shifted by LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE.
int get_block_size_index( const size_t size ) const
// We know the size fits in a 32 bit unsigned because the size of a
// superblock is limited to 2^31, so casting to an unsigned is safe.
// Find the most significant nonzero bit.
uint32_t first_nonzero_bit =
Kokkos::Impl::bit_scan_reverse( static_cast<unsigned>( size ) );
// If size is an integral power of 2, ceil( log2(size) ) is equal to the
// most significant nonzero bit. Otherwise, you need to add 1. Since the
// minimum block size is MIN_BLOCK_SIZE, make sure ceil( log2(size) ) is at
uint32_t lg2_size = first_nonzero_bit + !Kokkos::Impl::is_integral_power_of_two( size );
lg2_size = lg2_size > LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE ? lg2_size : LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
// Return ceil( log2(size) ) shifted so that the value for MIN_BLOCK_SIZE
// is 0.
return lg2_size - LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE;
/// \brief Finds a superblock with free space to become a new active superblock.
/// If this function is called, the current active superblock needs to be replaced
/// because it is full. Initially, only the thread that sets the active superblock
/// to full calls this function. Other threads can still allocate from the "full"
/// active superblock because a full superblock still has locations available. If
/// a thread tries to allocate from the active superblock when it has no free
/// locations, then that thread will call this function, too, and spin on a lock
/// waiting until the active superblock has been replaced.
uint32_t find_superblock( int block_size_id, uint32_t old_sb ) const
// Try to grab the lock on the head.
uint32_t lock_sb =
Kokkos::atomic_compare_exchange( &m_active(block_size_id), old_sb, SUPERBLOCK_LOCK );
// Initialize the new superblock to be the previous one so the previous
// superblock is returned if a new superblock can't be found.
uint32_t new_sb = lock_sb;
if ( lock_sb == old_sb ) {
// This thread has the lock.
// 1. Look for a partially filled superblock that is of the right block
// size.
size_t max_tries = m_ceil_num_sb >> LG_BLOCKS_PER_PAGE;
size_t tries = 0;
bool search_done = false;
// Set the starting search position to the beginning of this block
// size's bitset.
unsigned pos = block_size_id * m_ceil_num_sb;
while ( !search_done ) {
bool success = false;
unsigned prev_val = 0;
Kokkos::tie( success, prev_val ) = m_partfull_sb.reset_any_in_word( pos );
if ( !success ) {
if ( ++tries >= max_tries ) {
// Exceeded number of words for this block size's bitset.
search_done = true;
else {
else {
// Found a superblock.
// It is possible that the newly found superblock is the same as the
// old superblock. In this case putting the old value back in yields
// correct behavior. This could happen as follows. This thread
// grabs the lock and transitions the superblock to the full state.
// Before it searches for a new superblock, other threads perform
// enough deallocations to transition the superblock to the partially
// full state. This thread then searches for a partially full
// superblock and finds the one it removed. There's potential for
// this to cause a performance issue if the same superblock keeps
// being removed and added due to the right mix and ordering of
// allocations and deallocations.
search_done = true;
new_sb = pos - block_size_id * m_ceil_num_sb;
// Set the head status for the superblock.
volatile_store( &m_sb_header(new_sb).m_is_active, uint32_t(true) );
// If there was a previous active superblock, mark it as not active.
// It is now in the full category and as such isn't tracked.
if ( lock_sb != INVALID_SUPERBLOCK ) {
volatile_store( &m_sb_header(lock_sb).m_is_active, uint32_t(false) );
// 2. Look for an empty superblock.
if ( new_sb == lock_sb ) {
tries = 0;
search_done = false;
// Set the starting search position to the beginning of this block
// size's bitset.
pos = 0;
while ( !search_done ) {
bool success = false;
unsigned prev_val = 0;
Kokkos::tie( success, prev_val ) = m_empty_sb.reset_any_in_word( pos );
if ( !success ) {
if ( ++tries >= max_tries ) {
// Exceeded number of words for this block size's bitset.
search_done = true;
else {
else {
// Found a superblock.
// It is possible that the newly found superblock is the same as
// the old superblock. In this case putting the old value back in
// yields correct behavior. This could happen as follows. This
// thread grabs the lock and transitions the superblock to the full
// state. Before it searches for a new superblock, other threads
// perform enough deallocations to transition the superblock to the
// partially full state and then the empty state. This thread then
// searches for a partially full superblock and none exist. This
// thread then searches for an empty superblock and finds the one
// it removed. The likelihood of this happening is so remote that
// the potential for this to cause a performance issue is
// infinitesimal.
search_done = true;
new_sb = pos;
// Set the empty pages, block size, and head status for the
// superblock.
volatile_store( &m_sb_header(new_sb).m_empty_pages,
m_blocksize_info[block_size_id].m_pages_per_sb );
volatile_store( &m_sb_header(new_sb).m_lg_block_size,
block_size_id + LG_MIN_BLOCK_SIZE );
volatile_store( &m_sb_header(new_sb).m_is_active, uint32_t(true) );
// If there was a previous active superblock, mark it as not active.
// It is now in the full category and as such isn't tracked.
if ( lock_sb != INVALID_SUPERBLOCK ) {
volatile_store( &m_sb_header(lock_sb).m_is_active, uint32_t(false) );
// Write the new active superblock to release the lock.
atomic_exchange( &m_active(block_size_id), new_sb );
else {
// Either another thread has the lock and is switching the active
// superblock for this block size or another thread has already changed
// the active superblock since this thread read its value. Keep
// atomically reading the active superblock until it isn't locked to get
// the new active superblock.
do {
new_sb = atomic_fetch_or( &m_active(block_size_id), uint32_t(0) );
} while ( new_sb == SUPERBLOCK_LOCK );
// Assertions:
// 1. An invalid superblock should never be found here.
// 2. If the new superblock is the same as the previous superblock, the
// allocator is empty.
if ( new_sb == INVALID_SUPERBLOCK ) {
printf( "\n** MemoryPool::find_superblock() FOUND_INACTIVE_SUPERBLOCK **\n" );
fflush( stdout );
Kokkos::abort( "" );
return new_sb;
/// Returns 64 bits from a clock register.
uint64_t get_clock_register(void) const
#if defined( __CUDA_ARCH__ )
// Return value of 64-bit hi-res clock register.
return clock64();
#elif defined( __i386__ ) || defined( __x86_64 )
// Return value of 64-bit hi-res clock register.
unsigned a = 0, d = 0;
__asm__ volatile( "rdtsc" : "=a" (a), "=d" (d) );
return ( (uint64_t) a ) | ( ( (uint64_t) d ) << 32 );
#elif defined( __powerpc ) || defined( __powerpc__ ) || defined( __powerpc64__ ) || \
defined( __POWERPC__ ) || defined( __ppc__ ) || defined( __ppc64__ )
unsigned int cycles = 0;
asm volatile( "mftb %0" : "=r" (cycles) );
return (uint64_t) cycles;
const uint64_t ticks =
return ticks;
} // namespace Experimental
} // namespace Kokkos

Event Timeline