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/* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "atom_vec.h"
#include "kokkos_type.h"
#include <type_traits>
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class AtomVecKokkos : public AtomVec {
AtomVecKokkos(class LAMMPS *);
virtual ~AtomVecKokkos() {}
virtual void sync(ExecutionSpace space, unsigned int mask) = 0;
virtual void modified(ExecutionSpace space, unsigned int mask) = 0;
virtual void sync_overlapping_device(ExecutionSpace space, unsigned int mask) {};
virtual int
pack_comm_self(const int &n, const DAT::tdual_int_2d &list,
const int & iswap, const int nfirst,
const int &pbc_flag, const int pbc[]) = 0;
//{return 0;}
virtual int
pack_comm_kokkos(const int &n, const DAT::tdual_int_2d &list,
const int & iswap, const DAT::tdual_xfloat_2d &buf,
const int &pbc_flag, const int pbc[]) = 0;
//{return 0;}
virtual void
unpack_comm_kokkos(const int &n, const int &nfirst,
const DAT::tdual_xfloat_2d &buf) = 0;
virtual int
pack_border_kokkos(int n, DAT::tdual_int_2d k_sendlist,
DAT::tdual_xfloat_2d buf,int iswap,
int pbc_flag, int *pbc, ExecutionSpace space) = 0;
//{return 0;};
virtual void
unpack_border_kokkos(const int &n, const int &nfirst,
const DAT::tdual_xfloat_2d &buf,
ExecutionSpace space) = 0;
virtual int
pack_exchange_kokkos(const int &nsend, DAT::tdual_xfloat_2d &buf,
DAT::tdual_int_1d k_sendlist,
DAT::tdual_int_1d k_copylist,
ExecutionSpace space, int dim, X_FLOAT lo, X_FLOAT hi) = 0;
//{return 0;};
virtual int
unpack_exchange_kokkos(DAT::tdual_xfloat_2d &k_buf, int nrecv,
int nlocal, int dim, X_FLOAT lo, X_FLOAT hi,
ExecutionSpace space) = 0;
//{return 0;};
class CommKokkos *commKK;
size_t buffer_size;
void* buffer;
template<class ViewType>
Kokkos::View<typename ViewType::data_type,
typename ViewType::array_layout,
Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::Unmanaged> >
create_async_copy(const ViewType& src) {
typedef Kokkos::View<typename ViewType::data_type,
typename ViewType::array_layout,
typename std::conditional<
std::is_same<typename ViewType::execution_space,LMPDeviceType>::value,
Kokkos::CudaHostPinnedSpace,typename ViewType::memory_space>::type,
Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::Unmanaged> > mirror_type;
if (buffer_size == 0) {
buffer = Kokkos::kokkos_malloc<Kokkos::CudaHostPinnedSpace>(src.capacity());
buffer_size = src.capacity();
} else if (buffer_size < src.capacity()) {
buffer = Kokkos::kokkos_realloc<Kokkos::CudaHostPinnedSpace>(buffer,src.capacity());
buffer_size = src.capacity();
return mirror_type( buffer ,
src.dimension_0() ,
src.dimension_1() ,
src.dimension_2() ,
src.dimension_3() ,
src.dimension_4() ,
src.dimension_5() ,
src.dimension_6() ,
src.dimension_7() );
template<class ViewType>
void perform_async_copy(const ViewType& src, unsigned int space) {
typedef Kokkos::View<typename ViewType::data_type,
typename ViewType::array_layout,
typename std::conditional<
std::is_same<typename ViewType::execution_space,LMPDeviceType>::value,
Kokkos::CudaHostPinnedSpace,typename ViewType::memory_space>::type,
Kokkos::MemoryTraits<Kokkos::Unmanaged> > mirror_type;
if (buffer_size == 0) {
buffer = Kokkos::kokkos_malloc<Kokkos::CudaHostPinnedSpace>(src.capacity()*sizeof(typename ViewType::value_type));
buffer_size = src.capacity();
} else if (buffer_size < src.capacity()) {
buffer = Kokkos::kokkos_realloc<Kokkos::CudaHostPinnedSpace>(buffer,src.capacity()*sizeof(typename ViewType::value_type));
buffer_size = src.capacity();
mirror_type tmp_view( (typename ViewType::value_type*)buffer ,
src.dimension_0() ,
src.dimension_1() ,
src.dimension_2() ,
src.dimension_3() ,
src.dimension_4() ,
src.dimension_5() ,
src.dimension_6() ,
src.dimension_7() );
if(space == Device) {
src.modified_device() = src.modified_host();
} else {
src.modified_device() = src.modified_host();
template<class ViewType>
void perform_async_copy(ViewType& src, unsigned int space) {
if(space == Device)
src.template sync<LMPDeviceType>();
src.template sync<LMPHostType>();
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:

Event Timeline