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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing author: Ase Henry (MIT)
Bugfixes and optimizations:
Marcel Fallet & Steve Stuart (Clemson), Axel Kohlmeyer (Temple U),
Markus Hoehnerbach (RWTH Aachen), Cyril Falvo (Universite Paris Sud)
AIREBO-M modification to optionally replace LJ with Morse potentials.
Thomas C. O'Connor (JHU) 2014
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <mpi.h>
#include "pair_airebo.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "neigh_request.h"
#include "my_page.h"
#include "math_const.h"
#include "math_special.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
using namespace MathConst;
using namespace MathSpecial;
#define MAXLINE 1024
#define TOL 1.0e-9
#define PGDELTA 1
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PairAIREBO::PairAIREBO(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pair(lmp)
single_enable = 0;
one_coeff = 1;
ghostneigh = 1;
ljflag = torflag = 1;
morseflag = 0;
nextra = 3;
pvector = new double[nextra];
maxlocal = 0;
REBO_numneigh = NULL;
REBO_firstneigh = NULL;
ipage = NULL;
pgsize = oneatom = 0;
nC = nH = NULL;
map = NULL;
manybody_flag = 1;
sigwid = 0.84;
sigcut = 3.0;
sigmin = sigcut - sigwid;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
check if allocated, since class can be destructed when incomplete
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
delete [] ipage;
delete [] pvector;
if (allocated) {
delete [] map;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
if (eflag || vflag) ev_setup(eflag,vflag);
else evflag = vflag_fdotr = vflag_atom = 0;
pvector[0] = pvector[1] = pvector[2] = 0.0;
if (ljflag) FLJ(eflag,vflag);
if (torflag) TORSION(eflag,vflag);
if (vflag_fdotr) virial_fdotr_compute();
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
allocate all arrays
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::allocate()
allocated = 1;
int n = atom->ntypes;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for (int j = i; j <= n; j++)
setflag[i][j] = 0;
// only sized by C,H = 2 types
map = new int[n+1];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
global settings
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::settings(int narg, char **arg)
if (narg != 1 && narg != 3 && narg != 4)
error->all(FLERR,"Illegal pair_style command");
cutlj = force->numeric(FLERR,arg[0]);
if (narg >= 3) {
ljflag = force->inumeric(FLERR,arg[1]);
torflag = force->inumeric(FLERR,arg[2]);
if (narg == 4) {
sigcut = cutlj;
sigmin = force->numeric(FLERR,arg[3]);
sigwid = sigcut - sigmin;
// this one parameter for C-C interactions is different in AIREBO vs REBO
// see Favata, Micheletti, Ryu, Pugno, Comp Phys Comm (2016)
PCCf_2_0 = -0.0276030;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set coeffs for one or more type pairs
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
if (!allocated) allocate();
if (narg != 3 + atom->ntypes)
error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
// insure I,J args are * *
if (strcmp(arg[0],"*") != 0 || strcmp(arg[1],"*") != 0)
error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
// read args that map atom types to C and H
// map[i] = which element (0,1) the Ith atom type is, -1 if NULL
for (int i = 3; i < narg; i++) {
if (strcmp(arg[i],"NULL") == 0) {
map[i-2] = -1;
} else if (strcmp(arg[i],"C") == 0) {
map[i-2] = 0;
} else if (strcmp(arg[i],"H") == 0) {
map[i-2] = 1;
} else error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
// read potential file and initialize fitting splines
// clear setflag since coeff() called once with I,J = * *
int n = atom->ntypes;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for (int j = i; j <= n; j++)
setflag[i][j] = 0;
// set setflag i,j for type pairs where both are mapped to elements
int count = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++)
for (int j = i; j <= n; j++)
if (map[i] >= 0 && map[j] >= 0) {
setflag[i][j] = 1;
if (count == 0) error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
init specific to this pair style
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::init_style()
if (atom->tag_enable == 0)
error->all(FLERR,"Pair style AIREBO requires atom IDs");
if (force->newton_pair == 0)
error->all(FLERR,"Pair style AIREBO requires newton pair on");
// need a full neighbor list, including neighbors of ghosts
int irequest = neighbor->request(this,instance_me);
neighbor->requests[irequest]->half = 0;
neighbor->requests[irequest]->full = 1;
neighbor->requests[irequest]->ghost = 1;
// local REBO neighbor list
// create pages if first time or if neighbor pgsize/oneatom has changed
int create = 0;
if (ipage == NULL) create = 1;
if (pgsize != neighbor->pgsize) create = 1;
if (oneatom != neighbor->oneatom) create = 1;
if (create) {
delete [] ipage;
pgsize = neighbor->pgsize;
oneatom = neighbor->oneatom;
int nmypage= comm->nthreads;
ipage = new MyPage<int>[nmypage];
for (int i = 0; i < nmypage; i++)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
init for one type pair i,j and corresponding j,i
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::init_one(int i, int j)
if (setflag[i][j] == 0) error->all(FLERR,"All pair coeffs are not set");
// convert to C,H types
int ii = map[i];
int jj = map[j];
// use C-C values for these cutoffs since C atoms are biggest
// cut3rebo = 3 REBO distances
cut3rebo = 3.0 * rcmax[0][0];
// cutljrebosq = furthest distance from an owned atom a ghost atom can be
// to need its REBO neighs computed
// interaction = M-K-I-J-L-N with I = owned and J = ghost
// this insures N is in the REBO neigh list of L
// since I-J < rcLJmax and J-L < rmax
double cutljrebo = rcLJmax[0][0] + rcmax[0][0];
cutljrebosq = cutljrebo * cutljrebo;
// cutmax = furthest distance from an owned atom
// at which another atom will feel force, i.e. the ghost cutoff
// for REBO term in potential:
// interaction = M-K-I-J-L-N with I = owned and J = ghost
// I to N is max distance = 3 REBO distances
// for LJ term in potential:
// short interaction = M-K-I-J-L-N with I = owned, J = ghost, I-J < rcLJmax
// rcLJmax + 2*rcmax, since I-J < rcLJmax and J-L,L-N = REBO distances
// long interaction = I-J with I = owned and J = ghost
// cutlj*sigma, since I-J < LJ cutoff
// cutghost = REBO cutoff used in REBO_neigh() for neighbors of ghosts
double cutmax = cut3rebo;
if (ljflag) {
cutmax = MAX(cutmax,rcLJmax[0][0] + 2.0*rcmax[0][0]);
cutmax = MAX(cutmax,cutlj*sigma[0][0]);
cutghost[i][j] = rcmax[ii][jj];
cutljsq[ii][jj] = cutlj*sigma[ii][jj] * cutlj*sigma[ii][jj];
if (morseflag) {
// using LJ precomputed parameter arrays to store values for Morse potential
lj1[ii][jj] = epsilonM[ii][jj] * exp(alphaM[ii][jj]*reqM[ii][jj]);
lj2[ii][jj] = exp(alphaM[ii][jj]*reqM[ii][jj]);
lj3[ii][jj] = 2*epsilonM[ii][jj]*alphaM[ii][jj]*exp(alphaM[ii][jj]*reqM[ii][jj]);
lj4[ii][jj] = alphaM[ii][jj];
} else {
lj1[ii][jj] = 48.0 * epsilon[ii][jj] * pow(sigma[ii][jj],12.0);
lj2[ii][jj] = 24.0 * epsilon[ii][jj] * pow(sigma[ii][jj],6.0);
lj3[ii][jj] = 4.0 * epsilon[ii][jj] * pow(sigma[ii][jj],12.0);
lj4[ii][jj] = 4.0 * epsilon[ii][jj] * pow(sigma[ii][jj],6.0);
cutghost[j][i] = cutghost[i][j];
cutljsq[jj][ii] = cutljsq[ii][jj];
lj1[jj][ii] = lj1[ii][jj];
lj2[jj][ii] = lj2[ii][jj];
lj3[jj][ii] = lj3[ii][jj];
lj4[jj][ii] = lj4[ii][jj];
return cutmax;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create REBO neighbor list from main neighbor list
REBO neighbor list stores neighbors of ghost atoms
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::REBO_neigh()
int i,j,ii,jj,n,allnum,jnum,itype,jtype;
double xtmp,ytmp,ztmp,delx,dely,delz,rsq,dS;
int *ilist,*jlist,*numneigh,**firstneigh;
int *neighptr;
double **x = atom->x;
int *type = atom->type;
if (atom->nmax > maxlocal) {
maxlocal = atom->nmax;
REBO_firstneigh = (int **) memory->smalloc(maxlocal*sizeof(int *),
allnum = list->inum + list->gnum;
ilist = list->ilist;
numneigh = list->numneigh;
firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
// store all REBO neighs of owned and ghost atoms
// scan full neighbor list of I
for (ii = 0; ii < allnum; ii++) {
i = ilist[ii];
n = 0;
neighptr = ipage->vget();
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
itype = map[type[i]];
nC[i] = nH[i] = 0.0;
jlist = firstneigh[i];
jnum = numneigh[i];
for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
j = jlist[jj];
jtype = map[type[j]];
delx = xtmp - x[j][0];
dely = ytmp - x[j][1];
delz = ztmp - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[itype][jtype]) {
neighptr[n++] = j;
if (jtype == 0)
nC[i] += Sp(sqrt(rsq),rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dS);
nH[i] += Sp(sqrt(rsq),rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dS);
REBO_firstneigh[i] = neighptr;
REBO_numneigh[i] = n;
if (ipage->status())
error->one(FLERR,"Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
REBO forces and energy
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::FREBO(int eflag, int vflag)
int i,j,k,m,ii,inum,itype,jtype;
tagint itag,jtag;
double delx,dely,delz,evdwl,fpair,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp;
double rsq,rij,wij;
double Qij,Aij,alphaij,VR,pre,dVRdi,VA,term,bij,dVAdi,dVA;
double dwij,del[3];
int *ilist,*REBO_neighs;
evdwl = 0.0;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
int *type = atom->type;
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int newton_pair = force->newton_pair;
inum = list->inum;
ilist = list->ilist;
// two-body interactions from REBO neighbor list, skip half of them
for (ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) {
i = ilist[ii];
itag = tag[i];
itype = map[type[i]];
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
j = REBO_neighs[k];
jtag = tag[j];
if (itag > jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue;
} else if (itag < jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue;
} else {
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue;
jtype = map[type[j]];
delx = x[i][0] - x[j][0];
dely = x[i][1] - x[j][1];
delz = x[i][2] - x[j][2];
rsq = delx*delx + dely*dely + delz*delz;
rij = sqrt(rsq);
wij = Sp(rij,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij);
if (wij <= TOL) continue;
Qij = Q[itype][jtype];
Aij = A[itype][jtype];
alphaij = alpha[itype][jtype];
VR = wij*(1.0+(Qij/rij)) * Aij*exp(-alphaij*rij);
pre = wij*Aij * exp(-alphaij*rij);
dVRdi = pre * ((-alphaij)-(Qij/rsq)-(Qij*alphaij/rij));
dVRdi += VR/wij * dwij;
VA = dVA = 0.0;
for (m = 0; m < 3; m++) {
term = -wij * BIJc[itype][jtype][m] * exp(-Beta[itype][jtype][m]*rij);
VA += term;
dVA += -Beta[itype][jtype][m] * term;
dVA += VA/wij * dwij;
del[0] = delx;
del[1] = dely;
del[2] = delz;
bij = bondorder(i,j,del,rij,VA,f,vflag_atom);
dVAdi = bij*dVA;
fpair = -(dVRdi+dVAdi) / rij;
f[i][0] += delx*fpair;
f[i][1] += dely*fpair;
f[i][2] += delz*fpair;
f[j][0] -= delx*fpair;
f[j][1] -= dely*fpair;
f[j][2] -= delz*fpair;
if (eflag) pvector[0] += evdwl = VR + bij*VA;
if (evflag) ev_tally(i,j,nlocal,newton_pair,
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute LJ forces and energy
find 3- and 4-step paths between atoms I,J via REBO neighbor lists
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::FLJ(int eflag, int vflag)
int i,j,k,m,ii,jj,kk,mm,inum,jnum,itype,jtype,ktype,mtype;
int atomi,atomj,atomk,atomm;
int testpath,npath,done;
tagint itag,jtag;
double evdwl,fpair,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp;
double rsq,best,wik,wkm,cij,rij,dwij,dwik,dwkj,dwkm,dwmj;
double delij[3],rijsq,delik[3],rik,deljk[3];
double rkj,wkj,dC,VLJ,dVLJ,VA,Str,dStr,Stb;
double vdw,slw,dvdw,dslw,drij,swidth,tee,tee2;
double rljmin,rljmax;
double delkm[3],rkm,deljm[3],rmj,wmj,r2inv,r6inv,scale,delscale[3];
int *ilist,*jlist,*numneigh,**firstneigh;
int *REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_k;
double delikS[3],deljkS[3],delkmS[3],deljmS[3],delimS[3];
double rikS,rkjS,rkmS,rmjS,wikS,dwikS;
double wkjS,dwkjS,wkmS,dwkmS,wmjS,dwmjS;
double fpair1,fpair2,fpair3;
double fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fm[3];
// I-J interaction from full neighbor list
// skip 1/2 of interactions since only consider each pair once
evdwl = 0.0;
rljmin = 0.0;
rljmax = 0.0;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
int *type = atom->type;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int newton_pair = force->newton_pair;
inum = list->inum;
ilist = list->ilist;
numneigh = list->numneigh;
firstneigh = list->firstneigh;
// loop over neighbors of my atoms
for (ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) {
i = ilist[ii];
itag = tag[i];
itype = map[type[i]];
atomi = i;
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
jlist = firstneigh[i];
jnum = numneigh[i];
for (jj = 0; jj < jnum; jj++) {
j = jlist[jj];
jtag = tag[j];
if (itag > jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue;
} else if (itag < jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue;
} else {
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue;
jtype = map[type[j]];
atomj = j;
delij[0] = xtmp - x[j][0];
delij[1] = ytmp - x[j][1];
delij[2] = ztmp - x[j][2];
rijsq = delij[0]*delij[0] + delij[1]*delij[1] + delij[2]*delij[2];
// if outside of LJ cutoff, skip
// if outside of 4-path cutoff, best = 0.0, no need to test paths
// if outside of 2-path cutoff but inside 4-path cutoff,
// best = 0.0, test 3-,4-paths
// if inside 2-path cutoff, best = wij, only test 3-,4-paths if best < 1
npath = testpath = done = 0;
best = 0.0;
if (rijsq >= cutljsq[itype][jtype]) continue;
rij = sqrt(rijsq);
if (rij >= cut3rebo) {
best = 0.0;
testpath = 0;
} else if (rij >= rcmax[itype][jtype]) {
best = 0.0;
testpath = 1;
} else {
best = Sp(rij,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij);
npath = 2;
if (best < 1.0) testpath = 1;
else testpath = 0;
if (testpath) {
// test all 3-body paths = I-K-J
// I-K interactions come from atom I's REBO neighbors
// if wik > current best, compute wkj
// if best = 1.0, done
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (kk = 0; kk < REBO_numneigh[i] && done==0; kk++) {
k = REBO_neighs_i[kk];
if (k == j) continue;
ktype = map[type[k]];
delik[0] = x[i][0] - x[k][0];
delik[1] = x[i][1] - x[k][1];
delik[2] = x[i][2] - x[k][2];
rsq = delik[0]*delik[0] + delik[1]*delik[1] + delik[2]*delik[2];
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[itype][ktype]) {
rik = sqrt(rsq);
wik = Sp(rik,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
} else { dwik = wik = 0.0; rikS = rik = 1.0; }
if (wik > best) {
deljk[0] = x[j][0] - x[k][0];
deljk[1] = x[j][1] - x[k][1];
deljk[2] = x[j][2] - x[k][2];
rsq = deljk[0]*deljk[0] + deljk[1]*deljk[1] + deljk[2]*deljk[2];
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[ktype][jtype]) {
rkj = sqrt(rsq);
wkj = Sp(rkj,rcmin[ktype][jtype],rcmax[ktype][jtype],dwkj);
if (wik*wkj > best) {
best = wik*wkj;
npath = 3;
atomk = k;
delikS[0] = delik[0];
delikS[1] = delik[1];
delikS[2] = delik[2];
rikS = rik;
wikS = wik;
dwikS = dwik;
deljkS[0] = deljk[0];
deljkS[1] = deljk[1];
deljkS[2] = deljk[2];
rkjS = rkj;
wkjS = wkj;
dwkjS = dwkj;
if (best == 1.0) {
done = 1;
// test all 4-body paths = I-K-M-J
// K-M interactions come from atom K's REBO neighbors
// if wik*wkm > current best, compute wmj
// if best = 1.0, done
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[k];
for (mm = 0; mm < REBO_numneigh[k] && done==0; mm++) {
m = REBO_neighs_k[mm];
if (m == i || m == j) continue;
mtype = map[type[m]];
delkm[0] = x[k][0] - x[m][0];
delkm[1] = x[k][1] - x[m][1];
delkm[2] = x[k][2] - x[m][2];
rsq = delkm[0]*delkm[0] + delkm[1]*delkm[1] + delkm[2]*delkm[2];
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[ktype][mtype]) {
rkm = sqrt(rsq);
wkm = Sp(rkm,rcmin[ktype][mtype],rcmax[ktype][mtype],dwkm);
} else { dwkm = wkm = 0.0; rkmS = rkm = 1.0; }
if (wik*wkm > best) {
deljm[0] = x[j][0] - x[m][0];
deljm[1] = x[j][1] - x[m][1];
deljm[2] = x[j][2] - x[m][2];
rsq = deljm[0]*deljm[0] + deljm[1]*deljm[1] +
if (rsq < rcmaxsq[mtype][jtype]) {
rmj = sqrt(rsq);
wmj = Sp(rmj,rcmin[mtype][jtype],rcmax[mtype][jtype],dwmj);
if (wik*wkm*wmj > best) {
best = wik*wkm*wmj;
npath = 4;
atomk = k;
delikS[0] = delik[0];
delikS[1] = delik[1];
delikS[2] = delik[2];
rikS = rik;
wikS = wik;
dwikS = dwik;
atomm = m;
delkmS[0] = delkm[0];
delkmS[1] = delkm[1];
delkmS[2] = delkm[2];
rkmS = rkm;
wkmS = wkm;
dwkmS = dwkm;
deljmS[0] = deljm[0];
deljmS[1] = deljm[1];
deljmS[2] = deljm[2];
rmjS = rmj;
wmjS = wmj;
dwmjS = dwmj;
if (best == 1.0) {
done = 1;
cij = 1.0 - best;
if (cij == 0.0) continue;
// compute LJ forces and energy
rljmin = sigma[itype][jtype];
rljmax = sigcut * rljmin;
rljmin = sigmin * rljmin;
if (rij > rljmax) {
slw = 0.0;
dslw = 0.0;
} else if (rij > rljmin) {
drij = rij - rljmin;
swidth = rljmax - rljmin;
tee = drij / swidth;
tee2 = tee*tee;
slw = 1.0 - tee2 * (3.0 - 2.0 * tee);
dslw = -6.0 * tee * (1.0 - tee) / swidth;
} else {
slw = 1.0;
dslw = 0.0;
if (morseflag) {
const double exr = exp(-rij*lj4[itype][jtype]);
vdw = lj1[itype][jtype]*exr*(lj2[itype][jtype]*exr - 2);
dvdw = lj3[itype][jtype]*exr*(1-lj2[itype][jtype]*exr);
} else {
r2inv = 1.0/rijsq;
r6inv = r2inv*r2inv*r2inv;
vdw = r6inv*(lj3[itype][jtype]*r6inv-lj4[itype][jtype]);
dvdw = -r6inv * (lj1[itype][jtype]*r6inv - lj2[itype][jtype]) / rij;
// VLJ now becomes vdw * slw, derivaties, etc.
VLJ = vdw * slw;
dVLJ = dvdw * slw + vdw * dslw;
Str = Sp2(rij,rcLJmin[itype][jtype],rcLJmax[itype][jtype],dStr);
VA = Str*cij*VLJ;
if (Str > 0.0) {
scale = rcmin[itype][jtype] / rij;
delscale[0] = scale * delij[0];
delscale[1] = scale * delij[1];
delscale[2] = scale * delij[2];
Stb = bondorderLJ(i,j,delscale,rcmin[itype][jtype],VA,
} else Stb = 0.0;
fpair = -(dStr * (Stb*cij*VLJ - cij*VLJ) +
dVLJ * (Str*Stb*cij + cij - Str*cij)) / rij;
f[i][0] += delij[0]*fpair;
f[i][1] += delij[1]*fpair;
f[i][2] += delij[2]*fpair;
f[j][0] -= delij[0]*fpair;
f[j][1] -= delij[1]*fpair;
f[j][2] -= delij[2]*fpair;
if (eflag) pvector[1] += evdwl = VA*Stb + (1.0-Str)*cij*VLJ;
if (evflag) ev_tally(i,j,nlocal,newton_pair,
if (cij < 1.0) {
dC = Str*Stb*VLJ + (1.0-Str)*VLJ;
if (npath == 2) {
fpair = dC*dwij / rij;
f[atomi][0] += delij[0]*fpair;
f[atomi][1] += delij[1]*fpair;
f[atomi][2] += delij[2]*fpair;
f[atomj][0] -= delij[0]*fpair;
f[atomj][1] -= delij[1]*fpair;
f[atomj][2] -= delij[2]*fpair;
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomj,fpair,delij);
} else if (npath == 3) {
fpair1 = dC*dwikS*wkjS / rikS;
fi[0] = delikS[0]*fpair1;
fi[1] = delikS[1]*fpair1;
fi[2] = delikS[2]*fpair1;
fpair2 = dC*wikS*dwkjS / rkjS;
fj[0] = deljkS[0]*fpair2;
fj[1] = deljkS[1]*fpair2;
fj[2] = deljkS[2]*fpair2;
f[atomi][0] += fi[0];
f[atomi][1] += fi[1];
f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0];
f[atomj][1] += fj[1];
f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atomk][0] -= fi[0] + fj[0];
f[atomk][1] -= fi[1] + fj[1];
f[atomk][2] -= fi[2] + fj[2];
if (vflag_atom)
} else if (npath == 4) {
fpair1 = dC*dwikS*wkmS*wmjS / rikS;
fi[0] = delikS[0]*fpair1;
fi[1] = delikS[1]*fpair1;
fi[2] = delikS[2]*fpair1;
fpair2 = dC*wikS*dwkmS*wmjS / rkmS;
fk[0] = delkmS[0]*fpair2 - fi[0];
fk[1] = delkmS[1]*fpair2 - fi[1];
fk[2] = delkmS[2]*fpair2 - fi[2];
fpair3 = dC*wikS*wkmS*dwmjS / rmjS;
fj[0] = deljmS[0]*fpair3;
fj[1] = deljmS[1]*fpair3;
fj[2] = deljmS[2]*fpair3;
fm[0] = -delkmS[0]*fpair2 - fj[0];
fm[1] = -delkmS[1]*fpair2 - fj[1];
fm[2] = -delkmS[2]*fpair2 - fj[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0];
f[atomi][1] += fi[1];
f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0];
f[atomj][1] += fj[1];
f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atomk][0] += fk[0];
f[atomk][1] += fk[1];
f[atomk][2] += fk[2];
f[atomm][0] += fm[0];
f[atomm][1] += fm[1];
f[atomm][2] += fm[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
delimS[0] = delikS[0] + delkmS[0];
delimS[1] = delikS[1] + delkmS[1];
delimS[2] = delikS[2] + delkmS[2];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
torsional forces and energy
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::TORSION(int eflag, int vflag)
int i,j,k,l,ii,inum;
tagint itag,jtag;
double evdwl,fpair,xtmp,ytmp,ztmp;
double cos321;
double w21,dw21,cos234,w34,dw34;
double cross321[3],cross321mag,cross234[3],cross234mag;
double w23,dw23,cw2,ekijl,Ec;
double cw,cwnum,cwnom;
double rij,rij2,rik,rjl,tspjik,dtsjik,tspijl,dtsijl,costmp,fcpc;
double sin321,sin234,rjk2,rik2,ril2,rjl2;
double rjk,ril;
double Vtors;
double dndij[3],tmpvec[3],dndik[3],dndjl[3];
double dcidij,dcidik,dcidjk,dcjdji,dcjdjl,dcjdil;
double dsidij,dsidik,dsidjk,dsjdji,dsjdjl,dsjdil;
double dxidij,dxidik,dxidjk,dxjdji,dxjdjl,dxjdil;
double ddndij,ddndik,ddndjk,ddndjl,ddndil,dcwddn,dcwdn,dvpdcw,Ftmp[3];
double del32[3],rsq,r32,del23[3],del21[3],r21;
double deljk[3],del34[3],delil[3],delkl[3],r23,r34;
double fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fl[3];
int itype,jtype,ktype,ltype,kk,ll,jj;
int *ilist,*REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_j;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
int *type = atom->type;
tagint *tag = atom->tag;
inum = list->inum;
ilist = list->ilist;
for (ii = 0; ii < inum; ii++) {
i = ilist[ii];
itag = tag[i];
itype = map[type[i]];
if (itype != 0) continue;
xtmp = x[i][0];
ytmp = x[i][1];
ztmp = x[i][2];
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (jj = 0; jj < REBO_numneigh[i]; jj++) {
j = REBO_neighs_i[jj];
jtag = tag[j];
if (itag > jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 0) continue;
} else if (itag < jtag) {
if ((itag+jtag) % 2 == 1) continue;
} else {
if (x[j][2] < ztmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] < ytmp) continue;
if (x[j][2] == ztmp && x[j][1] == ytmp && x[j][0] < xtmp) continue;
jtype = map[type[j]];
if (jtype != 0) continue;
del32[0] = x[j][0]-x[i][0];
del32[1] = x[j][1]-x[i][1];
del32[2] = x[j][2]-x[i][2];
rsq = del32[0]*del32[0] + del32[1]*del32[1] + del32[2]*del32[2];
r32 = sqrt(rsq);
del23[0] = -del32[0];
del23[1] = -del32[1];
del23[2] = -del32[2];
r23 = r32;
w23 = Sp(r23,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dw23);
for (kk = 0; kk < REBO_numneigh[i]; kk++) {
k = REBO_neighs_i[kk];
ktype = map[type[k]];
if (k == j) continue;
del21[0] = x[i][0]-x[k][0];
del21[1] = x[i][1]-x[k][1];
del21[2] = x[i][2]-x[k][2];
rsq = del21[0]*del21[0] + del21[1]*del21[1] + del21[2]*del21[2];
r21 = sqrt(rsq);
cos321 = - ((del21[0]*del32[0]) + (del21[1]*del32[1]) +
(del21[2]*del32[2])) / (r21*r32);
cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0);
cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0);
sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321);
if (sin321 < TOL) continue;
deljk[0] = del21[0]-del23[0];
deljk[1] = del21[1]-del23[1];
deljk[2] = del21[2]-del23[2];
rjk2 = deljk[0]*deljk[0] + deljk[1]*deljk[1] + deljk[2]*deljk[2];
rik2 = r21*r21;
w21 = Sp(r21,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dw21);
rij = r32;
rik = r21;
rij2 = r32*r32;
rik2 = r21*r21;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rij/rik;
tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik);
dtsjik = -dtsjik;
REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (ll = 0; ll < REBO_numneigh[j]; ll++) {
l = REBO_neighs_j[ll];
ltype = map[type[l]];
if (l == i || l == k) continue;
del34[0] = x[j][0]-x[l][0];
del34[1] = x[j][1]-x[l][1];
del34[2] = x[j][2]-x[l][2];
rsq = del34[0]*del34[0] + del34[1]*del34[1] + del34[2]*del34[2];
r34 = sqrt(rsq);
cos234 = (del32[0]*del34[0] + del32[1]*del34[1] +
del32[2]*del34[2]) / (r32*r34);
cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0);
cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0);
sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234);
if (sin234 < TOL) continue;
w34 = Sp(r34,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dw34);
delil[0] = del23[0] + del34[0];
delil[1] = del23[1] + del34[1];
delil[2] = del23[2] + del34[2];
ril2 = delil[0]*delil[0] + delil[1]*delil[1] + delil[2]*delil[2];
rjl2 = r34*r34;
rjl = r34;
rjl2 = r34*r34;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rij/rjl;
tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl);
dtsijl = -dtsijl; //need minus sign
cross321[0] = (del32[1]*del21[2])-(del32[2]*del21[1]);
cross321[1] = (del32[2]*del21[0])-(del32[0]*del21[2]);
cross321[2] = (del32[0]*del21[1])-(del32[1]*del21[0]);
cross321mag = sqrt(cross321[0]*cross321[0]+
cross234[0] = (del23[1]*del34[2])-(del23[2]*del34[1]);
cross234[1] = (del23[2]*del34[0])-(del23[0]*del34[2]);
cross234[2] = (del23[0]*del34[1])-(del23[1]*del34[0]);
cross234mag = sqrt(cross234[0]*cross234[0]+
cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) +
cwnom = r21*r34*r32*r32*sin321*sin234;
cw = cwnum/cwnom;
cw2 = (.5*(1.0-cw));
ekijl = epsilonT[ktype][ltype];
Ec = 256.0*ekijl/405.0;
Vtors = (Ec*(powint(cw2,5)))-(ekijl/10.0);
if (eflag) pvector[2] += evdwl = Vtors*w21*w23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl);
dndij[0] = (cross234[1]*del21[2])-(cross234[2]*del21[1]);
dndij[1] = (cross234[2]*del21[0])-(cross234[0]*del21[2]);
dndij[2] = (cross234[0]*del21[1])-(cross234[1]*del21[0]);
tmpvec[0] = (del34[1]*cross321[2])-(del34[2]*cross321[1]);
tmpvec[1] = (del34[2]*cross321[0])-(del34[0]*cross321[2]);
tmpvec[2] = (del34[0]*cross321[1])-(del34[1]*cross321[0]);
dndij[0] = dndij[0]+tmpvec[0];
dndij[1] = dndij[1]+tmpvec[1];
dndij[2] = dndij[2]+tmpvec[2];
dndik[0] = (del23[1]*cross234[2])-(del23[2]*cross234[1]);
dndik[1] = (del23[2]*cross234[0])-(del23[0]*cross234[2]);
dndik[2] = (del23[0]*cross234[1])-(del23[1]*cross234[0]);
dndjl[0] = (cross321[1]*del23[2])-(cross321[2]*del23[1]);
dndjl[1] = (cross321[2]*del23[0])-(cross321[0]*del23[2]);
dndjl[2] = (cross321[0]*del23[1])-(cross321[1]*del23[0]);
dcidij = ((r23*r23)-(r21*r21)+(rjk*rjk))/(2.0*r23*r23*r21);
dcidik = ((r21*r21)-(r23*r23)+(rjk*rjk))/(2.0*r23*r21*r21);
dcidjk = (-rjk)/(r23*r21);
dcjdji = ((r23*r23)-(r34*r34)+(ril*ril))/(2.0*r23*r23*r34);
dcjdjl = ((r34*r34)-(r23*r23)+(ril*ril))/(2.0*r23*r34*r34);
dcjdil = (-ril)/(r23*r34);
dsidij = (-cos321/sin321)*dcidij;
dsidik = (-cos321/sin321)*dcidik;
dsidjk = (-cos321/sin321)*dcidjk;
dsjdji = (-cos234/sin234)*dcjdji;
dsjdjl = (-cos234/sin234)*dcjdjl;
dsjdil = (-cos234/sin234)*dcjdil;
dxidij = (r21*sin321)+(r23*r21*dsidij);
dxidik = (r23*sin321)+(r23*r21*dsidik);
dxidjk = (r23*r21*dsidjk);
dxjdji = (r34*sin234)+(r23*r34*dsjdji);
dxjdjl = (r23*sin234)+(r23*r34*dsjdjl);
dxjdil = (r23*r34*dsjdil);
ddndij = (dxidij*cross234mag)+(cross321mag*dxjdji);
ddndik = dxidik*cross234mag;
ddndjk = dxidjk*cross234mag;
ddndjl = cross321mag*dxjdjl;
ddndil = cross321mag*dxjdil;
dcwddn = -cwnum/(cwnom*cwnom);
dcwdn = 1.0/cwnom;
dvpdcw = (-1.0)*Ec*(-.5)*5.0*powint(cw2,4) *
Ftmp[0] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndij[0])+(dcwddn*ddndij*del23[0]/r23));
Ftmp[1] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndij[1])+(dcwddn*ddndij*del23[1]/r23));
Ftmp[2] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndij[2])+(dcwddn*ddndij*del23[2]/r23));
fi[0] = Ftmp[0];
fi[1] = Ftmp[1];
fi[2] = Ftmp[2];
fj[0] = -Ftmp[0];
fj[1] = -Ftmp[1];
fj[2] = -Ftmp[2];
Ftmp[0] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndik[0])+(dcwddn*ddndik*del21[0]/r21));
Ftmp[1] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndik[1])+(dcwddn*ddndik*del21[1]/r21));
Ftmp[2] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndik[2])+(dcwddn*ddndik*del21[2]/r21));
fi[0] += Ftmp[0];
fi[1] += Ftmp[1];
fi[2] += Ftmp[2];
fk[0] = -Ftmp[0];
fk[1] = -Ftmp[1];
fk[2] = -Ftmp[2];
Ftmp[0] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndjk*deljk[0])/rjk;
Ftmp[1] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndjk*deljk[1])/rjk;
Ftmp[2] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndjk*deljk[2])/rjk;
fj[0] += Ftmp[0];
fj[1] += Ftmp[1];
fj[2] += Ftmp[2];
fk[0] -= Ftmp[0];
fk[1] -= Ftmp[1];
fk[2] -= Ftmp[2];
Ftmp[0] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndjl[0])+(dcwddn*ddndjl*del34[0]/r34));
Ftmp[1] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndjl[1])+(dcwddn*ddndjl*del34[1]/r34));
Ftmp[2] = dvpdcw*((dcwdn*dndjl[2])+(dcwddn*ddndjl*del34[2]/r34));
fj[0] += Ftmp[0];
fj[1] += Ftmp[1];
fj[2] += Ftmp[2];
fl[0] = -Ftmp[0];
fl[1] = -Ftmp[1];
fl[2] = -Ftmp[2];
Ftmp[0] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndil*delil[0])/ril;
Ftmp[1] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndil*delil[1])/ril;
Ftmp[2] = (dvpdcw*dcwddn*ddndil*delil[2])/ril;
fi[0] += Ftmp[0];
fi[1] += Ftmp[1];
fi[2] += Ftmp[2];
fl[0] -= Ftmp[0];
fl[1] -= Ftmp[1];
fl[2] -= Ftmp[2];
// coordination forces
fpair = Vtors*dw21*w23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl) / r21;
fi[0] -= del21[0]*fpair;
fi[1] -= del21[1]*fpair;
fi[2] -= del21[2]*fpair;
fk[0] += del21[0]*fpair;
fk[1] += del21[1]*fpair;
fk[2] += del21[2]*fpair;
fpair = Vtors*w21*dw23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl) / r23;
fi[0] -= del23[0]*fpair;
fi[1] -= del23[1]*fpair;
fi[2] -= del23[2]*fpair;
fj[0] += del23[0]*fpair;
fj[1] += del23[1]*fpair;
fj[2] += del23[2]*fpair;
fpair = Vtors*w21*w23*dw34*(1.0-tspjik)*(1.0-tspijl) / r34;
fj[0] -= del34[0]*fpair;
fj[1] -= del34[1]*fpair;
fj[2] -= del34[2]*fpair;
fl[0] += del34[0]*fpair;
fl[1] += del34[1]*fpair;
fl[2] += del34[2]*fpair;
// additional cut off function forces
fcpc = -Vtors*w21*w23*w34*dtsjik*(1.0-tspijl);
fpair = fcpc*dcidij/rij;
fi[0] += fpair*del23[0];
fi[1] += fpair*del23[1];
fi[2] += fpair*del23[2];
fj[0] -= fpair*del23[0];
fj[1] -= fpair*del23[1];
fj[2] -= fpair*del23[2];
fpair = fcpc*dcidik/rik;
fi[0] += fpair*del21[0];
fi[1] += fpair*del21[1];
fi[2] += fpair*del21[2];
fk[0] -= fpair*del21[0];
fk[1] -= fpair*del21[1];
fk[2] -= fpair*del21[2];
fpair = fcpc*dcidjk/rjk;
fj[0] += fpair*deljk[0];
fj[1] += fpair*deljk[1];
fj[2] += fpair*deljk[2];
fk[0] -= fpair*deljk[0];
fk[1] -= fpair*deljk[1];
fk[2] -= fpair*deljk[2];
fcpc = -Vtors*w21*w23*w34*(1.0-tspjik)*dtsijl;
fpair = fcpc*dcjdji/rij;
fi[0] += fpair*del23[0];
fi[1] += fpair*del23[1];
fi[2] += fpair*del23[2];
fj[0] -= fpair*del23[0];
fj[1] -= fpair*del23[1];
fj[2] -= fpair*del23[2];
fpair = fcpc*dcjdjl/rjl;
fj[0] += fpair*del34[0];
fj[1] += fpair*del34[1];
fj[2] += fpair*del34[2];
fl[0] -= fpair*del34[0];
fl[1] -= fpair*del34[1];
fl[2] -= fpair*del34[2];
fpair = fcpc*dcjdil/ril;
fi[0] += fpair*delil[0];
fi[1] += fpair*delil[1];
fi[2] += fpair*delil[2];
fl[0] -= fpair*delil[0];
fl[1] -= fpair*delil[1];
fl[2] -= fpair*delil[2];
// sum per-atom forces into atom force array
f[i][0] += fi[0]; f[i][1] += fi[1]; f[i][2] += fi[2];
f[j][0] += fj[0]; f[j][1] += fj[1]; f[j][2] += fj[2];
f[k][0] += fk[0]; f[k][1] += fk[1]; f[k][2] += fk[2];
f[l][0] += fl[0]; f[l][1] += fl[1]; f[l][2] += fl[2];
if (evflag) {
delkl[0] = delil[0] - del21[0];
delkl[1] = delil[1] - del21[1];
delkl[2] = delil[2] - del21[2];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bij function
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::bondorder(int i, int j, double rij[3],
double rijmag, double VA,
double **f, int vflag_atom)
int atomi,atomj,k,n,l,atomk,atoml,atomn,atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4;
int itype,jtype,ktype,ltype,ntype;
double rik[3],rjl[3],rkn[3],rji[3],rki[3],rlj[3],rknmag,dNki,dwjl,bij;
double NijC,NijH,NjiC,NjiH,wik,dwik,dwkn,wjl;
double rikmag,rjlmag,cosjik,cosijl,g,tmp2,tmp3;
double Etmp,pij,tmp,wij,dwij,NconjtmpI,NconjtmpJ,Nki,Nlj,dS;
double lamdajik,lamdaijl,dgdc,dgdN,pji,Nijconj,piRC;
double dcosjikdri[3],dcosijldri[3],dcosjikdrk[3];
double dN2[2],dN3[3];
double dcosjikdrj[3],dcosijldrj[3],dcosijldrl[3];
double Tij;
double r32[3],r32mag,cos321,r43[3],r13[3];
double dNlj;
double om1234,rln[3];
double rlnmag,dwln,r23[3],r23mag,r21[3],r21mag;
double w21,dw21,r34[3],r34mag,cos234,w34,dw34;
double cross321[3],cross234[3],prefactor,SpN;
double fcijpc,fcikpc,fcjlpc,fcjkpc,fcilpc;
double dt2dik[3],dt2djl[3],dt2dij[3],aa,aaa2,at2,cw,cwnum,cwnom;
double sin321,sin234,rr,rijrik,rijrjl,rjk2,rik2,ril2,rjl2;
double dctik,dctjk,dctjl,dctij,dctji,dctil,rik2i,rjl2i,sink2i,sinl2i;
double rjk[3],ril[3],dt1dik,dt1djk,dt1djl,dt1dil,dt1dij;
double F23[3],F12[3],F34[3],F31[3],F24[3],fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fl[3];
double f1[3],f2[3],f3[3],f4[4];
double dcut321,PijS,PjiS;
double rij2,tspjik,dtsjik,tspijl,dtsijl,costmp;
int *REBO_neighs,*REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_j,*REBO_neighs_k,*REBO_neighs_l;
double **x = atom->x;
int *type = atom->type;
atomi = i;
atomj = j;
itype = map[type[i]];
jtype = map[type[j]];
wij = Sp(rijmag,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij);
NijC = nC[i]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,0));
NijH = nH[i]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,1));
NjiC = nC[j]-(wij*kronecker(itype,0));
NjiH = nH[j]-(wij*kronecker(itype,1));
bij = 0.0;
tmp = 0.0;
tmp2 = 0.0;
tmp3 = 0.0;
dgdc = 0.0;
dgdN = 0.0;
NconjtmpI = 0.0;
NconjtmpJ = 0.0;
Etmp = 0.0;
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) *
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dS);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
cosjik = ((rij[0]*rik[0])+(rij[1]*rik[1])+(rij[2]*rik[2])) /
cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0);
cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
Etmp = Etmp+(wik*g*exp(lamdajik));
tmp3 = tmp3+(wik*dgdN*exp(lamdajik));
NconjtmpI = NconjtmpI+(kronecker(ktype,0)*wik*Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dS));
PijS = 0.0;
dN2[0] = 0.0;
dN2[1] = 0.0;
PijS = PijSpline(NijC,NijH,itype,jtype,dN2);
pij = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PijS);
tmp = -0.5*cube(pij);
// pij forces
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) *
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
cosjik = (rij[0]*rik[0] + rij[1]*rik[1] + rij[2]*rik[2]) /
cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0);
cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0);
dcosjikdri[0] = ((rij[0]+rik[0])/(rijmag*rikmag)) -
dcosjikdri[1] = ((rij[1]+rik[1])/(rijmag*rikmag)) -
dcosjikdri[2] = ((rij[2]+rik[2])/(rijmag*rikmag)) -
dcosjikdrk[0] = (-rij[0]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrk[1] = (-rij[1]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrk[2] = (-rij[2]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrj[0] = (-rik[0]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrj[1] = (-rik[1]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrj[2] = (-rik[2]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*dgdc*exp(lamdajik));
fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[0];
fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[1];
fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[2];
fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[0];
fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[1];
fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[2];
fk[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[0];
fk[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[1];
fk[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[2];
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*g*exp(lamdajik)*4.0*kronecker(itype,1));
fj[0] -= tmp2*(-rij[0]/rijmag);
fj[1] -= tmp2*(-rij[1]/rijmag);
fj[2] -= tmp2*(-rij[2]/rijmag);
fi[0] -= tmp2*((-rik[0]/rikmag)+(rij[0]/rijmag));
fi[1] -= tmp2*((-rik[1]/rikmag)+(rij[1]/rijmag));
fi[2] -= tmp2*((-rik[2]/rikmag)+(rij[2]/rijmag));
fk[0] -= tmp2*(rik[0]/rikmag);
fk[1] -= tmp2*(rik[1]/rikmag);
fk[2] -= tmp2*(rik[2]/rikmag);
// coordination forces
// dwik forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwik*g*exp(lamdajik))/rikmag;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
// PIJ forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ktype]*dwik)/rikmag;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
// dgdN forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwik)/rikmag;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atomk][0] += fk[0]; f[atomk][1] += fk[1]; f[atomk][2] += fk[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
rji[0] = -rij[0]; rji[1] = -rij[1]; rji[2] = -rij[2];
rki[0] = -rik[0]; rki[1] = -rik[1]; rki[2] = -rik[2];
tmp = 0.0;
tmp2 = 0.0;
tmp3 = 0.0;
Etmp = 0.0;
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) *
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dS);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0)) +
cosijl = -1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2])) /
cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0);
cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
Etmp = Etmp+(wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl));
tmp3 = tmp3+(wjl*dgdN*exp(lamdaijl));
NconjtmpJ = NconjtmpJ+(kronecker(ltype,0)*wjl*Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dS));
PjiS = 0.0;
dN2[0] = 0.0;
dN2[1] = 0.0;
PjiS = PijSpline(NjiC,NjiH,jtype,itype,dN2);
pji = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PjiS);
tmp = -0.5*cube(pji);
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) *
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
cosijl = (-1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2]))) /
cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0);
cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0);
dcosijldri[0] = (-rjl[0]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) -
dcosijldri[1] = (-rjl[1]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) -
dcosijldri[2] = (-rjl[2]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) -
dcosijldrj[0] = ((-rij[0]+rjl[0])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) +
dcosijldrj[1] = ((-rij[1]+rjl[1])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) +
dcosijldrj[2] = ((-rij[2]+rjl[2])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) +
dcosijldrl[0] = (rij[0]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[0]/(rjlmag*rjlmag));
dcosijldrl[1] = (rij[1]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[1]/(rjlmag*rjlmag));
dcosijldrl[2] = (rij[2]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[2]/(rjlmag*rjlmag));
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*dgdc*exp(lamdaijl));
fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[0];
fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[1];
fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[2];
fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[0];
fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[1];
fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[2];
fl[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[0];
fl[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[1];
fl[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[2];
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl)*4.0*kronecker(jtype,1));
fi[0] -= tmp2*(rij[0]/rijmag);
fi[1] -= tmp2*(rij[1]/rijmag);
fi[2] -= tmp2*(rij[2]/rijmag);
fj[0] -= tmp2*((-rjl[0]/rjlmag)-(rij[0]/rijmag));
fj[1] -= tmp2*((-rjl[1]/rjlmag)-(rij[1]/rijmag));
fj[2] -= tmp2*((-rjl[2]/rjlmag)-(rij[2]/rijmag));
fl[0] -= tmp2*(rjl[0]/rjlmag);
fl[1] -= tmp2*(rjl[1]/rjlmag);
fl[2] -= tmp2*(rjl[2]/rjlmag);
// coordination forces
// dwik forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwjl*g*exp(lamdaijl))/rjlmag;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
// PIJ forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ltype]*dwjl)/rjlmag;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
// dgdN forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwjl)/rjlmag;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atoml][0] += fl[0]; f[atoml][1] += fl[1]; f[atoml][2] += fl[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
rlj[0] = -rjl[0]; rlj[1] = -rjl[1]; rlj[2] = -rjl[2];
// evaluate Nij conj
Nijconj = 1.0+(NconjtmpI*NconjtmpI)+(NconjtmpJ*NconjtmpJ);
piRC = piRCSpline(NijC+NijH,NjiC+NjiH,Nijconj,itype,jtype,dN3);
// piRC forces
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
if (atomk !=atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik);
// due to kronecker(ktype, 0) term in contribution
// to NconjtmpI and later Nijconj
if (ktype != 0) continue;
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik);
if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n];
if (atomn != atomi) {
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0];
rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1];
rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2];
rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)/rknmag;
f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn);
// piRC forces
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[atomj];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[atomj]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml !=atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl);
// due to kronecker(ltype, 0) term in contribution
// to NconjtmpJ and later Nijconj
if (ltype != 0) continue;
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl);
if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n];
if (atomn != atomj) {
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0];
rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1];
rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2];
rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)/rlnmag;
f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0];
f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1];
f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln);
Tij = 0.0;
dN3[0] = 0.0;
dN3[1] = 0.0;
dN3[2] = 0.0;
if (itype == 0 && jtype == 0)
Etmp = 0.0;
if (fabs(Tij) > TOL) {
atom2 = atomi;
atom3 = atomj;
r32[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom2][0];
r32[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom2][1];
r32[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom2][2];
r32mag = sqrt((r32[0]*r32[0])+(r32[1]*r32[1])+(r32[2]*r32[2]));
r23[0] = -r32[0];
r23[1] = -r32[1];
r23[2] = -r32[2];
r23mag = r32mag;
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
atom1 = atomk;
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
if (atomk != atomj) {
r21[0] = x[atom2][0]-x[atom1][0];
r21[1] = x[atom2][1]-x[atom1][1];
r21[2] = x[atom2][2]-x[atom1][2];
r21mag = sqrt(r21[0]*r21[0] + r21[1]*r21[1] + r21[2]*r21[2]);
cos321 = -1.0*((r21[0]*r32[0])+(r21[1]*r32[1])+(r21[2]*r32[2])) /
cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0);
cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0);
sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321);
if ((sin321 > TOL) && (r21mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin321 != 0.0
sink2i = 1.0/(sin321*sin321);
rik2i = 1.0/(r21mag*r21mag);
rr = (r23mag*r23mag)-(r21mag*r21mag);
rjk[0] = r21[0]-r23[0];
rjk[1] = r21[1]-r23[1];
rjk[2] = r21[2]-r23[2];
rjk2 = (rjk[0]*rjk[0])+(rjk[1]*rjk[1])+(rjk[2]*rjk[2]);
rijrik = 2.0*r23mag*r21mag;
rik2 = r21mag*r21mag;
dctik = (-rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*rik2);
dctij = (rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*r23mag*r23mag);
dctjk = -2.0/rijrik;
w21 = Sp(r21mag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmaxp[itype][ktype],dw21);
rijmag = r32mag;
rikmag = r21mag;
rij2 = r32mag*r32mag;
rik2 = r21mag*r21mag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rijmag/rikmag;
tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik);
dtsjik = -dtsjik;
REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs_j[l];
atom4 = atoml;
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
if (!(atoml == atomi || atoml == atomk)) {
r34[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom4][0];
r34[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom4][1];
r34[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom4][2];
r34mag = sqrt((r34[0]*r34[0])+(r34[1]*r34[1])+(r34[2]*r34[2]));
cos234 = (r32[0]*r34[0] + r32[1]*r34[1] + r32[2]*r34[2]) /
cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0);
cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0);
sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234);
if ((sin234 > TOL) && (r34mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin234 != 0.0
sinl2i = 1.0/(sin234*sin234);
rjl2i = 1.0/(r34mag*r34mag);
w34 = Sp(r34mag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmaxp[jtype][ltype],dw34);
rr = (r23mag*r23mag)-(r34mag*r34mag);
ril[0] = r23[0]+r34[0];
ril[1] = r23[1]+r34[1];
ril[2] = r23[2]+r34[2];
ril2 = (ril[0]*ril[0])+(ril[1]*ril[1])+(ril[2]*ril[2]);
rijrjl = 2.0*r23mag*r34mag;
rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag;
dctjl = (-rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*rjl2);
dctji = (rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*r23mag*r23mag);
dctil = -2.0/rijrjl;
rjlmag = r34mag;
rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rijmag/rjlmag;
tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl);
dtsijl = -dtsijl;
prefactor = VA*Tij;
cross321[0] = (r32[1]*r21[2])-(r32[2]*r21[1]);
cross321[1] = (r32[2]*r21[0])-(r32[0]*r21[2]);
cross321[2] = (r32[0]*r21[1])-(r32[1]*r21[0]);
cross234[0] = (r23[1]*r34[2])-(r23[2]*r34[1]);
cross234[1] = (r23[2]*r34[0])-(r23[0]*r34[2]);
cross234[2] = (r23[0]*r34[1])-(r23[1]*r34[0]);
cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) +
(cross321[1]*cross234[1]) + (cross321[2]*cross234[2]);
cwnom = r21mag*r34mag*r23mag*r23mag*sin321*sin234;
om1234 = cwnum/cwnom;
cw = om1234;
Etmp += ((1.0-square(om1234))*w21*w34) *
dt1dik = (rik2i)-(dctik*sink2i*cos321);
dt1djk = (-dctjk*sink2i*cos321);
dt1djl = (rjl2i)-(dctjl*sinl2i*cos234);
dt1dil = (-dctil*sinl2i*cos234);
dt1dij = (2.0/(r23mag*r23mag))-(dctij*sink2i*cos321) -
dt2dik[0] = (-r23[2]*cross234[1])+(r23[1]*cross234[2]);
dt2dik[1] = (-r23[0]*cross234[2])+(r23[2]*cross234[0]);
dt2dik[2] = (-r23[1]*cross234[0])+(r23[0]*cross234[1]);
dt2djl[0] = (-r23[1]*cross321[2])+(r23[2]*cross321[1]);
dt2djl[1] = (-r23[2]*cross321[0])+(r23[0]*cross321[2]);
dt2djl[2] = (-r23[0]*cross321[1])+(r23[1]*cross321[0]);
dt2dij[0] = (r21[2]*cross234[1])-(r34[2]*cross321[1]) -
dt2dij[1] = (r21[0]*cross234[2])-(r34[0]*cross321[2]) -
dt2dij[2] = (r21[1]*cross234[0])-(r34[1]*cross321[0]) -
aa = (prefactor*2.0*cw/cwnom)*w21*w34 *
aaa2 = -prefactor*(1.0-square(om1234)) * w21*w34;
at2 = aa*cwnum;
fcijpc = (-dt1dij*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctij*(1.0-tspijl)) +
fcikpc = (-dt1dik*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctik*(1.0-tspijl));
fcjlpc = (-dt1djl*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctjl*(1.0-tspjik));
fcjkpc = (-dt1djk*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctjk*(1.0-tspijl));
fcilpc = (-dt1dil*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctil*(1.0-tspjik));
F23[0] = (fcijpc*r23[0])+(aa*dt2dij[0]);
F23[1] = (fcijpc*r23[1])+(aa*dt2dij[1]);
F23[2] = (fcijpc*r23[2])+(aa*dt2dij[2]);
F12[0] = (fcikpc*r21[0])+(aa*dt2dik[0]);
F12[1] = (fcikpc*r21[1])+(aa*dt2dik[1]);
F12[2] = (fcikpc*r21[2])+(aa*dt2dik[2]);
F34[0] = (fcjlpc*r34[0])+(aa*dt2djl[0]);
F34[1] = (fcjlpc*r34[1])+(aa*dt2djl[1]);
F34[2] = (fcjlpc*r34[2])+(aa*dt2djl[2]);
F31[0] = (fcjkpc*rjk[0]);
F31[1] = (fcjkpc*rjk[1]);
F31[2] = (fcjkpc*rjk[2]);
F24[0] = (fcilpc*ril[0]);
F24[1] = (fcilpc*ril[1]);
F24[2] = (fcilpc*ril[2]);
f1[0] = -F12[0]-F31[0];
f1[1] = -F12[1]-F31[1];
f1[2] = -F12[2]-F31[2];
f2[0] = F23[0]+F12[0]+F24[0];
f2[1] = F23[1]+F12[1]+F24[1];
f2[2] = F23[2]+F12[2]+F24[2];
f3[0] = -F23[0]+F34[0]+F31[0];
f3[1] = -F23[1]+F34[1]+F31[1];
f3[2] = -F23[2]+F34[2]+F31[2];
f4[0] = -F34[0]-F24[0];
f4[1] = -F34[1]-F24[1];
f4[2] = -F34[2]-F24[2];
// coordination forces
tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) *
f2[0] -= tmp2*r21[0];
f2[1] -= tmp2*r21[1];
f2[2] -= tmp2*r21[2];
f1[0] += tmp2*r21[0];
f1[1] += tmp2*r21[1];
f1[2] += tmp2*r21[2];
tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) *
f3[0] -= tmp2*r34[0];
f3[1] -= tmp2*r34[1];
f3[2] -= tmp2*r34[2];
f4[0] += tmp2*r34[0];
f4[1] += tmp2*r34[1];
f4[2] += tmp2*r34[2];
f[atom1][0] += f1[0]; f[atom1][1] += f1[1];
f[atom1][2] += f1[2];
f[atom2][0] += f2[0]; f[atom2][1] += f2[1];
f[atom2][2] += f2[2];
f[atom3][0] += f3[0]; f[atom3][1] += f3[1];
f[atom3][2] += f3[2];
f[atom4][0] += f4[0]; f[atom4][1] += f4[1];
f[atom4][2] += f4[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
r13[0] = -rjk[0]; r13[1] = -rjk[1]; r13[2] = -rjk[2];
r43[0] = -r34[0]; r43[1] = -r34[1]; r43[2] = -r34[2];
// Tij forces now that we have Etmp
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik*Etmp/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik);
// due to kronecker(ktype, 0) term in contribution
// to NconjtmpI and later Nijconj
if (ktype != 0) continue;
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)*Etmp/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik);
if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n];
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
if (atomn != atomi) {
rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0];
rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1];
rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2];
rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)*Etmp/rknmag;
f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn);
// Tij forces
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl*Etmp/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl);
// due to kronecker(ltype, 0) term in contribution
// to NconjtmpJ and later Nijconj
if (ltype != 0) continue;
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)*Etmp/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl);
if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n];
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
if (atomn !=atomj) {
rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0];
rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1];
rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2];
rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)*Etmp/rlnmag;
f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0];
f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1];
f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln);
bij = (0.5*(pij+pji))+piRC+(Tij*Etmp);
return bij;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Bij* function
This function calculates S(t_b(b_ij*)) as specified in the AIREBO paper.
To do so, it needs to compute b_ij*, i.e. the bondorder given that the
atoms i and j are placed a ficticious distance rijmag_mod apart.
Now there are two approaches to calculate the resulting forces:
1. Carry through the ficticious distance and corresponding vector
rij_mod, correcting afterwards using the derivative of r/|r|.
2. Perform all the calculations using the real distance, and do not
use a correction, only using rijmag_mod where necessary.
This code opts for (2). Mathematically, the approaches are equivalent
if implemented correctly, since in terms where only the normalized
vector is used, both calculations necessarily lead to the same result
since if f(x) = g(x/|x|) then for x = y/|y| f(x) = g(y/|y|/1).
The actual modified distance is only used in the lamda terms.
Note that these do not contribute to the forces between i and j, since
rijmag_mod is a constant and the corresponding derivatives are
accordingly zero.
This function should be kept in sync with bondorder(), i.e. changes
there probably also need to be performed here.
The OpenKIM Fortran implementation chooses option (1) instead, which
means that the internal values computed by the two codes are not
directly comparable.
Note that of 7/2017 the OpenKIM code contains an issue where the it
assumes dt2dij[] to be zero (since it is a r_ij derivative). This is
incorrect since dt2dij is not a derivative of the scalar distance r_ij,
but of the vector r_ij.
double PairAIREBO::bondorderLJ(int i, int j, double rij_mod[3], double rijmag_mod,
double VA, double rij[3], double rijmag,
double **f, int vflag_atom)
int atomi,atomj,k,n,l,atomk,atoml,atomn,atom1,atom2,atom3,atom4;
int itype,jtype,ktype,ltype,ntype;
double rik[3],rjl[3],rkn[3],rji[3],rki[3],rlj[3],rknmag,dNki,dwjl,bij;
double NijC,NijH,NjiC,NjiH,wik,dwik,dwkn,wjl;
double rikmag,rjlmag,cosjik,cosijl,g,tmp2,tmp3;
double Etmp,pij,tmp,wij,dwij,NconjtmpI,NconjtmpJ,Nki,Nlj,dS;
double lamdajik,lamdaijl,dgdc,dgdN,pji,Nijconj,piRC;
double dcosjikdri[3],dcosijldri[3],dcosjikdrk[3];
double dN2[2],dN3[3];
double dcosjikdrj[3],dcosijldrj[3],dcosijldrl[3];
double Tij;
double r32[3],r32mag,cos321,r43[3],r13[3];
double dNlj;
double om1234,rln[3];
double rlnmag,dwln,r23[3],r23mag,r21[3],r21mag;
double w21,dw21,r34[3],r34mag,cos234,w34,dw34;
double cross321[3],cross234[3],prefactor,SpN;
double fcikpc,fcjlpc,fcjkpc,fcilpc,fcijpc;
double dt2dik[3],dt2djl[3],dt2dij[3],aa,aaa2,at2,cw,cwnum,cwnom;
double sin321,sin234,rr,rijrik,rijrjl,rjk2,rik2,ril2,rjl2;
double dctik,dctjk,dctjl,dctij,dctji,dctil,rik2i,rjl2i,sink2i,sinl2i;
double rjk[3],ril[3],dt1dik,dt1djk,dt1djl,dt1dil,dt1dij;
double F23[3],F12[3],F34[3],F31[3],F24[3],fi[3],fj[3],fk[3],fl[3];
double f1[3],f2[3],f3[3],f4[4];
double PijS,PjiS;
double rij2,tspjik,dtsjik,tspijl,dtsijl,costmp;
int *REBO_neighs,*REBO_neighs_i,*REBO_neighs_j,*REBO_neighs_k,*REBO_neighs_l;
double tmppij,tmppji,dN2PIJ[2],dN2PJI[2],dN3piRC[3],dN3Tij[3];
double tmp3pij,tmp3pji,Stb,dStb;
double **x = atom->x;
int *type = atom->type;
atomi = i;
atomj = j;
itype = map[type[atomi]];
jtype = map[type[atomj]];
wij = Sp(rijmag,rcmin[itype][jtype],rcmax[itype][jtype],dwij);
NijC = nC[atomi]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,0));
NijH = nH[atomi]-(wij*kronecker(jtype,1));
NjiC = nC[atomj]-(wij*kronecker(itype,0));
NjiH = nH[atomj]-(wij*kronecker(itype,1));
bij = 0.0;
tmp = 0.0;
tmp2 = 0.0;
tmp3 = 0.0;
dgdc = 0.0;
dgdN = 0.0;
NconjtmpI = 0.0;
NconjtmpJ = 0.0;
Etmp = 0.0;
Stb = 0.0;
dStb = 0.0;
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) *
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dS);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+
cosjik = ((rij[0]*rik[0])+(rij[1]*rik[1])+(rij[2]*rik[2])) /
cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0);
cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
Etmp += (wik*g*exp(lamdajik));
tmp3 += (wik*dgdN*exp(lamdajik));
NconjtmpI = NconjtmpI+(kronecker(ktype,0)*wik*Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dS));
PijS = 0.0;
dN2PIJ[0] = 0.0;
dN2PIJ[1] = 0.0;
PijS = PijSpline(NijC,NijH,itype,jtype,dN2PIJ);
pij = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PijS);
tmppij = -.5*cube(pij);
tmp3pij = tmp3;
tmp = 0.0;
tmp2 = 0.0;
tmp3 = 0.0;
Etmp = 0.0;
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) *
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dS);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
cosijl = -1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2])) /
cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0);
cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0);
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
Etmp += (wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl));
tmp3 += (wjl*dgdN*exp(lamdaijl));
NconjtmpJ = NconjtmpJ+(kronecker(ltype,0)*wjl*Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dS));
PjiS = 0.0;
dN2PJI[0] = 0.0;
dN2PJI[1] = 0.0;
PjiS = PijSpline(NjiC,NjiH,jtype,itype,dN2PJI);
pji = 1.0/sqrt(1.0+Etmp+PjiS);
tmppji = -.5*cube(pji);
tmp3pji = tmp3;
// evaluate Nij conj
Nijconj = 1.0+(NconjtmpI*NconjtmpI)+(NconjtmpJ*NconjtmpJ);
piRC = piRCSpline(NijC+NijH,NjiC+NjiH,Nijconj,itype,jtype,dN3piRC);
Tij = 0.0;
dN3Tij[0] = 0.0;
dN3Tij[1] = 0.0;
dN3Tij[2] = 0.0;
if (itype == 0 && jtype == 0)
Etmp = 0.0;
if (fabs(Tij) > TOL) {
atom2 = atomi;
atom3 = atomj;
r32[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom2][0];
r32[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom2][1];
r32[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom2][2];
r32mag = sqrt((r32[0]*r32[0])+(r32[1]*r32[1])+(r32[2]*r32[2]));
r23[0] = -r32[0];
r23[1] = -r32[1];
r23[2] = -r32[2];
r23mag = r32mag;
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
atom1 = atomk;
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
if (atomk != atomj) {
r21[0] = x[atom2][0]-x[atom1][0];
r21[1] = x[atom2][1]-x[atom1][1];
r21[2] = x[atom2][2]-x[atom1][2];
r21mag = sqrt(r21[0]*r21[0] + r21[1]*r21[1] + r21[2]*r21[2]);
cos321 = -1.0*((r21[0]*r32[0])+(r21[1]*r32[1])+(r21[2]*r32[2])) /
cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0);
cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0);
sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321);
if ((sin321 > TOL) && (r21mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin321 != 0.0
w21 = Sp(r21mag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmaxp[itype][ktype],dw21);
tspjik = Sp2(cos321,thmin,thmax,dtsjik);
REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs_j[l];
atom4 = atoml;
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
if (!(atoml == atomi || atoml == atomk)) {
r34[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom4][0];
r34[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom4][1];
r34[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom4][2];
r34mag = sqrt((r34[0]*r34[0])+(r34[1]*r34[1])+(r34[2]*r34[2]));
cos234 = (r32[0]*r34[0] + r32[1]*r34[1] + r32[2]*r34[2]) /
cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0);
cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0);
sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234);
if ((sin234 > TOL) && (r34mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin234 != 0.0
w34 = Sp(r34mag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmaxp[jtype][ltype],dw34);
tspijl = Sp2(cos234,thmin,thmax,dtsijl);
cross321[0] = (r32[1]*r21[2])-(r32[2]*r21[1]);
cross321[1] = (r32[2]*r21[0])-(r32[0]*r21[2]);
cross321[2] = (r32[0]*r21[1])-(r32[1]*r21[0]);
cross234[0] = (r23[1]*r34[2])-(r23[2]*r34[1]);
cross234[1] = (r23[2]*r34[0])-(r23[0]*r34[2]);
cross234[2] = (r23[0]*r34[1])-(r23[1]*r34[0]);
cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) +
(cross321[1]*cross234[1]) + (cross321[2]*cross234[2]);
cwnom = r21mag*r34mag*r23mag*r23mag*sin321*sin234;
om1234 = cwnum/cwnom;
cw = om1234;
Etmp += ((1.0-square(om1234))*w21*w34) *
bij = (.5*(pij+pji))+piRC+(Tij*Etmp);
Stb = Sp2(bij,bLJmin[itype][jtype],bLJmax[itype][jtype],dStb);
VA = VA*dStb;
if (dStb != 0.0) {
tmp = tmppij;
dN2[0] = dN2PIJ[0];
dN2[1] = dN2PIJ[1];
tmp3 = tmp3pij;
// pij forces
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
if (atomk != atomj) {
lamdajik = 0.0;
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt(rik[0]*rik[0] + rik[1]*rik[1] + rik[2]*rik[2]);
lamdajik = 4.0*kronecker(itype,1) *
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
cosjik = (rij[0]*rik[0] + rij[1]*rik[1] + rij[2]*rik[2]) /
cosjik = MIN(cosjik,1.0);
cosjik = MAX(cosjik,-1.0);
dcosjikdri[0] = ((rij[0]+rik[0])/(rijmag*rikmag)) -
dcosjikdri[1] = ((rij[1]+rik[1])/(rijmag*rikmag)) -
dcosjikdri[2] = ((rij[2]+rik[2])/(rijmag*rikmag)) -
dcosjikdrk[0] = (-rij[0]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrk[1] = (-rij[1]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrk[2] = (-rij[2]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrj[0] = (-rik[0]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrj[1] = (-rik[1]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
dcosjikdrj[2] = (-rik[2]/(rijmag*rikmag)) +
g = gSpline(cosjik,(NijC+NijH),itype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*dgdc*exp(lamdajik));
fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[0];
fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[1];
fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrj[2];
fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[0];
fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[1];
fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdri[2];
fk[0] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[0];
fk[1] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[1];
fk[2] = -tmp2*dcosjikdrk[2];
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wik*g*exp(lamdajik)*4.0*kronecker(itype,1));
fi[0] += tmp2*(rik[0]/rikmag);
fi[1] += tmp2*(rik[1]/rikmag);
fi[2] += tmp2*(rik[2]/rikmag);
fk[0] -= tmp2*(rik[0]/rikmag);
fk[1] -= tmp2*(rik[1]/rikmag);
fk[2] -= tmp2*(rik[2]/rikmag);
// coordination forces
// dwik forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwik*g*exp(lamdajik))/rikmag;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
// PIJ forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ktype]*dwik)/rikmag;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
// dgdN forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*tmp3*dwik)/rikmag;
fi[0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
fi[1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
fi[2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
fk[0] += tmp2*rik[0];
fk[1] += tmp2*rik[1];
fk[2] += tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atomk][0] += fk[0]; f[atomk][1] += fk[1]; f[atomk][2] += fk[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
rji[0] = -rij[0]; rji[1] = -rij[1]; rji[2] = -rij[2];
rki[0] = -rik[0]; rki[1] = -rik[1]; rki[2] = -rik[2];
tmp = tmppji;
tmp3 = tmp3pji;
dN2[0] = dN2PJI[0];
dN2[1] = dN2PJI[1];
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml !=atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
lamdaijl = 4.0*kronecker(jtype,1) *
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
cosijl = (-1.0*((rij[0]*rjl[0])+(rij[1]*rjl[1])+(rij[2]*rjl[2]))) /
cosijl = MIN(cosijl,1.0);
cosijl = MAX(cosijl,-1.0);
dcosijldri[0] = (-rjl[0]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) -
dcosijldri[1] = (-rjl[1]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) -
dcosijldri[2] = (-rjl[2]/(rijmag*rjlmag)) -
dcosijldrj[0] = ((-rij[0]+rjl[0])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) +
dcosijldrj[1] = ((-rij[1]+rjl[1])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) +
dcosijldrj[2] = ((-rij[2]+rjl[2])/(rijmag*rjlmag)) +
dcosijldrl[0] = (rij[0]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[0]/(rjlmag*rjlmag));
dcosijldrl[1] = (rij[1]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[1]/(rjlmag*rjlmag));
dcosijldrl[2] = (rij[2]/(rijmag*rjlmag))+(cosijl*rjl[2]/(rjlmag*rjlmag));
// evaluate splines g and derivatives dg
g = gSpline(cosijl,NjiC+NjiH,jtype,&dgdc,&dgdN);
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*dgdc*exp(lamdaijl));
fi[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[0];
fi[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[1];
fi[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldri[2];
fj[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[0];
fj[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[1];
fj[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrj[2];
fl[0] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[0];
fl[1] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[1];
fl[2] = -tmp2*dcosijldrl[2];
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*wjl*g*exp(lamdaijl)*4.0*kronecker(jtype,1));
fj[0] += tmp2*(rjl[0]/rjlmag);
fj[1] += tmp2*(rjl[1]/rjlmag);
fj[2] += tmp2*(rjl[2]/rjlmag);
fl[0] -= tmp2*(rjl[0]/rjlmag);
fl[1] -= tmp2*(rjl[1]/rjlmag);
fl[2] -= tmp2*(rjl[2]/rjlmag);
// coordination forces
// dwik forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dwjl*g*exp(lamdaijl))/rjlmag;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
// PIJ forces
tmp2 = VA*.5*(tmp*dN2[ltype]*dwjl)/rjlmag;
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
// dgdN forces
fj[0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
fj[1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
fj[2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
fl[0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
fl[1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
fl[2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atomi][0] += fi[0]; f[atomi][1] += fi[1]; f[atomi][2] += fi[2];
f[atomj][0] += fj[0]; f[atomj][1] += fj[1]; f[atomj][2] += fj[2];
f[atoml][0] += fl[0]; f[atoml][1] += fl[1]; f[atoml][2] += fl[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
rlj[0] = -rjl[0]; rlj[1] = -rjl[1]; rlj[2] = -rjl[2];
// piRC forces
dN3[0] = dN3piRC[0];
dN3[1] = dN3piRC[1];
dN3[2] = dN3piRC[2];
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik);
// due to kronecker(ktype, 0) term in contribution
// to NconjtmpI and later Nijconj
if (ktype != 0) continue;
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik);
if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n];
if (atomn != atomi) {
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0];
rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1];
rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2];
rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)/rknmag;
f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn);
// piRC forces to J side
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[atomj];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[atomj]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl);
// due to kronecker(ltype, 0) term in contribution
// to NconjtmpJ and later Nijconj
if (ltype != 0) continue;
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl);
if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n];
if (atomn != atomj) {
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0];
rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1];
rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2];
rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)/rlnmag;
f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0];
f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1];
f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln);
if (fabs(Tij) > TOL) {
dN3[0] = dN3Tij[0];
dN3[1] = dN3Tij[1];
dN3[2] = dN3Tij[2];
atom2 = atomi;
atom3 = atomj;
r32[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom2][0];
r32[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom2][1];
r32[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom2][2];
r32mag = sqrt((r32[0]*r32[0])+(r32[1]*r32[1])+(r32[2]*r32[2]));
r23[0] = -r32[0];
r23[1] = -r32[1];
r23[2] = -r32[2];
r23mag = r32mag;
REBO_neighs_i = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs_i[k];
atom1 = atomk;
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
if (atomk != atomj) {
r21[0] = x[atom2][0]-x[atom1][0];
r21[1] = x[atom2][1]-x[atom1][1];
r21[2] = x[atom2][2]-x[atom1][2];
r21mag = sqrt(r21[0]*r21[0] + r21[1]*r21[1] + r21[2]*r21[2]);
cos321 = ((r21[0]*rij[0])+(r21[1]*rij[1])+(r21[2]*rij[2])) /
cos321 = MIN(cos321,1.0);
cos321 = MAX(cos321,-1.0);
sin321 = sqrt(1.0 - cos321*cos321);
if ((sin321 > TOL) && (r21mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin321 != 0.0
sink2i = 1.0/(sin321*sin321);
rik2i = 1.0/(r21mag*r21mag);
rr = (rijmag*rijmag)-(r21mag*r21mag);
rjk[0] = r21[0]-r23[0];
rjk[1] = r21[1]-r23[1];
rjk[2] = r21[2]-r23[2];
rjk2 = (rjk[0]*rjk[0])+(rjk[1]*rjk[1])+(rjk[2]*rjk[2]);
rijrik = 2.0*r23mag*r21mag;
rik2 = r21mag*r21mag;
dctik = (-rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*rik2);
dctij = (rr+rjk2)/(rijrik*r23mag*r23mag);
dctjk = -2.0/rijrik;
w21 = Sp(r21mag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmaxp[itype][ktype],dw21);
rijmag = r32mag;
rikmag = r21mag;
rij2 = r32mag*r32mag;
rik2 = r21mag*r21mag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rik2-rjk2)/rijmag/rikmag;
tspjik = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsjik);
dtsjik = -dtsjik;
REBO_neighs_j = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs_j[l];
atom4 = atoml;
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
if (!(atoml == atomi || atoml == atomk)) {
r34[0] = x[atom3][0]-x[atom4][0];
r34[1] = x[atom3][1]-x[atom4][1];
r34[2] = x[atom3][2]-x[atom4][2];
r34mag = sqrt(r34[0]*r34[0] + r34[1]*r34[1] + r34[2]*r34[2]);
cos234 = (r32[0]*r34[0] + r32[1]*r34[1] + r32[2]*r34[2]) /
cos234 = MIN(cos234,1.0);
cos234 = MAX(cos234,-1.0);
sin234 = sqrt(1.0 - cos234*cos234);
if ((sin234 > TOL) && (r34mag > TOL)) { // XXX was sin234 != 0.0
sinl2i = 1.0/(sin234*sin234);
rjl2i = 1.0/(r34mag*r34mag);
w34 = Sp(r34mag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],
rr = (r23mag*r23mag)-(r34mag*r34mag);
ril[0] = r23[0]+r34[0];
ril[1] = r23[1]+r34[1];
ril[2] = r23[2]+r34[2];
ril2 = (ril[0]*ril[0])+(ril[1]*ril[1])+(ril[2]*ril[2]);
rijrjl = 2.0*r23mag*r34mag;
rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag;
dctjl = (-rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*rjl2);
dctji = (rr+ril2)/(rijrjl*r23mag*r23mag);
dctil = -2.0/rijrjl;
rjlmag = r34mag;
rjl2 = r34mag*r34mag;
costmp = 0.5*(rij2+rjl2-ril2)/rijmag/rjlmag;
tspijl = Sp2(costmp,thmin,thmax,dtsijl);
dtsijl = -dtsijl; //need minus sign
prefactor = VA*Tij;
cross321[0] = (r32[1]*r21[2])-(r32[2]*r21[1]);
cross321[1] = (r32[2]*r21[0])-(r32[0]*r21[2]);
cross321[2] = (r32[0]*r21[1])-(r32[1]*r21[0]);
cross234[0] = (r23[1]*r34[2])-(r23[2]*r34[1]);
cross234[1] = (r23[2]*r34[0])-(r23[0]*r34[2]);
cross234[2] = (r23[0]*r34[1])-(r23[1]*r34[0]);
cwnum = (cross321[0]*cross234[0]) +
cwnom = r21mag*r34mag*r23mag*r23mag*sin321*sin234;
om1234 = cwnum/cwnom;
cw = om1234;
dt1dik = (rik2i)-(dctik*sink2i*cos321);
dt1djk = (-dctjk*sink2i*cos321);
dt1djl = (rjl2i)-(dctjl*sinl2i*cos234);
dt1dil = (-dctil*sinl2i*cos234);
dt1dij = (2.0/(r23mag*r23mag))-(dctij*sink2i*cos321) -
dt2dik[0] = (-r23[2]*cross234[1])+(r23[1]*cross234[2]);
dt2dik[1] = (-r23[0]*cross234[2])+(r23[2]*cross234[0]);
dt2dik[2] = (-r23[1]*cross234[0])+(r23[0]*cross234[1]);
dt2djl[0] = (-r23[1]*cross321[2])+(r23[2]*cross321[1]);
dt2djl[1] = (-r23[2]*cross321[0])+(r23[0]*cross321[2]);
dt2djl[2] = (-r23[0]*cross321[1])+(r23[1]*cross321[0]);
dt2dij[0] = (r21[2]*cross234[1])-(r34[2]*cross321[1]) -
dt2dij[1] = (r21[0]*cross234[2])-(r34[0]*cross321[2]) -
dt2dij[2] = (r21[1]*cross234[0])-(r34[1]*cross321[0]) -
aa = (prefactor*2.0*cw/cwnom)*w21*w34 *
aaa2 = -prefactor*(1.0-square(om1234)) * w21*w34;
at2 = aa*cwnum;
fcijpc = (-dt1dij*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctij*(1.0-tspijl)) +
fcikpc = (-dt1dik*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctik*(1.0-tspijl));
fcjlpc = (-dt1djl*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctjl*(1.0-tspjik));
fcjkpc = (-dt1djk*at2)+(aaa2*dtsjik*dctjk*(1.0-tspijl));
fcilpc = (-dt1dil*at2)+(aaa2*dtsijl*dctil*(1.0-tspjik));
F23[0] = (fcijpc*r23[0])+(aa*dt2dij[0]);
F23[1] = (fcijpc*r23[1])+(aa*dt2dij[1]);
F23[2] = (fcijpc*r23[2])+(aa*dt2dij[2]);
F12[0] = (fcikpc*r21[0])+(aa*dt2dik[0]);
F12[1] = (fcikpc*r21[1])+(aa*dt2dik[1]);
F12[2] = (fcikpc*r21[2])+(aa*dt2dik[2]);
F34[0] = (fcjlpc*r34[0])+(aa*dt2djl[0]);
F34[1] = (fcjlpc*r34[1])+(aa*dt2djl[1]);
F34[2] = (fcjlpc*r34[2])+(aa*dt2djl[2]);
F31[0] = (fcjkpc*rjk[0]);
F31[1] = (fcjkpc*rjk[1]);
F31[2] = (fcjkpc*rjk[2]);
F24[0] = (fcilpc*ril[0]);
F24[1] = (fcilpc*ril[1]);
F24[2] = (fcilpc*ril[2]);
f1[0] = -F12[0]-F31[0];
f1[1] = -F12[1]-F31[1];
f1[2] = -F12[2]-F31[2];
f2[0] = F23[0]+F12[0]+F24[0];
f2[1] = F23[1]+F12[1]+F24[1];
f2[2] = F23[2]+F12[2]+F24[2];
f3[0] = -F23[0]+F34[0]+F31[0];
f3[1] = -F23[1]+F34[1]+F31[1];
f3[2] = -F23[2]+F34[2]+F31[2];
f4[0] = -F34[0]-F24[0];
f4[1] = -F34[1]-F24[1];
f4[2] = -F34[2]-F24[2];
// coordination forces
tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) *
f2[0] -= tmp2*r21[0];
f2[1] -= tmp2*r21[1];
f2[2] -= tmp2*r21[2];
f1[0] += tmp2*r21[0];
f1[1] += tmp2*r21[1];
f1[2] += tmp2*r21[2];
tmp2 = VA*Tij*((1.0-(om1234*om1234))) *
f3[0] -= tmp2*r34[0];
f3[1] -= tmp2*r34[1];
f3[2] -= tmp2*r34[2];
f4[0] += tmp2*r34[0];
f4[1] += tmp2*r34[1];
f4[2] += tmp2*r34[2];
f[atom1][0] += f1[0]; f[atom1][1] += f1[1];
f[atom1][2] += f1[2];
f[atom2][0] += f2[0]; f[atom2][1] += f2[1];
f[atom2][2] += f2[2];
f[atom3][0] += f3[0]; f[atom3][1] += f3[1];
f[atom3][2] += f3[2];
f[atom4][0] += f4[0]; f[atom4][1] += f4[1];
f[atom4][2] += f4[2];
if (vflag_atom) {
r13[0] = -rjk[0]; r13[1] = -rjk[1]; r13[2] = -rjk[2];
r43[0] = -r34[0]; r43[1] = -r34[1]; r43[2] = -r34[2];
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[i];
for (k = 0; k < REBO_numneigh[i]; k++) {
atomk = REBO_neighs[k];
if (atomk != atomj) {
ktype = map[type[atomk]];
rik[0] = x[atomi][0]-x[atomk][0];
rik[1] = x[atomi][1]-x[atomk][1];
rik[2] = x[atomi][2]-x[atomk][2];
rikmag = sqrt((rik[0]*rik[0])+(rik[1]*rik[1])+(rik[2]*rik[2]));
wik = Sp(rikmag,rcmin[itype][ktype],rcmax[itype][ktype],dwik);
Nki = nC[atomk]-(wik*kronecker(itype,0))+nH[atomk] -
SpN = Sp(Nki,Nmin,Nmax,dNki);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[0]*dwik*Etmp/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik);
// due to kronecker(ktype, 0) term in contribution
// to NconjtmpI and later Nijconj
if (ktype != 0) continue;
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*dwik*SpN)*Etmp/rikmag;
f[atomi][0] -= tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomi][1] -= tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomi][2] -= tmp2*rik[2];
f[atomk][0] += tmp2*rik[0];
f[atomk][1] += tmp2*rik[1];
f[atomk][2] += tmp2*rik[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomi,atomk,-tmp2,rik);
if (fabs(dNki) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_k = REBO_firstneigh[atomk];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atomk]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_k[n];
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
if (atomn !=atomi) {
rkn[0] = x[atomk][0]-x[atomn][0];
rkn[1] = x[atomk][1]-x[atomn][1];
rkn[2] = x[atomk][2]-x[atomn][2];
rknmag = sqrt((rkn[0]*rkn[0])+(rkn[1]*rkn[1])+(rkn[2]*rkn[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpI*wik*dNki*dwkn)*Etmp/rknmag;
f[atomk][0] -= tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomk][1] -= tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomk][2] -= tmp2*rkn[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rkn[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rkn[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rkn[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomk,atomn,-tmp2,rkn);
// Tij forces
REBO_neighs = REBO_firstneigh[j];
for (l = 0; l < REBO_numneigh[j]; l++) {
atoml = REBO_neighs[l];
if (atoml != atomi) {
ltype = map[type[atoml]];
rjl[0] = x[atomj][0]-x[atoml][0];
rjl[1] = x[atomj][1]-x[atoml][1];
rjl[2] = x[atomj][2]-x[atoml][2];
rjlmag = sqrt((rjl[0]*rjl[0])+(rjl[1]*rjl[1])+(rjl[2]*rjl[2]));
wjl = Sp(rjlmag,rcmin[jtype][ltype],rcmax[jtype][ltype],dwjl);
Nlj = nC[atoml]-(wjl*kronecker(jtype,0))+nH[atoml] -
SpN = Sp(Nlj,Nmin,Nmax,dNlj);
tmp2 = VA*dN3[1]*dwjl*Etmp/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl);
// due to kronecker(ltype, 0) term in contribution
// to NconjtmpJ and later Nijconj
if (ltype != 0) continue;
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*dwjl*SpN)*Etmp/rjlmag;
f[atomj][0] -= tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atomj][1] -= tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atomj][2] -= tmp2*rjl[2];
f[atoml][0] += tmp2*rjl[0];
f[atoml][1] += tmp2*rjl[1];
f[atoml][2] += tmp2*rjl[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atomj,atoml,-tmp2,rjl);
if (fabs(dNlj) > TOL) {
REBO_neighs_l = REBO_firstneigh[atoml];
for (n = 0; n < REBO_numneigh[atoml]; n++) {
atomn = REBO_neighs_l[n];
ntype = map[type[atomn]];
if (atomn != atomj) {
rln[0] = x[atoml][0]-x[atomn][0];
rln[1] = x[atoml][1]-x[atomn][1];
rln[2] = x[atoml][2]-x[atomn][2];
rlnmag = sqrt((rln[0]*rln[0])+(rln[1]*rln[1])+(rln[2]*rln[2]));
tmp2 = VA*dN3[2]*(2.0*NconjtmpJ*wjl*dNlj*dwln)*Etmp/rlnmag;
f[atoml][0] -= tmp2*rln[0];
f[atoml][1] -= tmp2*rln[1];
f[atoml][2] -= tmp2*rln[2];
f[atomn][0] += tmp2*rln[0];
f[atomn][1] += tmp2*rln[1];
f[atomn][2] += tmp2*rln[2];
if (vflag_atom) v_tally2(atoml,atomn,-tmp2,rln);
return Stb;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
G spline
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::gSpline(double costh, double Nij, int typei,
double *dgdc, double *dgdN)
double coeffs[6],dS,g1,g2,dg1,dg2,cut,g;
int i,j;
i = 0;
j = 0;
g = 0.0;
cut = 0.0;
dS = 0.0;
dg1 = 0.0;
dg2 = 0.0;
*dgdc = 0.0;
*dgdN = 0.0;
// central atom is Carbon
if (typei == 0) {
if (costh < gCdom[0]) costh = gCdom[0];
if (costh > gCdom[4]) costh = gCdom[4];
if (Nij >= NCmax) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (costh >= gCdom[i] && costh <= gCdom[i+1]) {
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gC2[i][j];
g2 = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg2);
g = g2;
*dgdc = dg2;
*dgdN = 0.0;
if (Nij <= NCmin) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (costh >= gCdom[i] && costh <= gCdom[i+1]) {
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gC1[i][j];
g1 = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg1);
g = g1;
*dgdc = dg1;
*dgdN = 0.0;
if (Nij > NCmin && Nij < NCmax) {
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (costh >= gCdom[i] && costh <= gCdom[i+1]) {
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gC1[i][j];
g1 = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg1);
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
if (costh >= gCdom[i] && costh <= gCdom[i+1]) {
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gC2[i][j];
g2 = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg2);
cut = Sp(Nij,NCmin,NCmax,dS);
g = g2+cut*(g1-g2);
*dgdc = dg2+(cut*(dg1-dg2));
*dgdN = dS*(g1-g2);
// central atom is Hydrogen
if (typei == 1) {
if (costh < gHdom[0]) costh = gHdom[0];
if (costh > gHdom[3]) costh = gHdom[3];
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (costh >= gHdom[i] && costh <= gHdom[i+1]) {
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) coeffs[j] = gH[i][j];
g = Sp5th(costh,coeffs,&dg1);
*dgdN = 0.0;
*dgdc = dg1;
return g;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Pij spline
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::PijSpline(double NijC, double NijH, int typei, int typej,
double dN2[2])
int x,y;
double Pij;
x = 0;
y = 0;
dN2[0] = 0.0;
dN2[1] = 0.0;
Pij = 0.0;
if (typei == 1) return Pij;
if (typej == 0) {
// if inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds
if (NijC < pCCdom[0][0]) NijC=pCCdom[0][0];
if (NijC > pCCdom[0][1]) NijC=pCCdom[0][1];
if (NijH < pCCdom[1][0]) NijH=pCCdom[1][0];
if (NijH > pCCdom[1][1]) NijH=pCCdom[1][1];
x = (int) floor(NijC);
y = (int) floor(NijH);
if (fabs(NijC-floor(NijC)) < TOL && fabs(NijH-floor(NijH)) < TOL) {
Pij = PCCf[x][y];
dN2[0] = PCCdfdx[x][y];
dN2[1] = PCCdfdy[x][y];
} else {
if (NijC == pCCdom[0][1]) --x;
if (NijH == pCCdom[1][1]) --y;
Pij = Spbicubic(NijC,NijH,pCC[x][y],dN2);
} else if (typej == 1) {
// if inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds
if (NijC < pCHdom[0][0]) NijC=pCHdom[0][0];
if (NijC > pCHdom[0][1]) NijC=pCHdom[0][1];
if (NijH < pCHdom[1][0]) NijH=pCHdom[1][0];
if (NijH > pCHdom[1][1]) NijH=pCHdom[1][1];
x = (int) floor(NijC);
y = (int) floor(NijH);
if (fabs(NijC-floor(NijC)) < TOL && fabs(NijH-floor(NijH)) < TOL) {
Pij = PCHf[x][y];
dN2[0] = PCHdfdx[x][y];
dN2[1] = PCHdfdy[x][y];
} else {
if (NijC == pCHdom[0][1]) --x;
if (NijH == pCHdom[1][1]) --y;
Pij = Spbicubic(NijC,NijH,pCH[x][y],dN2);
return Pij;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
PiRC spline
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::piRCSpline(double Nij, double Nji, double Nijconj,
int typei, int typej, double dN3[3])
int x,y,z;
double piRC;
if (typei==0 && typej==0) {
// CC interaction
// if the inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds
if (Nij < piCCdom[0][0]) Nij=piCCdom[0][0];
if (Nij > piCCdom[0][1]) Nij=piCCdom[0][1];
if (Nji < piCCdom[1][0]) Nji=piCCdom[1][0];
if (Nji > piCCdom[1][1]) Nji=piCCdom[1][1];
if (Nijconj < piCCdom[2][0]) Nijconj=piCCdom[2][0];
if (Nijconj > piCCdom[2][1]) Nijconj=piCCdom[2][1];
x = (int) floor(Nij);
y = (int) floor(Nji);
z = (int) floor(Nijconj);
if (fabs(Nij-floor(Nij)) < TOL && fabs(Nji-floor(Nji)) < TOL
&& fabs(Nijconj-floor(Nijconj)) < TOL) {
} else {
if (Nij == piCCdom[0][1]) --x;
if (Nji == piCCdom[1][1]) --y;
if (Nijconj == piCCdom[2][1]) --z;
} else if ((typei==0 && typej==1) || (typei==1 && typej==0)) {
// CH interaction
// if the inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds
if (Nij < piCHdom[0][0]) Nij=piCHdom[0][0];
if (Nij > piCHdom[0][1]) Nij=piCHdom[0][1];
if (Nji < piCHdom[1][0]) Nji=piCHdom[1][0];
if (Nji > piCHdom[1][1]) Nji=piCHdom[1][1];
if (Nijconj < piCHdom[2][0]) Nijconj=piCHdom[2][0];
if (Nijconj > piCHdom[2][1]) Nijconj=piCHdom[2][1];
x = (int) floor(Nij);
y = (int) floor(Nji);
z = (int) floor(Nijconj);
if (fabs(Nij-floor(Nij)) < TOL && fabs(Nji-floor(Nji)) < TOL
&& fabs(Nijconj-floor(Nijconj)) < TOL) {
} else {
if (Nij == piCHdom[0][1]) --x;
if (Nji == piCHdom[1][1]) --y;
if (Nijconj == piCHdom[2][1]) --z;
} else if (typei==1 && typej==1) {
if (Nij < piHHdom[0][0]) Nij=piHHdom[0][0];
if (Nij > piHHdom[0][1]) Nij=piHHdom[0][1];
if (Nji < piHHdom[1][0]) Nji=piHHdom[1][0];
if (Nji > piHHdom[1][1]) Nji=piHHdom[1][1];
if (Nijconj < piHHdom[2][0]) Nijconj=piHHdom[2][0];
if (Nijconj > piHHdom[2][1]) Nijconj=piHHdom[2][1];
x = (int) floor(Nij);
y = (int) floor(Nji);
z = (int) floor(Nijconj);
if (fabs(Nij-floor(Nij)) < TOL && fabs(Nji-floor(Nji)) < TOL
&& fabs(Nijconj-floor(Nijconj)) < TOL) {
} else {
if (Nij == piHHdom[0][1]) --x;
if (Nji == piHHdom[1][1]) --y;
if (Nijconj == piHHdom[2][1]) --z;
return piRC;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Tij spline
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::TijSpline(double Nij, double Nji,
double Nijconj, double dN3[3])
int x,y,z;
double Tijf;
//if the inputs are out of bounds set them back to a point in bounds
if (Nij < Tijdom[0][0]) Nij=Tijdom[0][0];
if (Nij > Tijdom[0][1]) Nij=Tijdom[0][1];
if (Nji < Tijdom[1][0]) Nji=Tijdom[1][0];
if (Nji > Tijdom[1][1]) Nji=Tijdom[1][1];
if (Nijconj < Tijdom[2][0]) Nijconj=Tijdom[2][0];
if (Nijconj > Tijdom[2][1]) Nijconj=Tijdom[2][1];
x = (int) floor(Nij);
y = (int) floor(Nji);
z = (int) floor(Nijconj);
if (fabs(Nij-floor(Nij)) < TOL && fabs(Nji-floor(Nji)) < TOL
&& fabs(Nijconj-floor(Nijconj)) < TOL) {
} else {
if (Nij == Tijdom[0][1]) --x;
if (Nji == Tijdom[1][1]) --y;
if (Nijconj == Tijdom[2][1]) --z;
return Tijf;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
read AIREBO potential file
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::read_file(char *filename)
int i,j,k,l,limit;
char s[MAXLINE];
// REBO Parameters (AIREBO)
double rcmin_CC,rcmin_CH,rcmin_HH,rcmax_CC,rcmax_CH,
double Q_CC,Q_CH,Q_HH,alpha_CC,alpha_CH,alpha_HH,A_CC,A_CH,A_HH;
double BIJc_CC1,BIJc_CC2,BIJc_CC3,BIJc_CH1,BIJc_CH2,BIJc_CH3,
double Beta_CC1,Beta_CC2,Beta_CC3,Beta_CH1,Beta_CH2,Beta_CH3,
double rho_CC,rho_CH,rho_HH;
// LJ Parameters (AIREBO)
double rcLJmin_CC,rcLJmin_CH,rcLJmin_HH,rcLJmax_CC,rcLJmax_CH,
double bLJmin_CH,bLJmin_HH,bLJmax_CC,bLJmax_CH,bLJmax_HH,
double sigma_CC,sigma_CH,sigma_HH,epsilonT_CCCC,epsilonT_CCCH,epsilonT_HCCH;
// additional parameters for Morse potential.
double epsilonM_CC,epsilonM_CH,epsilonM_HH,alphaM_CC,alphaM_CH,alphaM_HH;
double reqM_CC,reqM_CH,reqM_HH;
// read file on proc 0
if (me == 0) {
FILE *fp = force->open_potential(filename);
if (fp == NULL) {
char str[128];
if (morseflag)
sprintf(str,"Cannot open AIREBO-M potential file %s",filename);
sprintf(str,"Cannot open AIREBO potential file %s",filename);
// skip initial comment lines
while (1) {
if (s[0] != '#') break;
// read parameters
// LJ parameters
if (morseflag) {
// lines for reading in MORSE parameters from CH.airebo_m file
// gC spline
// number-1 = # of domains for the spline
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < limit-1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < limit-1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
// gH spline
for (i = 0; i < limit; i++) {
for (i = 0; i < limit-1; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
// pCC spline
for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < limit/2; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < (int) pCCdom[0][1]; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (int) pCCdom[1][1]; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
// pCH spline
for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < limit/2; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < (int) pCHdom[0][1]; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (int) pCHdom[1][1]; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
// piCC cpline
for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < limit/3; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < (int) piCCdom[0][1]; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (int) piCCdom[1][1]; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < (int) piCCdom[2][1]; k++) {
for (l = 0; l < 64; l = l+1) {
// piCH spline
for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < limit/3; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < (int) piCHdom[0][1]; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (int) piCHdom[1][1]; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < (int) piCHdom[2][1]; k++) {
for (l = 0; l < 64; l = l+1) {
// piHH spline
for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < limit/3; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < (int) piHHdom[0][1]; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (int) piHHdom[1][1]; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < (int) piHHdom[2][1]; k++) {
for (l = 0; l < 64; l = l+1) {
// Tij spline
for (i = 0; i < limit/2; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < limit/3; j++) {
for (i = 0; i < (int) Tijdom[0][1]; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < (int) Tijdom[1][1]; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < (int) Tijdom[2][1]; k++) {
for (l = 0; l < 64; l = l+1) {
// store read-in values in arrays
if (me == 0) {
rcmin[0][0] = rcmin_CC;
rcmin[0][1] = rcmin_CH;
rcmin[1][0] = rcmin[0][1];
rcmin[1][1] = rcmin_HH;
rcmax[0][0] = rcmax_CC;
rcmax[0][1] = rcmax_CH;
rcmax[1][0] = rcmax[0][1];
rcmax[1][1] = rcmax_HH;
rcmaxsq[0][0] = rcmax[0][0]*rcmax[0][0];
rcmaxsq[1][0] = rcmax[1][0]*rcmax[1][0];
rcmaxsq[0][1] = rcmax[0][1]*rcmax[0][1];
rcmaxsq[1][1] = rcmax[1][1]*rcmax[1][1];
rcmaxp[0][0] = rcmaxp_CC;
rcmaxp[0][1] = rcmaxp_CH;
rcmaxp[1][0] = rcmaxp[0][1];
rcmaxp[1][1] = rcmaxp_HH;
Q[0][0] = Q_CC;
Q[0][1] = Q_CH;
Q[1][0] = Q[0][1];
Q[1][1] = Q_HH;
alpha[0][0] = alpha_CC;
alpha[0][1] = alpha_CH;
alpha[1][0] = alpha[0][1];
alpha[1][1] = alpha_HH;
A[0][0] = A_CC;
A[0][1] = A_CH;
A[1][0] = A[0][1];
A[1][1] = A_HH;
rho[0][0] = rho_CC;
rho[0][1] = rho_CH;
rho[1][0] = rho[0][1];
rho[1][1] = rho_HH;
BIJc[0][0][0] = BIJc_CC1;
BIJc[0][0][1] = BIJc_CC2;
BIJc[0][0][2] = BIJc_CC3;
BIJc[0][1][0] = BIJc_CH1;
BIJc[0][1][1] = BIJc_CH2;
BIJc[0][1][2] = BIJc_CH3;
BIJc[1][0][0] = BIJc_CH1;
BIJc[1][0][1] = BIJc_CH2;
BIJc[1][0][2] = BIJc_CH3;
BIJc[1][1][0] = BIJc_HH1;
BIJc[1][1][1] = BIJc_HH2;
BIJc[1][1][2] = BIJc_HH3;
Beta[0][0][0] = Beta_CC1;
Beta[0][0][1] = Beta_CC2;
Beta[0][0][2] = Beta_CC3;
Beta[0][1][0] = Beta_CH1;
Beta[0][1][1] = Beta_CH2;
Beta[0][1][2] = Beta_CH3;
Beta[1][0][0] = Beta_CH1;
Beta[1][0][1] = Beta_CH2;
Beta[1][0][2] = Beta_CH3;
Beta[1][1][0] = Beta_HH1;
Beta[1][1][1] = Beta_HH2;
Beta[1][1][2] = Beta_HH3;
// LJ
rcLJmin[0][0] = rcLJmin_CC;
rcLJmin[0][1] = rcLJmin_CH;
rcLJmin[1][0] = rcLJmin[0][1];
rcLJmin[1][1] = rcLJmin_HH;
rcLJmax[0][0] = rcLJmax_CC;
rcLJmax[0][1] = rcLJmax_CH;
rcLJmax[1][0] = rcLJmax[0][1];
rcLJmax[1][1] = rcLJmax_HH;
rcLJmaxsq[0][0] = rcLJmax[0][0]*rcLJmax[0][0];
rcLJmaxsq[1][0] = rcLJmax[1][0]*rcLJmax[1][0];
rcLJmaxsq[0][1] = rcLJmax[0][1]*rcLJmax[0][1];
rcLJmaxsq[1][1] = rcLJmax[1][1]*rcLJmax[1][1];
bLJmin[0][0] = bLJmin_CC;
bLJmin[0][1] = bLJmin_CH;
bLJmin[1][0] = bLJmin[0][1];
bLJmin[1][1] = bLJmin_HH;
bLJmax[0][0] = bLJmax_CC;
bLJmax[0][1] = bLJmax_CH;
bLJmax[1][0] = bLJmax[0][1];
bLJmax[1][1] = bLJmax_HH;
epsilon[0][0] = epsilon_CC;
epsilon[0][1] = epsilon_CH;
epsilon[1][0] = epsilon[0][1];
epsilon[1][1] = epsilon_HH;
sigma[0][0] = sigma_CC;
sigma[0][1] = sigma_CH;
sigma[1][0] = sigma[0][1];
sigma[1][1] = sigma_HH;
if (morseflag) {
// Morse parameter assignments
epsilonM[0][0] = epsilonM_CC;
epsilonM[0][1] = epsilonM_CH;
epsilonM[1][0] = epsilonM[0][1];
epsilonM[1][1] = epsilonM_HH;
alphaM[0][0] = alphaM_CC;
alphaM[0][1] = alphaM_CH;
alphaM[1][0] = alphaM[0][1];
alphaM[1][1] = alphaM_HH;
reqM[0][0] = reqM_CC;
reqM[0][1] = reqM_CH;
reqM[1][0] = reqM[0][1];
reqM[1][1] = reqM_HH;
// torsional
thmin = -1.0;
thmax = -0.995;
epsilonT[0][0] = epsilonT_CCCC;
epsilonT[0][1] = epsilonT_CCCH;
epsilonT[1][0] = epsilonT[0][1];
epsilonT[1][1] = epsilonT_HCCH;
// broadcast read-in and setup values
if (morseflag) {
// Morse parameter broadcast
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// generic Spline functions
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
fifth order spline evaluation
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::Sp5th(double x, double coeffs[6], double *df)
double f, d;
const double x2 = x*x;
const double x3 = x2*x;
f = coeffs[0];
f += coeffs[1]*x;
d = coeffs[1];
f += coeffs[2]*x2;
d += 2.0*coeffs[2]*x;
f += coeffs[3]*x3;
d += 3.0*coeffs[3]*x2;
f += coeffs[4]*x2*x2;
d += 4.0*coeffs[4]*x3;
f += coeffs[5]*x2*x3;
d += 5.0*coeffs[5]*x2*x2;
*df = d;
return f;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bicubic spline evaluation
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::Spbicubic(double x, double y,
double coeffs[16], double df[2])
double f,xn,yn,xn1,yn1,c;
int i,j;
f = 0.0;
df[0] = 0.0;
df[1] = 0.0;
xn = 1.0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
yn = 1.0;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
c = coeffs[i*4+j];
f += c*xn*yn;
if (i > 0) df[0] += c * ((double) i) * xn1 * yn;
if (j > 0) df[1] += c * ((double) j) * xn * yn1;
yn1 = yn;
yn *= y;
xn1 = xn;
xn *= x;
return f;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
tricubic spline evaluation
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::Sptricubic(double x, double y, double z,
double coeffs[64], double df[3])
double f,ir,jr,kr,xn,yn,zn,xn1,yn1,zn1,c;
int i,j,k;
f = 0.0;
df[0] = 0.0;
df[1] = 0.0;
df[2] = 0.0;
xn = 1.0;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
ir = (double) i;
yn = 1.0;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
jr = (double) j;
zn = 1.0;
for (k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
kr = (double) k;
c = coeffs[16*i+4*j+k];
f += c*xn*yn*zn;
if (i > 0) df[0] += c * ir * xn1 * yn * zn;
if (j > 0) df[1] += c * jr * xn * yn1 * zn;
if (k > 0) df[2] += c * kr * xn * yn * zn1;
zn1 = zn;
zn *= z;
yn1 = yn;
yn *= y;
xn1 = xn;
xn *= x;
return f;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
spline coefficient matrix python script
import numpy as np
import numpy.linalg as lin
# Generate all the derivatives that are spline conditions
# Ordered such that df / dx_i / d_xj i < j.
# Gives the derivatives at which the spline's values are prescribed.
def generate_derivs(n):
def generate_derivs_order(n, m):
if m == 0:
return [tuple()]
if m == 1:
return [tuple([i]) for i in range(n)]
rec = generate_derivs_order(n, m - 1)
return [tuple([i]+list(j)) for i in range(n) for j in rec if j[0] > i]
ret = []
m = 0
while m <= n:
ret += generate_derivs_order(n, m)
m += 1
return ret
# Generate all the points in an n-dimensional unit cube.
# Gives the points at which the spline's values are prescribed.
def generate_points(n):
if n == 1:
return [(0,), (1,)]
rec = generate_points(n - 1)
return [tuple([j]+list(i)) for j in range(2) for i in rec]
# Generate all the coefficients in the order later expected.
def generate_coeffs(n):
if n == 1:
return [tuple([i]) for i in range(4)] # cubic
rec = generate_coeffs(n-1)
return [tuple([i]+list(j)) for i in range(4) for j in rec]
# Evaluate the `deriv`'s derivative at `point` symbolically
# with respect to the coefficients `coeffs`.
def eval_at(n, coeffs, deriv, point):
def eval_single(order, value, the_deriv):
if the_deriv:
if order == 0:
return 0
if order == 1:
return 1
return order * value
if order == 0:
return 1
return value
result = {}
for c in coeffs:
result[c] = 1
for i in range(n):
result[c] *= eval_single(c[i], point[i], i in deriv)
return result
# Build the matrix transforming prescribed values to coefficients.
def get_matrix(n):
coeffs = generate_coeffs(n)
points = generate_points(n)
derivs = generate_derivs(n)
assert(len(coeffs) == len(points)*len(derivs))
i = 0
A = np.zeros((len(coeffs), len(points)*len(derivs)))
for d in derivs:
for p in points:
coeff = eval_at(n, coeffs, d, p)
for j, c in enumerate(coeffs):
A[i, j] = coeff[c]
i += 1
return lin.inv(A)
# Output the first k values with padding n from A.
def output_matrix(n, k, A):
print('\n'.join([''.join([("%{}d,".format(n+1)) % i for i in j[:k]]) for j in A]))
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
tricubic spline coefficient calculation
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::Sptricubic_patch_adjust(double * dl, double wid, double lo,
char dir) {
int rowOuterL = 16, rowInnerL = 1, colL = 4;
if (dir == 'R') {
rowOuterL = 4;
colL = 16;
} else if (dir == 'M') {
colL = 4;
} else if (dir == 'L') {
rowInnerL = 4;
colL = 1;
double binomial[5] = {1, 1, 2, 6};
for (int rowOuter = 0; rowOuter < 4; rowOuter++) {
for (int rowInner = 0; rowInner < 4; rowInner++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
double acc = 0;
for (int k = col; k < 4; k++) {
acc += dl[rowOuterL * rowOuter + rowInnerL * rowInner + colL * k]
* pow(wid, -k) * pow(-lo, k - col) * binomial[k] / binomial[col]
/ binomial[k - col];
dl[rowOuterL * rowOuter + rowInnerL * rowInner + colL * col] = acc;
void PairAIREBO::Sptricubic_patch_coeffs(
double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double zmin, double zmax,
double * y, double * y1, double * y2, double * y3, double * dl
) {
const double C_inv[64][32] = {
// output_matrix(2, 8*4, get_matrix(3))
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
9, -9, -9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, -6, 3, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 3, -6, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-6, 6, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4, 4, -2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, -3, 3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0,
2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-6, 6, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 3, -3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4, -2, 4, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0,
4, -4, -4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, -2, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, -2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, -9, -9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 6, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 6, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, -4, -4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0,
9, -9, 0, 0, -9, 9, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, 3, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 3, 0, 0, -6, -3, 0, 0,
-6, 6, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, -4, 4, 0, 0, -2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, -3, 0, 0, 3, 3, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, -9, 0, 0, -9, 9, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 6, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
9, 0, -9, 0, -9, 0, 9, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0, 3, 0, -3, 0, 6, 0, 3, 0, -6, 0, -3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9, 0, -9, 0, -9, 0, 9, 0,
-27, 27, 27,-27, 27,-27,-27, 27,-18, 18, 18,-18, -9, 9, 9, -9,-18, 18, -9, 9, 18,-18, 9, -9,-18, -9, 18, 9, 18, 9,-18, -9,
18,-18,-18, 18,-18, 18, 18,-18, 12,-12,-12, 12, 6, -6, -6, 6, 12,-12, 6, -6,-12, 12, -6, 6, 9, 9, -9, -9, -9, -9, 9, 9,
-6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0, -4, 0, 4, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -3, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0,
18,-18,-18, 18,-18, 18, 18,-18, 12,-12,-12, 12, 6, -6, -6, 6, 9, -9, 9, -9, -9, 9, -9, 9, 12, 6,-12, -6,-12, -6, 12, 6,
-12, 12, 12,-12, 12,-12,-12, 12, -8, 8, 8, -8, -4, 4, 4, -4, -6, 6, -6, 6, 6, -6, 6, -6, -6, -6, 6, 6, 6, 6, -6, -6,
2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0,
-6, 6, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, -3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -4, -2, 0, 0, 4, 2, 0, 0,
4, -4, 0, 0, -4, 4, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 2, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 2, 0, 0, -2, -2, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 6, 0, 0, 6, -6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, -4, 0, 0, -4, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, -3, 0, 3, 0, -4, 0, -2, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -6, 0, 6, 0, 6, 0, -6, 0,
18,-18,-18, 18,-18, 18, 18,-18, 9, -9, -9, 9, 9, -9, -9, 9, 12,-12, 6, -6,-12, 12, -6, 6, 12, 6,-12, -6,-12, -6, 12, 6,
-12, 12, 12,-12, 12,-12,-12, 12, -6, 6, 6, -6, -6, 6, 6, -6, -8, 8, -4, 4, 8, -8, 4, -4, -6, -6, 6, 6, 6, 6, -6, -6,
4, 0, -4, 0, -4, 0, 4, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0, -2, 0, -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, -4, 0, -4, 0, 4, 0,
-12, 12, 12,-12, 12,-12,-12, 12, -6, 6, 6, -6, -6, 6, 6, -6, -6, 6, -6, 6, 6, -6, 6, -6, -8, -4, 8, 4, 8, 4, -8, -4,
8, -8, -8, 8, -8, 8, 8, -8, 4, -4, -4, 4, 4, -4, -4, 4, 4, -4, 4, -4, -4, 4, -4, 4, 4, 4, -4, -4, -4, -4, 4, 4,
double dx = xmax - xmin;
double dy = ymax - ymin;
double dz = zmax - zmin;
double x[32];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
x[i+0*8] = y[i];
x[i+1*8] = y1[i] * dx;
x[i+2*8] = y2[i] * dy;
x[i+3*8] = y3[i] * dz;
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
dl[i] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 32; k++) {
dl[i] += x[k] * C_inv[i][k];
Sptricubic_patch_adjust(dl, dx, xmin, 'R');
Sptricubic_patch_adjust(dl, dy, ymin, 'M');
Sptricubic_patch_adjust(dl, dz, zmin, 'L');
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
bicubic spline coefficient calculation
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::Spbicubic_patch_adjust(double * dl, double wid, double lo,
char dir) {
int rowL = dir == 'R' ? 1 : 4;
int colL = dir == 'L' ? 1 : 4;
double binomial[5] = {1, 1, 2, 6};
for (int row = 0; row < 4; row++) {
for (int col = 0; col < 4; col++) {
double acc = 0;
for (int k = col; k < 4; k++) {
acc += dl[rowL * row + colL * k] * pow(wid, -k) * pow(-lo, k - col)
* binomial[k] / binomial[col] / binomial[k - col];
dl[rowL * row + colL * col] = acc;
void PairAIREBO::Spbicubic_patch_coeffs(
double xmin, double xmax, double ymin, double ymax, double * y,
double * y1, double * y2, double * dl
) {
const double C_inv[16][12] = {
// output_matrix(1, 4*3, get_matrix(2))
1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0,
-3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-2,-1, 0, 0,
2,-2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0,-3, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 2,-2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
-3, 0, 3, 0,-2, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-3, 0, 3, 0,
9,-9,-9, 9, 6,-6, 3,-3, 6, 3,-6,-3,
-6, 6, 6,-6,-4, 4,-2, 2,-3,-3, 3, 3,
2, 0,-2, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0,-2, 0,
-6, 6, 6,-6,-3, 3,-3, 3,-4,-2, 4, 2,
4,-4,-4, 4, 2,-2, 2,-2, 2, 2,-2,-2,
double dx = xmax - xmin;
double dy = ymax - ymin;
double x[12];
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
x[i+0*4] = y[i];
x[i+1*4] = y1[i] * dx;
x[i+2*4] = y2[i] * dy;
for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
dl[i] = 0;
for (int k = 0; k < 12; k++) {
dl[i] += x[k] * C_inv[i][k];
Spbicubic_patch_adjust(dl, dx, xmin, 'R');
Spbicubic_patch_adjust(dl, dy, ymin, 'L');
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
initialize spline knot values
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairAIREBO::spline_init()
int i,j,k;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
PCCf[i][j] = 0.0;
PCCdfdx[i][j] = 0.0;
PCCdfdy[i][j] = 0.0;
PCHf[i][j] = 0.0;
PCHdfdx[i][j] = 0.0;
PCHdfdy[i][j] = 0.0;
PCCf[0][2] = -0.00050;
PCCf[0][3] = 0.0161253646;
PCCf[1][1] = -0.010960;
PCCf[1][2] = 0.00632624824;
// this one parameter for C-C interactions is different in REBO vs AIREBO
// see Favata, Micheletti, Ryu, Pugno, Comp Phys Comm (2016)
PCCf[2][0] = PCCf_2_0;
PCCf[2][1] = 0.00317953083;
PCHf[0][1] = 0.209336733;
PCHf[0][2] = -0.0644496154;
PCHf[0][3] = -0.303927546;
PCHf[1][0] = 0.010;
PCHf[1][1] = -0.125123401;
PCHf[1][2] = -0.298905246;
PCHf[2][0] = -0.122042146;
PCHf[2][1] = -0.300529172;
PCHf[3][0] = -0.307584705;
for (int nH = 0; nH < 4; nH++) {
for (int nC = 0; nC < 4; nC++) {
double y[4] = {0}, y1[4] = {0}, y2[4] = {0};
y[0] = PCCf[nC][nH];
y[1] = PCCf[nC][nH+1];
y[2] = PCCf[nC+1][nH];
y[3] = PCCf[nC+1][nH+1];
Spbicubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, y, y1, y2, &pCC[nC][nH][0]);
y[0] = PCHf[nC][nH];
y[1] = PCHf[nC][nH+1];
y[2] = PCHf[nC+1][nH];
y[3] = PCHf[nC+1][nH+1];
Spbicubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, y, y1, y2, &pCH[nC][nH][0]);
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++) {
for (k = 0; k < 10; k++) {
piCCf[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piCCdfdx[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piCCdfdy[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piCCdfdz[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piCHf[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piCHdfdx[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piCHdfdy[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piCHdfdz[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piHHf[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piHHdfdx[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piHHdfdy[i][j][k] = 0.0;
piHHdfdz[i][j][k] = 0.0;
Tf[i][j][k] = 0.0;
Tdfdx[i][j][k] = 0.0;
Tdfdy[i][j][k] = 0.0;
Tdfdz[i][j][k] = 0.0;
for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[0][0][i] = 0.0049586079;
piCCf[1][0][1] = 0.021693495;
piCCf[0][1][1] = 0.021693495;
for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCf[1][0][i] = 0.0049586079;
for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCf[0][1][i] = 0.0049586079;
piCCf[1][1][1] = 0.05250;
piCCf[1][1][2] = -0.002088750;
for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[1][1][i] = -0.00804280;
piCCf[2][0][1] = 0.024698831850;
piCCf[0][2][1] = 0.024698831850;
piCCf[2][0][2] = -0.00597133450;
piCCf[0][2][2] = -0.00597133450;
for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[2][0][i] = 0.0049586079;
for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[0][2][i] = 0.0049586079;
piCCf[2][1][1] = 0.00482478490;
piCCf[1][2][1] = 0.00482478490;
piCCf[2][1][2] = 0.0150;
piCCf[1][2][2] = 0.0150;
piCCf[2][1][3] = -0.010;
piCCf[1][2][3] = -0.010;
piCCf[2][1][4] = -0.01168893870;
piCCf[1][2][4] = -0.01168893870;
piCCf[2][1][5] = -0.013377877400;
piCCf[1][2][5] = -0.013377877400;
piCCf[2][1][6] = -0.015066816000;
piCCf[1][2][6] = -0.015066816000;
for (i = 7; i < 10; i++) piCCf[2][1][i] = -0.015066816000;
for (i = 7; i < 10; i++) piCCf[1][2][i] = -0.015066816000;
piCCf[2][2][1] = 0.0472247850;
piCCf[2][2][2] = 0.0110;
piCCf[2][2][3] = 0.0198529350;
piCCf[2][2][4] = 0.01654411250;
piCCf[2][2][5] = 0.013235290;
piCCf[2][2][6] = 0.00992646749999 ;
piCCf[2][2][7] = 0.006617644999;
piCCf[2][2][8] = 0.00330882250;
piCCf[3][0][1] = -0.05989946750;
piCCf[0][3][1] = -0.05989946750;
piCCf[3][0][2] = -0.05989946750;
piCCf[0][3][2] = -0.05989946750;
for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[3][0][i] = 0.0049586079;
for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[0][3][i] = 0.0049586079;
piCCf[3][1][2] = -0.0624183760;
piCCf[1][3][2] = -0.0624183760;
for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[3][1][i] = -0.0624183760;
for (i = 3; i < 10; i++) piCCf[1][3][i] = -0.0624183760;
piCCf[3][2][1] = -0.02235469150;
piCCf[2][3][1] = -0.02235469150;
for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCf[3][2][i] = -0.02235469150;
for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCf[2][3][i] = -0.02235469150;
piCCdfdx[2][1][1] = -0.026250;
piCCdfdx[2][1][5] = -0.0271880;
piCCdfdx[2][1][6] = -0.0271880;
for (i = 7; i < 10; i++) piCCdfdx[2][1][i] = -0.0271880;
piCCdfdx[1][3][2] = 0.0187723882;
for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCdfdx[2][3][i] = 0.031209;
piCCdfdy[1][2][1] = -0.026250;
piCCdfdy[1][2][5] = -0.0271880;
piCCdfdy[1][2][6] = -0.0271880;
for (i = 7; i < 10; i++) piCCdfdy[1][2][i] = -0.0271880;
piCCdfdy[3][1][2] = 0.0187723882;
for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) piCCdfdy[3][2][i] = 0.031209;
piCCdfdz[1][1][2] = -0.0302715;
piCCdfdz[2][1][4] = -0.0100220;
piCCdfdz[1][2][4] = -0.0100220;
piCCdfdz[2][1][5] = -0.0100220;
piCCdfdz[1][2][5] = -0.0100220;
for (i = 4; i < 9; i++) piCCdfdz[2][2][i] = -0.0033090;
// make top end of piCC flat instead of zero
i = 4;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++){
for (k = 1; k < 11; k++){
piCCf[i][j][k] = piCCf[i-1][j][k];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){ // also enforces some symmetry
for (j = i+1; j < 5; j++){
for (k = 1; k < 11; k++){
piCCf[i][j][k] = piCCf[j][i][k];
for (k = 1; k < 11; k++) piCCf[4][4][k] = piCCf[3][4][k];
k = 10;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++){
piCCf[i][j][k] = piCCf[i][j][k-1];
piCHf[1][1][1] = -0.050;
piCHf[1][1][2] = -0.050;
piCHf[1][1][3] = -0.30;
for (i = 4; i < 10; i++) piCHf[1][1][i] = -0.050;
for (i = 5; i < 10; i++) piCHf[2][0][i] = -0.004523893758064;
for (i = 5; i < 10; i++) piCHf[0][2][i] = -0.004523893758064;
piCHf[2][1][2] = -0.250;
piCHf[1][2][2] = -0.250;
piCHf[2][1][3] = -0.250;
piCHf[1][2][3] = -0.250;
piCHf[3][1][1] = -0.10;
piCHf[1][3][1] = -0.10;
piCHf[3][1][2] = -0.125;
piCHf[1][3][2] = -0.125;
piCHf[3][1][3] = -0.125;
piCHf[1][3][3] = -0.125;
for (i = 4; i < 10; i++) piCHf[3][1][i] = -0.10;
for (i = 4; i < 10; i++) piCHf[1][3][i] = -0.10;
// make top end of piCH flat instead of zero
// also enforces some symmetry
i = 4;
for (j = 0; j < 4; j++){
for (k = 1; k < 11; k++){
piCHf[i][j][k] = piCHf[i-1][j][k];
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){
for (j = i+1; j < 5; j++){
for (k = 1; k < 11; k++){
piCHf[i][j][k] = piCHf[j][i][k];
for (k = 1; k < 11; k++) piCHf[4][4][k] = piCHf[3][4][k];
k = 10;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++){
for (j = 0; j < 5; j++){
piCHf[i][j][k] = piCHf[i][j][k-1];
piHHf[1][1][1] = 0.124915958;
Tf[2][2][1] = -0.035140;
for (i = 2; i < 10; i++) Tf[2][2][i] = -0.0040480;
for (int nH = 0; nH < 4; nH++) {
for (int nC = 0; nC < 4; nC++) {
// Note: Spline knot values exist up to "10", but are never used because
// they are clamped down to 9.
for (int nConj = 0; nConj < 9; nConj++) {
double y[8] = {0}, y1[8] = {0}, y2[8] = {0}, y3[8] = {0};
#define FILL_KNOTS_TRI(dest, src) \
dest[0] = src[nC+0][nH+0][nConj+0]; \
dest[1] = src[nC+0][nH+0][nConj+1]; \
dest[2] = src[nC+0][nH+1][nConj+0]; \
dest[3] = src[nC+0][nH+1][nConj+1]; \
dest[4] = src[nC+1][nH+0][nConj+0]; \
dest[5] = src[nC+1][nH+0][nConj+1]; \
dest[6] = src[nC+1][nH+1][nConj+0]; \
dest[7] = src[nC+1][nH+1][nConj+1];
FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y1, piCCdfdx)
FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y2, piCCdfdy)
FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y3, piCCdfdz)
Sptricubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, nConj, nConj+1, y, y1, y2, y3, &piCC[nC][nH][nConj][0]);
FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y1, piCHdfdx)
FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y2, piCHdfdy)
FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y3, piCHdfdz)
Sptricubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, nConj, nConj+1, y, y1, y2, y3, &piCH[nC][nH][nConj][0]);
FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y1, piHHdfdx)
FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y2, piHHdfdy)
FILL_KNOTS_TRI(y3, piHHdfdz)
Sptricubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, nConj, nConj+1, y, y1, y2, y3, &piHH[nC][nH][nConj][0]);
Sptricubic_patch_coeffs(nC, nC+1, nH, nH+1, nConj, nConj+1, y, y1, y2, y3, &Tijc[nC][nH][nConj][0]);
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
memory usage of local atom-based arrays
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairAIREBO::memory_usage()
double bytes = 0.0;
bytes += maxlocal * sizeof(int);
bytes += maxlocal * sizeof(int *);
for (int i = 0; i < comm->nthreads; i++)
bytes += ipage[i].size();
bytes += 2*maxlocal * sizeof(double);
return bytes;

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