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/* -*- c++ -*- -------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing author: W. Michael Brown (Intel)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#include <omp.h>
#include "atom.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "intel_preprocess.h"
#include <cstring>
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
#define ATOM_T typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::atom_t
#define QUAT_T typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::quat_t
#define FORCE_T typename IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t>::vec3_acc_t
// May not need a separate force array for mixed/double
template <class flt_t, class acc_t>
class IntelBuffers {
typedef struct { flt_t x,y,z; int w; } atom_t;
typedef struct { flt_t w,i,j,k; } quat_t;
typedef struct { flt_t x,y,z,w; } vec3_t;
typedef struct { flt_t x,y,z,w; } vec4_t;
typedef struct { acc_t x,y,z,w; } vec3_acc_t;
IntelBuffers(class LAMMPS *lmp_in);
inline int get_stride(int nall) {
int stride;
IP_PRE_get_stride(stride, nall, sizeof(vec3_acc_t),
return stride;
void free_buffers();
inline void grow(const int nall, const int nlocal, const int nthreads,
const int offload_end) {
if (nall >= _buf_size || nlocal >= _buf_local_size)
_grow(nall, nlocal, nthreads, offload_end);
inline void free_all_nbor_buffers() {
inline void grow_nbor(NeighList *list, const int nlocal,
const int offload_end) {
grow_local(list, offload_end);
if (offload_end) {
grow_nbor_list(list, nlocal, offload_end);
void free_nmax();
inline void grow_nmax() {
if (lmp->atom->nmax > _off_map_nmax)
void free_local();
inline void grow_local(NeighList *list, const int offload_end) {
if (list->get_maxlocal() > _off_map_maxlocal)
_grow_local(list, offload_end);
void free_binhead();
inline void grow_binhead() {
if (lmp->neighbor->maxhead > _off_map_maxhead)
inline int get_max_nbors() {
int mn = lmp->neighbor->oneatom * sizeof(int) /
return mn * INTEL_DATA_ALIGN / sizeof(int);
void free_nbor_list();
inline void grow_nbor_list(NeighList *list, const int nlocal,
const int offload_end) {
if (nlocal > _list_alloc_atoms)
_grow_nbor_list(list, nlocal, offload_end);
else if (offload_end > 0 && _off_map_stencil != list->stencil)
void set_ntypes(const int ntypes);
inline int * firstneigh(const NeighList *list) { return _list_alloc; }
inline int * cnumneigh(const NeighList *list) { return _cnumneigh; }
inline atom_t * get_x(const int offload = 1) {
if (_separate_buffers && offload == 0) return _host_x;
return _x;
inline flt_t * get_q(const int offload = 1) {
if (_separate_buffers && offload == 0) return _host_q;
return _q;
inline quat_t * get_quat(const int offload = 1) {
if (_separate_buffers && offload == 0) return _host_quat;
return _quat;
inline vec3_acc_t * get_f() { return _f; }
inline acc_t * get_ev_global() { return _ev_global; }
inline acc_t * get_ev_global_host() { return _ev_global_host; }
inline void zero_ev()
{ for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) _ev_global[i] = _ev_global_host[i] = 0.0; }
inline flt_t ** get_cutneighsq() { return _cutneighsq; }
inline int get_off_threads() { return _off_threads; }
inline void set_off_params(const int n, const int cop,
const int separate_buffers)
{ _off_threads = n; _cop = cop; _separate_buffers = separate_buffers; }
inline vec3_acc_t * get_off_f() { return _off_f; }
inline void thr_pack(const int ifrom, const int ito, const int ago) {
if (ago == 0) {
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
_x[i].x = lmp->atom->x[i][0];
_x[i].y = lmp->atom->x[i][1];
_x[i].z = lmp->atom->x[i][2];
_x[i].w = lmp->atom->type[i];
if (lmp->atom->q != NULL)
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++)
_q[i] = lmp->atom->q[i];
} else {
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
_x[i].x = lmp->atom->x[i][0];
_x[i].y = lmp->atom->x[i][1];
_x[i].z = lmp->atom->x[i][2];
inline void thr_pack_cop(const int ifrom, const int ito,
const int offset, const bool dotype = false) {
double ** x = lmp->atom->x + offset;
if (dotype == false) {
#pragma vector nontemporal
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
_x[i].x = x[i][0];
_x[i].y = x[i][1];
_x[i].z = x[i][2];
} else {
int *type = lmp->atom->type + offset;
#pragma vector nontemporal
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
_x[i].x = x[i][0];
_x[i].y = x[i][1];
_x[i].z = x[i][2];
_x[i].w = type[i];
inline void thr_pack_host(const int ifrom, const int ito,
const int offset) {
double ** x = lmp->atom->x + offset;
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
_host_x[i].x = x[i][0];
_host_x[i].y = x[i][1];
_host_x[i].z = x[i][2];
inline void pack_sep_from_single(const int host_min_local,
const int used_local,
const int host_min_ghost,
const int used_ghost) {
memcpy(_host_x + host_min_local, _x + host_min_local,
used_local * sizeof(atom_t));
memcpy(_host_x + host_min_local + used_local, _x + host_min_ghost,
used_ghost * sizeof(atom_t));
int nall = used_local + used_ghost + host_min_local;
_host_x[nall].x = INTEL_BIGP;
_host_x[nall].y = INTEL_BIGP;
_host_x[nall].z = INTEL_BIGP;
_host_x[nall].w = 1;
if (lmp->atom->q != NULL) {
memcpy(_host_q + host_min_local, _q + host_min_local,
used_local * sizeof(flt_t));
memcpy(_host_q + host_min_local + used_local, _q + host_min_ghost,
used_ghost * sizeof(flt_t));
double memory_usage(const int nthreads);
int _special_holder, _nspecial_holder;
LAMMPS *lmp;
atom_t *_x;
flt_t *_q;
quat_t *_quat;
vec3_acc_t * _f;
int _off_threads, _off_map_maxlocal;
int _list_alloc_atoms;
int * _list_alloc;
int * _cnumneigh;
flt_t **_cutneighsq;
int _ntypes;
int _separate_buffers;
atom_t *_host_x;
flt_t *_host_q;
quat_t *_host_quat;
vec3_acc_t *_off_f;
int _off_map_nmax, _off_map_maxhead, _cop;
int *_off_map_ilist;
int *_off_map_stencil, *_off_map_special, *_off_map_nspecial, *_off_map_tag;
int *_off_map_binhead, *_off_map_bins, *_off_map_numneigh;
bool _off_list_alloc;
int _buf_size, _buf_local_size;
__declspec(align(64)) acc_t _ev_global[8];
__declspec(align(64)) acc_t _ev_global_host[8];
void _grow(const int nall, const int nlocal, const int nthreads,
const int offload_end);
void _grow_nmax();
void _grow_local(NeighList *list, const int offload_end);
void _grow_binhead();
void _grow_nbor_list(NeighList *list, const int nlocal,
const int offload_end);
void _grow_stencil(NeighList *list);

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