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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing authors: William McDoniel (RWTH Aachen University)
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <mpi.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "pppm_disp_intel.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "fft3d_wrap.h"
#include "gridcomm.h"
#include "math_const.h"
#include "math_special.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "suffix.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
using namespace MathConst;
using namespace MathSpecial;
#define MAXORDER 7
#define OFFSET 16384
#define SMALL 0.00001
#define LARGE 10000.0
#define EPS_HOC 1.0e-7
#define ZEROF 0.0f
#define ONEF 1.0f
#define ZEROF 0.0
#define ONEF 1.0
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PPPMDispIntel::PPPMDispIntel(LAMMPS *lmp, int narg, char **arg) :
PPPMDisp(lmp, narg, arg)
suffix_flag |= Suffix::INTEL;
order = 7;
order_6 = 7; //sets default stencil sizes to 7
perthread_density = NULL;
particle_ekx = particle_eky = particle_ekz = NULL;
particle_ekx0 = particle_eky0 = particle_ekz0 = NULL;
particle_ekx1 = particle_eky1 = particle_ekz1 = NULL;
particle_ekx2 = particle_eky2 = particle_ekz2 = NULL;
particle_ekx3 = particle_eky3 = particle_ekz3 = NULL;
particle_ekx4 = particle_eky4 = particle_ekz4 = NULL;
particle_ekx5 = particle_eky5 = particle_ekz5 = NULL;
particle_ekx6 = particle_eky6 = particle_ekz6 = NULL;
rho_lookup = drho_lookup = NULL;
rho6_lookup = drho6_lookup = NULL;
rho_points = 0;
_use_table = _use_packing = _use_lrt = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
called once before run
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PPPMDispIntel::init()
int ifix = modify->find_fix("package_intel");
if (ifix < 0)
"The 'package intel' command is required for /intel styles");
fix = static_cast<FixIntel *>(modify->fix[ifix]);
_use_base = 0;
if (fix->offload_balance() != 0.0) {
_use_base = 1;
_use_lrt = fix->lrt();
if (_use_lrt)
"LRT mode is currently not supported for pppm/disp/intel");
// For vectorization, we need some padding in the end
// The first thread computes on the global density
if ((comm->nthreads > 1) && !_use_lrt) {
memory->create(perthread_density, comm->nthreads-1,
_use_table = fix->pppm_table();
if (_use_table) {
rho_points = 5000;
memory->create(rho_lookup, rho_points, INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER,
memory->create(rho6_lookup, rho_points, INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER,
if(differentiation_flag == 1) {
memory->create(drho_lookup, rho_points, INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER,
memory->create(drho6_lookup, rho_points, INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER,
if (order > INTEL_P3M_MAXORDER)
error->all(FLERR,"PPPM order greater than supported by USER-INTEL\n");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
compute the PPPMDispIntel long-range force, energy, virial
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PPPMDispIntel::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
if (_use_base) {
PPPMDisp::compute(eflag, vflag);
int i;
// convert atoms from box to lamda coords
if (eflag || vflag) ev_setup(eflag,vflag);
else evflag = evflag_atom = eflag_global = vflag_global =
eflag_atom = vflag_atom = 0;
if (evflag_atom && !peratom_allocate_flag) {
if (function[0]) {
if (function[1] + function[2] + function[3]) {
peratom_allocate_flag = 1;
if (triclinic == 0) boxlo = domain->boxlo;
else {
boxlo = domain->boxlo_lamda;
// extend size of per-atom arrays if necessary
if (atom->nmax > nmax) {
if (function[0]) memory->destroy(part2grid);
if (function[1] + function[2] + function[3]) memory->destroy(part2grid_6);
if (differentiation_flag == 1) {
if (function[2] == 1){
nmax = atom->nmax;
if (function[0]) memory->create(part2grid,nmax,3,"pppm/disp:part2grid");
if (function[1] + function[2] + function[3])
if (differentiation_flag == 1) {
memory->create(particle_ekx, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekx");
memory->create(particle_eky, nmax, "pppmdispintel:peky");
memory->create(particle_ekz, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekz");
if (function[2] == 1){
memory->create(particle_ekx0, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekx0");
memory->create(particle_eky0, nmax, "pppmdispintel:peky0");
memory->create(particle_ekz0, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekz0");
memory->create(particle_ekx1, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekx1");
memory->create(particle_eky1, nmax, "pppmdispintel:peky1");
memory->create(particle_ekz1, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekz1");
memory->create(particle_ekx2, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekx2");
memory->create(particle_eky2, nmax, "pppmdispintel:peky2");
memory->create(particle_ekz2, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekz2");
memory->create(particle_ekx3, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekx3");
memory->create(particle_eky3, nmax, "pppmdispintel:peky3");
memory->create(particle_ekz3, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekz3");
memory->create(particle_ekx4, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekx4");
memory->create(particle_eky4, nmax, "pppmdispintel:peky4");
memory->create(particle_ekz4, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekz4");
memory->create(particle_ekx5, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekx5");
memory->create(particle_eky5, nmax, "pppmdispintel:peky5");
memory->create(particle_ekz5, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekz5");
memory->create(particle_ekx6, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekx6");
memory->create(particle_eky6, nmax, "pppmdispintel:peky6");
memory->create(particle_ekz6, nmax, "pppmdispintel:pekz6");
energy = 0.0;
energy_1 = 0.0;
energy_6 = 0.0;
if (vflag) for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) virial_6[i] = virial_1[i] = 0.0;
// find grid points for all my particles
// distribute partcles' charges/dispersion coefficients on the grid
// communication between processors and remapping two fft
// Solution of poissons equation in k-space and backtransformation
// communication between processors
// calculation of forces
if (function[0]) {
//perform calculations for coulomb interactions only
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
particle_map<float,double>(delxinv, delyinv, delzinv, shift, part2grid,
nupper, nlower, nxlo_out, nylo_out, nzlo_out,
nxhi_out, nyhi_out, nzhi_out,
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
particle_map<double,double>(delxinv, delyinv, delzinv, shift, part2grid,
nupper, nlower, nxlo_out, nylo_out,
nzlo_out, nxhi_out, nyhi_out, nzhi_out,
} else {
particle_map<float,float>(delxinv, delyinv, delzinv, shift, part2grid,
nupper, nlower, nxlo_out, nylo_out, nzlo_out,
nxhi_out, nyhi_out, nzhi_out,
brick2fft(nxlo_in, nylo_in, nzlo_in, nxhi_in, nyhi_in, nzhi_in,
density_brick, density_fft, work1,remap);
if (differentiation_flag == 1) {
poisson_ad(work1, work2, density_fft, fft1, fft2,
nx_pppm, ny_pppm, nz_pppm, nfft,
nxlo_fft, nylo_fft, nzlo_fft, nxhi_fft, nyhi_fft, nzhi_fft,
nxlo_in, nylo_in, nzlo_in, nxhi_in, nyhi_in, nzhi_in,
energy_1, greensfn, virial_1, vg,vg2, u_brick, v0_brick,
v1_brick, v2_brick, v3_brick, v4_brick, v5_brick);
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
} else {
if (vflag_atom) cg_peratom->forward_comm(this, FORWARD_AD_PERATOM);
} else {
poisson_ik(work1, work2, density_fft, fft1, fft2,
nx_pppm, ny_pppm, nz_pppm, nfft,
nxlo_fft, nylo_fft, nzlo_fft, nxhi_fft, nyhi_fft, nzhi_fft,
nxlo_in, nylo_in, nzlo_in, nxhi_in, nyhi_in, nzhi_in,
energy_1, greensfn, fkx, fky, fkz,fkx2, fky2, fkz2,
vdx_brick, vdy_brick, vdz_brick, virial_1, vg,vg2,
u_brick, v0_brick, v1_brick, v2_brick, v3_brick, v4_brick,
cg->forward_comm(this, FORWARD_IK);
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
} else {
if (evflag_atom) cg_peratom->forward_comm(this, FORWARD_IK_PERATOM);
if (evflag_atom) fieldforce_c_peratom();
if (function[1]) {
//perfrom calculations for geometric mixing
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
particle_map<float,double>(delxinv_6, delyinv_6, delzinv_6, shift_6,
part2grid_6, nupper_6, nlower_6, nxlo_out_6,
nylo_out_6, nzlo_out_6, nxhi_out_6,
nyhi_out_6, nzhi_out_6,
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
particle_map<double,double>(delxinv_6, delyinv_6, delzinv_6, shift_6,
part2grid_6, nupper_6, nlower_6, nxlo_out_6,
nylo_out_6, nzlo_out_6, nxhi_out_6,
nyhi_out_6, nzhi_out_6,
} else {
particle_map<float,float>(delxinv_6, delyinv_6, delzinv_6, shift_6,
part2grid_6, nupper_6, nlower_6, nxlo_out_6,
nylo_out_6, nzlo_out_6, nxhi_out_6,
nyhi_out_6, nzhi_out_6,
cg_6->reverse_comm(this, REVERSE_RHO_G);
brick2fft(nxlo_in_6, nylo_in_6, nzlo_in_6, nxhi_in_6, nyhi_in_6, nzhi_in_6,
density_brick_g, density_fft_g, work1_6,remap_6);
if (differentiation_flag == 1) {
poisson_ad(work1_6, work2_6, density_fft_g, fft1_6, fft2_6,
nx_pppm_6, ny_pppm_6, nz_pppm_6, nfft_6,
nxlo_fft_6, nylo_fft_6, nzlo_fft_6, nxhi_fft_6,
nyhi_fft_6, nzhi_fft_6, nxlo_in_6, nylo_in_6, nzlo_in_6,
nxhi_in_6, nyhi_in_6, nzhi_in_6, energy_6, greensfn_6,
virial_6, vg_6, vg2_6, u_brick_g, v0_brick_g, v1_brick_g,
v2_brick_g, v3_brick_g, v4_brick_g, v5_brick_g);
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
} else {
if (vflag_atom) cg_peratom_6->forward_comm(this,FORWARD_AD_PERATOM_G);
} else {
poisson_ik(work1_6, work2_6, density_fft_g, fft1_6, fft2_6,
nx_pppm_6, ny_pppm_6, nz_pppm_6, nfft_6, nxlo_fft_6,
nylo_fft_6, nzlo_fft_6, nxhi_fft_6, nyhi_fft_6, nzhi_fft_6,
nxlo_in_6, nylo_in_6, nzlo_in_6, nxhi_in_6, nyhi_in_6,
nzhi_in_6, energy_6, greensfn_6, fkx_6, fky_6, fkz_6,
fkx2_6, fky2_6, fkz2_6, vdx_brick_g, vdy_brick_g,
vdz_brick_g, virial_6, vg_6, vg2_6, u_brick_g, v0_brick_g,
v1_brick_g, v2_brick_g, v3_brick_g, v4_brick_g, v5_brick_g);
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
} else {
if (evflag_atom) cg_peratom_6->forward_comm(this, FORWARD_IK_PERATOM_G);
if (evflag_atom) fieldforce_g_peratom();
if (function[2]) {
//perform calculations for arithmetic mixing
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
particle_map<float,double>(delxinv_6, delyinv_6, delzinv_6, shift_6,
part2grid_6, nupper_6, nlower_6,
nxlo_out_6, nylo_out_6, nzlo_out_6,
nxhi_out_6, nyhi_out_6, nzhi_out_6,
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
particle_map<double,double>(delxinv_6, delyinv_6, delzinv_6, shift_6,
part2grid_6, nupper_6, nlower_6, nxlo_out_6,
nylo_out_6, nzlo_out_6, nxhi_out_6,
nyhi_out_6, nzhi_out_6,
} else {
particle_map<float,float>(delxinv_6, delyinv_6, delzinv_6, shift_6,
part2grid_6, nupper_6, nlower_6, nxlo_out_6,
nylo_out_6, nzlo_out_6, nxhi_out_6,
nyhi_out_6, nzhi_out_6,
cg_6->reverse_comm(this, REVERSE_RHO_A);
if ( differentiation_flag == 1) {
poisson_ad(work1_6, work2_6, density_fft_a3, fft1_6, fft2_6,
nx_pppm_6, ny_pppm_6, nz_pppm_6, nfft_6, nxlo_fft_6,
nylo_fft_6, nzlo_fft_6, nxhi_fft_6, nyhi_fft_6, nzhi_fft_6,
nxlo_in_6, nylo_in_6, nzlo_in_6, nxhi_in_6, nyhi_in_6,
nzhi_in_6, energy_6, greensfn_6, virial_6, vg_6, vg2_6,
u_brick_a3, v0_brick_a3, v1_brick_a3, v2_brick_a3,
v3_brick_a3, v4_brick_a3, v5_brick_a3);
poisson_2s_ad(density_fft_a0, density_fft_a6, u_brick_a0, v0_brick_a0,
v1_brick_a0, v2_brick_a0, v3_brick_a0, v4_brick_a0,
v5_brick_a0, u_brick_a6, v0_brick_a6, v1_brick_a6,
v2_brick_a6, v3_brick_a6, v4_brick_a6, v5_brick_a6);
poisson_2s_ad(density_fft_a1, density_fft_a5, u_brick_a1, v0_brick_a1,
v1_brick_a1, v2_brick_a1, v3_brick_a1, v4_brick_a1,
v5_brick_a1, u_brick_a5, v0_brick_a5, v1_brick_a5,
v2_brick_a5, v3_brick_a5, v4_brick_a5, v5_brick_a5);
poisson_2s_ad(density_fft_a2, density_fft_a4, u_brick_a2, v0_brick_a2,
v1_brick_a2, v2_brick_a2, v3_brick_a2, v4_brick_a2,
v5_brick_a2, u_brick_a4, v0_brick_a4, v1_brick_a4,
v2_brick_a4, v3_brick_a4, v4_brick_a4, v5_brick_a4);
cg_6->forward_comm(this, FORWARD_AD_A);
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
} else {
if (evflag_atom) cg_peratom_6->forward_comm(this, FORWARD_AD_PERATOM_A);
} else {
poisson_ik(work1_6, work2_6, density_fft_a3, fft1_6, fft2_6,
nx_pppm_6, ny_pppm_6, nz_pppm_6, nfft_6, nxlo_fft_6,
nylo_fft_6, nzlo_fft_6, nxhi_fft_6, nyhi_fft_6, nzhi_fft_6,
nxlo_in_6, nylo_in_6, nzlo_in_6, nxhi_in_6, nyhi_in_6,
nzhi_in_6, energy_6, greensfn_6, fkx_6, fky_6, fkz_6,fkx2_6,
fky2_6, fkz2_6, vdx_brick_a3, vdy_brick_a3, vdz_brick_a3,
virial_6, vg_6, vg2_6, u_brick_a3, v0_brick_a3, v1_brick_a3,
v2_brick_a3, v3_brick_a3, v4_brick_a3, v5_brick_a3);
poisson_2s_ik(density_fft_a0, density_fft_a6, vdx_brick_a0,
vdy_brick_a0, vdz_brick_a0, vdx_brick_a6, vdy_brick_a6,
vdz_brick_a6, u_brick_a0, v0_brick_a0, v1_brick_a0,
v2_brick_a0, v3_brick_a0, v4_brick_a0, v5_brick_a0,
u_brick_a6, v0_brick_a6, v1_brick_a6, v2_brick_a6,
v3_brick_a6, v4_brick_a6, v5_brick_a6);
poisson_2s_ik(density_fft_a1, density_fft_a5, vdx_brick_a1,
vdy_brick_a1, vdz_brick_a1, vdx_brick_a5, vdy_brick_a5,
vdz_brick_a5, u_brick_a1, v0_brick_a1, v1_brick_a1,
v2_brick_a1, v3_brick_a1, v4_brick_a1, v5_brick_a1,
u_brick_a5, v0_brick_a5, v1_brick_a5, v2_brick_a5,
v3_brick_a5, v4_brick_a5, v5_brick_a5);
poisson_2s_ik(density_fft_a2, density_fft_a4, vdx_brick_a2,
vdy_brick_a2, vdz_brick_a2, vdx_brick_a4, vdy_brick_a4,
vdz_brick_a4, u_brick_a2, v0_brick_a2, v1_brick_a2,
v2_brick_a2, v3_brick_a2, v4_brick_a2, v5_brick_a2,
u_brick_a4, v0_brick_a4, v1_brick_a4, v2_brick_a4,
v3_brick_a4, v4_brick_a4, v5_brick_a4);
cg_6->forward_comm(this, FORWARD_IK_A);
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
} else {
if (evflag_atom) cg_peratom_6->forward_comm(this, FORWARD_IK_PERATOM_A);
if (evflag_atom) fieldforce_a_peratom();
if (function[3]) {
//perform calculations if no mixing rule applies
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
particle_map<float,double>(delxinv_6, delyinv_6, delzinv_6, shift_6,
part2grid_6, nupper_6, nlower_6, nxlo_out_6,
nylo_out_6, nzlo_out_6, nxhi_out_6,
nyhi_out_6, nzhi_out_6,
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
particle_map<double,double>(delxinv_6, delyinv_6, delzinv_6, shift_6,
part2grid_6, nupper_6, nlower_6, nxlo_out_6,
nylo_out_6, nzlo_out_6, nxhi_out_6,
nyhi_out_6, nzhi_out_6,
} else {
particle_map<float,float>(delxinv_6, delyinv_6, delzinv_6, shift_6,
part2grid_6, nupper_6, nlower_6, nxlo_out_6,
nylo_out_6, nzlo_out_6, nxhi_out_6,
nyhi_out_6, nzhi_out_6,
cg_6->reverse_comm(this, REVERSE_RHO_NONE);
if (differentiation_flag == 1) {
int n = 0;
for (int k = 0; k<nsplit_alloc/2; k++) {
v0_brick_none, v1_brick_none, v2_brick_none,
v3_brick_none, v4_brick_none, v5_brick_none);
n += 2;
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
} else {
if (vflag_atom) cg_peratom_6->forward_comm(this,FORWARD_AD_PERATOM_NONE);
} else {
int n = 0;
for (int k = 0; k<nsplit_alloc/2; k++) {
poisson_none_ik(n,n+1,density_fft_none[n], density_fft_none[n+1],
vdx_brick_none[n], vdy_brick_none[n],
vdz_brick_none[n], vdx_brick_none[n+1],
vdy_brick_none[n+1], vdz_brick_none[n+1],
u_brick_none, v0_brick_none, v1_brick_none,
v2_brick_none, v3_brick_none, v4_brick_none,
n += 2;
if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_MIXED) {
} else if (fix->precision() == FixIntel::PREC_MODE_DOUBLE) {
} else {
if (evflag_atom)
cg_peratom_6->forward_comm(this, FORWARD_IK_PERATOM_NONE);
if (evflag_atom) fieldforce_none_peratom();
// update qsum and qsqsum, if atom count has changed and energy needed
if ((eflag_global || eflag_atom) && atom->natoms != natoms_original) {
natoms_original = atom->natoms;
// sum energy across procs and add in volume-dependent term
const double qscale = force->qqrd2e * scale;
if (eflag_global) {
double energy_all;
energy_1 = energy_all;
energy_6 = energy_all;
energy_1 *= 0.5*volume;
energy_6 *= 0.5*volume;
energy_1 -= g_ewald*qsqsum/MY_PIS +
MY_PI2*qsum*qsum / (g_ewald*g_ewald*volume);
energy_6 += - MY_PI*MY_PIS/(6*volume)*pow(g_ewald_6,3)*csumij +
energy_1 *= qscale;
// sum virial across procs
if (vflag_global) {
double virial_all[6];
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) virial[i] = 0.5*qscale*volume*virial_all[i];
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) virial[i] += 0.5*volume*virial_all[i];
if (function[1]+function[2]+function[3]){
double a = MY_PI*MY_PIS/(6*volume)*pow(g_ewald_6,3)*csumij;
virial[0] -= a;
virial[1] -= a;
virial[2] -= a;
if (eflag_atom) {
if (function[0]) {
double *q = atom->q;
for (i = 0; i < atom->nlocal; i++) {
eatom[i] -= qscale*g_ewald*q[i]*q[i]/MY_PIS + qscale*MY_PI2*q[i]*
qsum / (g_ewald*g_ewald*volume); //coulomb self energy correction
if (function[1] + function[2] + function[3]) {
int tmp;
for (i = 0; i < atom->nlocal; i++) {
tmp = atom->type[i];
eatom[i] += - MY_PI*MY_PIS/(6*volume)*pow(g_ewald_6,3)*csumi[tmp] +
if (vflag_atom) {
if (function[1] + function[2] + function[3]) {
int tmp;
for (i = 0; i < atom->nlocal; i++) {
tmp = atom->type[i];
//dispersion self virial correction
for (int n = 0; n < 3; n++) vatom[i][n] -= MY_PI*MY_PIS/(6*volume)*
// 2d slab correction
if (slabflag) slabcorr(eflag);
if (function[0]) energy += energy_1;
if (function[1] + function[2] + function[3]) energy += energy_6;
// convert atoms back from lamda to box coords
if (triclinic) domain->lamda2x(atom->nlocal);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
find center grid pt for each of my particles
check that full stencil for the particle will fit in my 3d brick
store central grid pt indices in part2grid array
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t>
void PPPMDispIntel::particle_map(double delx, double dely, double delz,
double sft, int** p2g, int nup, int nlow,
int nxlo, int nylo, int nzlo,
int nxhi, int nyhi, int nzhi,
IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
if (!ISFINITE(boxlo[0]) || !ISFINITE(boxlo[1]) || !ISFINITE(boxlo[2]))
error->one(FLERR,"Non-numeric box dimensions - simulation unstable");
int flag = 0;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nlocal, nthr, delx, dely, delz, sft, p2g, nup, nlow, nxlo,\
nylo, nzlo, nxhi, nyhi, nzhi) reduction(+:flag) if(!_use_lrt)
double **x = atom->x;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delx;
const flt_t yi = dely;
const flt_t zi = delz;
const flt_t fshift = sft;
int iifrom, iito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id_align(iifrom, iito, tid, nlocal, nthr, sizeof(ATOM_T));
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma vector aligned
#pragma simd reduction(+:flag)
for (int i = iifrom; i < iito; i++) {
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// current particle coord can be outside global and local box
// add/subtract OFFSET to avoid int(-0.75) = 0 when want it to be -1
int nx = static_cast<int> ((x[i][0]-lo0)*xi+fshift) - OFFSET;
int ny = static_cast<int> ((x[i][1]-lo1)*yi+fshift) - OFFSET;
int nz = static_cast<int> ((x[i][2]-lo2)*zi+fshift) - OFFSET;
p2g[i][0] = nx;
p2g[i][1] = ny;
p2g[i][2] = nz;
// check that entire stencil around nx,ny,nz will fit in my 3d brick
if (nx+nlow < nxlo || nx+nup > nxhi ||
ny+nlow < nylo || ny+nup > nyhi ||
nz+nlow < nzlo || nz+nup > nzhi)
flag = 1;
if (flag) error->one(FLERR,"Out of range atoms - cannot compute PPPMDisp");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create discretized "density" on section of global grid due to my particles
density(x,y,z) = charge "density" at grid points of my 3d brick
(nxlo:nxhi,nylo:nyhi,nzlo:nzhi) is extent of my brick (including ghosts)
in global grid
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::make_rho_c(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// clear 3d density array
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias global_density =
// loop over my charges, add their contribution to nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
//double *q = atom->q;
//double **x = atom->x;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nthr, nlocal, global_density) if(!_use_lrt)
double *q = atom->q;
double **x = atom->x;
const int nix = nxhi_out - nxlo_out + 1;
const int niy = nyhi_out - nylo_out + 1;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv;
const flt_t yi = delyinv;
const flt_t zi = delzinv;
const flt_t fshift = shift;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone;
const flt_t fdelvolinv = delvolinv;
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias my_density = tid == 0 ? global_density :
perthread_density[tid - 1];
// clear 3d density array
memset(my_density, 0, ngrid * sizeof(FFT_SCALAR));
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid[i][0];
int ny = part2grid[i][1];
int nz = part2grid[i][2];
int nysum = nlower + ny - nylo_out;
int nxsum = nlower + nx - nxlo_out;
int nzsum = (nlower + nz - nzlo_out)*nix*niy + nysum*nix + nxsum;
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
_alignvar(flt_t rho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho[0][k] = rho_lookup[idx][k];
rho[1][k] = rho_lookup[idy][k];
rho[2][k] = rho_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower; k <= nupper; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1,r2,r3;
r1 = r2 = r3 = ZEROF;
for (int l = order-1; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r1*dx;
r2 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r2*dy;
r3 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r3*dz;
rho[0][k-nlower] = r1;
rho[1][k-nlower] = r2;
rho[2][k-nlower] = r3;
FFT_SCALAR z0 = fdelvolinv * q[i];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order; n++) {
int mz = n*nix*niy + nzsum;
FFT_SCALAR y0 = z0*rho[2][n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order; m++) {
int mzy = m*nix + mz;
FFT_SCALAR x0 = y0*rho[1][m];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mzyx = l + mzy;
my_density[mzyx] += x0*rho[0][l];
// reduce all the perthread_densities into global_density
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nthr, global_density) if(!_use_lrt)
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, ngrid, nthr);
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
for(int j = 1; j < nthr; j++) {
global_density[i] += perthread_density[j-1][i];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create discretized "density" on section of global grid due to my particles
density(x,y,z) = dispersion "density" at grid points of my 3d brick
(nxlo:nxhi,nylo:nyhi,nzlo:nzhi) is extent of my brick (including ghosts)
in global grid --- geometric mixing
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::make_rho_g(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// clear 3d density array
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias global_density =
// loop over my charges, add their contribution to nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nthr, nlocal, global_density) if(!_use_lrt)
int type;
double **x = atom->x;
const int nix = nxhi_out_6 - nxlo_out_6 + 1;
const int niy = nyhi_out_6 - nylo_out_6 + 1;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv_6;
const flt_t yi = delyinv_6;
const flt_t zi = delzinv_6;
const flt_t fshift = shift_6;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone_6;
const flt_t fdelvolinv = delvolinv_6;
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias my_density = tid == 0 ? global_density :
perthread_density[tid - 1];
// clear 3d density array
memset(my_density, 0, ngrid_6 * sizeof(FFT_SCALAR));
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid_6[i][0];
int ny = part2grid_6[i][1];
int nz = part2grid_6[i][2];
int nysum = nlower_6 + ny - nylo_out_6;
int nxsum = nlower_6 + nx - nxlo_out_6;
int nzsum = (nlower_6 + nz - nzlo_out_6)*nix*niy + nysum*nix + nxsum;
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
_alignvar(flt_t rho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho[0][k] = rho6_lookup[idx][k];
rho[1][k] = rho6_lookup[idy][k];
rho[2][k] = rho6_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower_6; k <= nupper_6; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1,r2,r3;
r1 = r2 = r3 = ZEROF;
for (int l = order_6-1; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1*dx;
r2 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r2*dy;
r3 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r3*dz;
rho[0][k-nlower_6] = r1;
rho[1][k-nlower_6] = r2;
rho[2][k-nlower_6] = r3;
type = atom->type[i];
FFT_SCALAR z0 = fdelvolinv * B[type];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order_6; n++) {
int mz = n*nix*niy + nzsum;
FFT_SCALAR y0 = z0*rho[2][n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order_6; m++) {
int mzy = m*nix + mz;
FFT_SCALAR x0 = y0*rho[1][m];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mzyx = l + mzy;
my_density[mzyx] += x0*rho[0][l];
// reduce all the perthread_densities into global_density
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nthr, global_density) if(!_use_lrt)
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, ngrid_6, nthr);
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
for(int j = 1; j < nthr; j++) {
global_density[i] += perthread_density[j-1][i];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create discretized "density" on section of global grid due to my particles
density(x,y,z) = dispersion "density" at grid points of my 3d brick
(nxlo:nxhi,nylo:nyhi,nzlo:nzhi) is extent of my brick (including ghosts)
in global grid --- arithmetic mixing
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::make_rho_a(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// clear 3d density array
// loop over my charges, add their contribution to nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
double **x = atom->x;
const int nix = nxhi_out_6 - nxlo_out_6 + 1;
const int niy = nyhi_out_6 - nylo_out_6 + 1;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv_6;
const flt_t yi = delyinv_6;
const flt_t zi = delzinv_6;
const flt_t fshift = shift_6;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone_6;
const flt_t fdelvolinv = delvolinv_6;
for (int i = 0; i < nlocal; i++) {
int nx = part2grid_6[i][0];
int ny = part2grid_6[i][1];
int nz = part2grid_6[i][2];
int nxsum = nx + nlower_6;
int nysum = ny + nlower_6;
int nzsum = nz + nlower_6;
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
_alignvar(flt_t rho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho[0][k] = rho6_lookup[idx][k];
rho[1][k] = rho6_lookup[idy][k];
rho[2][k] = rho6_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower_6; k <= nupper_6; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1,r2,r3;
r1 = r2 = r3 = ZEROF;
for (int l = order_6-1; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1*dx;
r2 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r2*dy;
r3 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r3*dz;
rho[0][k-nlower_6] = r1;
rho[1][k-nlower_6] = r2;
rho[2][k-nlower_6] = r3;
const int type = atom->type[i];
FFT_SCALAR z0 = fdelvolinv;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order_6; n++) {
int mz = n + nzsum;
FFT_SCALAR y0 = z0*rho[2][n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order_6; m++) {
int my = m + nysum;
FFT_SCALAR x0 = y0*rho[1][m];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mx = l + nxsum;
FFT_SCALAR w = x0*rho[0][l];
density_brick_a0[mz][my][mx] += w*B[7*type];
density_brick_a1[mz][my][mx] += w*B[7*type+1];
density_brick_a2[mz][my][mx] += w*B[7*type+2];
density_brick_a3[mz][my][mx] += w*B[7*type+3];
density_brick_a4[mz][my][mx] += w*B[7*type+4];
density_brick_a5[mz][my][mx] += w*B[7*type+5];
density_brick_a6[mz][my][mx] += w*B[7*type+6];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
create discretized "density" on section of global grid due to my particles
density(x,y,z) = dispersion "density" at grid points of my 3d brick
(nxlo:nxhi,nylo:nyhi,nzlo:nzhi) is extent of my brick (including ghosts)
in global grid --- case when mixing rules don't apply
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::make_rho_none(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias global_density = &(density_brick_none[0][nzlo_out_6][nylo_out_6][nxlo_out_6]);
// loop over my charges, add their contribution to nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nthr, nlocal, global_density) if(!_use_lrt)
int type;
double **x = atom->x;
const int nix = nxhi_out_6 - nxlo_out_6 + 1;
const int niy = nyhi_out_6 - nylo_out_6 + 1;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv_6;
const flt_t yi = delyinv_6;
const flt_t zi = delzinv_6;
const flt_t fshift = shift_6;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone_6;
const flt_t fdelvolinv = delvolinv_6;
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias my_density = tid == 0 ? global_density :
perthread_density[tid - 1];
// clear 3d density array
memset(my_density, 0, ngrid_6 * sizeof(FFT_SCALAR));
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid_6[i][0];
int ny = part2grid_6[i][1];
int nz = part2grid_6[i][2];
int nysum = nlower_6 + ny - nylo_out_6;
int nxsum = nlower_6 + nx - nxlo_out_6;
int nzsum = (nlower_6 + nz - nzlo_out_6)*nix*niy + nysum*nix + nxsum;
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
_alignvar(flt_t rho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho[0][k] = rho6_lookup[idx][k];
rho[1][k] = rho6_lookup[idy][k];
rho[2][k] = rho6_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower_6; k <= nupper_6; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1,r2,r3;
r1 = r2 = r3 = ZEROF;
for (int l = order_6-1; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1*dx;
r2 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r2*dy;
r3 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r3*dz;
rho[0][k-nlower_6] = r1;
rho[1][k-nlower_6] = r2;
rho[2][k-nlower_6] = r3;
type = atom->type[i];
FFT_SCALAR z0 = fdelvolinv;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order_6; n++) {
int mz = n*nix*niy + nzsum;
FFT_SCALAR y0 = z0*rho[2][n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order_6; m++) {
int mzy = m*nix + mz;
FFT_SCALAR x0 = y0*rho[1][m];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mzyx = l + mzy;
FFT_SCALAR w0 = x0*rho[0][l];
for(int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++)
my_density[mzyx + k*ngrid_6] += x0*rho[0][l];
// reduce all the perthread_densities into global_density
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nthr, global_density) if(!_use_lrt)
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, ngrid_6*nsplit, nthr);
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
for(int j = 1; j < nthr; j++) {
global_density[i] += perthread_density[j-1][i];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interpolate from grid to get electric field & force on my particles
for ik scheme
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::fieldforce_c_ik(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// loop over my charges, interpolate electric field from nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// ek = 3 components of E-field on particle
//double *q = atom->q;
//double **x = atom->x;
//double **f = atom->f;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nlocal, nthr) if(!_use_lrt)
double *q = atom->q;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv;
const flt_t yi = delyinv;
const flt_t zi = delzinv;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone;
const flt_t fqqrd2es = qqrd2e * scale;
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
_alignvar(flt_t rho0[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(flt_t rho1[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER] , 64)= {0};
_alignvar(flt_t rho2[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER] , 64)= {0};
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid[i][0];
int ny = part2grid[i][1];
int nz = part2grid[i][2];
int nxsum = nx + nlower;
int nysum = ny + nlower;
int nzsum = nz + nlower;;
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho0[k] = rho_lookup[idx][k];
rho1[k] = rho_lookup[idy][k];
rho2[k] = rho_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower; k <= nupper; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1 = rho_coeff[order-1][k];
FFT_SCALAR r2 = rho_coeff[order-1][k];
FFT_SCALAR r3 = rho_coeff[order-1][k];
for (int l = order-2; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r1*dx;
r2 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r2*dy;
r3 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r3*dz;
rho0[k-nlower] = r1;
rho1[k-nlower] = r2;
rho2[k-nlower] = r3;
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order; n++) {
int mz = n+nzsum;
FFT_SCALAR z0 = rho2[n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order; m++) {
int my = m+nysum;
FFT_SCALAR y0 = z0*rho1[m];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mx = l+nxsum;
FFT_SCALAR x0 = y0*rho0[l];
ekx_arr[l] -= x0*vdx_brick[mz][my][mx];
eky_arr[l] -= x0*vdy_brick[mz][my][mx];
ekz_arr[l] -= x0*vdz_brick[mz][my][mx];
FFT_SCALAR ekx, eky, ekz;
ekx = eky = ekz = ZEROF;
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
ekx += ekx_arr[l];
eky += eky_arr[l];
ekz += ekz_arr[l];
// convert E-field to force
const flt_t qfactor = fqqrd2es * q[i];
f[i][0] += qfactor*ekx;
f[i][1] += qfactor*eky;
if (slabflag != 2) f[i][2] += qfactor*ekz;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interpolate from grid to get electric field & force on my particles
for ad scheme
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::fieldforce_c_ad(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// loop over my charges, interpolate electric field from nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// ek = 3 components of E-field on particle
//double *q = atom->q;
//double **x = atom->x;
//double **f = atom->f;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekx = this->particle_ekx;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_eky = this->particle_eky;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekz = this->particle_ekz;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nlocal, nthr) if(!_use_lrt)
double *prd;
if (triclinic == 0) prd = domain->prd;
else prd = domain->prd_lamda;
double *q = atom->q;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
const flt_t ftwo_pi = MY_PI * 2.0;
const flt_t ffour_pi = MY_PI * 4.0;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv;
const flt_t yi = delyinv;
const flt_t zi = delzinv;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone;
const flt_t fqqrd2es = qqrd2e * scale;
const double xprd = prd[0];
const double yprd = prd[1];
const double zprd = prd[2]*slab_volfactor;
const flt_t hx_inv = nx_pppm/xprd;
const flt_t hy_inv = ny_pppm/yprd;
const flt_t hz_inv = nz_pppm/zprd;
const flt_t fsf_coeff0 = sf_coeff[0];
const flt_t fsf_coeff1 = sf_coeff[1];
const flt_t fsf_coeff2 = sf_coeff[2];
const flt_t fsf_coeff3 = sf_coeff[3];
const flt_t fsf_coeff4 = sf_coeff[4];
const flt_t fsf_coeff5 = sf_coeff[5];
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
_alignvar(flt_t rho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(flt_t drho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid[i][0];
int ny = part2grid[i][1];
int nz = part2grid[i][2];
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
int nxsum = nx + nlower;
int nysum = ny + nlower;
int nzsum = nz + nlower;
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho[0][k] = rho_lookup[idx][k];
rho[1][k] = rho_lookup[idy][k];
rho[2][k] = rho_lookup[idz][k];
drho[0][k] = drho_lookup[idx][k];
drho[1][k] = drho_lookup[idy][k];
drho[2][k] = drho_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower; k <= nupper; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1,r2,r3,dr1,dr2,dr3;
dr1 = dr2 = dr3 = ZEROF;
r1 = rho_coeff[order-1][k];
r2 = rho_coeff[order-1][k];
r3 = rho_coeff[order-1][k];
for (int l = order-2; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r1 * dx;
r2 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r2 * dy;
r3 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r3 * dz;
dr1 = drho_coeff[l][k] + dr1 * dx;
dr2 = drho_coeff[l][k] + dr2 * dy;
dr3 = drho_coeff[l][k] + dr3 * dz;
rho[0][k-nlower] = r1;
rho[1][k-nlower] = r2;
rho[2][k-nlower] = r3;
drho[0][k-nlower] = dr1;
drho[1][k-nlower] = dr2;
drho[2][k-nlower] = dr3;
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
particle_ekx[i] = particle_eky[i] = particle_ekz[i] = ZEROF;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order; n++) {
int mz = n + nzsum;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order; m++) {
int my = m + nysum;
FFT_SCALAR ekx_p = rho[1][m] * rho[2][n];
FFT_SCALAR eky_p = drho[1][m] * rho[2][n];
FFT_SCALAR ekz_p = rho[1][m] * drho[2][n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mx = l + nxsum;
ekx[l] += drho[0][l] * ekx_p * u_brick[mz][my][mx];
eky[l] += rho[0][l] * eky_p * u_brick[mz][my][mx];
ekz[l] += rho[0][l] * ekz_p * u_brick[mz][my][mx];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++){
particle_ekx[i] += ekx[l];
particle_eky[i] += eky[l];
particle_ekz[i] += ekz[l];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
particle_ekx[i] *= hx_inv;
particle_eky[i] *= hy_inv;
particle_ekz[i] *= hz_inv;
// convert E-field to force
const flt_t qfactor = fqqrd2es * q[i];
const flt_t twoqsq = (flt_t)2.0 * q[i] * q[i];
const flt_t s1 = x[i][0] * hx_inv;
const flt_t s2 = x[i][1] * hy_inv;
const flt_t s3 = x[i][2] * hz_inv;
flt_t sf = fsf_coeff0 * sin(ftwo_pi * s1);
sf += fsf_coeff1 * sin(ffour_pi * s1);
sf *= twoqsq;
f[i][0] += qfactor * particle_ekx[i] - fqqrd2es * sf;
sf = fsf_coeff2 * sin(ftwo_pi * s2);
sf += fsf_coeff3 * sin(ffour_pi * s2);
sf *= twoqsq;
f[i][1] += qfactor * particle_eky[i] - fqqrd2es * sf;
sf = fsf_coeff4 * sin(ftwo_pi * s3);
sf += fsf_coeff5 * sin(ffour_pi * s3);
sf *= twoqsq;
if (slabflag != 2) f[i][2] += qfactor * particle_ekz[i] - fqqrd2es * sf;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interpolate from grid to get dispersion field & force on my particles
for geometric mixing rule
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::fieldforce_g_ik(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// loop over my charges, interpolate electric field from nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// ek = 3 components of dispersion field on particle
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nlocal, nthr) if(!_use_lrt)
double lj;
int type;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv_6;
const flt_t yi = delyinv_6;
const flt_t zi = delzinv_6;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone_6;
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
_alignvar(flt_t rho0[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(flt_t rho1[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER] , 64)= {0};
_alignvar(flt_t rho2[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER] , 64)= {0};
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid_6[i][0];
int ny = part2grid_6[i][1];
int nz = part2grid_6[i][2];
int nxsum = nx + nlower_6;
int nysum = ny + nlower_6;
int nzsum = nz + nlower_6;
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho0[k] = rho6_lookup[idx][k];
rho1[k] = rho6_lookup[idy][k];
rho2[k] = rho6_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower_6; k <= nupper_6; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
FFT_SCALAR r2 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
FFT_SCALAR r3 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
for (int l = order_6-2; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1*dx;
r2 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r2*dy;
r3 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r3*dz;
rho0[k-nlower_6] = r1;
rho1[k-nlower_6] = r2;
rho2[k-nlower_6] = r3;
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order_6; n++) {
int mz = n+nzsum;
FFT_SCALAR z0 = rho2[n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order_6; m++) {
int my = m+nysum;
FFT_SCALAR y0 = z0*rho1[m];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mx = l+nxsum;
FFT_SCALAR x0 = y0*rho0[l];
ekx_arr[l] -= x0*vdx_brick_g[mz][my][mx];
eky_arr[l] -= x0*vdy_brick_g[mz][my][mx];
ekz_arr[l] -= x0*vdz_brick_g[mz][my][mx];
FFT_SCALAR ekx, eky, ekz;
ekx = eky = ekz = ZEROF;
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
ekx += ekx_arr[l];
eky += eky_arr[l];
ekz += ekz_arr[l];
// convert E-field to force
type = atom->type[i];
lj = B[type];
f[i][0] += lj*ekx;
f[i][1] += lj*eky;
if (slabflag != 2) f[i][2] += lj*ekz;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interpolate from grid to get dispersion field & force on my particles
for geometric mixing rule for ad scheme
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::fieldforce_g_ad(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// loop over my charges, interpolate electric field from nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// ek = 3 components of dispersion field on particle
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekx = this->particle_ekx;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_eky = this->particle_eky;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekz = this->particle_ekz;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nlocal, nthr) if(!_use_lrt)
double *prd;
if (triclinic == 0) prd = domain->prd;
else prd = domain->prd_lamda;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
const flt_t ftwo_pi = MY_PI * 2.0;
const flt_t ffour_pi = MY_PI * 4.0;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv_6;
const flt_t yi = delyinv_6;
const flt_t zi = delzinv_6;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone_6;
const double xprd = prd[0];
const double yprd = prd[1];
const double zprd = prd[2]*slab_volfactor;
const flt_t hx_inv = nx_pppm_6/xprd;
const flt_t hy_inv = ny_pppm_6/yprd;
const flt_t hz_inv = nz_pppm_6/zprd;
const flt_t fsf_coeff0 = sf_coeff_6[0];
const flt_t fsf_coeff1 = sf_coeff_6[1];
const flt_t fsf_coeff2 = sf_coeff_6[2];
const flt_t fsf_coeff3 = sf_coeff_6[3];
const flt_t fsf_coeff4 = sf_coeff_6[4];
const flt_t fsf_coeff5 = sf_coeff_6[5];
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
_alignvar(flt_t rho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(flt_t drho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid_6[i][0];
int ny = part2grid_6[i][1];
int nz = part2grid_6[i][2];
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
int nxsum = nx + nlower_6;
int nysum = ny + nlower_6;
int nzsum = nz + nlower_6;
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho[0][k] = rho6_lookup[idx][k];
rho[1][k] = rho6_lookup[idy][k];
rho[2][k] = rho6_lookup[idz][k];
drho[0][k] = drho6_lookup[idx][k];
drho[1][k] = drho6_lookup[idy][k];
drho[2][k] = drho6_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower_6; k <= nupper_6; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1,r2,r3,dr1,dr2,dr3;
dr1 = dr2 = dr3 = ZEROF;
r1 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
r2 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
r3 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
for (int l = order_6-2; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1 * dx;
r2 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r2 * dy;
r3 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r3 * dz;
dr1 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + dr1 * dx;
dr2 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + dr2 * dy;
dr3 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + dr3 * dz;
rho[0][k-nlower_6] = r1;
rho[1][k-nlower_6] = r2;
rho[2][k-nlower_6] = r3;
drho[0][k-nlower_6] = dr1;
drho[1][k-nlower_6] = dr2;
drho[2][k-nlower_6] = dr3;
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
particle_ekx[i] = particle_eky[i] = particle_ekz[i] = ZEROF;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order_6; n++) {
int mz = n + nzsum;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order_6; m++) {
int my = m + nysum;
FFT_SCALAR ekx_p = rho[1][m] * rho[2][n];
FFT_SCALAR eky_p = drho[1][m] * rho[2][n];
FFT_SCALAR ekz_p = rho[1][m] * drho[2][n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mx = l + nxsum;
ekx[l] += drho[0][l] * ekx_p * u_brick_g[mz][my][mx];
eky[l] += rho[0][l] * eky_p * u_brick_g[mz][my][mx];
ekz[l] += rho[0][l] * ekz_p * u_brick_g[mz][my][mx];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++){
particle_ekx[i] += ekx[l];
particle_eky[i] += eky[l];
particle_ekz[i] += ekz[l];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
particle_ekx[i] *= hx_inv;
particle_eky[i] *= hy_inv;
particle_ekz[i] *= hz_inv;
// convert E-field to force
const int type = atom->type[i];
const flt_t lj = B[type];
const flt_t twoljsq = 2.*lj*lj;
const flt_t s1 = x[i][0] * hx_inv;
const flt_t s2 = x[i][1] * hy_inv;
const flt_t s3 = x[i][2] * hz_inv;
flt_t sf = fsf_coeff0 * sin(ftwo_pi * s1);
sf += fsf_coeff1 * sin(ffour_pi * s1);
sf *= twoljsq;
f[i][0] += lj * particle_ekx[i] - sf;
sf = fsf_coeff2 * sin(ftwo_pi * s2);
sf += fsf_coeff3 * sin(ffour_pi * s2);
sf *= twoljsq;
f[i][1] += lj * particle_eky[i] - sf;
sf = fsf_coeff4 * sin(ftwo_pi * s3);
sf += fsf_coeff5 * sin(ffour_pi * s3);
sf *= twoljsq;
if (slabflag != 2) f[i][2] += lj * particle_ekz[i] - sf;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interpolate from grid to get dispersion field & force on my particles
for arithmetic mixing rule and ik scheme
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::fieldforce_a_ik(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// loop over my charges, interpolate electric field from nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// ek = 3 components of dispersion field on particle
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nlocal, nthr) if(!_use_lrt)
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv_6;
const flt_t yi = delyinv_6;
const flt_t zi = delzinv_6;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone_6;
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
_alignvar(flt_t rho0[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(flt_t rho1[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER] , 64)= {0};
_alignvar(flt_t rho2[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER] , 64)= {0};
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid_6[i][0];
int ny = part2grid_6[i][1];
int nz = part2grid_6[i][2];
int nxsum = nx + nlower_6;
int nysum = ny + nlower_6;
int nzsum = nz + nlower_6;
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho0[k] = rho6_lookup[idx][k];
rho1[k] = rho6_lookup[idy][k];
rho2[k] = rho6_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower_6; k <= nupper_6; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
FFT_SCALAR r2 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
FFT_SCALAR r3 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
for (int l = order_6-2; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1*dx;
r2 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r2*dy;
r3 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r3*dz;
rho0[k-nlower_6] = r1;
rho1[k-nlower_6] = r2;
rho2[k-nlower_6] = r3;
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx0_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky0_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz0_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx1_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky1_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz1_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx2_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky2_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz2_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx3_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky3_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz3_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx4_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky4_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz4_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx5_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky5_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz5_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx6_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky6_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz6_arr[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order_6; n++) {
int mz = n+nzsum;
FFT_SCALAR z0 = rho2[n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order_6; m++) {
int my = m+nysum;
FFT_SCALAR y0 = z0*rho1[m];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mx = l+nxsum;
FFT_SCALAR x0 = y0*rho0[l];
ekx0_arr[l] -= x0*vdx_brick_a0[mz][my][mx];
eky0_arr[l] -= x0*vdy_brick_a0[mz][my][mx];
ekz0_arr[l] -= x0*vdz_brick_a0[mz][my][mx];
ekx1_arr[l] -= x0*vdx_brick_a1[mz][my][mx];
eky1_arr[l] -= x0*vdy_brick_a1[mz][my][mx];
ekz1_arr[l] -= x0*vdz_brick_a1[mz][my][mx];
ekx2_arr[l] -= x0*vdx_brick_a2[mz][my][mx];
eky2_arr[l] -= x0*vdy_brick_a2[mz][my][mx];
ekz2_arr[l] -= x0*vdz_brick_a2[mz][my][mx];
ekx3_arr[l] -= x0*vdx_brick_a3[mz][my][mx];
eky3_arr[l] -= x0*vdy_brick_a3[mz][my][mx];
ekz3_arr[l] -= x0*vdz_brick_a3[mz][my][mx];
ekx4_arr[l] -= x0*vdx_brick_a4[mz][my][mx];
eky4_arr[l] -= x0*vdy_brick_a4[mz][my][mx];
ekz4_arr[l] -= x0*vdz_brick_a4[mz][my][mx];
ekx5_arr[l] -= x0*vdx_brick_a5[mz][my][mx];
eky5_arr[l] -= x0*vdy_brick_a5[mz][my][mx];
ekz5_arr[l] -= x0*vdz_brick_a5[mz][my][mx];
ekx6_arr[l] -= x0*vdx_brick_a6[mz][my][mx];
eky6_arr[l] -= x0*vdy_brick_a6[mz][my][mx];
ekz6_arr[l] -= x0*vdz_brick_a6[mz][my][mx];
FFT_SCALAR ekx0, eky0, ekz0, ekx1, eky1, ekz1, ekx2, eky2, ekz2;
FFT_SCALAR ekx3, eky3, ekz3, ekx4, eky4, ekz4, ekx5, eky5, ekz5;
FFT_SCALAR ekx6, eky6, ekz6;
ekx0 = eky0 = ekz0 = ZEROF;
ekx1 = eky1 = ekz1 = ZEROF;
ekx2 = eky2 = ekz2 = ZEROF;
ekx3 = eky3 = ekz3 = ZEROF;
ekx4 = eky4 = ekz4 = ZEROF;
ekx5 = eky5 = ekz5 = ZEROF;
ekx6 = eky6 = ekz6 = ZEROF;
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
ekx0 += ekx0_arr[l];
eky0 += eky0_arr[l];
ekz0 += ekz0_arr[l];
ekx1 += ekx1_arr[l];
eky1 += eky1_arr[l];
ekz1 += ekz1_arr[l];
ekx2 += ekx2_arr[l];
eky2 += eky2_arr[l];
ekz2 += ekz2_arr[l];
ekx3 += ekx3_arr[l];
eky3 += eky3_arr[l];
ekz3 += ekz3_arr[l];
ekx4 += ekx4_arr[l];
eky4 += eky4_arr[l];
ekz4 += ekz4_arr[l];
ekx5 += ekx5_arr[l];
eky5 += eky5_arr[l];
ekz5 += ekz5_arr[l];
ekx6 += ekx6_arr[l];
eky6 += eky6_arr[l];
ekz6 += ekz6_arr[l];
// convert D-field to force
const int type = atom->type[i];
const FFT_SCALAR lj0 = B[7*type+6];
const FFT_SCALAR lj1 = B[7*type+5];
const FFT_SCALAR lj2 = B[7*type+4];
const FFT_SCALAR lj3 = B[7*type+3];
const FFT_SCALAR lj4 = B[7*type+2];
const FFT_SCALAR lj5 = B[7*type+1];
const FFT_SCALAR lj6 = B[7*type];
f[i][0] += lj0*ekx0 + lj1*ekx1 + lj2*ekx2 + lj3*ekx3 +
lj4*ekx4 + lj5*ekx5 + lj6*ekx6;
f[i][1] += lj0*eky0 + lj1*eky1 + lj2*eky2 + lj3*eky3 +
lj4*eky4 + lj5*eky5 + lj6*eky6;
if (slabflag != 2) f[i][2] += lj0*ekz0 + lj1*ekz1 + lj2*ekz2 +
lj3*ekz3 + lj4*ekz4 + lj5*ekz5 + lj6*ekz6;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interpolate from grid to get dispersion field & force on my particles
for arithmetic mixing rule for the ad scheme
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::fieldforce_a_ad(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// loop over my charges, interpolate electric field from nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// ek = 3 components of dispersion field on particle
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekx0 = this->particle_ekx0;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_eky0 = this->particle_eky0;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekz0 = this->particle_ekz0;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekx1 = this->particle_ekx1;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_eky1 = this->particle_eky1;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekz1 = this->particle_ekz1;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekx2 = this->particle_ekx2;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_eky2 = this->particle_eky2;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekz2 = this->particle_ekz2;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekx3 = this->particle_ekx3;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_eky3 = this->particle_eky3;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekz3 = this->particle_ekz3;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekx4 = this->particle_ekx4;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_eky4 = this->particle_eky4;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekz4 = this->particle_ekz4;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekx5 = this->particle_ekx5;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_eky5 = this->particle_eky5;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekz5 = this->particle_ekz5;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekx6 = this->particle_ekx6;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_eky6 = this->particle_eky6;
FFT_SCALAR * _noalias const particle_ekz6 = this->particle_ekz6;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nlocal, nthr) if(!_use_lrt)
double *prd;
if (triclinic == 0) prd = domain->prd;
else prd = domain->prd_lamda;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
const flt_t ftwo_pi = MY_PI * 2.0;
const flt_t ffour_pi = MY_PI * 4.0;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv_6;
const flt_t yi = delyinv_6;
const flt_t zi = delzinv_6;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone_6;
const double xprd = prd[0];
const double yprd = prd[1];
const double zprd = prd[2]*slab_volfactor;
const flt_t hx_inv = nx_pppm_6/xprd;
const flt_t hy_inv = ny_pppm_6/yprd;
const flt_t hz_inv = nz_pppm_6/zprd;
const flt_t fsf_coeff0 = sf_coeff_6[0];
const flt_t fsf_coeff1 = sf_coeff_6[1];
const flt_t fsf_coeff2 = sf_coeff_6[2];
const flt_t fsf_coeff3 = sf_coeff_6[3];
const flt_t fsf_coeff4 = sf_coeff_6[4];
const flt_t fsf_coeff5 = sf_coeff_6[5];
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
_alignvar(flt_t rho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(flt_t drho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid_6[i][0];
int ny = part2grid_6[i][1];
int nz = part2grid_6[i][2];
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
int nxsum = nx + nlower_6;
int nysum = ny + nlower_6;
int nzsum = nz + nlower_6;
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho[0][k] = rho6_lookup[idx][k];
rho[1][k] = rho6_lookup[idy][k];
rho[2][k] = rho6_lookup[idz][k];
drho[0][k] = drho6_lookup[idx][k];
drho[1][k] = drho6_lookup[idy][k];
drho[2][k] = drho6_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower_6; k <= nupper_6; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1,r2,r3,dr1,dr2,dr3;
dr1 = dr2 = dr3 = ZEROF;
r1 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
r2 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
r3 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
for (int l = order_6-2; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1 * dx;
r2 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r2 * dy;
r3 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r3 * dz;
dr1 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + dr1 * dx;
dr2 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + dr2 * dy;
dr3 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + dr3 * dz;
rho[0][k-nlower_6] = r1;
rho[1][k-nlower_6] = r2;
rho[2][k-nlower_6] = r3;
drho[0][k-nlower_6] = dr1;
drho[1][k-nlower_6] = dr2;
drho[2][k-nlower_6] = dr3;
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx0[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky0[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz0[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx1[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky1[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz1[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx2[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky2[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz2[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx3[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky3[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz3[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx4[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky4[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz4[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx5[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky5[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz5[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx6[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky6[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz6[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
particle_ekx0[i] = particle_eky0[i] = particle_ekz0[i] = ZEROF;
particle_ekx1[i] = particle_eky1[i] = particle_ekz1[i] = ZEROF;
particle_ekx2[i] = particle_eky2[i] = particle_ekz2[i] = ZEROF;
particle_ekx3[i] = particle_eky3[i] = particle_ekz3[i] = ZEROF;
particle_ekx4[i] = particle_eky4[i] = particle_ekz4[i] = ZEROF;
particle_ekx5[i] = particle_eky5[i] = particle_ekz5[i] = ZEROF;
particle_ekx6[i] = particle_eky6[i] = particle_ekz6[i] = ZEROF;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order_6; n++) {
int mz = n + nzsum;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order_6; m++) {
int my = m + nysum;
FFT_SCALAR ekx_p = rho[1][m] * rho[2][n];
FFT_SCALAR eky_p = drho[1][m] * rho[2][n];
FFT_SCALAR ekz_p = rho[1][m] * drho[2][n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mx = l + nxsum;
FFT_SCALAR x0 = drho[0][l] * ekx_p;
FFT_SCALAR y0 = rho[0][l] * eky_p;
FFT_SCALAR z0 = rho[0][l] * ekz_p;
ekx0[l] += x0 * u_brick_a0[mz][my][mx];
eky0[l] += y0 * u_brick_a0[mz][my][mx];
ekz0[l] += z0 * u_brick_a0[mz][my][mx];
ekx1[l] += x0 * u_brick_a1[mz][my][mx];
eky1[l] += y0 * u_brick_a1[mz][my][mx];
ekz1[l] += z0 * u_brick_a1[mz][my][mx];
ekx2[l] += x0 * u_brick_a2[mz][my][mx];
eky2[l] += y0 * u_brick_a2[mz][my][mx];
ekz2[l] += z0 * u_brick_a2[mz][my][mx];
ekx3[l] += x0 * u_brick_a3[mz][my][mx];
eky3[l] += y0 * u_brick_a3[mz][my][mx];
ekz3[l] += z0 * u_brick_a3[mz][my][mx];
ekx4[l] += x0 * u_brick_a4[mz][my][mx];
eky4[l] += y0 * u_brick_a4[mz][my][mx];
ekz4[l] += z0 * u_brick_a4[mz][my][mx];
ekx5[l] += x0 * u_brick_a5[mz][my][mx];
eky5[l] += y0 * u_brick_a5[mz][my][mx];
ekz5[l] += z0 * u_brick_a5[mz][my][mx];
ekx6[l] += x0 * u_brick_a6[mz][my][mx];
eky6[l] += y0 * u_brick_a6[mz][my][mx];
ekz6[l] += z0 * u_brick_a6[mz][my][mx];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++){
particle_ekx0[i] += ekx0[l];
particle_eky0[i] += eky0[l];
particle_ekz0[i] += ekz0[l];
particle_ekx1[i] += ekx1[l];
particle_eky1[i] += eky1[l];
particle_ekz1[i] += ekz1[l];
particle_ekx2[i] += ekx2[l];
particle_eky2[i] += eky2[l];
particle_ekz2[i] += ekz2[l];
particle_ekx3[i] += ekx3[l];
particle_eky3[i] += eky3[l];
particle_ekz3[i] += ekz3[l];
particle_ekx4[i] += ekx4[l];
particle_eky4[i] += eky4[l];
particle_ekz4[i] += ekz4[l];
particle_ekx5[i] += ekx5[l];
particle_eky5[i] += eky5[l];
particle_ekz5[i] += ekz5[l];
particle_ekx6[i] += ekx6[l];
particle_eky6[i] += eky6[l];
particle_ekz6[i] += ekz6[l];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
particle_ekx0[i] *= hx_inv;
particle_eky0[i] *= hy_inv;
particle_ekz0[i] *= hz_inv;
particle_ekx1[i] *= hx_inv;
particle_eky1[i] *= hy_inv;
particle_ekz1[i] *= hz_inv;
particle_ekx2[i] *= hx_inv;
particle_eky2[i] *= hy_inv;
particle_ekz2[i] *= hz_inv;
particle_ekx3[i] *= hx_inv;
particle_eky3[i] *= hy_inv;
particle_ekz3[i] *= hz_inv;
particle_ekx4[i] *= hx_inv;
particle_eky4[i] *= hy_inv;
particle_ekz4[i] *= hz_inv;
particle_ekx5[i] *= hx_inv;
particle_eky5[i] *= hy_inv;
particle_ekz5[i] *= hz_inv;
particle_ekx6[i] *= hx_inv;
particle_eky6[i] *= hy_inv;
particle_ekz6[i] *= hz_inv;
// convert D-field to force
const int type = atom->type[i];
const FFT_SCALAR lj0 = B[7*type+6];
const FFT_SCALAR lj1 = B[7*type+5];
const FFT_SCALAR lj2 = B[7*type+4];
const FFT_SCALAR lj3 = B[7*type+3];
const FFT_SCALAR lj4 = B[7*type+2];
const FFT_SCALAR lj5 = B[7*type+1];
const FFT_SCALAR lj6 = B[7*type];
const flt_t s1 = x[i][0] * hx_inv;
const flt_t s2 = x[i][1] * hy_inv;
const flt_t s3 = x[i][2] * hz_inv;
flt_t sf = fsf_coeff0 * sin(ftwo_pi * s1);
sf += fsf_coeff1 * sin(ffour_pi * s1);
sf *= 4*lj0*lj6 + 4*lj1*lj5 + 4*lj2*lj4 + 2*lj3*lj3;
f[i][0] += lj0*particle_ekx0[i] + lj1*particle_ekx1[i] +
lj2*particle_ekx2[i] + lj3*particle_ekx3[i] + lj4*particle_ekx4[i] +
lj5*particle_ekx5[i] + lj6*particle_ekx6[i] - sf;
sf = fsf_coeff2 * sin(ftwo_pi * s2);
sf += fsf_coeff3 * sin(ffour_pi * s2);
sf *= 4*lj0*lj6 + 4*lj1*lj5 + 4*lj2*lj4 + 2*lj3*lj3;
f[i][1] += lj0*particle_eky0[i] + lj1*particle_eky1[i] +
lj2*particle_eky2[i] + lj3*particle_eky3[i] + lj4*particle_eky4[i] +
lj5*particle_eky5[i] + lj6*particle_eky6[i] - sf;
sf = fsf_coeff4 * sin(ftwo_pi * s3);
sf += fsf_coeff5 * sin(ffour_pi * s3);
sf *= 4*lj0*lj6 + 4*lj1*lj5 + 4*lj2*lj4 + 2*lj3*lj3;
if (slabflag != 2)
f[i][2] += lj0*particle_ekz0[i] + lj1*particle_ekz1[i] +
lj2*particle_ekz2[i] + lj3*particle_ekz3[i] + lj4*particle_ekz4[i] +
lj5*particle_ekz5[i] + lj6*particle_ekz6[i] - sf;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interpolate from grid to get dispersion field & force on my particles
for no mixing rule and ik scheme
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::fieldforce_none_ik(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// loop over my charges, interpolate electric field from nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// ek = 3 components of dispersion field on particle
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nlocal, nthr) if(!_use_lrt)
double lj;
int type;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv_6;
const flt_t yi = delyinv_6;
const flt_t zi = delzinv_6;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone_6;
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
_alignvar(flt_t rho0[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(flt_t rho1[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER] , 64)= {0};
_alignvar(flt_t rho2[INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER] , 64)= {0};
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid_6[i][0];
int ny = part2grid_6[i][1];
int nz = part2grid_6[i][2];
int nxsum = nx + nlower_6;
int nysum = ny + nlower_6;
int nzsum = nz + nlower_6;
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho0[k] = rho6_lookup[idx][k];
rho1[k] = rho6_lookup[idy][k];
rho2[k] = rho6_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower_6; k <= nupper_6; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
FFT_SCALAR r2 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
FFT_SCALAR r3 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
for (int l = order_6-2; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1*dx;
r2 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r2*dy;
r3 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r3*dz;
rho0[k-nlower_6] = r1;
rho1[k-nlower_6] = r2;
rho2[k-nlower_6] = r3;
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx_arr[nsplit*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER],64);
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky_arr[nsplit*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER],64);
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz_arr[nsplit*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER],64);
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
ekx_arr[k] = eky_arr[k] = ekz_arr[k] = ZEROF;
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++) {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order_6; n++) {
int mz = n+nzsum;
FFT_SCALAR z0 = rho2[n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order_6; m++) {
int my = m+nysum;
FFT_SCALAR y0 = z0*rho1[m];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mx = l+nxsum;
FFT_SCALAR x0 = y0*rho0[l];
ekx_arr[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER + l] -=
eky_arr[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER + l] -=
ekz_arr[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER + l] -=
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx[nsplit], 64);
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky[nsplit], 64);
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz[nsplit], 64);
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++) {
ekx[k] = eky[k] = ekz[k] = ZEROF;
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++) {
ekx[k] += ekx_arr[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER + l];
eky[k] += eky_arr[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER + l];
ekz[k] += ekz_arr[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER + l];
// convert E-field to force
type = atom->type[i];
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++) {
lj = B[nsplit*type + k];
f[i][0] += lj*ekx[k];
f[i][1] += lj*eky[k];
if (slabflag != 2) f[i][2] += lj*ekz[k];
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
interpolate from grid to get dispersion field & force on my particles
for no mixing rule for the ad scheme
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template<class flt_t, class acc_t, int use_table>
void PPPMDispIntel::fieldforce_none_ad(IntelBuffers<flt_t,acc_t> *buffers)
// loop over my charges, interpolate electric field from nearby grid points
// (nx,ny,nz) = global coords of grid pt to "lower left" of charge
// (dx,dy,dz) = distance to "lower left" grid pt
// (mx,my,mz) = global coords of moving stencil pt
// ek = 3 components of dispersion field on particle
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
int nthr = comm->nthreads;
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none) \
shared(nlocal, nthr) if(!_use_lrt)
double *prd;
if (triclinic == 0) prd = domain->prd;
else prd = domain->prd_lamda;
double **x = atom->x;
double **f = atom->f;
const flt_t ftwo_pi = MY_PI * 2.0;
const flt_t ffour_pi = MY_PI * 4.0;
const flt_t lo0 = boxlo[0];
const flt_t lo1 = boxlo[1];
const flt_t lo2 = boxlo[2];
const flt_t xi = delxinv_6;
const flt_t yi = delyinv_6;
const flt_t zi = delzinv_6;
const flt_t fshiftone = shiftone_6;
const double xprd = prd[0];
const double yprd = prd[1];
const double zprd = prd[2]*slab_volfactor;
const flt_t hx_inv = nx_pppm_6/xprd;
const flt_t hy_inv = ny_pppm_6/yprd;
const flt_t hz_inv = nz_pppm_6/zprd;
const flt_t fsf_coeff0 = sf_coeff_6[0];
const flt_t fsf_coeff1 = sf_coeff_6[1];
const flt_t fsf_coeff2 = sf_coeff_6[2];
const flt_t fsf_coeff3 = sf_coeff_6[3];
const flt_t fsf_coeff4 = sf_coeff_6[4];
const flt_t fsf_coeff5 = sf_coeff_6[5];
int ifrom, ito, tid;
IP_PRE_omp_range_id(ifrom, ito, tid, nlocal, nthr);
_alignvar(flt_t rho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
_alignvar(flt_t drho[3][INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64) = {0};
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
int nx = part2grid_6[i][0];
int ny = part2grid_6[i][1];
int nz = part2grid_6[i][2];
FFT_SCALAR dx = nx+fshiftone - (x[i][0]-lo0)*xi;
FFT_SCALAR dy = ny+fshiftone - (x[i][1]-lo1)*yi;
FFT_SCALAR dz = nz+fshiftone - (x[i][2]-lo2)*zi;
int nxsum = nx + nlower_6;
int nysum = ny + nlower_6;
int nzsum = nz + nlower_6;
if (use_table) {
dx = dx*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idx = dx;
dy = dy*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idy = dy;
dz = dz*half_rho_scale + half_rho_scale_plus;
int idz = dz;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k = 0; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho[0][k] = rho6_lookup[idx][k];
rho[1][k] = rho6_lookup[idy][k];
rho[2][k] = rho6_lookup[idz][k];
drho[0][k] = drho6_lookup[idx][k];
drho[1][k] = drho6_lookup[idy][k];
drho[2][k] = drho6_lookup[idz][k];
} else {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k = nlower_6; k <= nupper_6; k++) {
FFT_SCALAR r1,r2,r3,dr1,dr2,dr3;
dr1 = dr2 = dr3 = ZEROF;
r1 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
r2 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
r3 = rho_coeff_6[order_6-1][k];
for (int l = order_6-2; l >= 0; l--) {
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1 * dx;
r2 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r2 * dy;
r3 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r3 * dz;
dr1 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + dr1 * dx;
dr2 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + dr2 * dy;
dr3 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + dr3 * dz;
rho[0][k-nlower_6] = r1;
rho[1][k-nlower_6] = r2;
rho[2][k-nlower_6] = r3;
drho[0][k-nlower_6] = dr1;
drho[1][k-nlower_6] = dr2;
drho[2][k-nlower_6] = dr3;
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx[nsplit*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64);
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky[nsplit*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64);
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz[nsplit*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER], 64);
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++) {
particle_ekx[i] = particle_eky[i] = particle_ekz[i] = ZEROF;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int n = 0; n < order_6; n++) {
int mz = n + nzsum;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma loop_count=7
for (int m = 0; m < order_6; m++) {
int my = m + nysum;
FFT_SCALAR ekx_p = rho[1][m] * rho[2][n];
FFT_SCALAR eky_p = drho[1][m] * rho[2][n];
FFT_SCALAR ekz_p = rho[1][m] * drho[2][n];
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++) {
int mx = l + nxsum;
ekx[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER+l] += drho[0][l] * ekx_p *
eky[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER+l] += rho[0][l] * eky_p *
ekz[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER+l] += rho[0][l] * ekz_p *
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekx_tot[nsplit], 64);
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR eky_tot[nsplit], 64);
_alignvar(FFT_SCALAR ekz_tot[nsplit], 64);
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++) {
ekx_tot[k] = eky_tot[k] = ekz_tot[k] = ZEROF;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int l = 0; l < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; l++){
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++) {
ekx_tot[k] += ekx[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER+l];
eky_tot[k] += eky[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER+l];
ekz_tot[k] += ekz[k*INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER+l];
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++) {
ekx_tot[k] *= hx_inv;
eky_tot[k] *= hy_inv;
ekz_tot[k] *= hz_inv;
// convert D-field to force
const int type = atom->type[i];
const flt_t s1 = x[i][0] * hx_inv;
const flt_t s2 = x[i][1] * hy_inv;
const flt_t s3 = x[i][2] * hz_inv;
flt_t sf1 = fsf_coeff0 * sin(ftwo_pi * s1);
sf1 += fsf_coeff1 * sin(ffour_pi * s1);
flt_t sf2 = fsf_coeff2 * sin(ftwo_pi * s2);
sf2 += fsf_coeff3 * sin(ffour_pi * s2);
flt_t sf3 = fsf_coeff4 * sin(ftwo_pi * s3);
sf3 += fsf_coeff5 * sin(ffour_pi * s3);
for (int k = 0; k < nsplit; k++) {
const flt_t lj = B[nsplit*type + k];
const flt_t twoljsq = lj*lj * B[k] * 2;
flt_t sf = sf1*twoljsq;
f[i][0] += lj * ekx_tot[k] - sf;
sf = sf2*twoljsq;
f[i][1] += lj * eky_tot[k] - sf;
sf = sf3*twoljsq;
if (slabflag != 2) f[i][2] += lj * ekz_tot[k] - sf;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
precompute rho coefficients as a lookup table to save time in make_rho
and fieldforce. Instead of doing this polynomial for every atom 6 times
per time step, precompute it for some number of points.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PPPMDispIntel::precompute_rho()
half_rho_scale = (rho_points - 1.)/2.;
half_rho_scale_plus = half_rho_scale + 0.5;
for (int i = 0; i < rho_points; i++) {
FFT_SCALAR dx = -1. + 1./half_rho_scale * (FFT_SCALAR)i;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k=nlower; k<=nupper;k++){
for(int l=order-1; l>=0; l--){
r1 = rho_coeff[l][k] + r1*dx;
rho_lookup[i][k-nlower] = r1;
for (int k = nupper-nlower+1; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho_lookup[i][k] = 0;
if (differentiation_flag == 1) {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k=nlower; k<=nupper;k++){
for(int l=order-2; l>=0; l--){
r1 = drho_coeff[l][k] + r1*dx;
drho_lookup[i][k-nlower] = r1;
for (int k = nupper-nlower+1; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
drho_lookup[i][k] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < rho_points; i++) {
FFT_SCALAR dx = -1. + 1./half_rho_scale * (FFT_SCALAR)i;
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for (int k=nlower_6; k<=nupper_6;k++){
for(int l=order_6-1; l>=0; l--){
r1 = rho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1*dx;
rho6_lookup[i][k-nlower_6] = r1;
for (int k = nupper_6-nlower_6+1; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
rho6_lookup[i][k] = 0;
if (differentiation_flag == 1) {
#if defined(LMP_SIMD_COMPILER)
#pragma simd
for(int k=nlower_6; k<=nupper_6;k++){
for(int l=order_6-2; l>=0; l--){
r1 = drho_coeff_6[l][k] + r1*dx;
drho6_lookup[i][k-nlower_6] = r1;
for (int k = nupper_6-nlower_6+1; k < INTEL_P3M_ALIGNED_MAXORDER; k++) {
drho6_lookup[i][k] = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Returns 0 if Intel optimizations for PPPM ignored due to offload
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int PPPMDispIntel::use_base() {
return _use_base;

Event Timeline