=== Emacs Syntax Highlighting ===
Created by Aidan Thompson 12/2010
The lammps.el file provided in this directory will enable syntax
highlighting for the lammps script syntax in emacs. The groupings
of commands were copied from tools/vim. The simulation scripts have to
end on *.lmp or start with in.* (see lammps.el). By far not all
commands are included in the syntax file (lammps.el).
You can easily add new ones to the existing classes.
'lammps-mode' is derived from 'shell-script-mode' which provides
some basic syntax highlighting of strings, comments, etc.
=To enable the highlighting:
(0) Create/edit the emacs init file ~/.emacs to contain:
(load "~/.emacs.d/lammps")
This file may also be called ~/.emacs.el, or ~/.emacs.d/init.el
(1) Copy lammps.el to the directory ~/.emacs.d
Created by Aidan Thompson 12/2010
The lammps.el file provided in this directory will enable syntax
highlighting for the lammps script syntax in emacs. The groupings
of commands were copied from tools/vim. The simulation scripts have to
end on *.lmp or start with in.* (see lammps.el). By far not all
commands are included in the syntax file (lammps.el).
You can easily add new ones to the existing classes.
'lammps-mode' is derived from 'shell-script-mode' which provides
some basic syntax highlighting of strings, comments, etc.
=To enable the highlighting:
(0) Create/edit the emacs init file ~/.emacs to contain:
(load "~/.emacs.d/lammps")
This file may also be called ~/.emacs.el, or ~/.emacs.d/init.el
(1) Copy lammps.el to the directory ~/.emacs.d
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