<spanid="index-0"></span><h1>pair_style dpd/fdt command<aclass="headerlink"href="#pair-style-dpd-fdt-command"title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h1>
<p>where Rij is a unit vector in the direction Ri - Rj, and Rc is the
cutoff. Note that alternative definitions of the weighting function
exist, but would have to be implemented as a separate pair style
<p>These pair style differ from the other dpd styles in that the
dissipative and random forces are not computed within the pair style.
This style can be combined with the <aclass="reference internal"href="fix_shardlow.html"><em>fix shardlow</em></a>
to perform the stochastic integration of the dissipative and random
forces through the Shardlow splitting algorithm approach.</p>
<p>The pairwise energy associated with styles <em>dpd/fdt</em> and
<em>dpd/fdt/energy</em> is only due to the conservative force term Fc, and is
shifted to be zero at the cutoff distance Rc. The pairwise virial is
calculated using only the conservative term.</p>
<p>For style <em>dpd/fdt</em>, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem defines gamma
to be set equal to sigma*sigma/(2 T), where T is the set point
temperature specified as a pair style parameter in the above examples.
This style can be combined with <aclass="reference internal"href="fix_shardlow.html"><em>fix shardlow</em></a> to
perform DPD simulations under isothermal and isobaric conditions (see
<aclass="reference internal"href="#lisal"><span>(Lisal)</span></a>). The following coefficients must be defined for
each pair of atoms types via the <aclass="reference internal"href="pair_coeff.html"><em>pair_coeff</em></a> command
as in the examples above, or in the data file or restart files read by
the <aclass="reference internal"href="read_data.html"><em>read_data</em></a> or <aclass="reference internal"href="read_restart.html"><em>read_restart</em></a>
<li>A (force units)</li>
<li>sigma (force*time^(1/2) units)</li>
<li>cutoff (distance units)</li>
<p>The last coefficient is optional. If not specified, the global DPD
cutoff is used.</p>
<p>For style <em>dpd/fdt/energy</em>, the fluctuation-dissipation theorem
defines gamma to be set equal to sigma*sigma/(2 dpdTheta), where
dpdTheta is the average internal temperature for the pair.
Furthermore, the fluctuation-dissipation defines alpha*alpha to be set
equal to 2*kB*kappa, where kappa is the mesoparticle thermal
conductivity parameter. This style can be combined with <aclass="reference internal"href="fix_shardlow.html"><em>fix shardlow</em></a> to perform DPD simulations under
isoenergetic and isoenthalpic conditions (see <aclass="reference internal"href="#lisal"><span>(Lisal)</span></a>). The
following coefficients must be defined for each pair of atoms types
via the <aclass="reference internal"href="pair_coeff.html"><em>pair_coeff</em></a> command as in the examples above,
or in the data file or restart files read by the
<aclass="reference internal"href="read_data.html"><em>read_data</em></a> or <aclass="reference internal"href="read_restart.html"><em>read_restart</em></a>
<li>A (force units)</li>
<li>sigma (force*time^(1/2) units)</li>
<li>kappa (1/time units)</li>
<li>cutoff (distance units)</li>
<p>The last coefficient is optional. If not specified, the global DPD
cutoff is used.</p>
<p>For style <em>dpd/fdt/energy</em>, the particle internal temperature is
related to the particle internal energy through a mesoparticle
equation of state. Thus, an an additional <aclass="reference internal"href="fix.html"><em>fix eos</em></a> must be
<h2>Restrictions<aclass="headerlink"href="#restrictions"title="Permalink to this headline">¶</a></h2>
<p>Pair styles <em>dpd/fdt</em> and <em>dpd/fdt/energy</em> are only available if
LAMMPS is built with the USER-DPD package.</p>
<p>Pair styles <em>dpd/fdt</em> and <em>dpd/fdt/energy</em> require use of the
<codeclass="xref doc docutils literal"><spanclass="pre">communicate</span><spanclass="pre">vel</span><spanclass="pre">yes</span></code> option so that velocites are
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