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Wed, Oct 16, 19:43


#ifndef MANY2MANY_H
#define MANY2MANY_H
#include <mpi.h>
class Many2Many {
void setup(int, int *, int, int *);
void exchange(int *, int *);
void exchange(double *, double *);
int me,nprocs;
MPI_Comm comm;
class Memory *memory;
class Error *error;
int nown; // # of IDs common to src and dest
int nsrc_off,ndest_off; // # of off-processor IDs
int *src_own,*dest_own; // indices of the owned IDs
int *src_off,*dest_off; // indices of the off-proc IDs
int *src_iwork,*dest_iwork; // work arrays for comm of ints
double *src_dwork,*dest_dwork; // work arrays for comm of doubles
class Irregular *irregular; // irregular comm from src->dest
struct Datum1 {
int id; // src or dest global ID
int proc; // owning proc
int index; // local index on owning proc
struct Datum2 {
int slocal; // local index of src ID on sending proc
int dlocal; // local index of dest ID on receiving proc
int dproc; // receiving proc
void deallocate();

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