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W. Michael Brown
Matrix Container on Host
This file is part of the Geryon Unified Coprocessor Library (UCL)
begin : Thu May 10 2012
copyright : (C) 2012 by W. Michael Brown
email :
/* -----------------------------------------------------------------------
This software is distributed under the Simplified BSD License.
----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
// Only allow this file to be included by CUDA and OpenCL specific headers
/// Matrix S-Object
template <class hosttype, class devtype>
class UCL_Matrix {
// Traits for copying data
// MEM_TYPE is 0 for device, 1 for host, and 2 for image
enum traits {
DATA_TYPE = _UCL_DATA_ID<hosttype>::id,
typedef hosttype data_type;
/// Host Allocation
UCL_H_Mat<hosttype> host;
/// Device Allocation
UCL_D_Mat<devtype> device;
UCL_Matrix() { }
~UCL_Matrix() { }
/// Construct with specied number of rows and columns
/** \sa alloc() **/
UCL_Matrix(const size_t rows, const size_t cols, UCL_Device &acc,
const enum UCL_MEMOPT kind1=UCL_READ_WRITE,
const enum UCL_MEMOPT kind2=UCL_READ_WRITE)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
alloc(host,device,_buffer,rows,cols,acc,kind1,kind2); }
/// Set up host matrix with specied # of rows/cols and reserve memory
/** The kind1 parameter controls memory access from the host
* - UCL_READ_WRITE - Specify that you will read and write from host
* - UCL_WRITE_ONLY - Specify that you will only write from host
* - UCL_READ_ONLY - Specify that you will only read from host
* - UCL_NOT_PINNED - Memory is not pinned/page-locked on host
* The kind2 parameter controls memory optimizations from the device:
* - UCL_READ_WRITE - Specify that you will read and write in kernels
* - UCL_WRITE_ONLY - Specify that you will only write in kernels
* - UCL_READ_ONLY - Specify that you will only read in kernels
* \note When passing a command queue instead of a device, the device
* allocation is always performed. Even if the device shares memory
* with the host.
* \param cq Default command queue for operations copied from another mat
* \return UCL_SUCCESS if the memory allocation is successful **/
template <class mat_type>
inline int alloc(const size_t rows, const size_t cols, mat_type &cq,
const enum UCL_MEMOPT kind1=UCL_READ_WRITE,
const enum UCL_MEMOPT kind2=UCL_READ_WRITE)
{ return _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
alloc(host,device,_buffer,rows,cols,cq,kind1,kind2); }
/// Set up host matrix with specied # of rows/cols and reserve memory
/** The kind1 parameter controls memory access from the host
* - UCL_READ_WRITE - Specify that you will read and write from host
* - UCL_WRITE_ONLY - Specify that you will only write from host
* - UCL_READ_ONLY - Specify that you will only read from host
* - UCL_NOT_PINNED - Memory is not pinned/page-locked on host
* The kind2 parameter controls memory optimizations from the device:
* - UCL_READ_WRITE - Specify that you will read and write in kernels
* - UCL_WRITE_ONLY - Specify that you will only write in kernels
* - UCL_READ_ONLY - Specify that you will only read in kernels
* \param device Used to get the default command queue for operations
* \return UCL_SUCCESS if the memory allocation is successful **/
inline int alloc(const size_t rows, const size_t cols, UCL_Device &acc,
const enum UCL_MEMOPT kind1=UCL_READ_WRITE,
const enum UCL_MEMOPT kind2=UCL_READ_WRITE)
{ return _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
alloc(host,device,_buffer,rows,cols,acc,kind1,kind2); }
/// Free memory and set size to 0
inline void clear()
{ host.clear(); device.clear(); }
/// Resize the allocation to contain cols elements
inline int resize(const int rows, const int cols) {
int err=host.resize(rows,cols);
if (err!=UCL_SUCCESS)
return err;
return _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
/// Resize (only if bigger) the allocation to contain cols elements
inline int resize_ib(const int new_rows, const int new_cols)
{ if (new_rows>rows() || new_cols>cols()) return resize(new_rows,new_cols);
else return UCL_SUCCESS; }
/// Set each element to zero (asynchronously on device)
inline void zero() { zero(cq()); }
/// Set first n elements to zero (asynchronously on device)
inline void zero(const int n) { zero(n,cq()); }
/// Set each element to zero (asynchronously on device)
inline void zero(command_queue &cq) {;
if (device.kind()!=UCL_VIEW);
else if (_buffer.numel()>0);
/// Set first n elements to zero (asynchronously on device)
inline void zero(const int n, command_queue &cq) {;
if (device.kind()!=UCL_VIEW),cq);
else if (_buffer.numel()>0);
/// Get the number of elements
inline size_t numel() const { return host.numel(); }
/// Get the number of rows
inline size_t rows() const { return host.rows(); }
/// Get the number of columns
inline size_t cols() const { return host.cols(); }
/// Get the memory usage (bytes) of the s-object (including any buffers)
inline size_t host_mem_usage()
{ return host.row_bytes()*host.rows()+_buffer.row_bytes()*_buffer.rows(); }
/// Get the memory usage (bytes) of the s-object (including any buffers)
inline size_t device_mem_usage()
{ return device.row_bytes()*device.rows(); }
/// Get element at index i
inline hosttype & operator[](const int i) { return host[i]; }
/// Get element at index i
inline const hosttype & operator[](const int i) const { return host[i]; }
/// 2D access (row should always be 0)
inline hosttype & operator()(const int row, const int col)
{ return host(row,col); }
/// 2D access (row should always be 0)
inline const hosttype & operator()(const int row, const int col) const
{ return host(row,col); }
/// Returns pointer to memory pointer for allocation on host
inline hosttype ** host_ptr() { return host.host_ptr(); }
/// Return the default command queue/stream associated with this data
inline command_queue & cq() { return host.cq(); }
/// Change the default command queue associated with this data
inline void cq(command_queue &cq_in) { host.cq(cq_in); device.cq(cq_in); }
/// Block until command_queue associated with matrix is complete
inline void sync() { host.sync(); }
///Get the size of a row on the host (including any padding) in elements
inline size_t row_size() const { return host.row_size(); }
/// Get the size of a row on the host(including any padding) in bytes
inline size_t row_bytes() const { return host.row_bytes(); }
/// Get the size on the host in bytes of 1 element
inline int element_size() const { return sizeof(hosttype); }
/// Update the allocation on the host asynchronously
inline void update_host()
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(host,device,_buffer,true); }
/// Update the allocation on the host (true for asynchronous copy)
inline void update_host(const bool async)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(host,device,_buffer,async); }
/// Update the allocation on the host (using command queue)
inline void update_host(command_queue &cq)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(host,device,_buffer,cq); }
/// Update the first n elements on the host (true for asynchronous copy)
inline void update_host(const int n, const bool async)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(host,device,n,_buffer,async); }
/// Update the first n elements on the host (using command queue)
inline void update_host(const int n, command_queue &cq)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(host,device,n,_buffer,cq); }
/// Update slice on the host (true for asynchronous copy)
inline void update_host(const int rows, const int cols, const bool async)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(host,device,rows,cols,_buffer,async); }
/// Update slice on the host (using command queue)
inline void update_host(const int rows, const int cols, command_queue &cq)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(host,device,rows,cols,_buffer,cq); }
/// Update the allocation on the device asynchronously
inline void update_device()
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(device,host,_buffer,true); }
/// Update the allocation on the device (true for asynchronous copy)
inline void update_device(const bool async)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(device,host,_buffer,async); }
/// Update the allocation on the device (using command queue)
inline void update_device(command_queue &cq)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(device,host,_buffer,cq); }
/// Update the first n elements on the device (true for asynchronous copy)
inline void update_device(const int n, const bool async)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(device,host,n,_buffer,async); }
/// Update the first n elements on the device (using command queue)
inline void update_device(const int n, command_queue &cq)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(device,host,n,_buffer,cq); }
/// Update slice on the device (true for asynchronous copy)
inline void update_device(const int rows, const int cols, const bool async)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(device,host,rows,cols,_buffer,async); }
/// Update slice on the device (using command queue)
inline void update_device(const int rows, const int cols, command_queue &cq)
{ _ucl_s_obj_help< ucl_same_type<hosttype,devtype>::ans >::
copy(device,host,rows,cols,_buffer,cq); }
UCL_H_Mat<devtype> _buffer;

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