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/// **************************************************************************
// tersoff_zbl_extra.h
// -------------------
// Trung Dac Nguyen
// Device code for Tersoff math routines
// __________________________________________________________________________
// This file is part of the LAMMPS Accelerator Library (LAMMPS_AL)
// __________________________________________________________________________
// begin :
// email :
// ***************************************************************************/*
#ifdef NV_KERNEL
#include "lal_aux_fun1.h"
#define MY_PI (numtyp)3.14159265358979323846
#define MY_PI2 (numtyp)1.57079632679489661923
#define MY_PI4 (numtyp)0.78539816339744830962
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp vec3_dot(const numtyp x[3], const numtyp y[3])
return (x[0]*y[0] + x[1]*y[1] + x[2]*y[2]);
ucl_inline void vec3_add(const numtyp x[3], const numtyp y[3], numtyp z[3])
z[0] = x[0]+y[0]; z[1] = x[1]+y[1]; z[2] = x[2]+y[2];
ucl_inline void vec3_scale(const numtyp k, const numtyp x[3], numtyp y[3])
y[0] = k*x[0]; y[1] = k*x[1]; y[2] = k*x[2];
ucl_inline void vec3_scaleadd(const numtyp k, const numtyp x[3],
const numtyp y[3], numtyp z[3])
z[0] = k*x[0]+y[0]; z[1] = k*x[1]+y[1]; z[2] = k*x[2]+y[2];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp ters_gijk(const numtyp costheta,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma)
const numtyp ters_c = param_c * param_c;
const numtyp ters_d = param_d * param_d;
const numtyp hcth = param_h - costheta;
return param_gamma*((numtyp)1.0 + ters_c*ucl_recip(ters_d) -
ters_c *ucl_recip(ters_d + hcth*hcth));
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp ters_gijk_d(const numtyp costheta,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma)
const numtyp ters_c = param_c * param_c;
const numtyp ters_d = param_d * param_d;
const numtyp hcth = param_h - costheta;
const numtyp numerator = (numtyp)-2.0 * ters_c * hcth;
const numtyp denominator = ucl_recip(ters_d + hcth*hcth);
return param_gamma*numerator*denominator*denominator;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline void costheta_d(const numtyp rij_hat[3],
const numtyp rij,
const numtyp rik_hat[3],
const numtyp rik,
numtyp *dri,
numtyp *drj,
numtyp *drk)
// first element is derivative wrt Ri, second wrt Rj, third wrt Rk
numtyp cos_theta = vec3_dot(rij_hat,rik_hat);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp ters_fc(const numtyp r,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd)
if (r < param_bigr-param_bigd) return (numtyp)1.0;
if (r > param_bigr+param_bigd) return (numtyp)0.0;
return (numtyp)0.5*((numtyp)1.0 - sin(MY_PI2*(r - param_bigr)/param_bigd));
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp ters_fc_d(const numtyp r,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd)
if (r < param_bigr-param_bigd) return (numtyp)0.0;
if (r > param_bigr+param_bigd) return (numtyp)0.0;
return -(MY_PI4/param_bigd) * cos(MY_PI2*(r - param_bigr)/param_bigd);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp F_fermi(const numtyp r, const numtyp param_ZBLcut,
const numtyp param_ZBLexpscale)
return ucl_recip((numtyp)1.0+ucl_exp(-param_ZBLexpscale*(r-param_ZBLcut)));
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp F_fermi_d(const numtyp r, const numtyp param_ZBLcut,
const numtyp param_ZBLexpscale)
numtyp a = ucl_exp(-param_ZBLexpscale*(r-param_ZBLcut));
numtyp b = (numtyp)1.0 + a;
return param_ZBLexpscale*a*ucl_recip(b*b);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp ters_fa(const numtyp r,
const numtyp param_bigb,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_lam2,
const numtyp param_ZBLcut,
const numtyp param_ZBLexpscale)
if (r > param_bigr + param_bigd) return (numtyp)0.0;
return -param_bigb * ucl_exp(-param_lam2 * r) *
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp ters_fa_d(const numtyp r,
const numtyp param_bigb,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_lam2,
const numtyp param_ZBLcut,
const numtyp param_ZBLexpscale)
if (r > param_bigr + param_bigd) return (numtyp)0.0;
numtyp f = F_fermi(r,param_ZBLcut,param_ZBLexpscale);
return param_bigb * ucl_exp(-param_lam2 * r) *
(param_lam2 * ters_fc(r,param_bigr,param_bigd) * f -
ters_fc_d(r,param_bigr,param_bigd) * f -
ters_fc(r,param_bigr,param_bigd) * F_fermi_d(r,param_ZBLcut,param_ZBLexpscale));
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp ters_bij(const numtyp zeta,
const numtyp param_beta,
const numtyp param_powern,
const numtyp param_c1,
const numtyp param_c2,
const numtyp param_c3,
const numtyp param_c4)
numtyp tmp = param_beta * zeta;
if (tmp > param_c1) return ucl_rsqrt(tmp);
if (tmp > param_c2)
return ((numtyp)1.0 - ucl_powr(tmp,-param_powern) /
if (tmp < param_c4) return (numtyp)1.0;
if (tmp < param_c3)
return (numtyp)1.0 - ucl_powr(tmp,param_powern)/((numtyp)2.0*param_powern);
return ucl_powr((numtyp)1.0 + ucl_powr(tmp,param_powern),
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp ters_bij_d(const numtyp zeta,
const numtyp param_beta,
const numtyp param_powern,
const numtyp param_c1,
const numtyp param_c2,
const numtyp param_c3,
const numtyp param_c4)
numtyp tmp = param_beta * zeta;
if (tmp > param_c1)
return param_beta * (numtyp)-0.5*ucl_powr(tmp,(numtyp)-1.5);
if (tmp > param_c2)
return param_beta * ((numtyp)-0.5*ucl_powr(tmp,(numtyp)-1.5) *
// error in negligible 2nd term fixed 9/30/2015
// (1.0 - 0.5*(1.0 + 1.0/(2.0*param->powern)) *
((numtyp)1.0 - ((numtyp)1.0 + (numtyp)1.0 /((numtyp)2.0 * param_powern)) *
if (tmp < param_c4) return (numtyp)0.0;
if (tmp < param_c3)
return (numtyp)-0.5*param_beta * ucl_powr(tmp,param_powern-(numtyp)1.0);
numtyp tmp_n = ucl_powr(tmp,param_powern);
return (numtyp)-0.5 * ucl_powr((numtyp)1.0+tmp_n, (numtyp) -
(numtyp)1.0-((numtyp)1.0 / ((numtyp)2.0 * param_powern)))*tmp_n / zeta;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline void ters_zetaterm_d(const numtyp prefactor,
const numtyp rij_hat[3],
const numtyp rij,
const numtyp rik_hat[3],
const numtyp rik,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_powermint,
const numtyp param_lam3,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma,
numtyp dri[3],
numtyp drj[3],
numtyp drk[3])
numtyp gijk,gijk_d,ex_delr,ex_delr_d,fc,dfc,cos_theta,tmp;
numtyp dcosdri[3],dcosdrj[3],dcosdrk[3];
fc = ters_fc(rik,param_bigr,param_bigd);
dfc = ters_fc_d(rik,param_bigr,param_bigd);
numtyp t = param_lam3*(rij-rik);
if ((int)param_powermint == 3) tmp = t*t*t;
else tmp = t;
if (tmp > (numtyp)69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)1.e30;
else if (tmp < (numtyp)-69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)0.0;
else ex_delr = ucl_exp(tmp);
if ((int)param_powermint == 3)
ex_delr_d = (numtyp)3.0*param_lam3*t*t*ex_delr;
else ex_delr_d = param_lam3 * ex_delr;
cos_theta = vec3_dot(rij_hat,rik_hat);
gijk = ters_gijk(cos_theta,param_c,param_d,param_h,param_gamma);
gijk_d = ters_gijk_d(cos_theta,param_c,param_d,param_h,param_gamma);
// compute the derivative wrt Ri
// dri = -dfc*gijk*ex_delr*rik_hat;
// dri += fc*gijk_d*ex_delr*dcosdri;
// dri += fc*gijk*ex_delr_d*(rik_hat - rij_hat);
// compute the derivative wrt Rj
// drj = fc*gijk_d*ex_delr*dcosdrj;
// drj += fc*gijk*ex_delr_d*rij_hat;
// compute the derivative wrt Rk
// drk = dfc*gijk*ex_delr*rik_hat;
// drk += fc*gijk_d*ex_delr*dcosdrk;
// drk += -fc*gijk*ex_delr_d*rik_hat;
ucl_inline void ters_zetaterm_d_fi(const numtyp prefactor,
const numtyp rij_hat[3],
const numtyp rij,
const numtyp rik_hat[3],
const numtyp rik,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_powermint,
const numtyp param_lam3,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma,
numtyp dri[3])
numtyp gijk,gijk_d,ex_delr,ex_delr_d,fc,dfc,cos_theta,tmp;
numtyp dcosdri[3],dcosdrj[3],dcosdrk[3];
fc = ters_fc(rik,param_bigr,param_bigd);
dfc = ters_fc_d(rik,param_bigr,param_bigd);
numtyp t = param_lam3*(rij-rik);
if ((int)param_powermint == 3) tmp = t*t*t;
else tmp = t;
if (tmp > (numtyp)69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)1.e30;
else if (tmp < (numtyp)-69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)0.0;
else ex_delr = ucl_exp(tmp);
if ((int)param_powermint == 3)
ex_delr_d = (numtyp)3.0*param_lam3*t*t*ex_delr;
else ex_delr_d = param_lam3 * ex_delr;
cos_theta = vec3_dot(rij_hat,rik_hat);
gijk = ters_gijk(cos_theta,param_c,param_d,param_h,param_gamma);
gijk_d = ters_gijk_d(cos_theta,param_c,param_d,param_h,param_gamma);
// compute the derivative wrt Ri
// dri = -dfc*gijk*ex_delr*rik_hat;
// dri += fc*gijk_d*ex_delr*dcosdri;
// dri += fc*gijk*ex_delr_d*(rik_hat - rij_hat);
ucl_inline void ters_zetaterm_d_fj(const numtyp prefactor,
const numtyp rij_hat[3],
const numtyp rij,
const numtyp rik_hat[3],
const numtyp rik,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_powermint,
const numtyp param_lam3,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma,
numtyp drj[3])
numtyp gijk,gijk_d,ex_delr,ex_delr_d,fc,cos_theta,tmp;
numtyp dcosdri[3],dcosdrj[3],dcosdrk[3];
fc = ters_fc(rik,param_bigr,param_bigd);
numtyp t = param_lam3*(rij-rik);
if ((int)param_powermint == 3) tmp = t*t*t;
else tmp = t;
if (tmp > (numtyp)69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)1.e30;
else if (tmp < (numtyp)-69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)0.0;
else ex_delr = ucl_exp(tmp);
if ((int)param_powermint == 3)
ex_delr_d = (numtyp)3.0*param_lam3*t*t*ex_delr;
else ex_delr_d = param_lam3 * ex_delr;
cos_theta = vec3_dot(rij_hat,rik_hat);
gijk = ters_gijk(cos_theta,param_c,param_d,param_h,param_gamma);
gijk_d = ters_gijk_d(cos_theta,param_c,param_d,param_h,param_gamma);
// compute the derivative wrt Rj
// drj = fc*gijk_d*ex_delr*dcosdrj;
// drj += fc*gijk*ex_delr_d*rij_hat;
ucl_inline void ters_zetaterm_d_fk(const numtyp prefactor,
const numtyp rij_hat[3],
const numtyp rij,
const numtyp rik_hat[3],
const numtyp rik,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_powermint,
const numtyp param_lam3,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma,
numtyp drk[3])
numtyp gijk,gijk_d,ex_delr,ex_delr_d,fc,dfc,cos_theta,tmp;
numtyp dcosdri[3],dcosdrj[3],dcosdrk[3];
fc = ters_fc(rik,param_bigr,param_bigd);
dfc = ters_fc_d(rik,param_bigr,param_bigd);
numtyp t = param_lam3*(rij-rik);
if ((int)param_powermint == 3) tmp = t*t*t;
else tmp = t;
if (tmp > (numtyp)69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)1.e30;
else if (tmp < (numtyp)-69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)0.0;
else ex_delr = ucl_exp(tmp);
if ((int)param_powermint == 3)
ex_delr_d = (numtyp)3.0*param_lam3*t*t*ex_delr;
else ex_delr_d = param_lam3 * ex_delr;
cos_theta = vec3_dot(rij_hat,rik_hat);
gijk = ters_gijk(cos_theta,param_c,param_d,param_h,param_gamma);
gijk_d = ters_gijk_d(cos_theta,param_c,param_d,param_h,param_gamma);
// compute the derivative wrt Rk
// drk = dfc*gijk*ex_delr*rik_hat;
// drk += fc*gijk_d*ex_delr*dcosdrk;
// drk += -fc*gijk*ex_delr_d*rik_hat;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline void repulsive(const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_lam1,
const numtyp param_biga,
const numtyp param_Z_i,
const numtyp param_Z_j,
const numtyp param_ZBLcut,
const numtyp param_ZBLexpscale,
const numtyp global_e,
const numtyp global_a_0,
const numtyp global_epsilon_0,
const numtyp rsq,
const int eflag,
numtyp *ans)
numtyp r,tmp_fc,tmp_fc_d,tmp_exp;
// Tersoff repulsive portion
r = ucl_sqrt(rsq);
tmp_fc = ters_fc(r,param_bigr,param_bigd);
tmp_fc_d = ters_fc_d(r,param_bigr,param_bigd);
tmp_exp = ucl_exp(-param_lam1 * r);
numtyp fforce_ters = param_biga * tmp_exp * (tmp_fc_d - tmp_fc*param_lam1);
numtyp eng_ters = tmp_fc * param_biga * tmp_exp;
// ZBL repulsive portion
numtyp esq = global_e*global_e;
numtyp a_ij = ((numtyp)0.8854*global_a_0) /
(ucl_powr(param_Z_i,(numtyp)0.23) + ucl_powr(param_Z_j,(numtyp)0.23));
numtyp premult = (param_Z_i * param_Z_j * esq)/((numtyp)4.0*MY_PI*global_epsilon_0);
numtyp r_ov_a = r/a_ij;
numtyp t1 = (numtyp)0.1818*ucl_exp((numtyp)-3.2*r_ov_a);
numtyp t2 = (numtyp)0.5099*ucl_exp((numtyp)-0.9423*r_ov_a);
numtyp t3 = (numtyp)0.2802*ucl_exp((numtyp)-0.4029*r_ov_a);
numtyp t4 = (numtyp)0.02817*ucl_exp((numtyp)-0.2016*r_ov_a);
numtyp phi = t1 + t2 + t3 + t4;
numtyp dphi = (numtyp)-3.2*t1 - (numtyp)0.9423*t2 - (numtyp)0.4029*t3 -
dphi *= ucl_recip(a_ij);
numtyp phi = (numtyp)0.1818*ucl_exp((numtyp)-3.2*r_ov_a) +
(numtyp)0.5099*ucl_exp((numtyp)-0.9423*r_ov_a) +
(numtyp)0.2802*ucl_exp((numtyp)-0.4029*r_ov_a) +
numtyp dphi = ucl_recip(a_ij) * ((numtyp)-3.2*(numtyp)0.1818*ucl_exp((numtyp)-3.2*r_ov_a) -
(numtyp)0.9423*(numtyp)0.5099*ucl_exp((numtyp)-0.9423*r_ov_a) -
(numtyp)0.4029*(numtyp)0.2802*ucl_exp((numtyp)-0.4029*r_ov_a) -
numtyp rinv = ucl_recip(r);
numtyp fforce_ZBL = premult*(-phi)/rsq + premult*dphi*rinv;
numtyp eng_ZBL = premult*rinv*phi;
// combine two parts with smoothing by Fermi-like function
// ans[0] = fforce
numtyp f = F_fermi(r,param_ZBLcut,param_ZBLexpscale);
numtyp f_d = F_fermi_d(r,param_ZBLcut,param_ZBLexpscale);
ans[0] = -(-f_d * eng_ZBL + ((numtyp)1.0 - f)*fforce_ZBL + f_d*eng_ters +
f*fforce_ters) * rinv;
// ans[1] = eng
if (eflag) ans[1] = ((numtyp)1.0 - f)*eng_ZBL + f*eng_ters;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline numtyp zeta(const numtyp param_powermint,
const numtyp param_lam3,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma,
const numtyp rsqij,
const numtyp rsqik,
const numtyp4 delrij,
const numtyp4 delrik)
numtyp rij,rik,costheta,arg,ex_delr;
rij = ucl_sqrt(rsqij);
rik = ucl_sqrt(rsqik);
costheta = (delrij.x*delrik.x + delrij.y*delrik.y +
delrij.z*delrik.z) / (rij*rik);
numtyp t = param_lam3*(rij-rik);
if ((int)param_powermint == 3) arg = t*t*t;
else arg = t;
if (arg > (numtyp)69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)1.e30;
else if (arg < (numtyp)-69.0776) ex_delr = (numtyp)0.0;
else ex_delr = ucl_exp(arg);
return ters_fc(rik,param_bigr,param_bigd) *
ters_gijk(costheta,param_c, param_d, param_h, param_gamma) * ex_delr;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline void force_zeta(const numtyp param_bigb,
const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_lam2,
const numtyp param_beta,
const numtyp param_powern,
const numtyp param_c1,
const numtyp param_c2,
const numtyp param_c3,
const numtyp param_c4,
const numtyp param_ZBLcut,
const numtyp param_ZBLexpscale,
const numtyp rsq,
const numtyp zeta_ij,
const int eflag,
numtyp fpfeng[4])
numtyp r,fa,fa_d,bij;
r = ucl_sqrt(rsq);
fa = ters_fa(r,param_bigb,param_bigr,param_bigd,param_lam2,param_ZBLcut,param_ZBLexpscale);
fa_d = ters_fa_d(r,param_bigb,param_bigr,param_bigd,param_lam2,param_ZBLcut,param_ZBLexpscale);
bij = ters_bij(zeta_ij,param_beta,param_powern,
param_c1,param_c2, param_c3, param_c4);
fpfeng[0] = (numtyp)0.5*bij*fa_d * ucl_recip(r); // fforce
fpfeng[1] = (numtyp)-0.5*fa * ters_bij_d(zeta_ij,param_beta, param_powern,
param_c1,param_c2, param_c3, param_c4); // prefactor
if (eflag) fpfeng[2] = (numtyp)0.5*bij*fa; // eng
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
attractive term
use param_ij cutoff for rij test
use param_ijk cutoff for rik test
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
ucl_inline void attractive(const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_powermint,
const numtyp param_lam3,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma,
const numtyp prefactor,
const numtyp rij,
const numtyp rijinv,
const numtyp rik,
const numtyp rikinv,
const numtyp delrij[3],
const numtyp delrik[3],
numtyp fi[3],
numtyp fj[3],
numtyp fk[3])
numtyp rij_hat[3],rik_hat[3];
param_bigr, param_bigd, param_powermint, param_lam3,
param_c, param_d, param_h, param_gamma, fi, fj, fk);
ucl_inline void attractive_fi(const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_powermint,
const numtyp param_lam3,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma,
const numtyp prefactor,
const numtyp rij,
const numtyp rijinv,
const numtyp rik,
const numtyp rikinv,
const numtyp delrij[3],
const numtyp delrik[3],
numtyp fi[3])
numtyp rij_hat[3],rik_hat[3];
param_bigr, param_bigd, param_powermint, param_lam3,
param_c, param_d, param_h, param_gamma, fi);
ucl_inline void attractive_fj(const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_powermint,
const numtyp param_lam3,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma,
const numtyp prefactor,
const numtyp rij,
const numtyp rijinv,
const numtyp rik,
const numtyp rikinv,
const numtyp delrij[3],
const numtyp delrik[3],
numtyp fj[3])
numtyp rij_hat[3],rik_hat[3];
param_bigr, param_bigd, param_powermint, param_lam3,
param_c, param_d, param_h, param_gamma, fj);
ucl_inline void attractive_fk(const numtyp param_bigr,
const numtyp param_bigd,
const numtyp param_powermint,
const numtyp param_lam3,
const numtyp param_c,
const numtyp param_d,
const numtyp param_h,
const numtyp param_gamma,
const numtyp prefactor,
const numtyp rij,
const numtyp rijinv,
const numtyp rik,
const numtyp rikinv,
const numtyp delrij[3],
const numtyp delrik[3],
numtyp fk[3])
numtyp rij_hat[3],rik_hat[3];
param_bigr, param_bigd, param_powermint, param_lam3,
param_c, param_d, param_h, param_gamma, fk);

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