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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef FIX_CLASS
#ifndef LMP_FIX_POUR_H
#define LMP_FIX_POUR_H
#include "fix.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class FixPour : public Fix {
FixPour(class LAMMPS *, int, char **);
int setmask();
void init();
void pre_exchange();
void reset_dt();
void *extract(const char *, int &);
int ninsert,ntype,seed;
int iregion,mode,idnext,dstyle,npoly,rigidflag,shakeflag;
double radius_one,radius_max;
double radius_lo,radius_hi;
double *radius_poly,*frac_poly;
double density_lo,density_hi;
double volfrac;
int maxattempt;
int region_style;
double rate;
double vxlo,vxhi,vylo,vyhi,vy,vz;
double xlo,xhi,ylo,yhi,zlo,zhi;
double xc,yc,rc;
double grav;
char *idrigid,*idshake;
class Molecule *onemol;
int natom;
double **coords;
imageint *imageflags;
class Fix *fixrigid,*fixshake;
double oneradius;
int me,nprocs;
int *recvcounts,*displs;
int nfreq,nfirst,ninserted,nper;
double lo_current,hi_current;
tagint maxtag_all,maxmol_all;
class RanPark *random,*random2;
void find_maxid();
int overlap(int);
int outside(int, double, double, double);
void xyz_random(double, double *);
double radius_sample();
void options(int, char **);
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:
E: Illegal ... command
Self-explanatory. Check the input script syntax and compare to the
documentation for the command. You can use -echo screen as a
command-line option when running LAMMPS to see the offending line.
E: Cannot read_data after simulation box is defined
The read_data command cannot be used after a read_data,
read_restart, or create_box command.
E: Cannot run 2d simulation with nonperiodic Z dimension
Use the boundary command to make the z dimension periodic in order to
run a 2d simulation.
E: Fix ID for read_data does not exist
E: Must read Atoms before Velocities
The Atoms section of a data file must come before a Velocities
E: Invalid data file section: Bonds
Atom style does not allow bonds.
E: Must read Atoms before Bonds
The Atoms section of a data file must come before a Bonds section.
E: Invalid data file section: Angles
Atom style does not allow angles.
E: Must read Atoms before Angles
The Atoms section of a data file must come before an Angles section.
E: Invalid data file section: Dihedrals
Atom style does not allow dihedrals.
E: Must read Atoms before Dihedrals
The Atoms section of a data file must come before a Dihedrals section.
E: Invalid data file section: Impropers
Atom style does not allow impropers.
E: Must read Atoms before Impropers
The Atoms section of a data file must come before an Impropers
E: Invalid data file section: Ellipsoids
Atom style does not allow ellipsoids.
E: Must read Atoms before Ellipsoids
The Atoms section of a data file must come before a Ellipsoids
E: Invalid data file section: Lines
Atom style does not allow lines.
E: Must read Atoms before Lines
The Atoms section of a data file must come before a Lines section.
E: Invalid data file section: Triangles
Atom style does not allow triangles.
E: Must read Atoms before Triangles
The Atoms section of a data file must come before a Triangles section.
E: Invalid data file section: Bodies
Atom style does not allow bodies.
E: Must read Atoms before Bodies
The Atoms section of a data file must come before a Bodies section.
E: Must define pair_style before Pair Coeffs
Must use a pair_style command before reading a data file that defines
Pair Coeffs.
E: Must define pair_style before PairIJ Coeffs
E: Invalid data file section: Bond Coeffs
Atom style does not allow bonds.
E: Must define bond_style before Bond Coeffs
Must use a bond_style command before reading a data file that
defines Bond Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: Angle Coeffs
Atom style does not allow angles.
E: Must define angle_style before Angle Coeffs
Must use an angle_style command before reading a data file that
defines Angle Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: Dihedral Coeffs
Atom style does not allow dihedrals.
E: Must define dihedral_style before Dihedral Coeffs
Must use a dihedral_style command before reading a data file that
defines Dihedral Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: Improper Coeffs
Atom style does not allow impropers.
E: Must define improper_style before Improper Coeffs
Must use an improper_style command before reading a data file that
defines Improper Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: BondBond Coeffs
Atom style does not allow angles.
E: Must define angle_style before BondBond Coeffs
Must use an angle_style command before reading a data file that
defines Angle Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: BondAngle Coeffs
Atom style does not allow angles.
E: Must define angle_style before BondAngle Coeffs
Must use an angle_style command before reading a data file that
defines Angle Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs
Atom style does not allow dihedrals.
E: Must define dihedral_style before MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs
Must use a dihedral_style command before reading a data file that
defines MiddleBondTorsion Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: EndBondTorsion Coeffs
Atom style does not allow dihedrals.
E: Must define dihedral_style before EndBondTorsion Coeffs
Must use a dihedral_style command before reading a data file that
defines EndBondTorsion Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: AngleTorsion Coeffs
Atom style does not allow dihedrals.
E: Must define dihedral_style before AngleTorsion Coeffs
Must use a dihedral_style command before reading a data file that
defines AngleTorsion Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs
Atom style does not allow dihedrals.
E: Must define dihedral_style before AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs
Must use a dihedral_style command before reading a data file that
defines AngleAngleTorsion Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: BondBond13 Coeffs
Atom style does not allow dihedrals.
E: Must define dihedral_style before BondBond13 Coeffs
Must use a dihedral_style command before reading a data file that
defines BondBond13 Coeffs.
E: Invalid data file section: AngleAngle Coeffs
Atom style does not allow impropers.
E: Must define improper_style before AngleAngle Coeffs
Must use an improper_style command before reading a data file that
defines AngleAngle Coeffs.
E: Unknown identifier in data file: %s
A section of the data file cannot be read by LAMMPS.
E: No atoms in data file
The header of the data file indicated that atoms would be included,
but they were not present.
E: Needed molecular topology not in data file
E: Needed bonus data not in data file
Some atom styles require bonus data. See the read_data doc page for
E: Unexpected end of data file
LAMMPS hit the end of the data file while attempting to read a
section. Something is wrong with the format of the data file.
E: No ellipsoids allowed with this atom style
Self-explanatory. Check data file.
E: No lines allowed with this atom style
Self-explanatory. Check data file.
E: No triangles allowed with this atom style
Self-explanatory. Check data file.
E: No bodies allowed with this atom style
Self-explanatory. Check data file.
E: System in data file is too big
See the setting for bigint in the src/lmptype.h file.
E: No bonds allowed with this atom style
Self-explanatory. Check data file.
E: No angles allowed with this atom style
Self-explanatory. Check data file.
E: No dihedrals allowed with this atom style
Self-explanatory. Check data file.
E: No impropers allowed with this atom style
Self-explanatory. Check data file.
E: Bonds defined but no bond types
The data file header lists bonds but no bond types.
E: Angles defined but no angle types
The data file header lists angles but no angle types.
E: Dihedrals defined but no dihedral types
The data file header lists dihedrals but no dihedral types.
E: Impropers defined but no improper types
The data file header lists improper but no improper types.
E: No molecule topology allowed with atom style template
E: Did not assign all atoms correctly
Atoms read in from a data file were not assigned correctly to
processors. This is likely due to some atom coordinates being
outside a non-periodic simulation box.
E: Bonds assigned incorrectly
Bonds read in from the data file were not assigned correctly to atoms.
This means there is something invalid about the topology definitions.
E: Angles assigned incorrectly
Angles read in from the data file were not assigned correctly to
atoms. This means there is something invalid about the topology
E: Dihedrals assigned incorrectly
Dihedrals read in from the data file were not assigned correctly to
atoms. This means there is something invalid about the topology
E: Impropers assigned incorrectly
Impropers read in from the data file were not assigned correctly to
atoms. This means there is something invalid about the topology
E: Too many lines in one body in data file - boost MAXBODY
MAXBODY is a setting at the top of the src/read_data.cpp file.
Set it larger and re-compile the code.
E: Cannot open gzipped file
LAMMPS was compiled without support for reading and writing gzipped
files through a pipeline to the gzip program with -DLAMMPS_GZIP.
E: Cannot open file %s
The specified file cannot be opened. Check that the path and name are
correct. If the file is a compressed file, also check that the gzip
executable can be found and run.
U: Invalid atom ID in Atoms section of data file
Atom IDs must be positive integers.
U: Molecular data file has too many atoms
These kids of data files are currently limited to a number
of atoms that fits in a 32-bit integer.
U: Needed topology not in data file
The header of the data file indicated that bonds or angles or
dihedrals or impropers would be included, but they were not present.

Event Timeline