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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef FIX_CLASS
#include "fix.h"
#include "cuda_data.h"
#include "cuda_precision.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class FixShakeCuda : public Fix {
FixShakeCuda(class LAMMPS *, int, char **);
int setmask();
void init();
void setup(int);
void pre_neighbor();
void post_force(int);
//void post_force_respa(int, int, int);
double memory_usage();
void grow_arrays(int);
void copy_arrays(int, int);
void set_arrays(int);
int pack_exchange(int, double *);
int unpack_exchange(int, double *);
int pack_comm(int, int *, double *, int, int *);
void unpack_comm(int, int, double *);
int dof(int);
void reset_dt();
double time_postforce;
class Cuda *cuda;
int me,nprocs;
double tolerance; // SHAKE tolerance
int max_iter; // max # of SHAKE iterations
int output_every; // SHAKE stat output every so often
int next_output; // timestep for next output
// settings from input command
int *bond_flag,*angle_flag; // bond/angle types to constrain
int *type_flag; // constrain bonds to these types
double *mass_list; // constrain bonds to these masses
int nmass; // # of masses in mass_list
bool neighbor_step; // was neighboring done in this step -> need to run the Cuda_FixShake_Init
double *bond_distance,*angle_distance; // constraint distances
cCudaData<double , X_FLOAT , xx >* cu_bond_distance;
cCudaData<double , X_FLOAT , xx >* cu_angle_distance;
int ifix_respa; // rRESPA fix needed by SHAKE
int nlevels_respa; // copies of needed rRESPA variables
int *loop_respa;
double *step_respa;
double **x,**v,**f; // local ptrs to atom class quantities
double *mass,*rmass;
int *type;
int nlocal;
// atom-based arrays
int *shake_flag; // 0 if atom not in SHAKE cluster
// 1 = size 3 angle cluster
// 2,3,4 = size of bond-only cluster
int **shake_atom; // global IDs of atoms in cluster
// central atom is 1st
// lowest global ID is 1st for size 2
int **shake_type; // bondtype of each bond in cluster
// for angle cluster, 3rd value
// is angletype
double **xshake; // unconstrained atom coords
cCudaData<int , int , xx >* cu_shake_flag;
cCudaData<int , int , yx >* cu_shake_atom;
cCudaData<int , int , yx >* cu_shake_type;
cCudaData<double , X_FLOAT , xy >* cu_xshake;
cCudaData<int , int , xx >* cu_list;
cCudaData<double , ENERGY_FLOAT , xx >* cu_virial;
int* countoccur;
int vflag; // virial flag
double dtv,dtfsq; // timesteps for trial move
double dtf_inner,dtf_innerhalf; // timesteps for rRESPA trial move
int *list; // list of clusters to SHAKE
int nlist,maxlist; // size and max-size of list
// stat quantities
int *b_count,*b_count_all; // counts for each bond type
double *b_ave,*b_max,*b_min; // ave/max/min dist for each bond type
double *b_ave_all,*b_max_all,*b_min_all; // MPI summing arrays
int *a_count,*a_count_all; // ditto for angle types
double *a_ave,*a_max,*a_min;
double *a_ave_all,*a_max_all,*a_min_all;
void find_clusters();
void swap_clusters(int i,int j);
int masscheck(double);
void unconstrained_update();
void shake2(int);
void shake3(int);
void shake4(int);
void shake3angle(int);
void stats();
int bondfind(int, int, int);
int anglefind(int, int, int);

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