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/* -*- c++ -*- ----------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#ifdef FIX_CLASS
#include "fix.h"
#include "intel_buffers.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "pair.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "update.h"
namespace LAMMPS_NS {
class IntelData;
template <class flt_t, class acc_t> class IntelBuffers;
class FixIntel : public Fix {
FixIntel(class LAMMPS *, int, char **);
virtual ~FixIntel();
virtual int setmask();
virtual void init();
// Get all forces, calculation results from coprocesser
void sync_coprocessor();
double memory_usage();
typedef struct { double x,y,z; } lmp_ft;
inline int precision() { return _precision_mode; }
inline IntelBuffers<float,float> * get_single_buffers()
{ return _single_buffers; }
inline IntelBuffers<float,double> * get_mixed_buffers()
{ return _mixed_buffers; }
inline IntelBuffers<double,double> * get_double_buffers()
{ return _double_buffers; }
IntelBuffers<float,float> *_single_buffers;
IntelBuffers<float,double> *_mixed_buffers;
IntelBuffers<double,double> *_double_buffers;
int _precision_mode, _nthreads;
inline int* get_overflow_flag() { return _overflow_flag; }
inline int* get_off_overflow_flag() { return _off_overflow_flag; }
inline void add_result_array(IntelBuffers<double,double>::vec3_acc_t *f_in,
double *ev_in, const int offload,
const int eatom = 0, const int vatom = 0);
inline void add_result_array(IntelBuffers<float,double>::vec3_acc_t *f_in,
double *ev_in, const int offload,
const int eatom = 0, const int vatom = 0);
inline void add_result_array(IntelBuffers<float,float>::vec3_acc_t *f_in,
float *ev_in, const int offload,
const int eatom = 0, const int vatom = 0);
inline void get_buffern(const int offload, int &nlocal, int &nall,
int &minlocal);
inline int coprocessor_number() { return _cop; }
inline int full_host_list() { return _full_host_list; }
void set_offload_affinity();
inline double offload_balance() { return _offload_balance; }
inline int offload_end_neighbor() { return _balance_neighbor * atom->nlocal; }
inline int offload_end_pair();
inline int host_start_neighbor()
{ if (_offload_noghost) return 0; else return offload_end_neighbor(); }
inline int host_start_pair()
{ if (_offload_noghost) return 0; else return offload_end_pair(); }
inline int offload_nlocal() { return _offload_nlocal; }
inline int offload_nall() { return _offload_nall; }
inline int offload_min_ghost() { return _offload_min_ghost; }
inline int host_min_local() { return _host_min_local; }
inline int host_min_ghost() { return _host_min_ghost; }
inline int host_used_local() { return _host_used_local; }
inline int host_used_ghost() { return _host_used_ghost; }
inline int host_nall() { return _host_nall; }
inline int separate_buffers() { return _separate_buffers; }
inline int offload_noghost() { return _offload_noghost; }
inline void set_offload_noghost(const int v)
{ if (_offload_ghost < 0) _offload_noghost = v; }
inline void set_neighbor_host_sizes();
inline void zero_timers()
{ memset(_timers, 0, sizeof(double) * NUM_ITIMERS); }
inline void start_watch(const int which) { _stopwatch[which] = MPI_Wtime(); }
inline double stop_watch(const int which);
inline double * off_watch_pair() { return _stopwatch_offload_pair; }
inline double * off_watch_neighbor() { return _stopwatch_offload_neighbor; }
inline void balance_stamp();
inline void acc_timers();
inline int offload_end_neighbor() { return 0; }
inline int offload_end_pair() { return 0; }
inline int host_start_neighbor() { return 0; }
inline int host_start_pair() { return 0; }
inline void zero_timers() {}
inline void start_watch(const int which) {}
inline double stop_watch(const int which) { return 0.0; }
double * off_watch_pair() { return NULL; }
double * off_watch_neighbor() { return NULL; }
inline void balance_stamp() {}
inline void acc_timers() {}
inline int separate_buffers() { return 0; }
int _overflow_flag[5];
__declspec(align(64)) int _off_overflow_flag[5];
int _allow_separate_buffers, _offload_ghost;
double _balance_pair_time, _balance_other_time;
int _offload_nlocal, _offload_nall, _offload_min_ghost, _offload_nghost;
int _host_min_local, _host_min_ghost, _host_nall;
int _host_used_local, _host_used_ghost;
int _separate_buffers, _offload_noghost, _sync_at_pair;
bool _setup_time_cleared, _timers_allocated;
void output_timing_data();
FILE *_tscreen;
IntelBuffers<float,float>::vec3_acc_t *_off_force_array_s;
IntelBuffers<float,double>::vec3_acc_t *_off_force_array_m;
IntelBuffers<double,double>::vec3_acc_t *_off_force_array_d;
float *_off_ev_array_s;
double *_off_ev_array_d;
int _off_results_eatom, _off_results_vatom;
int _full_host_list, _cop, _ncops;
int get_ppn(int &);
void check_neighbor_intel();
double _offload_balance, _balance_neighbor, _balance_pair, _balance_fixed;
double _timers[NUM_ITIMERS];
double _stopwatch[NUM_ITIMERS];
__declspec(align(64)) double _stopwatch_offload_neighbor[1];
__declspec(align(64)) double _stopwatch_offload_pair[1];
template <class ft, class acc_t>
inline void add_results(const ft * restrict const f_in,
const acc_t * restrict const ev_global,
const int eatom, const int vatom,
const int offload);
template <class ft, class acc_t>
inline void add_oresults(const ft * restrict const f_in,
const acc_t * restrict const ev_global,
const int eatom, const int vatom,
const int out_offset, const int nall);
int _offload_affinity_balanced, _offload_threads, _offload_tpc;
int _max_offload_threads, _offload_cores, _offload_affinity_set;
int _im_real_space_task;
MPI_Comm _real_space_comm;
template <class ft, class acc_t>
inline void add_off_results(const ft * restrict const f_in,
const acc_t * restrict const ev_global);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixIntel::get_buffern(const int offload, int &nlocal, int &nall,
int &minlocal) {
if (_separate_buffers) {
if (offload) {
if (neighbor->ago != 0) {
nlocal = _offload_nlocal;
nall = _offload_nall;
} else {
nlocal = atom->nlocal;
nall = nlocal + atom->nghost;
minlocal = 0;
} else {
nlocal = atom->nlocal;
nall = _host_nall;
minlocal = _host_min_local;
if (_offload_noghost && offload)
nall = atom->nlocal;
nall = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
nlocal = atom->nlocal;
minlocal = 0;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixIntel::add_result_array(IntelBuffers<double,double>::vec3_acc_t *f_in,
double *ev_in, const int offload,
const int eatom, const int vatom) {
if (offload) {
_off_results_eatom = eatom;
_off_results_vatom = vatom;
_off_force_array_d = f_in;
_off_ev_array_d = ev_in;
if (_sync_at_pair == 1) sync_coprocessor();
add_results(f_in, ev_in, eatom, vatom, 0);
if (_overflow_flag[LMP_OVERFLOW])
error->one(FLERR, "Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one");
if (_sync_at_pair) sync_coprocessor();
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixIntel::add_result_array(IntelBuffers<float,double>::vec3_acc_t *f_in,
double *ev_in, const int offload,
const int eatom, const int vatom) {
if (offload) {
_off_results_eatom = eatom;
_off_results_vatom = vatom;
_off_force_array_m = f_in;
_off_ev_array_d = ev_in;
if (_sync_at_pair == 1) sync_coprocessor();
add_results(f_in, ev_in, eatom, vatom, 0);
if (_overflow_flag[LMP_OVERFLOW])
error->one(FLERR, "Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one");
if (_sync_at_pair) sync_coprocessor();
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixIntel::add_result_array(IntelBuffers<float,float>::vec3_acc_t *f_in,
float *ev_in, const int offload,
const int eatom, const int vatom) {
if (offload) {
_off_results_eatom = eatom;
_off_results_vatom = vatom;
_off_force_array_s = f_in;
_off_ev_array_s = ev_in;
if (_sync_at_pair == 1) sync_coprocessor();
add_results(f_in, ev_in, eatom, vatom, 0);
if (_overflow_flag[LMP_OVERFLOW])
error->one(FLERR, "Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one");
if (_sync_at_pair) sync_coprocessor();
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class ft, class acc_t>
void FixIntel::add_results(const ft * restrict const f_in,
const acc_t * restrict const ev_global,
const int eatom, const int vatom,
const int offload) {
int f_length;
if (_separate_buffers) {
if (offload) {
add_oresults(f_in, ev_global, eatom, vatom, 0, _offload_nlocal);
if (force->newton_pair) {
const acc_t * restrict const enull = 0;
int offset = _offload_nlocal;
if (atom->torque) offset *= 2;
add_oresults(f_in + offset, enull, eatom, vatom,
_offload_min_ghost, _offload_nghost);
} else {
add_oresults(f_in, ev_global, eatom, vatom,
_host_min_local, _host_used_local);
if (force->newton_pair) {
const acc_t * restrict const enull = 0;
int offset = _host_used_local;
if (atom->torque) offset *= 2;
add_oresults(f_in + offset, enull, eatom,
vatom, _host_min_ghost, _host_used_ghost);
if (force->newton_pair && (_offload_noghost == 0 || offload == 0))
f_length = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
f_length = atom->nlocal;
if (force->newton_pair)
f_length = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
f_length = atom->nlocal;
add_oresults(f_in, ev_global, eatom, vatom, 0, f_length);
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class ft, class acc_t>
void FixIntel::add_oresults(const ft * restrict const f_in,
const acc_t * restrict const ev_global,
const int eatom, const int vatom,
const int out_offset, const int nall) {
lmp_ft * restrict const f = (lmp_ft *) lmp->atom->f[0] + out_offset;
if (atom->torque) {
if (f_in[1].w)
if (f_in[1].w == 1)
error->all(FLERR,"Bad matrix inversion in mldivide3");
"Sphere particles not yet supported for gayberne/intel");
#if defined(_OPENMP)
#pragma omp parallel default(none)
const int tid = omp_get_thread_num();
int ifrom, ito;
IP_PRE_omp_range_align(ifrom, ito, tid, nall, _nthreads, sizeof(acc_t));
if (atom->torque) {
int ii = ifrom * 2;
lmp_ft * restrict const tor = (lmp_ft *) lmp->atom->torque[0] +
if (eatom) {
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
f[i].x += f_in[ii].x;
f[i].y += f_in[ii].y;
f[i].z += f_in[ii].z;
force->pair->eatom[i] += f_in[ii].w;
tor[i].x += f_in[ii+1].x;
tor[i].y += f_in[ii+1].y;
tor[i].z += f_in[ii+1].z;
ii += 2;
} else {
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
f[i].x += f_in[ii].x;
f[i].y += f_in[ii].y;
f[i].z += f_in[ii].z;
tor[i].x += f_in[ii+1].x;
tor[i].y += f_in[ii+1].y;
tor[i].z += f_in[ii+1].z;
ii += 2;
} else {
if (eatom) {
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
f[i].x += f_in[i].x;
f[i].y += f_in[i].y;
f[i].z += f_in[i].z;
force->pair->eatom[i] += f_in[i].w;
} else {
for (int i = ifrom; i < ito; i++) {
f[i].x += f_in[i].x;
f[i].y += f_in[i].y;
f[i].z += f_in[i].z;
if (ev_global != NULL) {
force->pair->eng_vdwl += ev_global[0];
force->pair->eng_coul += ev_global[1];
force->pair->virial[0] += ev_global[2];
force->pair->virial[1] += ev_global[3];
force->pair->virial[2] += ev_global[4];
force->pair->virial[3] += ev_global[5];
force->pair->virial[4] += ev_global[6];
force->pair->virial[5] += ev_global[7];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
int FixIntel::offload_end_pair() {
if (neighbor->ago == 0) return _balance_neighbor * atom->nlocal;
else return _balance_pair * atom->nlocal;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double FixIntel::stop_watch(const int which) {
double elapsed = MPI_Wtime() - _stopwatch[which];
_timers[which] += elapsed;
return elapsed;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixIntel::balance_stamp() {
if (_offload_balance < 0.0) {
double ct = MPI_Wtime();
_balance_other_time = ct;
_balance_pair_time = ct - _stopwatch[TIME_HOST_PAIR];
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixIntel::acc_timers() {
if (neighbor->ago == 0) {
_timers[TIME_OFFLOAD_NEIGHBOR] += *_stopwatch_offload_neighbor;
if (_setup_time_cleared == false) {
_setup_time_cleared = true;
_timers[TIME_OFFLOAD_PAIR] += *_stopwatch_offload_pair;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void FixIntel::set_neighbor_host_sizes() {
_host_min_local = _overflow_flag[LMP_LOCAL_MIN];
_host_min_ghost = _overflow_flag[LMP_GHOST_MIN];
_host_used_local = atom->nlocal - _host_min_local;
_host_used_ghost = _overflow_flag[LMP_GHOST_MAX] + 1 - _host_min_ghost;
if (_host_used_ghost < 0) _host_used_ghost = 0;
_host_nall = atom->nlocal + _host_used_ghost;
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
template <class ft, class acc_t>
void FixIntel::add_off_results(const ft * restrict const f_in,
const acc_t * restrict const ev_global) {
if (_offload_balance < 0.0)
_balance_other_time = MPI_Wtime() - _balance_other_time;
#pragma offload_wait target(mic:_cop) wait(f_in)
double wait_time = stop_watch(TIME_OFFLOAD_WAIT);
if (neighbor->ago == 0) {
if (_off_overflow_flag[LMP_OVERFLOW])
error->one(FLERR, "Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one");
_offload_nlocal = _off_overflow_flag[LMP_LOCAL_MAX] + 1;
_offload_min_ghost = _off_overflow_flag[LMP_GHOST_MIN];
_offload_nghost = _off_overflow_flag[LMP_GHOST_MAX] + 1 -
if (_offload_nghost < 0) _offload_nghost = 0;
_offload_nall = _offload_nlocal + _offload_nghost;
int nlocal = atom->nlocal;
// Load balance?
if (_offload_balance < 0.0) {
if (neighbor->ago == 0)
_balance_pair = _balance_neighbor;
double mic_time;
mic_time = *_stopwatch_offload_pair;
if (_balance_pair_time + _balance_other_time < mic_time) {
double ft = _balance_pair_time + _balance_other_time + wait_time -
_balance_fixed = (1.0 - INTEL_LB_MEAN_WEIGHT) * _balance_fixed +
double ctps = _balance_pair_time / (1.0-_balance_pair);
double otps = mic_time / _balance_pair;
double new_balance = (ctps + _balance_other_time - _balance_fixed) /
(otps + ctps);
if (new_balance < 0.01) new_balance = 0.01;
else if (new_balance > 0.99) new_balance = 0.99;
_balance_neighbor = (1.0 - INTEL_LB_MEAN_WEIGHT) *_balance_neighbor +
INTEL_LB_MEAN_WEIGHT * new_balance;
if (atom->torque)
if (f_in[1].w < 0.0)
error->all(FLERR, "Bad matrix inversion in mldivide3");
add_results(f_in, ev_global, _off_results_eatom, _off_results_vatom, 1);
/* ERROR/WARNING messages:
E: The 'package intel' command is required for /intel styles
E: Neighbor list overflow, boost neigh_modify one
Increase the value for neigh_modify one to allow for larger allocations for
neighbor list builds. The value required can be different for the Intel
package in order to support offload to a coprocessor.
E: Bad matrix inversion in mldivide3
This error should not occur unless the matrix is badly formed.
E: Illegal package intel command
The format for the package intel command is incorrect. Please see the
E: fix intel has to operate on group 'all'
Self explanatory.
E: Illegal package intel mode requested
The format for the package intel command is incorrect. Please see the
E: Specified run_style does not support the Intel package.
When using offload to a coprocessor, the Intel package requires a run style
with the intel suffix.
E: Currently, neighbor style BIN must be used with Intel package.
This is the only neighbor style that has been implemented for the Intel
E: Currently, cannot use neigh_modify exclude with Intel package.
This is a current restriction of the Intel package.
E: Currently, cannot use more than one intel style with hybrid.
Currently, hybrid pair styles can only use the intel suffix for one of the
pair styles.
E: Cannot yet use hybrid styles with Intel package.
The hybrid pair style configuration is not yet supported by the Intel
package. Support is limited to hybrid/overlay or a hybrid style that does
not require a skip list.
E: MPI tasks per node must be multiple of offload_cards
For offload to multiple coprocessors on a single node, the Intel package
requires that each coprocessor is used by the same number of MPI tasks.

Event Timeline