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/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
LAMMPS - Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator, Sandia National Laboratories
Steve Plimpton,
Copyright (2003) Sandia Corporation. Under the terms of Contract
DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation, the U.S. Government retains
certain rights in this software. This software is distributed under
the GNU General Public License.
See the README file in the top-level LAMMPS directory.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Contributing authors: Tomas Oppelstrup, LLNL (
and John Moriarty, LLNL (
Fast MGPT algorithm developed by Tomas Oppelstrup (2015) based on the
matrix MGPT v4.4 FORTRAN routine of John Moriarty (2006) as converted
to C++ for LAMMPS application by Jamie Marian and Alexander Stukowski
(2011). See LLNL copyright notice at bottom of this file.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include <cmath>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstring>
#include <cassert>
#include "pair_mgpt.h"
#include "atom.h"
#include "force.h"
#include "comm.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "neighbor.h"
#include "neigh_list.h"
#include "neigh_request.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "error.h"
using namespace LAMMPS_NS;
//#define TIMING_ON
#ifdef TIMING_ON
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <time.h>
//#include "rdtsc.h"
#ifdef __bgq__
#include <hwi/include/bqc/A2_inlines.h>
static double gettime(int x = 0) {
if(1) {
struct timeval tv;
return tv.tv_sec + 1e-6 * tv.tv_usec;
const double x = 1.0 / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
return clock() * x;
//const double invfreq = 1.0 / 2394.108e6;
const double invfreq = 1.0 / 700e6;
unsigned long long int x = rdtsc();
return x*invfreq;
const double invfreq = 1.0 / 1.6e9;
unsigned long long int x = GetTimeBase();
return x*invfreq;
} else
return 0.0;
static double gettime(int x = 0) { return 0.0; }
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
PairMGPT::PairMGPT(LAMMPS *lmp) : Pair(lmp)
single_enable = 0;
one_coeff = 1;
ghostneigh = 1;
if(allocated) {
/* ---------------------------------------------------------------------- */
static double t_make_b2 = 0.0,n_make_b2 = 0.0;
template<typename intype,typename outtype,int ni,int nj> void fmatconv(intype *array) {
outtype *cast = (outtype *) array;
for(int i = 0; i<ni; i++)
for(int j = 0; j<nj; j++)
cast[i*nj+j] = array[i*nj+j];
void PairMGPT::make_bond(const double xx[][3],int i,int j,bond_data *bptr) {
double rrij[3],rij;
int p;
double t0,t1;
/* Check that alignment requirements for SIMD code are fullfilled */
assert( (((unsigned long long int) (bptr->H.m )) & 31) == 0 );
assert( (((unsigned long long int) (bptr->Hx.m)) & 31) == 0 );
assert( (((unsigned long long int) (bptr->Hy.m)) & 31) == 0 );
assert( (((unsigned long long int) (bptr->Hz.m)) & 31) == 0 );
rij = 0.0;
for(p = 0; p<3; p++) {
rrij[p] = xx[i][p] - xx[j][p];
rij = rij + rrij[p]*rrij[p];
/* Zero all matrix elements */
for(i = 0; i<8; i++)
for(j = 0; j<8; j++) {
bptr->H.m[i][j] = 0.0;
bptr->Hx.m[i][j] = 0.0;
bptr->Hy.m[i][j] = 0.0;
bptr->Hz.m[i][j] = 0.0;
bptr->Hz.m[j][i] = 0.0;
if(rij <= rcrit*rcrit) {
t0 = gettime();
if(lang == 3) {
bptr->H.m ,bptr->Hx.m,
} else {
bptr->H.m ,bptr->Hx.m,
t1 = gettime();
t_make_b2 += t1-t0;
} else {
bptr->fl_deriv_sum = 0.0;
if(linalg.single) {
static double t_trace = 0.0,n_trace = 0.0;
static inline double mtrace(int n,double A[8][8],double B[8][8]) {
double t0,t1;
double s;
t0 = gettime();
if(n == 5) s = mtrace_5(A,B);
else if(n == 7) s = mtrace_7(A,B);
else {
s = 0.0;
for(int i = 1; i<=n; i++)
for(int j = 1; j<=n; j++)
s = s + A[i][j]*B[i][j];
t1 = gettime();
t_trace += t1-t0;
return s;
void PairMGPT::make_triplet(bond_data *ij_bond,bond_data *ik_bond,
triplet_data *triptr) {
if(1) {
const trmul_fun tr_mul = linalg.tr_mul;
tr_mul(&(ij_bond->H.m[1][0]), &(ik_bond->H.m[1][0]) ,&(triptr->H1H2.m[1][0]) );
tr_mul(&(ij_bond->Hx.m[1][0]),&(ik_bond->H.m[1][0]) ,&(triptr->H1xH2.m[1][0]));
tr_mul(&(ij_bond->Hy.m[1][0]),&(ik_bond->H.m[1][0]) ,&(triptr->H1yH2.m[1][0]));
tr_mul(&(ij_bond->Hz.m[1][0]),&(ik_bond->H.m[1][0]) ,&(triptr->H1zH2.m[1][0]));
tr_mul(&(ij_bond->H.m[1][0]) ,&(ik_bond->Hx.m[1][0]),&(triptr->H1H2x.m[1][0]));
tr_mul(&(ij_bond->H.m[1][0]) ,&(ik_bond->Hy.m[1][0]),&(triptr->H1H2y.m[1][0]));
tr_mul(&(ij_bond->H.m[1][0]) ,&(ik_bond->Hz.m[1][0]),&(triptr->H1H2z.m[1][0]));
} else {
transprod(ij_bond->H, ik_bond->H ,triptr->H1H2 );
transprod(ij_bond->Hx,ik_bond->H ,triptr->H1xH2);
transprod(ij_bond->Hy,ik_bond->H ,triptr->H1yH2);
transprod(ij_bond->Hz,ik_bond->H ,triptr->H1zH2);
transprod(ij_bond->H ,ik_bond->Hx,triptr->H1H2x);
transprod(ij_bond->H ,ik_bond->Hy,triptr->H1H2y);
transprod(ij_bond->H ,ik_bond->Hz,triptr->H1H2z);
static double t_make_t = 0.0,t_make_b = 0.0,n_make = 0.0;
PairMGPT::triplet_data *PairMGPT::get_triplet(const double xx[][3],int i,int j,int k,
Hash<bond_data,Doublet> *bhash,
triplet_data *twork,
double *dvir_ij_p,double *dvir_ik_p) {
const int recompute = 0;
static bond_data bij_work,bik_work;
double t0,t1;
bond_data *bij = 0,*bik = 0;
triplet_data *tptr = 0;
t0 = gettime();
if(recompute == 0) {
bij = bhash->Lookup(Doublet(i,j));
bik = bhash->Lookup(Doublet(i,k));
if(bij == 0) {
if(recompute == 0)
bij = bhash->Insert(Doublet(i,j));
bij = &bij_work;
if(i < j)
if(bik == 0) {
if(recompute == 0)
bik = bhash->Insert(Doublet(i,k));
bik = &bik_work;
if(i < k)
t1 = gettime();
t_make_b += t1-t0;
t0 = gettime();
if(bij != 0 && bik != 0) {
tptr = twork;
*dvir_ij_p = bij->fl_deriv_sum;
*dvir_ik_p = bik->fl_deriv_sum;
} else {
*dvir_ij_p = 0.0;
*dvir_ik_p = 0.0;
t1 = gettime();
t_make_t += t1-t0;
return tptr;
double PairMGPT::numderiv3t(double xx[][3],int i,int j,int k,int p) {
static bond_data Bij,Bjk,Bki;
const double delta = 1e-5;
const double xsave = xx[i][p];
double e1,e2;
const double vc =;
xx[i][p] = xsave + delta;
e1 = trace(prodmat(Bij.H,Bjk.H),Bki.H) * (vc/anorm3);
xx[i][p] = xsave - delta;
if(0) { /* This bond doesn't change when i is perturbed */
e2 = trace(prodmat(Bij.H,Bjk.H),Bki.H) * (vc/anorm3);
xx[i][p] = xsave;
return (e1 - e2)/(2.0*delta);
double PairMGPT::numderiv3v(double xx[][3],int i,int j,int k,int p,int ipert) {
static bond_data Bij,Bik;
const double delta = 1e-5;
const double xsave = xx[ipert][p];
double e1,e2;
const double vd = splinepot.vd;
xx[ipert][p] = xsave + delta;
e1 = trace(prodmat(Bij.H,Bij.H),prodmat(Bik.H,Bik.H)) * (vd/anorm4);
xx[ipert][p] = xsave - delta;
e2 = trace(prodmat(Bij.H,Bij.H),prodmat(Bik.H,Bik.H)) * (vd/anorm4);
xx[ipert][p] = xsave;
return (e1 - e2)/(2.0*delta);
double PairMGPT::numderiv4(double xx[][3],int i,int j,int k,int m,int p) {
static bond_data Bij,Bjk,Bkm,Bmi;
const double delta = 1e-5;
const double xsave = xx[i][p];
double e1,e2;
const double ve =;
xx[i][p] = xsave + delta;
e1 = trace(prodmat(Bij.H,Bjk.H),prodmat(Bkm.H,Bmi.H)) * (ve/anorm4);
xx[i][p] = xsave - delta;
if(0) { /* Only the i coordinates changed... */
e2 = trace(prodmat(Bij.H,Bjk.H),prodmat(Bkm.H,Bmi.H)) * (ve/anorm4);
xx[i][p] = xsave;
return (e1 - e2)/(2.0*delta);
static double dtol = 1e-6;
void PairMGPT::force_debug_3t(double xx[][3],
int i0,int j0,int k0,
int i ,int j ,int k ,
double dfix,double dfiy,double dfiz,
double dfjx,double dfjy,double dfjz,
double dfkx,double dfky,double dfkz) {
double dfi[3],dfj[3],dfk[3];
dfi[0] = dfix; dfi[1] = dfiy; dfi[2] = dfiz;
dfj[0] = dfjx; dfj[1] = dfjy; dfj[2] = dfjz;
dfk[0] = dfkx; dfk[1] = dfky; dfk[2] = dfkz;
for(int p = 0; p<3; p++) {
/* Compute numerical derivatives by displacing atoms i,j,k */
double ndfi,ndfj,ndfk;
ndfi = -numderiv3t(xx,i,j,k,p);
ndfj = -numderiv3t(xx,j,k,i,p);
ndfk = -numderiv3t(xx,k,i,j,p);
if((fabs(dfi[p] - ndfi) > dtol &&
fabs(dfi[p] - ndfi) > dtol*fabs(ndfi)) ||
(fabs(dfj[p] - ndfj) > dtol &&
fabs(dfj[p] - ndfj) > dtol*fabs(ndfj)) ||
(fabs(dfk[p] - ndfk) > dtol &&
fabs(dfk[p] - ndfk) > dtol*fabs(ndfk))) {
printf("Force error in T12 & T23 & T31 :: i,j,k = %d,%d,%d\n",i0,j0,k0);
printf(" dE/d%c[i] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfi, dfi[p]);
printf(" dE/d%c[j] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfj, dfj[p]);
printf(" dE/d%c[k] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfk, dfk[p]);
void PairMGPT::force_debug_3v(double xx[][3],
int i0,int j0,int k0,
int i ,int j ,int k ,
double dfix,double dfiy,double dfiz,
double dfjx,double dfjy,double dfjz,
double dfkx,double dfky,double dfkz) {
double dfi[3],dfj[3],dfk[3];
dfi[0] = dfix; dfi[1] = dfiy; dfi[2] = dfiz;
dfj[0] = dfjx; dfj[1] = dfjy; dfj[2] = dfjz;
dfk[0] = dfkx; dfk[1] = dfky; dfk[2] = dfkz;
for(int p = 0; p<3; p++) {
/* Compute numerical derivatives by displacing atoms i,j,k */
double ndfi,ndfj,ndfk;
ndfi = -numderiv3v(xx,i,j,k,p,i0);
ndfj = -numderiv3v(xx,i,j,k,p,j0);
ndfk = -numderiv3v(xx,i,j,k,p,k0);
if((fabs(dfi[p] - ndfi) > dtol &&
fabs(dfi[p] - ndfi) > dtol*fabs(ndfi)) ||
(fabs(dfj[p] - ndfj) > dtol &&
fabs(dfj[p] - ndfj) > dtol*fabs(ndfj)) ||
(fabs(dfk[p] - ndfk) > dtol &&
fabs(dfk[p] - ndfk) > dtol*fabs(ndfk))) {
printf("Force error in T12 :: i,j,k = %d,%d,%d\n",i0,j0,k0);
printf(" dE/d%c[i] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfi, dfi[p]);
printf(" dE/d%c[j] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfj, dfj[p]);
printf(" dE/d%c[k] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfk, dfk[p]);
void PairMGPT::force_debug_4(double xx[][3],
int i0,int j0,int k0,int m0,
int i ,int j ,int k ,int m ,
double dfix,double dfiy,double dfiz,
double dfjx,double dfjy,double dfjz,
double dfkx,double dfky,double dfkz,
double dfmx,double dfmy,double dfmz) {
double dfi[3],dfj[3],dfk[3],dfm[3];
dfi[0] = dfix; dfi[1] = dfiy; dfi[2] = dfiz;
dfj[0] = dfjx; dfj[1] = dfjy; dfj[2] = dfjz;
dfk[0] = dfkx; dfk[1] = dfky; dfk[2] = dfkz;
dfm[0] = dfmx; dfm[1] = dfmy; dfm[2] = dfmz;
const int ii0[] = {i0,j0,k0,m0},ii[] = {i,j,k,m,i,j,k};
for(int p = 0; p<3; p++) {
/* Compute numerical derivatives by displacing atoms i,j,k,m */
double ndfi,ndfj,ndfk,ndfm;
if(1) {
double ndf[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0};
for(int s = 0; s<4; s++)
for(int t = 0; t<4; t++)
if(ii[s] == ii0[t])
ndf[t] = -numderiv4(xx,ii[s],ii[s+1],ii[s+2],ii[s+3],p);
ndfi = ndf[0]; ndfj = ndf[1];
ndfk = ndf[2]; ndfm = ndf[3];
} else {
ndfi = -numderiv4(xx,i,j,k,m,p);
ndfj = -numderiv4(xx,j,k,m,i,p);
ndfk = -numderiv4(xx,k,m,i,j,p);
ndfm = -numderiv4(xx,m,i,j,k,p);
if((fabs(dfi[p] - ndfi) > dtol &&
fabs(dfi[p] - ndfi) > dtol*fabs(ndfi)) ||
(fabs(dfj[p] - ndfj) > dtol &&
fabs(dfj[p] - ndfj) > dtol*fabs(ndfj)) ||
(fabs(dfk[p] - ndfk) > dtol &&
fabs(dfk[p] - ndfk) > dtol*fabs(ndfk)) ||
(fabs(dfm[p] - ndfm) > dtol &&
fabs(dfm[p] - ndfm) > dtol*fabs(ndfm))) {
printf("Force error in T31 & T64 :: i,j,k,m = %d,%d,%d,%d\n",i0,j0,k0,m0);
printf(" dE/d%c[i] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfi, dfi[p]);
printf(" dE/d%c[j] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfj, dfj[p]);
printf(" dE/d%c[k] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfk, dfk[p]);
printf(" dE/d%c[m] = %20.10e %20.10e\n", 'x'+p,ndfm, dfm[p]);
#define trd_update_4(T12,T45,coord) \
do { \
trd1 = transtrace(T12->H1##coord##H2,T45->H1H2 ); \
trd2 = transtrace(T12->H1H2##coord,T45->H1H2 ); \
trd3 = transtrace(T12->H1H2 ,T45->H1##coord##H2); \
trd4 = transtrace(T12->H1H2 ,T45->H1H2##coord ); \
} while(0)
#define trd_update_4(T12,T45) \
do { \
tr_trace3(&(T45->H1H2.m[1][0]), \
&(T12->H1xH2.m[1][0]),&utr1x.d, \
&(T12->H1yH2.m[1][0]),&utr1y.d, \
&(T12->H1zH2.m[1][0]),&utr1z.d); \
tr_trace3(&(T45->H1H2.m[1][0]), \
&(T12->H1H2x.m[1][0]),&utr2x.d, \
&(T12->H1H2y.m[1][0]),&utr2y.d, \
&(T12->H1H2z.m[1][0]),&utr2z.d); \
tr_trace3(&(T12->H1H2.m[1][0]), \
&(T45->H1xH2.m[1][0]),&utr3x.d, \
&(T45->H1yH2.m[1][0]),&utr3y.d, \
&(T45->H1zH2.m[1][0]),&utr3z.d); \
tr_trace3(&(T12->H1H2.m[1][0]), \
&(T45->H1H2x.m[1][0]),&utr4x.d, \
&(T45->H1H2y.m[1][0]),&utr4y.d, \
&(T45->H1H2z.m[1][0]),&utr4z.d); \
if(linalg.single) { \
trd1x = utr1x.f; trd2x = utr2x.f; trd3x = utr3x.f; trd4x = utr4x.f; \
trd1y = utr1y.f; trd2y = utr2y.f; trd3y = utr3y.f; trd4y = utr4y.f; \
trd1z = utr1z.f; trd2z = utr2z.f; trd3z = utr3z.f; trd4z = utr4z.f; \
} else { \
trd1x = utr1x.d; trd2x = utr2x.d; trd3x = utr3x.d; trd4x = utr4x.d; \
trd1y = utr1y.d; trd2y = utr2y.d; trd3y = utr3y.d; trd4y = utr4y.d; \
trd1z = utr1z.d; trd2z = utr2z.d; trd3z = utr3z.d; trd4z = utr4z.d; \
} \
} while(0)
#define dfix_update_4a(coord) \
do { \
dfi##coord = ( (-sij)*trd1##coord + (-sim)*trd3##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
dfj##coord = ( ( sij)*trd1##coord + (-sjk)*trd2##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
dfk##coord = ( ( sjk)*trd2##coord + (-skm)*trd4##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
dfm##coord = ( ( sim)*trd3##coord + ( skm)*trd4##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
} while(0)
#define dfix_update_4b(coord) \
do { \
dfi##coord = ( ( ski)*trd1##coord + (-sim)*trd3##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
dfj##coord = ( (-sjk)*trd2##coord + (-sjm)*trd4##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
dfk##coord = ( (-ski)*trd1##coord + ( sjk)*trd2##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
dfm##coord = ( ( sim)*trd3##coord + ( sjm)*trd4##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
} while(0);
#define dfix_update_4c(coord) \
do { \
dfi##coord = ( (-sij)*trd1##coord + ( ski)*trd2##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
dfj##coord = ( ( sij)*trd1##coord + (-sjm)*trd3##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
dfk##coord = ( (-ski)*trd2##coord + (-skm)*trd4##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
dfm##coord = ( ( sjm)*trd3##coord + ( skm)*trd4##coord ) * (ve / anorm4); \
} while(0);
#define accumulate_forces_2(w) \
do { \
fix = fix + dfix*(w); \
fiy = fiy + dfiy*(w); \
fiz = fiz + dfiz*(w); \
fjx = fjx + dfjx*(w); \
fjy = fjy + dfjy*(w); \
fjz = fjz + dfjz*(w); \
} while(0)
#define accumulate_forces_3(w) \
do { \
accumulate_forces_2(w); \
fkx = fkx + dfkx*(w); \
fky = fky + dfky*(w); \
fkz = fkz + dfkz*(w); \
} while(0)
#define accumulate_forces_4(w) \
do { \
accumulate_forces_3(w); \
fmx = fmx + dfmx*(w); \
fmy = fmy + dfmy*(w); \
fmz = fmz + dfmz*(w); \
} while(0)
#define restrict __restrict__
#ifdef __bg__
#define const
static int ntr_calls = 0;
static trtrace3_fun tr_internal;
static void tr_count(const double * restrict A,
const double * restrict B1,double * restrict t1,
const double * restrict B2,double * restrict t2,
const double * restrict B3,double * restrict t3) {
#ifdef __bg__
#undef const
#undef restrict
int PairMGPT::Matrix::sz;
void PairMGPT::compute_x(const int *nnei,const int * const *nlist,
double *e_s,double *e_p,double *e_t,double *e_q,
int evflag,int newton_pair) {
Hash<bond_data,Doublet> bond_hash(100000);
int i,j,k,m,ix,jx,kx,p;
double e_single,e_pair,e_triplet,e_triplet_c,e_quad;
double volvir2;
double nbc = 0.0,tbl = 0.0,tbm = 0.0;
const int lmax_local = lmax;
//if(evflag) printf("##### ev flag is set... wasting cycles...\n");
*e_s = -99.0;
*e_p = -99.0;
*e_t = -99.0;
*e_q = -99.0;
double t0,t1;
t0 = gettime(1);
e_single = e_pair = e_triplet = e_triplet_c = e_quad = 0.0;
volvir2 = 0.0;
t_make_t = t_make_b = t_make_b2 = t_trace = 0.0;
n_make = n_make_b2 = n_trace = 0.0;
double tx0,tx1,tsort = 0.0,tpair = 0.0,tlookup = 0.0;
double ttriplet = 0.0,tquad = 0.0,tmem = 0.0;
double ntsort = 0.0,ntpair = 0.0,ntlookup = 0.0;
double nttriplet = 0.0,ntquad = 0.0,ntmem = 0.0,ntquaditer = 0.0;
double mcount = 0.0,mcount2 = 0.0, qcount = 0.0;
double fix,fjx,fkx,fmx,dfix,dfjx,dfkx,dfmx;
double fiy,fjy,fky,fmy,dfiy,dfjy,dfky,dfmy;
double fiz,fjz,fkz,fmz,dfiz,dfjz,dfkz,dfmz;
double fsave[4][3] = { {0.0} } /* {{0.0}} is to get rid of uninitialized use warning */;
//const int numerical_pair_forces = (nbody_flag/16)%2;
const int pair_forces = (nbody_flag/2)%2,three_body_forces = (nbody_flag/4)%2,four_body_forces = (nbody_flag/8)%2;
const int pair_energies = (nbody_flag/2)%2,three_body_energies = (nbody_flag/4)%2,four_body_energies = (nbody_flag/8)%2;
const int single_energies = nbody_flag%2;
const int triplet_debug = 0,quad_debug = 0;
/* Energy and force scale factor for unit conversion. */
const double e_scale = 0.5;
#define NIDX(x) (x)
#define NIDX(x) ((x) & NEIGHMASK)
int nneitot,*first,*nlist_short;
double w2,w3,w4;
triplet_data T12work,T23work,T31work,T45work,T56work,T64work;
triplet_data *T12,*T23,*T31,*T45,*T56,*T64;
int c_ij,c_jk,c_ki,c_im,c_jm,c_km;
int mi,mj,mk;
double tr0,tr1,tr2,tr3;
double v33,v43;
double rcut2_pair = rmax*rmax,rcut2_bond = rcrit*rcrit,rij2;
int ntot,nloc;
double dvir_ij,dvir_jk,dvir_ki,dvir_im,dvir_jm,dvir_km;
double vir3t = 0.0,vir3v = 0.0,vir4 = 0.0;
double (*xx)[3],(*ff)[3],(*ss)[3];
#ifdef TIMING_ON
tr_internal = linalg.tr_trace; ntr_calls = 0;
const trtrace3_fun tr_trace3 = tr_count;
const trtrace3_fun tr_trace3 = linalg.tr_trace;
union {
double d;
float f;
} utr1x,utr2x,utr3x,utr4x,utr1y,utr2y,utr3y,utr4y,utr1z,utr2z,utr3z,utr4z;
double trd1x,trd2x,trd3x,trd4x;
double trd1y,trd2y,trd3y,trd4y;
double trd1z,trd2z,trd3z,trd4z;
tx0 = gettime();
double rhoinv;
double vtot = 1.0;
double ntot = atom->natoms;
for(i = 0; i<3; i++)
vtot = vtot * (domain->boxhi[i] - domain->boxlo[i]);
rhoinv = vtot / ntot;
/* Make sure triplet data work area is aligned and zeroed out. */ {
assert(T12work.align_check() == 0);
assert(T23work.align_check() == 0);
assert(T31work.align_check() == 0);
assert(T45work.align_check() == 0);
assert(T56work.align_check() == 0);
assert(T64work.align_check() == 0);;;;;;;
ntot = atom->nlocal + atom->nghost;
nloc = atom->nlocal;
//printf("[%3d] Allocating local array, size is %d atoms...\n",comm->me,j);
xx = (double (*)[3]) memory->smalloc(sizeof(double [3]) * ntot,"mgpt: local position vector.");
ff = (double (*)[3]) memory->smalloc(sizeof(double [3]) * ntot,"mgpt: local force vector.");
//printf("[%3d] Initializing arrays...\n",comm->me);
const int triclinic = domain->triclinic;
double alpha[3] = {0.0,0.0,0.0};
if(triclinic) {
double E[3][3],EX[3][3];
int cyc[] = {0,1,2,0,1};
ss = (double (*)[3]) memory->smalloc(sizeof(double [3]) * ntot,
"mgpt: local reduced coordinate vector.");
for(i = 0; i<3; i++) {
for(j = 0; j<3; j++)
E[i][j] = 0.0;
E[i][i] = domain->subhi_lamda[i] - domain->sublo_lamda[i];
for(i = 0; i<3; i++) {
int i1 = cyc[i+1],i2 = cyc[i+2];
double dot = 0.0,ns2 = 0.0;
for(j = 0; j<3; j++) {
int j1 = cyc[j+1],j2 = cyc[j+2];
double cj = EX[i1][j1]*EX[i2][j2] - EX[i1][j2]*EX[i2][j1];
ns2 = ns2 + cj*cj;
dot = dot + EX[i][j]*cj;
alpha[i] = E[i][i] / (dot/sqrt(ns2));
if(comm->me == 0) {
static int count = 0;
if(count < 3)
printf("@@@ alpha(%d) = %15.5e\n",i+1,alpha[i]);
if(alpha[i] < 0.0) alpha[i] = -alpha[i];
} else
ss = xx;
nneitot = 0;
for(ix = 0; ix<ntot; ix++) {
for(p = 0; p<3; p++) {
xx[ix][p] = atom->x[ix][p];
ff[ix][p] = 0.0;
nneitot = nneitot + nnei[ix];
first = (int *) memory->smalloc(sizeof(int) * (ntot+1),"mgpt: first");
nlist_short = (int *) memory->smalloc(sizeof(int) * nneitot,"mgpt: nlist_short");
tx1 = gettime();
tmem += tx1-tx0;
//printf("[%3d] Starting calculation...\n",comm->me);
fix = fjx = fkx = fmx = 0.0;
fiy = fjy = fky = fmy = 0.0;
fiz = fjz = fkz = fmz = 0.0;
int c_p = 0, c_t = 0, c_q = 0;
if(domain->triclinic) {
if(comm->me == 0)
printf("Can not handle triclinic box yet\n");
error->all(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Can not handle triclinic cell with mgpt yet.");
for(i = 0; i<nloc; i++) {
printf("Atom %3d:: %10.3f %10.3f %10.3f\n",
first[0] = 0;
for(i = 0; i<ntot; i++) {
fix = fiy = fiz = 0.0;
first[i+1] = first[i];
const int c1 = c1_outside(ss[i],triclinic,alpha);
tx0 = gettime();
for(jx = 0; jx<nnei[i]; jx++) {
fjx = fjy = fjz = 0.0;
j = NIDX( nlist[i][jx] );
rij2 = 0.0;
for(p = 0; p<3; p++) {
double t = xx[i][p] - xx[j][p];
rij2 = rij2 + t*t;
if(c1 == 0 && rij2 < rcut2_pair) {
if(j < i) {
w2 = get_weight(triclinic,ss[i],ss[j]);
if(w2 > 0.0) {
Compute pair energy/force
double de_pair,df,rij = sqrt(rij2);
de_pair = de_pair * e_scale * w2;
df = df / rij * w2;
if(pair_energies == 0) de_pair = 0.0;
e_pair = e_pair + de_pair;
if(pair_forces == 0) df = 0.0;
if(volpres_flag && pair_energies) {
double dvir;
volvir2 = volvir2 - dvir * w2;
/* Per-atom virial contribution of volumetric energy term */
for(int pp = 0; pp<3; pp++) {
//virial[i] = virial[i] + rhoinv*e_scale*volvir2;
vatom[i][pp] -= 0.5 * rhoinv*e_scale*dvir*w2;
vatom[j][pp] -= 0.5 * rhoinv*e_scale*dvir*w2;
double drijx = xx[j][0] - xx[i][0];
double drijy = xx[j][1] - xx[i][1];
double drijz = xx[j][2] - xx[i][2];
fix = fix + df*drijx;
fjx = fjx - df*drijx;
fiy = fiy + df*drijy;
fjy = fjy - df*drijy;
fiz = fiz + df*drijz;
fjz = fjz - df*drijz;
if(evflag) {
/* To fix stress-per-atom scaling, and sign */
ev_tally(i,j,nloc,newton_pair,de_pair,0.0,-df * e_scale,-drijx,-drijy,-drijz);
ff[j][0] += fjx * e_scale;
ff[j][1] += fjy * e_scale;
ff[j][2] += fjz * e_scale;
if(rij2 < rcut2_bond && c2_outside(ss[i],ss[j],triclinic,alpha) == 0) {
Add j to short neighbor list for i.
Insert j to keep list sorted.
p = first[i+1]-1;
while(p >= first[i] && nlist_short[p] > j) {
nlist_short[p+1] = nlist_short[p];
p = p - 1;
nlist_short[p+1] = j;
first[i+1] = first[i+1] + 1;
if(first[i+1] > nneitot) {
printf("nneitot = %d, short list full. i=%d\n",
error->one(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Shit! Short list full\n");
ff[i][0] += fix * e_scale;
ff[i][1] += fiy * e_scale;
ff[i][2] += fiz * e_scale;
tx1 = gettime();
tpair += tx1-tx0;
ntpair += nnei[i];
for(i = 0; i<ntot; i++) {
fix = fiy = fiz = 0.0;
Use short lists for triplets and quadruplets.
For open (2-bonded) triplets, can only use k<j, but not k<i.
For closed (3-bonded) triplets, we can assume k<j<i.
Always use k<j<i, and require m<i.
If 5-bonded with im bond, ignore the quadruplet.
If 6-bonded, require m<k.
For 4-bonded quadruplets, we can still use k<j, but also
assume max(m,j)<i
if(three_body_energies || three_body_forces ||
four_body_energies || four_body_forces)
for(jx = first[i]; jx<first[i+1]; jx++) {
fjx = fjy = fjz = 0.0;
j = nlist_short[jx];
for(kx = first[i]; kx<jx; kx++) {
fkx = fky = fkz = 0.0;
k = nlist_short[kx];
Search lists of j and k, and see if
1) j is in k-list (closed triplet)
2) j and k have a common neighbor (closed quadruplet)
c_ij = c_ki = 1;
const int sij = (i < j) ? 1 : -1;
const int sjk = (j < k) ? 1 : -1;
const int ski = (k < i) ? 1 : -1;
T12 = T23 = T31 = 0;
mj = first[j];
Since i is in the j-list, and i > k and the list
is sorted, the loop below terminates:-)
while(mj < first[j+1] && nlist_short[mj] < k) mj = mj + 1;
if(mj < first[j+1] && nlist_short[mj] == k) {
/* Closed triplet */
c_jk = 1;
if(j > i) continue; /* Require k<j<i for closed triplets */
} else {
/* Open triplet */
c_jk = 0;
tx0 = gettime();
w3 = get_weight(triclinic,ss[i],ss[j],ss[k]);
int triplet_defer;
if(w3 > 0.0) {
triplet_defer = 0;
dvir_ij = dvir_jk = dvir_ki = 0.0;
if(c_ij && c_jk)
T12 = get_triplet(xx,j,i,k,&bond_hash,&T12work,&dvir_ij,&dvir_jk);
if(c_ki && c_jk)
T23 = get_triplet(xx,k,i,j,&bond_hash,&T23work,&dvir_ki,&dvir_jk);
if(c_ij && c_ki)
T31 = get_triplet(xx,i,j,k,&bond_hash,&T31work,&dvir_ij,&dvir_ki);
if(evflag) {
fsave[0][0] = fix; fsave[0][1] = fiy; fsave[0][2] = fiz;
fsave[1][0] = fjx; fsave[1][1] = fjy; fsave[1][2] = fjz;
fsave[2][0] = fkx; fsave[2][1] = fky; fsave[2][2] = fkz;
fix = fiy = fiz = 0.0;
fjx = fjy = fjz = 0.0;
fkx = fky = fkz = 0.0;
tr0 = tr1 = tr2 = tr3 = 0.0;
double xvir3t,xvir3v;
xvir3t = xvir3v = 0.0;
if(T12 && T23) {
bond_data *bki = bond_hash.Lookup(Doublet(k,i));
if(three_body_energies && evflag) {
tr0 = transtrace(T12->H1H2,bki->H);
double dvir = ((dvir_ij + dvir_jk + bki->fl_deriv_sum)* +
vir3t = vir3t + dvir;
xvir3t = xvir3t + dvir;
const double vc =;
if(linalg.single) {
trd1x = utr1x.f; trd2x = utr2x.f; trd3x = utr3x.f;
trd1y = utr1y.f; trd2y = utr2y.f; trd3y = utr3y.f;
trd1z = utr1z.f; trd2z = utr2z.f; trd3z = utr3z.f;
} else {
trd1x = utr1x.d; trd2x = utr2x.d; trd3x = utr3x.d;
trd1y = utr1y.d; trd2y = utr2y.d; trd3y = utr3y.d;
trd1z = utr1z.d; trd2z = utr2z.d; trd3z = utr3z.d;
dfix = ( (-sij)*trd1x + ( ski)*trd3x ) * (vc / anorm3);
dfjx = ( ( sij)*trd1x + (-sjk)*trd2x ) * (vc / anorm3);
dfkx = ( ( sjk)*trd2x + (-ski)*trd3x ) * (vc / anorm3);
dfiy = ( (-sij)*trd1y + ( ski)*trd3y ) * (vc / anorm3);
dfjy = ( ( sij)*trd1y + (-sjk)*trd2y ) * (vc / anorm3);
dfky = ( ( sjk)*trd2y + (-ski)*trd3y ) * (vc / anorm3);
dfiz = ( (-sij)*trd1z + ( ski)*trd3z ) * (vc / anorm3);
dfjz = ( ( sij)*trd1z + (-sjk)*trd2z ) * (vc / anorm3);
dfkz = ( ( sjk)*trd2z + (-ski)*trd3z ) * (vc / anorm3);
force_debug_3t(xx,i,j,k, i,j,k,
if(T12 != 0) {
//printf("T12 i,j,k = %d,%d,%d\n",i,j,k);
if(three_body_energies && evflag) {
tr1 = transtrace(T12->H1H2,T12->H1H2);
double dvir = (2.0*(dvir_ij + dvir_jk)*splinepot.vd +
vir3v = vir3v + dvir;
xvir3v = xvir3v + dvir;
const double vd = splinepot.vd;
if(linalg.single) {
trd1x = utr1x.f; trd2x = utr2x.f;
trd1y = utr1y.f; trd2y = utr2y.f;
trd1z = utr1z.f; trd2z = utr2z.f;
} else {
trd1x = utr1x.d; trd2x = utr2x.d;
trd1y = utr1y.d; trd2y = utr2y.d;
trd1z = utr1z.d; trd2z = utr2z.d;
dfix = 2.0*(-sij)*trd1x * (vd / anorm4);
dfkx = 2.0*( sjk)*trd2x * (vd / anorm4);
dfjx = -(dfix + dfkx);
dfiy = 2.0*(-sij)*trd1y * (vd / anorm4);
dfky = 2.0*( sjk)*trd2y * (vd / anorm4);
dfjy = -(dfiy + dfky);
dfiz = 2.0*(-sij)*trd1z * (vd / anorm4);
dfkz = 2.0*( sjk)*trd2z * (vd / anorm4);
dfjz = -(dfiz + dfkz);
if(triplet_debug) /* Compare forces to numerical derivatives */
force_debug_3v(xx,i,j,k, j,i,k,
if(T23 != 0) {
//printf("T23 i,j,k = %d,%d,%d\n",i,j,k);
if(three_body_energies && evflag) {
tr2 = transtrace(T23->H1H2,T23->H1H2);
double dvir = (2.0*(dvir_jk + dvir_ki)*splinepot.vd +
vir3v = vir3v + dvir;
xvir3v = xvir3v + dvir;
const double vd = splinepot.vd;
if(linalg.single) {
trd1x = utr1x.f; trd2x = utr2x.f;
trd1y = utr1y.f; trd2y = utr2y.f;
trd1z = utr1z.f; trd2z = utr2z.f;
} else {
trd1x = utr1x.d; trd2x = utr2x.d;
trd1y = utr1y.d; trd2y = utr2y.d;
trd1z = utr1z.d; trd2z = utr2z.d;
dfix = 2.0*( ski)*trd1x * (vd / anorm4);
dfjx = 2.0*(-sjk)*trd2x * (vd / anorm4);
dfkx = -(dfix + dfjx);
dfiy = 2.0*( ski)*trd1y * (vd / anorm4);
dfjy = 2.0*(-sjk)*trd2y * (vd / anorm4);
dfky = -(dfiy + dfjy);
dfiz = 2.0*( ski)*trd1z * (vd / anorm4);
dfjz = 2.0*(-sjk)*trd2z * (vd / anorm4);
dfkz = -(dfiz + dfjz);
if(triplet_debug) /* Compare forces to numerical derivatives */
force_debug_3v(xx,i,j,k, k,i,j,
if(T31 != 0) {
//printf("T31 i,j,k = %d,%d,%d\n",i,j,k);
if(three_body_energies && evflag) {
tr3 = transtrace(T31->H1H2,T31->H1H2);
double dvir = (2.0*(dvir_ki + dvir_ij)*splinepot.vd +
vir3v = vir3v + dvir;
xvir3v = xvir3v + dvir;
const double vd = splinepot.vd;
if(linalg.single) {
trd1x = utr1x.f; trd2x = utr2x.f;
trd1y = utr1y.f; trd2y = utr2y.f;
trd1z = utr1z.f; trd2z = utr2z.f;
} else {
trd1x = utr1x.d; trd2x = utr2x.d;
trd1y = utr1y.d; trd2y = utr2y.d;
trd1z = utr1z.d; trd2z = utr2z.d;
dfjx = 2.0*( sij)*trd1x * (vd / anorm4);
dfkx = 2.0*(-ski)*trd2x * (vd / anorm4);
dfix = -(dfjx + dfkx);
dfjy = 2.0*( sij)*trd1y * (vd / anorm4);
dfky = 2.0*(-ski)*trd2y * (vd / anorm4);
dfiy = -(dfjy + dfky);
dfjz = 2.0*( sij)*trd1z * (vd / anorm4);
dfkz = 2.0*(-ski)*trd2z * (vd / anorm4);
dfiz = -(dfjz + dfkz);
if(triplet_debug) /* Compare forces to numerical derivatives */
force_debug_3v(xx,i,j,k, i,j,k,
v33 = tr0 / anorm3;
v43 = (tr1 + tr2 + tr3) / anorm4;
double de_triplet = (*v33 + splinepot.vd*v43) * e_scale * w3;
e_triplet = e_triplet + de_triplet;
e_triplet_c = e_triplet_c +*v33 * e_scale * w3;
//printf("xxxx %6d %6d %6d :: %20.10e\n",1,2,3,de_triplet);
if(evflag) {
double drji[3],drki[3];
double fj[3] = {fjx,fjy,fjz},fk[3] = {fkx,fky,fkz};
for(int p = 0; p<3; p++) {
drji[p] = xx[j][p] - xx[i][p];
drki[p] = xx[k][p] - xx[i][p];
/* To fix stress-per-atom scaling. */
fj[p] *= e_scale;
fk[p] *= e_scale;
if(volpres_flag && vflag_atom) {
//virial[i] = virial[i] - (vir3v + vir3t) * rhoinv*e_scale;
double dvir = -(xvir3v + xvir3t) * rhoinv*e_scale * (1.0/3.0);
for(int pp = 0; pp<3; pp++) {
vatom[i][pp] += dvir;
vatom[j][pp] += dvir;
vatom[k][pp] += dvir;
fix = fix+fsave[0][0]; fiy = fiy+fsave[0][1]; fiz = fiz+fsave[0][2];
fjx = fjx+fsave[1][0]; fjy = fjy+fsave[1][1]; fjz = fjz+fsave[1][2];
fkx = fkx+fsave[2][0]; fky = fky+fsave[2][1]; fkz = fkz+fsave[2][2];
tx1 = gettime();
ttriplet += tx1 - tx0;
} else {
triplet_defer = 1;
if(four_body_energies || four_body_forces)
if(j < i) { /* Search for quadruplet */
tx0 = gettime();
mj = first[j];
mk = first[k];
i is in both the j-list and the k-list, and i > k,
and lists are sorted, so the loop terminates.
while(nlist_short[mj] < i && nlist_short[mk] < i) {
if(mj >= first[j+1] || mk >= first[k+1]) {
printf("Illegal quad...\n"
" j=%d first[j]=%d first[j+1]=%d mj=%d\n"
" k=%d first[k]=%d first[k+1]=%d mk=%d\n",
error->one(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Shit, brkoen quad loop");
if(nlist_short[mj] == nlist_short[mk]) {
/* Closed quadruplet */
m = nlist_short[mj];
c_jm = c_km = 1;
const int sim = (i < m) ? 1 : -1;
const int sjm = (j < m) ? 1 : -1;
const int skm = (k < m) ? 1 : -1;
w4 = get_weight(triclinic,ss[i],ss[j],ss[k],ss[m]);
if(w4 > 0.0) {
/* Alrady know ij,jk,ki,jm,km bonds. Look for im bond. */
mi = first[i];
while(mi < first[i+1] && nlist_short[mi] < m) mi = mi + 1;
if(mi < first[i+1] && nlist_short[mi] == m)
c_im = 1;
c_im = 0;
if(c_im == 0 || c_jk == 0 || (c_jk && c_im && m < k)) {
if(triplet_defer) {
dvir_ij = dvir_jk = dvir_ki = 0.0;
if(c_ij && c_jk)
T12 = get_triplet(xx,j,i,k,&bond_hash,&T12work,&dvir_ij,&dvir_jk);
if(c_ki && c_jk)
T23 = get_triplet(xx,k,i,j,&bond_hash,&T23work,&dvir_ki,&dvir_jk);
if(c_ij && c_ki)
T31 = get_triplet(xx,i,j,k,&bond_hash,&T31work,&dvir_ij,&dvir_ki);
triplet_defer = 0;
fmx = fmy = fmz = 0.0;
double xvir4 = 0.0;
if(evflag) {
fsave[0][0] = fix; fsave[0][1] = fiy; fsave[0][2] = fiz;
fsave[1][0] = fjx; fsave[1][1] = fjy; fsave[1][2] = fjz;
fsave[2][0] = fkx; fsave[2][1] = fky; fsave[2][2] = fkz;
fsave[3][0] = fmx; fsave[3][1] = fmy; fsave[3][2] = fmz;
fix = fiy = fiz = 0.0;
fjx = fjy = fjz = 0.0;
fkx = fky = fkz = 0.0;
fmx = fmy = fmz = 0.0;
tr1 = tr2 = tr3 = 0.0;
dvir_im = dvir_jm = dvir_km = 0.0;
T45 = T56 = T64 = 0;
if(T12 != 0 && c_km && c_im)
T45 = get_triplet(xx,m,i,k,&bond_hash,&T45work,&dvir_im,&dvir_km);
if(T23 != 0 && c_im && c_jm)
T56 = get_triplet(xx,m,i,j,&bond_hash,&T56work,&dvir_im,&dvir_jm);
if(T31 != 0 && c_jm && c_km)
T64 = get_triplet(xx,m,j,k,&bond_hash,&T64work,&dvir_jm,&dvir_km);
if(T12 != 0 && T45 != 0) {
if(four_body_energies && evflag) {
tr1 = transtrace(T12->H1H2,T45->H1H2);
double dvir = ( (dvir_ij + dvir_jk + dvir_im + dvir_km)* +
splinepot.dve )*tr1*w4/anorm4;
vir4 = vir4 + dvir;
xvir4 = xvir4 + dvir;
const double ve =;
if(quad_debug) /* Compare forces to numerical derivatives */
force_debug_4(xx,i,j,k,m, i,j,k,m,
dfix,dfiy,dfiz , dfjx,dfjy,dfjz,
dfkx,dfky,dfkz , dfmx,dfmy,dfmz);
if(T23 != 0 && T56 != 0) {
if(four_body_energies && evflag) {
tr2 = transtrace(T23->H1H2,T56->H1H2);
double dvir = ( (dvir_ki + dvir_jk + dvir_im + dvir_jm)* +
splinepot.dve )*tr2*w4/anorm4;
vir4 = vir4 + dvir;
xvir4 = xvir4 + dvir;
const double ve =;
if(quad_debug) /* Compare forces to numerical derivatives */
force_debug_4(xx,i,j,k,m, i,m,j,k,
dfix,dfiy,dfiz , dfjx,dfjy,dfjz,
dfkx,dfky,dfkz , dfmx,dfmy,dfmz);
if(T31 != 0 && T64 != 0) {
if(four_body_energies && evflag) {
tr3 = transtrace(T31->H1H2,T64->H1H2);
double dvir = ( (dvir_ki + dvir_ij + dvir_jm + dvir_km)* +
splinepot.dve )*tr3*w4/anorm4;
vir4 = vir4 + dvir;
xvir4 = xvir4 + dvir;
const double ve =;
/* X */
if(quad_debug) /* Compare forces to numerical derivatives */
force_debug_4(xx,i,j,k,m, i,j,m,k,
dfix,dfiy,dfiz , dfjx,dfjy,dfjz,
dfkx,dfky,dfkz , dfmx,dfmy,dfmz);
double de_quad =*(tr1 + tr2 + tr3)/anorm4 * e_scale * w4;
e_quad = e_quad + de_quad;
if((T12 && T45) ||
(T23 && T56) ||
(T31 && T64)) {
if(evflag) {
double drim[3],drjm[3],drkm[3];
double fi[3] = {fix,fiy,fiz};
double fj[3] = {fjx,fjy,fjz};
double fk[3] = {fkx,fky,fkz};
for(int p = 0; p<3; p++) {
drim[p] = xx[i][p] - xx[m][p];
drjm[p] = xx[j][p] - xx[m][p];
drkm[p] = xx[k][p] - xx[m][p];
fi[p] *= e_scale;
fj[p] *= e_scale;
fk[p] *= e_scale;
if(volpres_flag && vflag_atom) {
//virial[i] = virial[i] - vir4 * rhoinv*e_scale;
double dvir = -xvir4 * rhoinv*e_scale * (1.0/4.0);
for(int pp = 0; pp<3; pp++) {
vatom[i][pp] += dvir;
vatom[j][pp] += dvir;
vatom[k][pp] += dvir;
vatom[m][pp] += dvir;
fix = fix+fsave[0][0]; fiy = fiy+fsave[0][1]; fiz = fiz+fsave[0][2];
fjx = fjx+fsave[1][0]; fjy = fjy+fsave[1][1]; fjz = fjz+fsave[1][2];
fkx = fkx+fsave[2][0]; fky = fky+fsave[2][1]; fkz = fkz+fsave[2][2];
fmx = fmx+fsave[3][0]; fmy = fmy+fsave[3][1]; fmz = fmz+fsave[3][2];
ff[m][0] += fmx * e_scale;
ff[m][1] += fmy * e_scale;
ff[m][2] += fmz * e_scale;
mj = mj + 1;
mk = mk + 1;
} else if(nlist_short[mj] < nlist_short[mk]) {
mj = mj + 1;
} else {
mk = mk + 1;
tx1 = gettime();
tquad += tx1 - tx0;
ff[k][0] += fkx * e_scale;
ff[k][1] += fky * e_scale;
ff[k][2] += fkz * e_scale;
#undef transtrace
ff[j][0] += fjx * e_scale;
ff[j][1] += fjy * e_scale;
ff[j][2] += fjz * e_scale;
ff[i][0] += fix * e_scale;
ff[i][1] += fiy * e_scale;
ff[i][2] += fiz * e_scale;
if(single_energies == 1 && i < nloc) {
const double evol0 = splinepot.evol0;
if(eflag_global) {
e_single = e_single + evol0 * e_scale;
eng_vdwl = eng_vdwl + evol0 * e_scale;
if(eflag_atom) eatom[i] = eatom[i] + evol0 * e_scale;
if(volpres_flag && vflag_atom) {
for(int pp = 0; pp<3; pp++)
vatom[i][pp] = vatom[i][pp] - rhoinv*splinepot.devol0*e_scale;
tx0 = gettime();
for(i = 0; i<ntot; i++)
for(p = 0; p<3; p++)
atom->f[i][p] = atom->f[i][p] + ff[i][p];
if(ss != xx) memory->sfree(ss);
tx1 = gettime();
tmem += tx1-tx0;
t1 = gettime(1);
//printf("compute_x: c_p = %d c_t = %d c_q = %d\n",c_p,c_t,c_q);
#ifdef TIMING_ON
if(comm->me == 0) {
double tsum = (tmem+tsort+tpair+tlookup+ttriplet+tquad);
double nsum = (ntmem+ntsort+ntpair+ntlookup+nttriplet+ntquad);
//double adj = ((t1-t0)-tsum)/nsum;
/* Use adj = 6ns for RDTSC, and 58ns for gettimeofday,
on, 2.4GHz Intel
Use adj = 35.945ns for RDTSC on uBGL (assumed rate set to 700MHz)
double adj = 35.945e-9;
memadj = tmem - adj*ntmem ,
sortadj = tsort - adj*ntsort ,
pairadj = tpair - adj*ntpair ,
lookupadj = tlookup - adj*ntlookup ,
tripletadj = ttriplet - adj*nttriplet,
quadadj = tquad - adj*ntquad ,
make_b_adj = t_make_b - adj*n_make,
make_t_adj = t_make_t - adj*n_make,
make_b2_adj = t_make_b2 - adj*n_make_b2,
trace_adj = t_trace - adj*n_trace;
printf("mgpt engy = %10.3fms\n",(t1-t0)*1e3);
printf(" mem = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n",
printf(" sort = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n",
printf(" pair = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n",
printf(" lookup = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n",
printf(" triplet = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n",
printf(" quad = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n",
printf(" sum = %10.3fms adj = %10.3fms\n",
tsum*1e3,(tsum - adj*nsum)*1e3);
printf("\n make_b = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n",
printf(" make_b2 = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n",
printf(" make_t = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n\n",
printf(" trace = %10.3fms n = %8.0f adj = %10.3fms one = %10.3fns\n\n",
printf("mcount (transpose + trace for triplet) = %.0f , %.0f qcount = %.0f lmax = %d\n",
printf("nbc=%.0f tbl=%.3fms tbm=%.3fms one tbl=%.3fns one tbm=%.3fns\n",
printf("fix = %.3f fiy=%.3f fiz=%.3f\n",fix,fiy,fiz);
printf("fjx = %.3f fjy=%.3f fjz=%.3f\n",fjx,fjy,fjz);
printf("fkx = %.3f fky=%.3f fkz=%.3f\n",fkx,fky,fkz);
printf("Bonds : nsearch=%d maxlen=%d avg.len=%.3f\n",
bond_hash.NStep()/(double) bond_hash.NSearch());
printf("compute_x: c_p = %d c_t = %d c_q = %d\n",c_p,c_t,c_q);
printf("@@ Total number of trace3 calls is %d, total number of make_triplet is %.1f\n",
Hash<bond_data,Doublet>::Iterator iter = bond_hash.begin();
int nitem = 0,nhit = 0;
while(iter != bond_hash.end()) {
nhit +=>hits;;
printf("bond_hash hits: nitems=%d nhits=%d hits/item = %.3f\n",
nitem,nhit,nhit/(double) nitem);
if(volpres_flag) {
Include contributions to the pressure due to derivatines
of the energy with respect to the potential input volume.
/* The following lines have moved to beginning of functions,
since they are used in calculating per-atom virial contributions */
double vtot = 1.0;
double ntot = atom->natoms;
for(i = 0; i<3; i++)
vtot = vtot * (domain->boxhi[i] - domain->boxlo[i]);
double rhoinv = vtot / ntot;
if(single_energies) // Virial correction for self energy
for(i = 0; i<3; i++) {
//virial[i] = virial[i] + nloc*pot_input_vol*pvol0*e_scale;
virial[i] = virial[i] - nloc*rhoinv*splinepot.devol0*e_scale;
if(pair_energies) // Virial correction for pair energy
for(i = 0; i<3; i++)
virial[i] = virial[i] + rhoinv*e_scale*volvir2;
if(three_body_energies) // Virial correction for three body enegries
for(i = 0; i<3; i++) {
//virial[i] = virial[i] - pot_input_vol*(e_triplet_c*pc + (e_triplet-e_triplet_c)*pd);
virial[i] = virial[i] - (vir3v + vir3t) * rhoinv*e_scale;
if(four_body_energies) // Virial correction for four body enegries
for(i = 0; i<3; i++) {
//virial[i] = virial[i] - pot_input_vol*e_quad*pe;
virial[i] = virial[i] - vir4 * rhoinv*e_scale;
*e_s = e_single;
*e_p = e_pair;
*e_t = e_triplet;
*e_q = e_quad;
void PairMGPT::compute(int eflag, int vflag)
if(eflag || vflag) ev_setup(eflag, vflag);
else evflag = vflag_fdotr = eflag_global = vflag_global = eflag_atom = vflag_atom = 0;
int newton_pair = force->newton_pair;
double e_s,e_p,e_t,e_q;
//printf("newton_pair = %d, newton = %d, tag_enable = %d\n",force->newton_pair,force->newton,atom->tag_enable);
if(newton_pair == 0) {
printf("This is a problem. MGPT requires newton_pair flag to be on. Exiting...\n");
if(atom->tag_enable == 0) {
printf("This is a problem. MGPT requires tag_enable flag to be on. Exiting...\n");
if(0) { // Stupid force calculation / verification
int ii,nmax=-1;
for(ii = 0; ii<listfull->inum + listfull->gnum; ii++) {
int i = listfull->ilist[ii];
if(i > nmax) nmax = i;
double *ffwork = new double[3*nmax];
double *ffloc = new double[3*listfull->inum];
double *ffloc2 = new double[3*listfull->inum];
double **ffptr = new double *[nmax];
for(ii = 0; ii<listfull->inum + listfull->gnum; ii++)
ffptr[ii] = &ffwork[3*ii];
printf("Computing boundary forces\n");
for(ii = 0; ii<listfull->inum; ii++) {
ffloc2[3*ii] = 0.0;
ffloc2[3*ii+1] = 0.0;
ffloc2[3*ii+2] = 0.0;
int i = listfull->ilist[ii];
for(int jj = 0; jj<listfull->inum+listfull->gnum; jj++) {
int j = listfull->ilist[jj];
if(atom->tag[i] == atom->tag[j])
for(int p = 0; p<3; p++)
ffloc2[3*ii+p] += atom->f[j][p];
printf("Starting main displacement force calculation\n");
for(ii = 0; ii<listfull->inum; ii++) {
int i = listfull->ilist[ii];
double **atom_f_save = atom->f;
atom->f = ffptr;
for(int p = 0; p<3; p++) {
double xsave = atom->x[i][p];
const double delta = 1e-3;
atom->x[i][p] = xsave + delta;
for(int jj = 0; jj<3*nmax; jj++) ffwork[jj] = 0.0;
double e1 = e_s + e_p + e_t + e_q;
atom->x[i][p] = xsave - delta;
for(int jj = 0; jj<3*nmax; jj++) ffwork[jj] = 0.0;
double e2 = e_s + e_p + e_t + e_q;
ffloc[3*ii+p] = -(e1-e2)/(2*delta);
atom->x[i][p] = xsave;
atom->f = atom_f_save;
printf("Force on i=%4d:\n",i);
printf(" Position %20.10e %20.10e %20.10e\n",
printf(" Exact %20.10e %20.10e %20.10e\n",
printf(" Numerical %20.10e %20.10e %20.10e\n",
printf(" Boundary %20.10e %20.10e %20.10e\n",
delete[] ffloc2;
delete[] ffloc;
delete[] ffptr;
delete[] ffwork;
if(0) {
printf("\nForces MGPT:\n");
const int iimax = (listfull->inum < 10) ? listfull->inum : 10;
for(int ii = 0; ii<iimax; ii++) {
int i = listfull->ilist[ii];
printf("%4d = %20.10e %20.10e %20.10e\n",
if(vflag_fdotr) {
//printf("##### Using virial_compute!!!\n");
void PairMGPT::allocate()
allocated = 1;
int n = atom->ntypes;
for(int i = 0; i <= n; i++)
for(int j = 0; j <= n; j++)
setflag[i][j] = 0;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
global settings
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairMGPT::settings(int narg, char **arg)
if(narg != 0) error->all(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Illegal pair_style command");
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
set coeffs for one or more type pairs
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairMGPT::coeff(int narg, char **arg)
int single_precision = 0;
if(narg < 5)
"Not enough arguments for mgpt (MGPT) pair coefficients.");
if(!allocated) allocate();
// Make sure I,J args are * *
if(strcmp(arg[0],"*") != 0 || strcmp(arg[1],"*") != 0)
error->all(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
double vol;
if(sscanf(arg[4], "%lg", &vol) != 1 || vol <= 0.0)
error->all(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Invalid volume in mgpt (MGPT) pair coefficients.");
volpres_flag = 1;
single_precision = 0;
/* Parse arguments */ {
int volpres_tag = 0,precision_tag = 0,nbody_tag = 0;
int iarg = 5;
while (iarg < narg) {
if(strcmp(arg[iarg],"volpress") == 0) { /* Volumetric pressure flag */
if (iarg+2 > narg)
error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
if(strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"yes") == 0) volpres_flag = 1;
else if(strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"no") == 0) volpres_flag = 0;
else {
char line[1024];
sprintf(line,"(In %s:%d) Invalid value for volumetric pressure argument.\n"
"It should be \"volpress yes\" or \"volpress no\".\n"
"The value is \"%s\".\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,arg[iarg+1]);
volpres_tag = 1;
iarg += 2;
if(comm->me == 0) printf("* volpress: volpres_flag = %d [%s %s]\n",volpres_flag,arg[iarg-2],arg[iarg-1]);
} else if(strcmp(arg[iarg],"nbody") == 0) {
if (iarg+2 > narg)
error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
if(strspn(arg[iarg+1],"1234") == strlen(arg[iarg+1])) {
nbody_flag = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<4; i++)
if(strchr(arg[iarg+1],'1'+i) != NULL) {
nbody_flag = nbody_flag + (1<<i);
if(comm->me == 0) printf("Explicitly adding %d-tuple forces.\n",i+1);
} else {
char line[1024];
sprintf(line,"(In %s:%d) Invalid value for nbody flag.\n"
"It should be e.g. \"nbody=1234\" (for single, pair, triple, and quad forces/energiers)\n"
"For e.g. only pair and triple forces/energies, use \"nbody=23\".\n"
"The default is \"nbody=1234\".\n"
"The current value is \"%s\".\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,arg[iarg+1]);
nbody_tag = 1;
iarg += 2;
} else if(strcmp(arg[iarg],"precision") == 0) {
if (iarg+2 > narg)
error->all(FLERR,"Incorrect args for pair coefficients");
if(strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"single") == 0) single_precision = 1;
else if(strcmp(arg[iarg+1],"double") == 0) single_precision = 0;
else {
char line[1024];
sprintf(line,"(In %s:%d) Invalid value for precision argument.\n"
"It should be \"precision single\" or \"precision double\".\n"
"The value is \"%s\".\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,arg[iarg+1]);
precision_tag = 1;
iarg += 2;
if(comm->me == 0) printf("* precision: single_flag = %d [%s %s]\n",single_precision,arg[iarg-2],arg[iarg-1]);
} else {
char line[1024];
sprintf(line,"(In %s:%d) Invalid argument. Allowed arguments are:\n"
" volpress {yes|no} , default = yes\n"
" precision {single|double} , default = double\n"
" nbody {[1234,]*} , default = whichever terms potential require\n"
"The invalid argument is \"%s\".\n",__FILE__,__LINE__,arg[iarg]);
if(comm->me == 0)
printf("Volumetric pressure is %s.\n",volpres_flag ? "on" : "off");
if(comm->me == 0) {
FILE *parmin_fp = force->open_potential(arg[2]);
FILE *potin_fp = force->open_potential(arg[3]);
if (parmin_fp == NULL || potin_fp == NULL) {
char str[128];
sprintf(str,"Cannot open MGPT potential files %s %s",arg[2],arg[3]);
printf("evol0 = %.10e\n",splinepot.evol0);
/* Set up default and requested nbody forces to include */ {
int nbody_default = (1<<0) + (1<<1) + (1<<2) + (1<<3);
if(splinepot.vd == 0.0 && splinepot.dvd == 0.0)
nbody_default -= (1<<2); // No 3-body contributions
if( == 0.0 && splinepot.dve == 0.0)
nbody_default -= (1<<3); // No 4-body contributions
if(nbody_tag == 0) nbody_flag = nbody_default;
if(nbody_flag != nbody_default) {
printf("Warning: nbody=%d (suggested=%d) set to disregard multibody-forces in potential.\n",
Broadcast structure to all processes. In receiving
processes, pointes will be screwed up. We allocate
memory, and then broadcast contents of arrays.
if(comm->me != 0) {
splinepot.vpair_spline = new double[][4];
splinepot.dvpair_spline = new double[][4];
anorm3 = splinepot.anorm3;
anorm4 = splinepot.anorm4;
lmax = splinepot.lmax;
lang = splinepot.lang;
//ipot = splinepot.ipot;
for(int i = 0; i<(int) (sizeof(ddl)/sizeof(double)); i++)
ddl[i] = splinepot.ddl[i];
for(int i = 0; i<lmax; i++) {
for(int j = 0; j<lmax; j++)
del0.m[i+1][j+1] = 0.0;
del0.m[i+1][i+1] = 1.0;
/* Set matrix param, cutoff, LAMMPS param */
Matrix::sz = lmax;
rcrit = splinepot.rcrit;
rmax = splinepot.rmax;
cutoff = rmax;
if(rcrit > rmax) cutoff = rcrit;
// Set LAMMPS pair interaction flags.
for(int i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++) {
for(int j = 1; j <= atom->ntypes; j++) {
setflag[i][j] = 1;
cutsq[i][j] = cutoff;
cutghost[i][j] = cutoff;
// Set atomic mass.
for(int i = 1; i <= atom->ntypes; i++)
atom->set_mass(i, splinepot.mass);
// Initialize linear algebra routines.
linalg = mgpt_linalg(lmax,single_precision);
if(comm->me == 0)
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
init specific to this pair style
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairMGPT::init_style()
if(force->newton_pair == 0)
error->all(__FILE__,__LINE__,"Pair style mgpt requires newton pair on.");
// Need full neighbor list.
int irequest_full = neighbor->request(this);
neighbor->requests[irequest_full]->id = 1;
neighbor->requests[irequest_full]->half = 0;
neighbor->requests[irequest_full]->full = 1;
neighbor->requests[irequest_full]->ghost = 1;
// Also need half neighbor list.
int irequest_half = neighbor->request(this);
neighbor->requests[irequest_half]->id = 2;
neighbor->requests[irequest_half]->half = 0;
neighbor->requests[irequest_half]->half_from_full = 1;
neighbor->requests[irequest_half]->otherlist = irequest_full;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
neighbor callback to inform pair style of neighbor list to use
half or full
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void PairMGPT::init_list(int id, NeighList *ptr)
if(id == 1) listfull = ptr;
else if(id == 2) listhalf = ptr;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
init for one type pair i,j and corresponding j,i
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
double PairMGPT::init_one(int i, int j)
return cutoff;
Reimplementation of bond length potential, including
derivatives with respect to x,y, and z.
void PairMGPT::fl_deriv_new(double r,double ri,double xhat,double yhat,double zhat,
double &fl_0,double &fl_x,double &fl_y,double &fl_z,
double &fl_rp,double &fl_p1,double &fl_r0,double &fl_al) {
const double rp = splinepot.rp,p1 = splinepot.p1,r0 = splinepot.r00,al =;
const int mode = splinepot.mode;
const double pn =;
double t,tx,ty,tz,t_rp_ti,t_p1_ti;
double s;
// Original code
double term;
double pn=1.0;
if (mode <= 4)
term = pow(rp/r, p1);
term = exp(-p1*(pow(r/rp, pn) - 1.0)/pn);
double rpi = 1.0/rp;
if(mode <= 4) {
t = pow(rp*ri,p1);
s = -p1 * t * ri;
t_rp_ti = p1*rpi;
t_p1_ti = log(rp*ri);
} else {
if(pn == 1.0) {
double p1_rpi = -p1*rpi;
t = exp(p1 + r*p1_rpi);
s = p1_rpi * t;
t_rp_ti = -r*p1_rpi*rpi;
t_p1_ti = 1.0 - r*rpi;
} else {
double pni = 1.0/pn;
double rprpn = pow(r*rpi,pn);
t = exp(-p1*pni*(rprpn - 1.0));
s = -p1*rprpn*ri * t;
t_rp_ti = p1*rprpn*rpi;
t_p1_ti = pni - pni*rprpn;// -pni*(rprpn - 1.0);
tx = s * xhat;
ty = s * yhat;
tz = s * zhat;
fl_rp = t_rp_ti;
fl_p1 = t_p1_ti;
if (r <= r0) {
fl_0 = t;
fl_x = tx;
fl_y = ty;
fl_z = tz;
fl_r0 = 0.0;
fl_al = 0.0;
} else {
double q,qx,qy,qz,exp_q,q_r0,q_al;
double r0i,u;
r0i = 1.0/r0;
u = r*r0i - 1.0;
q = al*u*u;
s = 2*al*u*r0i;
qx = s * xhat;
qy = s * yhat;
qz = s * zhat;
q_r0 = -2.0*al*u*r*r0i*r0i;
q_al = u*u;
exp_q = exp(-q);
if(mode <= 2) {
fl_0 = exp_q * t;
fl_x = exp_q*(tx - t*qx);
fl_y = exp_q*(ty - t*qy);
fl_z = exp_q*(tz - t*qz);
fl_r0 = -q_r0;
fl_al = -q_al;
} else {
fl_0 = exp_q * (1.0 + q) * t;
fl_x = exp_q * (tx + q*(tx - t*qx));
fl_y = exp_q * (ty + q*(ty - t*qy));
fl_z = exp_q * (tz + q*(tz - t*qz));
fl_r0 = -q_r0 * q/(1.0 + q);
fl_al = -q_al * q/(1.0 + q);
Macros to build elements of the bond matrix, and also
its derivatives with repsect to x,y, and z.
#define MAKE_ELEMENT_5(i,j) \
do { \
const double dl0 = del0.m[i][j]; \
const double dl4 = gsl_##i * gsl_##j; \
const double dl4x = gsl_##i##x * gsl_##j + gsl_##i * gsl_##j##x; \
const double dl4y = gsl_##i##y * gsl_##j + gsl_##i * gsl_##j##y; \
const double dl4z = gsl_##i##z * gsl_##j + gsl_##i * gsl_##j##z; \
const double tmp = w4*dl4 + w2*dl2 + w0*dl0; \
const double tmpx = w4*dl4x + w2*dl2x; \
const double tmpy = w4*dl4y + w2*dl2y; \
const double tmpz = w4*dl4z + w2*dl2z; \
const double tmpsum = tmpx*x + tmpy*y + tmpz*z; \
M [i][j] = fl *tmp; \
Mx[i][j] = fl_x*tmp + fl_ri*(tmpx - x*tmpsum); \
My[i][j] = fl_y*tmp + fl_ri*(tmpy - y*tmpsum); \
Mz[i][j] = fl_z*tmp + fl_ri*(tmpz - z*tmpsum); \
if (i != j) { \
M[j][i] = M[i][j]; Mx[j][i] = Mx[i][j]; \
My[j][i] = My[i][j]; Mz[j][i] = Mz[i][j]; \
} \
} while(0)
#define MAKE_ELEMENT_7(i,j) \
do { \
const double dl0 = del0.m[i][j]; \
const double dl6 = gsl_##i * gsl_##j; \
const double dl6x = gsl_##i##x * gsl_##j + gsl_##i * gsl_##j##x; \
const double dl6y = gsl_##i##y * gsl_##j + gsl_##i * gsl_##j##y; \
const double dl6z = gsl_##i##z * gsl_##j + gsl_##i * gsl_##j##z; \
const double tmp = w6*dl6 + w4*dl4 + w2*dl2 + w0*dl0; \
const double tmpx = w6*dl6x + w4*dl4x + w2*dl2x; \
const double tmpy = w6*dl6y + w4*dl4y + w2*dl2y; \
const double tmpz = w6*dl6z + w4*dl4z + w2*dl2z; \
const double tmpsum = tmpx*x + tmpy*y + tmpz*z; \
M [i][j] = fl *tmp; \
Mx[i][j] = fl_x*tmp + fl_ri*(tmpx - x*tmpsum); \
My[i][j] = fl_y*tmp + fl_ri*(tmpy - y*tmpsum); \
Mz[i][j] = fl_z*tmp + fl_ri*(tmpz - z*tmpsum); \
if (i != j) { \
M[j][i] = M[i][j]; Mx[j][i] = Mx[i][j]; \
My[j][i] = My[i][j]; Mz[j][i] = Mz[i][j]; \
} \
} while(0)
/* End of bond matrix macros */
Construction of bond matrix, and its derivatives
with respect to the coordinates
void PairMGPT::hamltn_5_raw(const double xin,const double yin,const double zin,
double M [8][8],double Mx[8][8],
double My[8][8],double Mz[8][8],
double *fl_deriv_sum_p) {
const double r = sqrt(xin*xin + yin*yin + zin*zin),ri = 1.0/r;
const double x = xin*ri,y = yin*ri,z = zin*ri;
// d-d
// call delndd(x,y,z)
const double x2 = x*x,y2 = y*y,z2 = z*z;
const double xy = x*y,xz = x*z,yz = y*z;
const double sr3 = sqrt(3.0),sr3i = 1.0/sr3;
const double frac_1_3 = 1.0/3.0,frac_2_3 = 2.0/3.0,frac_4_3 = 4.0/3.0;
const double ddl_1 = ddl[1],ddl_2 = ddl[2],ddl_3 = ddl[3];
const double w4 = ddl_1 - frac_4_3*ddl_2 + frac_1_3*ddl_3;
const double w2 = ddl_2 - ddl_3;
const double w0 = ddl_2;
double gsl_1 ,gsl_2 ,gsl_3 ,gsl_4 ,gsl_5;
double gsl_1x,gsl_2x,gsl_3x,gsl_4x,gsl_5x;
double gsl_1y,gsl_2y,gsl_3y,gsl_4y,gsl_5y;
double gsl_1z,gsl_2z,gsl_3z,gsl_4z,gsl_5z;
double dl2,dl2x,dl2y,dl2z;
double fl,fl_x,fl_y,fl_z,fl_ri;
double fl_rp,fl_p1,fl_r0,fl_al;
gsl_1 = 0.5*(3.0*z2 - 1.0);
gsl_1x = 0.0;
gsl_1y = 0.0;
gsl_1z = 3.0*z;
gsl_2 = sr3*xz;
gsl_2x = sr3*z;
gsl_2y = 0.0;
gsl_2z = sr3*x;
gsl_3 = sr3*yz;
gsl_3x = 0.0;
gsl_3y = sr3*z;
gsl_3z = sr3*y;
gsl_4 = sr3*(x2 - y2)*0.5;
gsl_4x = sr3*x;
gsl_4y = -sr3*y;
gsl_4z = 0.0;
gsl_5 = sr3*xy;
gsl_5x = sr3*y;
gsl_5y = sr3*x;
gsl_5z = 0.0;
// Compute bond length potential
fl_deriv_new(r,ri,x,y,z,fl,fl_x,fl_y,fl_z , fl_rp,fl_p1,fl_r0,fl_al);
fl_ri = fl*ri;
*fl_deriv_sum_p =
fl_rp*splinepot.drp + fl_p1*splinepot.dp1 +
fl_r0*splinepot.dr00 + fl_al*splinepot.dal;
// del2
//del2.m[1][1] = z2 - 2.0/3.0;
dl2 = z2 - frac_2_3;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 2*z;
//del2.m[1][2] = xz/sr3;
dl2 = xz*sr3i;
dl2x = z*sr3i;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = x*sr3i;
//del2.m[1][3] = yz/sr3;
dl2 = yz*sr3i;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = z*sr3i;
dl2z = y*sr3i;
//del2.m[1][4] = -(x2 - y2)*sr3i;
dl2 = -(x2 - y2)*sr3i;
dl2x = -2.0*sr3i*x;
dl2y = 2.0*sr3i*y;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del2.m[1][5] = -2.0*xy*sr3i;
dl2 = -2.0*xy*sr3i;
dl2x = -2.0*y*sr3i;
dl2y = -2.0*x*sr3i;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del2.m[2][2] = -y2;
dl2 = -y2;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = -2.0*y;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del2.m[2][3] = xy;
dl2 = xy;
dl2x = y;
dl2y = x;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del2.m[2][4] = xz;
dl2 = xz;
dl2x = z;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = x;
//del2.m[2][5] = yz;
dl2 = yz;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = z;
dl2z = y;
//del2.m[3][3] = -x2;
dl2 = -x2;
dl2x = -2.0*x;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del2.m[3][4] = -yz;
dl2 = -yz;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = -z;
dl2z = -y;
//del2.m[3][5] = xz;
dl2 = xz;
dl2x = z;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = x;
//del2.m[4][4] = -z2;
dl2 = -z2;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = -2.0*z;
//del2.m[4][5] = 0.0;
dl2 = 0.0;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del2.m[5][5] = -z2;
dl2 = -z2;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = -2.0*z;
void PairMGPT::hamltn_7_raw(const double xin,const double yin,const double zin,
double M [8][8],double Mx[8][8],
double My[8][8],double Mz[8][8],
double *fl_deriv_sum_p) {
const double r = sqrt(xin*xin + yin*yin + zin*zin),ri = 1.0/r;
const double x = xin*ri,y = yin*ri,z = zin*ri;
// d-d
// call delndd(x,y,z)
const double x2 = x*x,y2 = y*y,z2 = z*z;
const double xy = x*y,xz = x*z,yz = y*z;
const double x4 = x2*x2,y4 = y2*y2;
//const double sr3 = sqrt(3.0);//,sr3i = 1.0/sr3;
//const double frac_1_3 = 1.0/3.0,frac_2_3 = 2.0/3.0,frac_4_3 = 4.0/3.0;
const double sr01 = sqrt(0.1);
const double sr015 = sqrt(0.15);
const double sr024 = sqrt(0.24);
const double sr0375 = sqrt(0.375);
const double sr06 = sqrt(0.6);
const double sr0625 = sqrt(0.625);
const double sr09 = sqrt(0.9);
const double sr15 = sqrt(1.5);
const double sr24 = sqrt(2.4);
const double sr36 = sqrt(3.6);
const double sr375 = sqrt(3.75);
const double sr96 = sqrt(9.6);
const double sr150 = sqrt(15.0);
const double ddl_1 = ddl[1],ddl_2 = ddl[2],ddl_3 = ddl[3],ddl_4 = ddl[4];
const double w6 = ddl_1 - 1.5*ddl_2 + 0.6*ddl_3 - 0.1*ddl_4;
const double w4 = 0.625*ddl_2 - ddl_3 + 0.375*ddl_4;
const double w2 = 0.625*(ddl_2 - ddl_4);
const double w0 = 0.625*ddl_2 + 0.375*ddl_4;
double gsl_1 ,gsl_2 ,gsl_3 ,gsl_4 ,gsl_5 ,gsl_6, gsl_7;
double gsl_1x,gsl_2x,gsl_3x,gsl_4x,gsl_5x,gsl_6x,gsl_7x;
double gsl_1y,gsl_2y,gsl_3y,gsl_4y,gsl_5y,gsl_6y,gsl_7y;
double gsl_1z,gsl_2z,gsl_3z,gsl_4z,gsl_5z,gsl_6z,gsl_7z;
double dl2,dl2x,dl2y,dl2z;
double dl4,dl4x,dl4y,dl4z;
double t1;
double fl,fl_x,fl_y,fl_z,fl_ri;
double fl_rp,fl_p1,fl_r0,fl_al;
//gslf[1] = 0.5*(5.0*n2 - 3.0)*n;
gsl_1 = 0.5*(5.0*z2 - 3.0)*z;
gsl_1x = 0.0;
gsl_1y = 0.0;
gsl_1z = 7.5*z2 - 1.5;
//gslf[2] = sr0375*(5.0*n2 - 1.0)*l;
gsl_2 = sr0375*(5.0*z2 - 1.0)*x;
gsl_2x = sr0375*(5.0*z2 - 1.0);
gsl_2y = 0.0;
gsl_2z = sr0375*10.0*xz;
//gslf[3] = sr0375*(5.0*n2 - 1.0)*m;
gsl_3 = sr0375*(5.0*z2 - 1.0)*y;
gsl_3x = 0.0;
gsl_3y = sr0375*(5.0*z2 - 1.0);
gsl_3z = sr0375*10.0*yz;
//gslf[4] = sr375*(l2 - m2)*n;
gsl_4 = sr375*(x2 - y2)*z;
gsl_4x = 2.0*sr375*xz;
gsl_4y = -2.0*sr375*yz;
gsl_4z = sr375*(x2 - y2);
//gslf[5] = sr150*lm*n;
gsl_5 = sr150*xy*z;
gsl_5x = sr150*yz;
gsl_5y = sr150*xz;
gsl_5z = sr150*xy;
//gslf[6] = sr0625*(l2 - 3.0*m2)*l;
gsl_6 = sr0625*(x2 - 3.0*y2)*x;
gsl_6x = 3.0*sr0625*(x2 - y2);
gsl_6y = -6.0*sr0625*xy;
gsl_6z = 0.0;
//gslf[7] = sr0625*(3.0*l2 - m2)*m;
gsl_7 = sr0625*(3.0*x2 - y2)*y;
gsl_7x = 6.0*sr0625*xy;
gsl_7y = 3.0*sr0625*(x2 - y2);
gsl_7z = 0.0;
// Compute bond length potential
fl_deriv_new(r,ri,x,y,z,fl,fl_x,fl_y,fl_z , fl_rp,fl_p1,fl_r0,fl_al);
fl_ri = fl*ri;
*fl_deriv_sum_p =
fl_rp*splinepot.drp + fl_p1*splinepot.dp1 +
fl_r0*splinepot.dr00 + fl_al*splinepot.dal;
// del2f
//del2f.m[1][1] = 0.4*(3.0*n2 - 1.0);
dl2 = 0.4*(3.0*z2 - 1.0);
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 2.4*z;
//del4f.m[1][1] = 0.60*(5.0*n2 - 4.0)*n2;
dl4 = 0.60*(5.0*z2 - 4.0)*z2;
dl4x = 0.0;
dl4y = 0.0;
dl4z = 0.60*(20.0*z2 - 8.0)*z;
//del2f.m[1][2] = sr024*ln;
dl2 = sr024*xz;
dl2x = sr024*z;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = sr024*x;
//del4f.m[1][2] = sr024*(5.0*n2 - 2.0)*ln;
dl4 = sr024*(5.0*z2 - 2.0)*xz;
dl4x = sr024*(5.0*z2 - 2.0)*z;
dl4y = 0.0;
dl4z = sr024*(15.0*z2 - 2.0)*x;
//del2f.m[1][3] = sr024*mn;
dl2 = sr024*yz;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = sr024*z;
dl2z = sr024*y;
//del4f.m[1][3] = sr024*(5.0*n2 - 2.0)*mn;
dl4 = sr024*(5.0*z2 - 2.0)*yz;
dl4x = 0.0;
dl4y = sr024*(5.0*z2 - 2.0)*z;
dl4z = sr024*(15.0*z2 - 2.0)*y;
//del2f.m[1][4] = -sr06*(l2 - m2);
dl2 = -sr06*(x2 - y2);
dl2x = -2.0*sr06*x;
dl2y = 2.0*sr06*y;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[1][4] = -sr06*(l2 - m2)*n2;
dl4 = -sr06*(x2 - y2)*z2;
dl4x = -2.0*sr06*x*z2;
dl4y = 2.0*sr06*y*z2;
dl4z = -2.0*sr06*(x2 - y2)*z;
//del2f.m[1][5] = -sr24*lm;
dl2 = -sr24*xy;
dl2x = -sr24*y;
dl2y = -sr24*x;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[1][5] = -sr24*lm*n2;
dl4 = -sr24*xy*z2;
dl4x = -sr24*y*z2;
dl4y = -sr24*x*z2;
dl4z = -2.0*sr24*xy*z;
//del2f.m[1][6] = 0.0;
dl2 = 0.0;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[1][6] = sr36*(3.0*m2 - l2)*ln;
dl4 = sr36*(3.0*y2 - x2)*xz;
dl4x = 3.0*sr36*(y2 - x2)*z;
dl4y = 6.0*sr36*y*xz;
dl4z = sr36*(3.0*y2 - x2)*x;
//del2f.m[1][7] = 0.0;
dl2 = 0.0;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[1][7] = -sr36*(3.0*l2 - m2)*mn;
dl4 = -sr36*(3.0*x2 - y2)*yz;
dl4x = -6.0*sr36*x*yz;
dl4y = -3.0*sr36*(x2 - y2)*z;
dl4z = -sr36*(3.0*x2 - y2)*y;
//del2f.m[2][2] = 0.3*(1.0 - 4.0*m2 + n2);
dl2 = 0.3 - 1.2*y2 + 0.3*z2;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = -2.4*y;
dl2z = 0.6*z;
//del4f.m[2][2] = -0.4*l*l - 2.5*(m2 - 0.6*l2)*n2;
dl4 = -0.4*x2 - 2.5*(y2 - 0.6*x2)*z2;
dl4x = -0.8*x + 3.0*x*z2;
dl4y = -5.0*y*z2;
dl4z = -5.0*(y2 - 0.6*x2)*z;
//del2f.m[2][3] = 1.2*lm;
dl2 = 1.2*xy;
dl2x = 1.2*y;
dl2y = 1.2*x;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[2][3] = 0.4*(10.0*n2 - 1.0)*lm;
dl4 = (4.0*z2 - 0.4)*xy;
dl4x = (4.0*z2 - 0.4)*y;
dl4y = (4.0*z2 - 0.4)*x;
dl4z = 8.0*z*xy;
//del2f.m[2][4] = sr09*ln;
dl2 = sr09*xz;
dl2x = sr09*z;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = sr09*x;
//del4f.m[2][4] = sr01*(6.0*n2 - 8.0*m2 - 1.0)*ln;
dl4 = sr01*(6.0*z2 - 8.0*y2 - 1.0)*xz;
dl4x = sr01*(6.0*z2 - 8.0*y2 - 1.0)*z;
dl4y = -16.0*sr01*y*xz;
dl4z = sr01*(18.0*z2 - 8.0*y2 - 1.0)*x;
//del2f.m[2][5] = sr09*mn;
dl2 = sr09*yz;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = sr09*z;
dl2z = sr09*y;
//del4f.m[2][5] = sr01*(2.0*n2 - 8.0*m2 + 3.0)*mn;
dl4 = sr01*(2.0*z2 - 8.0*y2 + 3.0)*yz;
dl4x = 0.0;
dl4y = sr01*(2.0*z2 - 24.0*y2 + 3.0)*z;
dl4z = sr01*(6.0*z2 - 8.0*y2 + 3.0)*y;
//del2f.m[2][6] = -sr015*(l2 - m2);
dl2 = -sr015*(x2 - y2);
dl2x = -2.0*sr015*x;
dl2y = 2.0*sr015*y;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[2][6] = sr375*(l2 - m2 - 1.4*l4 + 1.2*l2*m2 + m4);
dl4 = sr375*(x2 - y2 - 1.4*x4 + 1.2*x2*y2 + y4);
dl4x = sr375*(2.0 - 5.6*x2 + 2.4*y2)*x;
dl4y = sr375*(-2.0 + 2.4*x2 + 4.0*y2)*y;
dl4z = 0.0;
//del2f.m[2][7] = -sr06*lm;
dl2 = -sr06*xy;
dl2x = -sr06*y;
dl2y = -sr06*x;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[2][7] = sr96*(n2 - l2 + 0.25)*lm;
dl4 = sr96*(z2 - x2 + 0.25)*xy;
dl4x = sr96*(z2 - 3.0*x2 + 0.25)*y;
dl4y = sr96*(z2 - x2 + 0.25)*x;
dl4z = 2.0*sr96*z*xy;
//del2f.m[3][3] = 0.30*(1.0 - 4.0*l2 + n2);
dl2 = 0.3 - 1.2*x2 + 0.3*z2;
dl2x = -2.4*x;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 0.6*z;
//del4f.m[3][3] = -0.4*m2 - 2.5*(l2 - 0.6*m2)*n2;
dl4 = -0.4*y2 - 2.5*(x2 - 0.6*y2)*z2;
dl4x = -5.0*x*z2;
dl4y = y*(3.0*z2 - 0.8);
dl4z = -5.0*(x2 - 0.6*y2)*z;
//del2f.m[3][4] = -sr09*mn;
dl2 = -sr09*yz;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = -sr09*z;
dl2z = -sr09*y;
//del4f.m[3][4] = -sr01*(6.0*n2 - 8.0*l2 - 1.0)*mn;
dl4 = -sr01*(6.0*z2 - 8.0*x2 - 1.0)*yz;
dl4x = 16.0*sr01*x*yz;
dl4y = -sr01*(6.0*z2 - 8.0*x2 - 1.0)*z;
dl4z = -sr01*(18.0*z2 - 8.0*x2 - 1.0)*y;
//del2f.m[3][5] = sr09*ln;
dl2 = sr09*xz;
dl2x = sr09*z;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = sr09*x;
//del4f.m[3][5] = sr01*(2.0*n2 - 8.0*l2 + 3.0)*ln;
dl4 = sr01*(2.0*z2 - 8.0*x2 + 3.0)*xz;
dl4x = sr01*(2.0*z2 - 24.0*x2 + 3.0)*z;
dl4y = 0.0;
dl4z = sr01*(6.0*z2 - 8.0*x2 + 3.0)*x;
//del2f.m[3][6] = sr06*lm;
dl2 = sr06*xy;
dl2x = sr06*y;
dl2y = sr06*x;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[3][6] = sr96*(m2 - n2 - 0.25)*lm;
dl4 = sr96*(y2 - z2 - 0.25)*xy;
dl4x = sr96*(y2 - z2 - 0.25)*y;
dl4y = sr96*(3.0*y2 - z2 - 0.25)*x;
dl4z = -2.0*sr96*z*xy;
//del2f.m[3][7] = -sr015*(l2 - m2);
dl2 = -sr015*(x2 - y2);
dl2x = -2.0*sr015*x;
dl2y = 2.0*sr015*y;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[3][7] = sr375*(l2 - m2 + 1.4*m4 - 1.2*l2*m2 - l4);
dl4 = sr375*(x2 - y2 + 1.4*y4 - 1.2*x2*y2 - x4);
dl4x = sr375*(2.0 - 2.4*y2 - 4.0*x2)*x;
dl4y = sr375*(-2.0 + 5.6*y2 - 2.4*x2)*y;
dl4z = 0.0;
//del2f.m[4][4] = 0.0;
dl2 = 0.0;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[4][4] = (2.0 - 3.0*n2)*n2 - 4.0*l2*m2;
dl4 = (2.0 - 3.0*z2)*z2 - 4.0*x2*y2;
dl4x = -8.0*x*y2;
dl4y = -8.0*x2*y;
dl4z = (4.0 - 12.0*z2)*z;
//del2f.m[4][5] = 0.0;
dl2 = 0.0;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[4][5] = 2.0*(l2 - m2)*lm;
dl4 = 2.0*(x2 - y2)*xy;
dl4x = 2.0*(3.0*x2 - y2)*y;
dl4y = 2.0*(x2 - 3.0*y2)*x;
dl4z = 0.0;
//del2f.m[4][6] = sr15*ln;
dl2 = sr15*xz;
dl2x = sr15*z;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = sr15*x;
//del4f.m[4][6] = -sr15*(2.0*n2 - 1.0)*ln;
dl4 = -sr15*(2.0*z2 - 1.0)*xz;
dl4x = -sr15*(2.0*z2 - 1.0)*z;
dl4y = 0.0;
dl4z = -sr15*(6.0*z2 - 1.0)*x;
//del2f.m[4][7] = sr15*mn;
dl2 = sr15*yz;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = sr15*z;
dl2z = sr15*y;
//del4f.m[4][7] = -sr15*(2.0*n2 - 1.0)*mn;
dl4 = -sr15*(2.0*z2 - 1.0)*yz;
dl4x = 0.0;
dl4y = -sr15*(2.0*z2 - 1.0)*z;
dl4z = -sr15*(6.0*z2 - 1.0)*y;
//del2f.m[5][5] = 0.0;
dl2 = 0.0;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[5][5] = -pow((2.0*n2 - 1.0),2) + 4.0*l2*m2;
t1 = 2.0*z2 - 1.0;
dl4 = -t1*t1 + 4.0*x2*y2;
dl4x = 8.0*x*y2;
dl4y = 8.0*x2*y;
dl4z = -8.0*t1*z;
//del2f.m[5][6] = -sr15*mn;
dl2 = -sr15*yz;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = -sr15*z;
dl2z = -sr15*y;
//del4f.m[5][6] = sr15*(2.0*n2 - 1.0)*mn;
dl4 = sr15*(2.0*z2 - 1.0)*yz;
dl4x = 0.0;
dl4y = sr15*(2.0*z2 - 1.0)*z;
dl4z = sr15*(6.0*z2 - 1.0)*y;
//del2f.m[5][7] = sr15*ln;
dl2 = sr15*xz;
dl2x = sr15*z;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = sr15*x;
//del4f.m[5][7] = -sr15*(2.0*n2 - 1.0)*ln;
dl4 = -sr15*(2.0*z2 - 1.0)*xz;
dl4x = -sr15*(2.0*z2 - 1.0)*z;
dl4y = 0.0;
dl4z = -sr15*(6.0*z2 - 1.0)*x;
//del2f.m[6][6] = -(3.0*n2 - 1.0)/2.0;
dl2 = 0.5 - 1.5*z2;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = -3.0*z;
//del4f.m[6][6] = 1.5*(n2 - 1.0)*n2;
dl4 = (1.5*z2 - 1.5)*z2;
dl4x = 0.0;
dl4y = 0.0;
dl4z = (6.0*z2 - 3.0)*z;
//del2f.m[6][7] = 0.0;
dl2 = 0.0;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = 0.0;
//del4f.m[6][7] = 0.0;
dl4 = 0.0;
dl4x = 0.0;
dl4y = 0.0;
dl4z = 0.0;
//del2f.m[7][7] = -(3.0*n2 - 1.0)/2.0;
dl2 = 0.5 - 1.5*z2;
dl2x = 0.0;
dl2y = 0.0;
dl2z = -3.0*z;
//del4f.m[7][7] = 1.5*(n2 - 1.0)*n2;
dl4 = (1.5*z2 - 1.5)*z2;
dl4x = 0.0;
dl4y = 0.0;
dl4z = (6.0*z2 - 3.0)*z;
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* Fast Model Generalized Pseudopotential Theory (MGPT) interatomic
* potential routine.
* Copyright (2015) Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC.
* Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
* Written by Tomas Oppelstrup ( and John Moriarty
* (
* LLNL-CODE-674031 All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License (as published by the
* Free Software Foundation) version 2, dated June 1991.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and conditions of the
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* LLNL Preamble Notice
* A. This notice is required to be provided under our contract with the
* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This work was performed under the auspices
* of the DOE by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No.
* DE-AC52-07NA27344.
* B. Neither the United States Government nor Lawrence Livermore National
* Security, LLC nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or
* implied, or assumes any liability or responsibility for the accuracy,
* completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or
* process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe
* privately-owned rights.
* C. Also, reference herein to any specific commercial products, process,
* or services by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise does not
* necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or
* favoring by the United States Government or Lawrence Livermore National
* Security, LLC. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not
* necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or
* Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC, and shall not be used for
* advertising or product endorsement purposes.
------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

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