cl.adddescription('f',"Do not write more than max_frame frames to the output file.");
cl.adddescription('r',"Resolution of ellipsoids in PyMol. The number of triangles per ellipsoid is equal to 2*(ellip_res^2). Default is 10.");
cl.adddescription('s',"Output the results into separate .py files. The filename and extension for the output files is taken from output_py_file.");
cl.adddescription('i',"Render the specified frame interval inclusive between start_frame and end_frame. skip gives the number of frames to skip between each rendered frame. A value of 0 outputs every frame between start_frame and end_frame. The first frame in the dump file is frame 0.");
cl.adddescription('b',"When used with -s, the option will number the filenames based on the frame number. By default, they are numbered consequtively from zero.");
cl.adddescription('o',"Do not output the outline for the simulation box.");
// Stuff for every executable
cl.adddescription('h',"Print out the man page for help");
cl.adddescription('n',"Set the degree of program output. Use: \n\n\t-n 0\tNo output\n\t-n 10\tNormal program output\n\t-n 20\tParameters useful for reproducing the results\n\t-n 30\tAll output");
// Short Description
cl.addtoman_chapter("NAME","Tools for ellipsoid visualization in PyMol of a LAMMPS trajectory.");
// Version
cl.addtoman_chapter("VERSION","Version 0.2");
// Full Description
"Tool for converting LAMMPS trajectories into compiled graphics objects for ",
"visualization in PyMol. The flavor_file is an input file that describes ",
"the color, transparency, and size/shape of each atom type. The flavor_file ",
"consists of two possible line formats. For spherical particles, the format ",
"\t\\fIatom_type color alpha diameter\\fR\n\n",
"where alpha is used to adjust the transparency of the particle. For ",
"ellipsoidal particles, the format is:\n\n"
"\t\\fIatom_type color alpha diameter_x diameter_y diameter_z\\fR\n\n",
"Ellipsoidal and spherical line formats can be mixed in the same flavor_file ",
"For any atom type not listed in the flavor_file a blue sphere of size 1 is ",
"The dump_file is a LAMMPS trajectory. For atom types specified as spherical ",
"in the flavor_file, the dump_file must contain \\fItag type x y z\\fR as ",
"the first columns. For atom types specified as ellipsoidal in the ",
"flavor_file, the columns are \\fItag type x y z quatw quati quatj quatk\\fR.",
"The latter can be gerenated, for example, with the ",
"LAMMPS dump_style custom command with the following arguments in order:\n\n",
"\t\\fItag type x y z quatw quati quatj quatk\\fR\n\n",
"The output file is a python file for input to Pymol. This can be viewed ",
"from the command line using \\fIpymol\\fR or by using the \\fIrun\\fR ",