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* cartesian.h
* Shared stuff for dealing with Cartesian coordinates
* Also contains quaternion structures and operations
* Cartesian point of doubles: cPt
* Cartesian point of intergers: iPt
* Vector of doubles: vectorPt
* Color of doubles: colorPt
* Quaternion: Quaternion
* Can be accessed as cPt.x, cPt[X], colorPt[GREEN], iPt[I], etc.
* W. Michael Brown
/*! \file */
#include "miscm.h"
#include "m_constants.h"
#include "spherical.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
enum { X, ///<0
Y, ///<1
Z ///<2
enum { I, ///<0
J, ///<1
K, ///<2
W ///<3
enum { RED, ///<0
GREEN, ///<1
BLUE ///<2
// Other coordinates
template<class numtyp> class Ball;
// Template friend declarations
template<class numtyp> class TwoD;
template<class numtyp>
ostream & operator<< (ostream &out, const TwoD<numtyp> &t);
template<class numtyp>
istream & operator>> (istream &in, TwoD<numtyp> &t);
template<class numtyp> class ThreeD;
template<class numtyp>
ostream & operator<< (ostream &out, const ThreeD<numtyp> &t);
template<class numtyp>
istream & operator>> (istream &in, ThreeD<numtyp> &t);
template<class numtyp>
ThreeD<numtyp> operator+ (const numtyp, const ThreeD<numtyp> &two);
template<class numtyp>
ThreeD<numtyp> operator- (const numtyp, const ThreeD<numtyp> &two);
template<class numtyp>
ThreeD<numtyp> operator* (const numtyp, const ThreeD<numtyp> &two);
template<class numtyp>
ThreeD<numtyp> operator/ (const numtyp, const ThreeD<numtyp> &two);
/// Two dimensional vector
/** The elements can be accessed directly .x or .y
* or by using the operator [] ( [X], [Y] or [I], [J] )
* The following operators are currently overloaded:
* +,-,*
* operators *,/ returns a vector with each element multiplied
* times the corresponding element in the other vector (Matlab .* )
* the member function dot can be used to compute dot products
* Input and output are overloaded for element I/O of the form "x y"
* <<, >>
* \sa cartesian.h for typedefs and defines*/
template<class numtyp>
class TwoD {
/// Empty construct. Not necessarily initialized to [0 0]
/// Assign both x and y the value
TwoD(numtyp x);
/// Assignment Constructor
TwoD(numtyp cx, numtyp cy);
/// Type conversion
TwoD(const TwoD<float> &two);
/// Ball projection (onto xy-plane)
TwoD(const Ball<float> &ball);
numtyp x; ///< First element
numtyp y; ///< Last element
numtyp &operator[](unsigned i);
friend ostream & operator<< <>(ostream &out, const TwoD<numtyp> &t);
friend istream & operator>> <>(istream &in, TwoD<numtyp> &t);
TwoD<numtyp> operator + (const TwoD<numtyp> &two) const;
void operator += (const TwoD<numtyp> &two);
TwoD<numtyp> operator + (const numtyp two) const;
TwoD<numtyp> operator - (const TwoD<numtyp> &two) const;
TwoD<numtyp> operator - (const numtyp two) const;
TwoD<numtyp> operator * (const numtyp two) const;
TwoD<numtyp> operator * (const TwoD<numtyp> &two) const;
void operator /= (const numtyp two);
bool operator != (const TwoD<numtyp> &two) const;
/// Dot Product
numtyp dot(const TwoD<numtyp> &two) const;
/// Distance between two points
numtyp dist(const TwoD<numtyp> &two) const;
/// Distance squared between two points
numtyp dist2(const TwoD<numtyp> &two) const;
/// Returns one of two normals to a line represented by vector
TwoD<numtyp> normal();
/// Move coordinates into array
void to_array(numtyp *array);
/// Set coordinates from array
void from_array(numtyp *array);
// -------------- Weird functions that help with coord templating
unsigned dimensionality();
/// Returns the index of *this (for unsigned) in a square 3D array
/** \param s_size s_size[0]=1Dsize **/
numtyp array_index(vector<unsigned> &s_size);
/// Increment a 2D index from min to max (same as nested for)
/** Returns false when increment is complete **/
bool increment_index(TwoD &minp,TwoD &maxp);
/// Return false if x or y is not within the inclusive range
bool check_bounds(numtyp min,numtyp max);
///\var typedef TwoD<double> c2DPt
/// Two dimensional vector of doubles
typedef TwoD<double> c2DPt;
/// Three dimensional vector
/** The elements can be accessed directly .x or .y or .z
* or by using the operator [] ( [X], [Y], [Z] or [I], [J], [K] or
* [RED], [GREEN], [BLUE] )
* The following operators are currently overloaded:
* +,-,*,/,+=,-=,*=,/=,==,!=
* operators *,/,*=,/= returns a vector with each element multiplied
* times the corresponding element in the other vector (Matlab .* )
* or with each element multiplied by a scalar
* the member function dot can be used to compute dot products
* Input and output are overloaded for element I/O of the form "x y z"
* <<, >>
* \sa cartesian.h for typedefs and defines*/
template<class numtyp>
class ThreeD {
/// Assignment Constructor
ThreeD(numtyp cx, numtyp cy, numtyp cz);
/// Assign all the value
ThreeD(numtyp in);
/// Type Conversion
ThreeD(const ThreeD<unsigned>&);
/// Type Conversion
ThreeD(const ThreeD<int>&);
/// Type Conversion
ThreeD(const ThreeD<float>&);
/// Type Conversion
ThreeD(const ThreeD<double>&);
/// TwoD with (z-coordinate set to zero)
ThreeD(const TwoD<float>&);
/// Spherical Conversion
ThreeD(const Ball<double>&);
/// Spherical Conversion
ThreeD(const Ball<float>&);
/// Empty construct (Not necessarily initialized to zero)
numtyp x; ///< First Element
numtyp y; ///< Second Element
numtyp z; ///< Last Element
friend ostream & operator<< <>(ostream &out, const ThreeD<numtyp> &t);
friend istream & operator>> <>(istream &in, ThreeD<numtyp> &t);
friend ThreeD<numtyp> operator+ <>(const numtyp, const ThreeD<numtyp> &two);
friend ThreeD<numtyp> operator- <>(const numtyp, const ThreeD<numtyp> &two);
friend ThreeD<numtyp> operator* <>(const numtyp, const ThreeD<numtyp> &two);
friend ThreeD<numtyp> operator/ <>(const numtyp, const ThreeD<numtyp> &two);
inline numtyp &operator[](unsigned i) {
switch(i) {
case X: return x;
case Y: return y;
case Z: return z;
return x;
inline numtyp operator[](unsigned i) const {
switch(i) {
case X: return x;
case Y: return y;
case Z: return z;
return x;
bool operator == (const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) const;
bool operator != (const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) const;
ThreeD<numtyp> operator + (const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) const;
ThreeD<numtyp> operator + (const numtyp &two) const;
ThreeD<numtyp> operator - (const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) const;
ThreeD<numtyp> operator - (const numtyp &two) const;
ThreeD<numtyp> operator * (const numtyp &two) const;
ThreeD<numtyp> operator * (const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) const;
ThreeD<numtyp> operator / (const numtyp &two) const;
ThreeD<numtyp> operator / (const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) const;
void operator = (const ThreeD &two);
void operator += (const numtyp &two);
void operator += (const ThreeD &two);
void operator -= (const numtyp &two);
void operator -= (const ThreeD &two);
inline void operator *= (const numtyp &two) {
x*=two; y*=two; z*=two;
void operator /= (const numtyp &two);
/// Move coordinates into array
void to_array(numtyp *array);
/// Set coordinates from array
void from_array(numtyp *array);
/// Returns the dot product of *this and two
numtyp dot(const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) const;
/// Returns the cross product of \b *this and \b two
/** The input vectors do not need to be normalized, however, the output
* vector will not be */
ThreeD<numtyp> cross(const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) const;
/// Returns the angle between \b *this and \b two
numtyp angle(const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) const;
/// Returns an arbitrary vector that is perpendicular to the input
/** The output vector is not normalized */
ThreeD<numtyp> perpendicular();
/// Rotate a vector in xz-plane by t radians
ThreeD<numtyp> rotatey(double t) const;
/// Rotate a vector in xy-plane by t radians
ThreeD<numtyp> rotatez(double t) const;
/// Magnitude of vector
numtyp norm() const;
/// Squared norm of a vector
numtyp norm2() const;
/// Magnitude of vector
numtyp hypot() const;
/// Distance between two points
inline numtyp dist(const ThreeD<numtyp> &two) {
return (*this-two).norm();
/// Distance squared between two points
numtyp dist2(const ThreeD<numtyp> &two);
/// Converts \b *this to the unit vector
inline void normalize() {
numtyp temp=norm();
/// Return the unit vector of \b *this
ThreeD<numtyp> unit();
/// Returns the projection of the point or vector onto Z-plane
c2DPt projz();
/// Set this to be the max of one and two for each dimension
void max(ThreeD &one, ThreeD &two);
/// Set this to be the min of one and two for each dimension
void min(ThreeD &one, ThreeD &two);
// -------------- Weird functions that help with coord templating
/// Returns 3
unsigned dimensionality();
/// Returns the index of *this (for unsigned) in a square 3D array
/** \param s_size s_size[0]=1Dsize, and s_size[1]=1D size*1Dsize **/
numtyp array_index(vector<unsigned> &s_size);
/// Increment a 3D index from min to max (same as nested for)
/** \note This is currently only implemented for unsigned numbers
* Returns false when increment is complete **/
bool increment_index(ThreeD &minp,ThreeD &maxp);
/// Return false if x,y, or z is not within the inclusive range
bool check_bounds(numtyp min,numtyp max);
///\var typedef ThreeD<int> iPt;
/// Three dimensional vector of integers
typedef ThreeD<int> iPt;
///\var typedef ThreeD<unsigned> uPt;
/// Three dimensional vector of unsigned
typedef ThreeD<unsigned> uPt;
///\var typedef ThreeD<double> cPt;
/// Three dimensional vector of doubles
typedef ThreeD<double> cPt;
///\var typedef ThreeD<double> vectorPt;
/// Three dimensional vector of doubles
typedef ThreeD<double> vectorPt;
///\var typedef ThreeD<double> colorPt;
/// Three dimensional vector of doubles
typedef ThreeD<double> colorPt;
///\def ORIGIN
/// Point at origin
#define ORIGIN cPt(0.0,0.0,0.0)
///\def XAXIS
/// Unit vector for x-axis
#define XAXIS vectorPt(1.0,0.0,0.0)
///\def YAXIS
/// Unit vector for y-axis
#define YAXIS vectorPt(0.0,1.0,0.0)
///\def ZAXIS
/// Unit vector for z-axis
#define ZAXIS vectorPt(0.0,0.0,1.0)
class RotMat;
/// Euler Rotation
class EulerRot {
EulerRot(double theta,double psi,double phi);
/// Rotate the rotation axis by a given rotation matrix
void rotate_axis(const RotMat &rotmat);
void operator= (const EulerRot &two);
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const EulerRot &rot);
double theta;
double psi;
double phi;
/// EulerRot with no rotation
#define EU_NOROTATE EulerRot(0.0,0.0,0.0)
//---------------------------Quaternion Stuff -------------------------
/// Class for handling Quaternion vectors
/** The elements can be accessed directly .w .i .j or .k
* or by using the operator[] ( [W], [X], [Y], [Z] or [W], [I], [J], [K] )
* The following operators are currently overloaded:
* +=,*,*=,=,==
* Overloaded * concatenates two successive rotations \n
* \e It \e is \e not \e communative \n
* For \e join=q1*q2, \e join is equivalent to performing rotation \e q1
* \b followed by \e q2.
* Input and output are overloaded for element I/O of the form "w i j k"
* <<, >>
* \sa cartesian.h for typedefs and defines*/
class Quaternion {
double w; ///<Real Component
double i; ///<Imaginary Component
double j; ///<Imaginary Component
double k; ///<Imaginary Component
double &operator[](unsigned index);
/// Copy Constructor
Quaternion(const Quaternion &two);
/// Assignment constructor
Quaternion(double inw, double ini, double inj, double ink);
/// Axis-Angle Rotation (\b v must be a \b UNIT vector)
Quaternion(const vectorPt &v, double angle);
/// Rotation from vector 1 to vector 2 (v1 and v2 need not be normalized)
/** Angle is between \b v1 and \b v2 and axis is calculated as the cross
* product of \b v1 and \b v2 */
Quaternion(const vectorPt &v1, const vectorPt &v2);
/// Spherical rotation
Quaternion(double longitude, double latitude);
/// From Euler angles
Quaternion(const EulerRot &erot);
void operator += (const Quaternion &two);
Quaternion operator * (const Quaternion &two) const;
void operator*= (const Quaternion &two);
Quaternion operator * (const double two) const;
void operator*= (const double two);
void operator= (const Quaternion &two);
bool operator== (const Quaternion &two) const;
/// Returns the conjugate
Quaternion conj() const;
/// Returns the norm
double norm();
/// Form \b *this into the unit vector
void normalize();
/// Returns the unit vector of \b *this
Quaternion unit();
friend ostream & operator<<(ostream &out, const Quaternion &q);
friend istream & operator>>(istream &in, Quaternion &q);
/// Rotation matrix (about origin)
/** Rotation of ThreeD can be applied via overloaded * operator **/
class RotMat {
/// Unspecified matrix!
/// Initialize with quaternion
RotMat(const Quaternion &q);
/// Set based on quaternion
void set(const Quaternion &q);
/// Assert that the rotation is proper
void proper();
cPt operator*(const cPt &in) const;
double x_x,x_y,x_z,y_x,y_y,y_z,z_x,z_y,z_z;
///\def NOROTATE
/// Quaternion with no rotation
#define NOROTATE Quaternion(1.0,0.0,0.0,0.0)
/// Global geometry functions
namespace c {
/// Returns point on a line closest to an outside point
/** The line is described by a directional vector and a point on the line
*\param v Vector describing the line direction
*\param v_point Point on the line
*\param point The Outside point */
cPt point_to_line(const vectorPt &v, const cPt &v_point,
const cPt &point);
/// Return the closest distance between two line segments input as end points
/**\param l1_1 End point of segment 1
*\param l1_2 End point of segment 1
*\param l2_1 End point of segment 2
*\param l2_2 End point of segment 2 */
double closest_approach(const cPt &l1_1, const cPt &l1_2,
const cPt &l2_1, const cPt &l2_2);
/// Calculates the points where two line segments are closest
/**\param l1_1 End point of segment 1
*\param l1_2 End point of segment 1
*\param l2_1 End point of segment 2
*\param l2_2 End point of segment 2
*\param close_l1 Calculated closest point on line segment 1
*\param close_l2 Calculated closest point on line segment 2 */
void closest_approach_points(const cPt &l1_1, const cPt &l1_2,
const cPt &l2_1, const cPt &l2_2,
cPt &close_l1, cPt &close_l2);
/// Returns true if two line segments intersect
bool intersect(const c2DPt &line1_start, const c2DPt &line1_end,
const c2DPt &line2_start, const c2DPt &line2_end);
/// Liang-Barsky Intersection between line segment and line
bool sline_intersect(const c2DPt &line1_start, const c2DPt &line1_end,
const c2DPt &line2normal, const c2DPt &line2_point);
/// Average position
cPt mean(vector<cPt> &vec);

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