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Sat, Oct 19, 22:27
W. Michael Brown
Miscellaneous functions that do not deserve their own class
This file is part of the "All" Library
begin : May 30 2003
copyright : (C) 2003 by W. Michael Brown
email :
#ifndef MISC_H
#define MISC_H
#include "error.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;
/// Miscellaneous functions that do not deserve their own class
/** \e a contains functions for \n
* - fileio
* - string manipulation
* - conversion from numbers to strings */
namespace a {
/// Output the SNL Copyright info for publication \e year.
void copyright(ostream &out, unsigned year);
/// Get the SNL Copyright info as a string
string copyrightstring(unsigned year);
/// Open a file for input. Generates error ID \b 1-15 on fail.
void fileopen(ifstream &in, const char *filename, Error &error);
/// Open a file for input. Generates error ID \b 1-15 on fail.
void fileopen(ifstream &in, const string &filename, Error &error);
/// Open a binary file for input. Generates error ID \b 1-15 on fail.
void fileopenbinary(ifstream &in, const string &filename, Error &error);
/// Open a file for output. Generates error ID \b 2-15 on fail.
void fileopen(ofstream &out, const string &filename, Error &error);
/// Open a file for output. Generates error ID \b 2-15 on fail.
void fileopenbinary(ofstream &out, const string &filename, Error &error);
/// Open a file for append. Generates error ID \b 2-15 on fail.
void fileopenapp(ofstream &out, const string &filename, Error &error);
/// Open a file for output. Generates error ID \b 2-15 on fail.
void fileopen(ofstream &out, const char *filename, Error &error);
/// Close an input file. Generates error ID \b 10-15 on fail.
void fileclose(ifstream &in, Error &error);
/// Close an output file. Generates error ID \b 11-15 on fail.
void fileclose(ofstream &out, Error &error);
/// Put a string back into an istream
void putback(istream &in, const string &s);
/// Get the current date in the format "January 1, 2003"
string date();
/// Returns the filename without the extension
string namewoext(const string &filename);
/// Returns the filename without extension or directory
string filenameonly(const string &filename);
/// Return the extension of a filename
string extension(const string &filename);
/// Centers a string over the specified length
string strcenter(const string &s, unsigned length);
/// True if a character is whitespace
bool whitespace(char c);
/// True if a string is only whitespace
bool whitespace(const string &s);
/// Remove all whitespace from a string
string remove_whitespace(const string &s);
/// Replace any instance of \e source with \e target within the string \e s
void str_replace(const string &source, const string &target, string &s);
/// Convert all alpha characters to lower case
string tolower(const string &s);
/// The tokens parsed from cstring are \e added to the input vector
/** \param line The line with 'white space' delimeted tokens
* \param tokens Each token parsed is added to the vector */
void get_tokens(const char *line, vector<string> &tokens);
/// The tokens parsed from string are \e added to the input vector
/** \param line The line with 'white space' delimeted tokens
* \param tokens Each token parsed is added to the vector */
void get_tokens(const string &line, vector<string> &tokens);
/// Parse a string into tokens based on delimiter
/** \param line The line with 'white space' delimeted tokens
* \param tokens Each token parsed is added to the vector */
void get_tokens(char delimiter, const string &line, vector<string> &tokens);
/// Return the first token in a string
string get_first_token(const char *line);
/// Format a string to fit within a specified column width
/** Newlines are inserted between whitespace if possible, otherwise line is
* wrapped. Each string in the vector represents one line of text
* \note The output vector is not emptied! **/
void format_fit(unsigned column_width, const string &input,
vector<string> &output);
/// Return a string of num underscores
string underline(unsigned num);
/// Returns string representation of unsigned number
string itoa(unsigned i);
/// Returns string representation of int number
string itoa(int i);
/// Returns string representation of double number
string ftoa(double i);
/// Seed the random number generator
void seedrandom(unsigned seed);
/// Seed the random number generator with the current time
void seedrandom_time();
/// Returns a random integer between 0 and max
unsigned irandom(unsigned max);
/// Returns a random integer between 0 and max
long lrandom(long max);
/// Returns a random double between 0 and max
double frandom(double max);
/// Iterate through file names to give each unique numbers
class FileIterator {
/// Empty constructer with no header, no extension, no lead zeros
/// Specify the filename format using leading zeros
/** Files are generated according to the following format:
* \verbatim header+%0'digits'file_number+extension \endverbatim */
FileIterator(const string &header, const string &extension, unsigned digits);
/// Specify the filename format without leading zeros
/** Files are generated according to the following format:
* \verbatim header+file_number+extension \endverbatim */
FileIterator(const string &header, const string &extension);
/// Set the current file number
void set_file_num(unsigned fnum);
/// Set the file header
void set_file_header(const string &head);
/// Set the file extension
void set_file_extensions(const string &ext);
/// Set the number of leading zeros
void set_lead_zeros(unsigned digs);
/// Set the current file number, header, extension, leading zeros
void set(unsigned fnum, const string &head, const string &ext, unsigned digs);
/// Returns the next filename.
string nextfilename();
string header,extension;
unsigned digits;
unsigned file_num;

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