This directory contains 4 input scripts for carrying out NEMD simulations of thermal gradients for a Lennard-Jones fluid and SPC/E water using the HEX/a (fix heat) and eHEX/a (fix ehex) algorithms.
All input scripts are part of the supplementary (open access) material supporting the publication of Wirnsberger et al. [J. Chem. Phys. 143, 124104 (2015)] and allow one to reproduce the key results reported in that paper. The full article is available for download under or and the supplementary material is available under
Each input script in.X produces two output files:
-> The file out.TX contains the temperature profile. Plotting coloumn
4 against column 2 yields the results shown in Fig. 5 (Lennard-Jones) or Fig. 6 (SPC/E).
-> The file out.EX contains the time evolution of the total
energy. The difference between the initial and final values of the total energy in the second column corresponds to a single point in Fig. 2 (Lennard-Jones) or Fig. 3 (SPC/E).
The input files data.lj and data.spce contain input configurations which were previously prepared in a non-equilibrium steady-state (NESS).
For the Lennard-Jones system, the box contains 2000 atoms at a density of rho*=0.8444 (reduced units). The equilibrium temperature was T*=0.72 in reduced units. After switching on the thermostat, a temperature gradient of about -0.02 was generated between the reservoirs in the reference box. The SPC/E configuration contains 1024 molecules at a density of 0.95 g/cm^3. The equilibrium temperature was about 400 K, and after switching on the thermostat a temperature gradient of about -4.9 K/Å was generated.
More details can be found in the publication.