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// ************************************************************************
// Kokkos: Manycore Performance-Portable Multidimensional Arrays
// Copyright (2012) Sandia Corporation
// Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000 with Sandia Corporation,
// the U.S. Government retains certain rights in this software.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
// met:
// 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
// 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
// documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
// 3. Neither the name of the Corporation nor the names of the
// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
// this software without specific prior written permission.
// Questions? Contact H. Carter Edwards (
// ************************************************************************
#include <string>
#include <Kokkos_Macros.hpp>
#include <Kokkos_HostSpace.hpp>
#include <Kokkos_MemoryTraits.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_StaticAssert.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_Traits.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_Shape.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_AnalyzeShape.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_ViewSupport.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_ViewOffset.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_Tags.hpp>
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Impl {
/** \brief View specialization mapping of view traits to a specialization tag */
template< class ValueType ,
class ArraySpecialize ,
class ArrayLayout ,
class MemorySpace ,
class MemoryTraits >
struct ViewSpecialize ;
template< class DstViewSpecialize ,
class SrcViewSpecialize = void ,
class Enable = void >
struct ViewAssignment ;
template< class DstMemorySpace , class SrcMemorySpace >
struct DeepCopy ;
} /* namespace Impl */
} // namespace Kokkos
namespace Kokkos {
/** \class ViewTraits
* \brief Traits class for accessing attributes of a View.
* This is an implementation detail of View. It is only of interest
* to developers implementing a new specialization of View.
* Template argument permutations:
* - View< DataType , void , void , void >
* - View< DataType , Device , void , void >
* - View< DataType , Device , MemoryTraits , void >
* - View< DataType , Device , void , MemoryTraits >
* - View< DataType , ArrayLayout , void , void >
* - View< DataType , ArrayLayout , Device , void >
* - View< DataType , ArrayLayout , MemoryTraits , void >
* - View< DataType , ArrayLayout , Device , MemoryTraits >
* - View< DataType , MemoryTraits , void , void >
template< class DataType ,
class Arg1 ,
class Arg2 ,
class Arg3 >
class ViewTraits {
// Layout, Device, and MemoryTraits are optional
// but need to appear in that order. That means Layout
// can only be Arg1, Device can be Arg1 or Arg2, and
// MemoryTraits can be Arg1, Arg2 or Arg3
enum { Arg1IsLayout = Impl::is_layout<Arg1>::value };
enum { Arg1IsExecSpace = Impl::is_execution_space<Arg1>::value };
enum { Arg2IsExecSpace = Impl::is_execution_space<Arg2>::value };
enum { Arg1IsMemorySpace = Impl::is_memory_space<Arg1>::value };
enum { Arg2IsMemorySpace = Impl::is_memory_space<Arg2>::value };
enum { Arg1IsMemoryTraits = Impl::is_memorytraits<Arg1>::value };
enum { Arg2IsMemoryTraits = Impl::is_memorytraits<Arg2>::value };
enum { Arg3IsMemoryTraits = Impl::is_memorytraits<Arg3>::value };
// Arg1 or Arg2 may be either execution space or memory space
typedef typename Impl::if_c<( Arg1IsExecSpace || Arg1IsMemorySpace ), Arg1 ,
typename Impl::if_c<( Arg2IsExecSpace || Arg2IsMemorySpace ), Arg2 ,
>::type >::type::execution_space ExecutionSpace ;
typedef typename Impl::if_c<( Arg1IsExecSpace || Arg1IsMemorySpace ), Arg1 ,
typename Impl::if_c<( Arg2IsExecSpace || Arg2IsMemorySpace ), Arg2 ,
>::type >::type::memory_space MemorySpace ;
// Arg1 may be array layout
typedef typename Impl::if_c< Arg1IsLayout , Arg1 ,
typename ExecutionSpace::array_layout
>::type ArrayLayout ;
// Arg1, Arg2, or Arg3 may be memory traits
typedef typename Impl::if_c< Arg1IsMemoryTraits , Arg1 ,
typename Impl::if_c< Arg2IsMemoryTraits , Arg2 ,
typename Impl::if_c< Arg3IsMemoryTraits , Arg3 , MemoryManaged
>::type >::type >::type MemoryTraits ;
typedef Impl::AnalyzeShape<DataType> analysis ;
// Data type traits:
typedef DataType data_type ;
typedef typename analysis::const_type const_data_type ;
typedef typename analysis::non_const_type non_const_data_type ;
// Array of intrinsic scalar type traits:
typedef typename analysis::array_type array_type ;
typedef typename analysis::const_array_type const_array_type ;
typedef typename analysis::non_const_array_type non_const_array_type ;
// Value type traits:
typedef typename analysis::value_type value_type ;
typedef typename analysis::const_value_type const_value_type ;
typedef typename analysis::non_const_value_type non_const_value_type ;
// Layout and shape traits:
typedef ArrayLayout array_layout ;
typedef typename analysis::shape shape_type ;
enum { rank = shape_type::rank };
enum { rank_dynamic = shape_type::rank_dynamic };
// Execution space, memory space, and memory traits:
typedef ExecutionSpace device_type ; // for backward compatibility
typedef ExecutionSpace execution_space ;
typedef MemorySpace memory_space ;
typedef MemoryTraits memory_traits ;
typedef typename device_type::size_type size_type ;
enum { is_hostspace = Impl::is_same< memory_space , HostSpace >::value };
enum { is_managed = memory_traits::Unmanaged == 0 };
enum { is_random_access = memory_traits::RandomAccess == 1 };
// Specialization tag:
typedef typename
Impl::ViewSpecialize< value_type
, typename analysis::specialize
, array_layout
, memory_space
, memory_traits
>::type specialize ;
} /* namespace Kokkos */
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Impl {
/** \brief ViewDataHandle provides the type of the 'data handle' which the view
* uses to access data with the [] operator. It also provides
* an allocate function and a function to extract a raw ptr from the
* data handle. ViewDataHandle also defines an enum ReferenceAble which
* specifies whether references/pointers to elements can be taken and a
* 'return_type' which is what the view operators will give back.
* Specialisation of this object allows three things depending
* on ViewTraits and compiler options:
* (i) Use special allocator (e.g. huge pages/small pages and pinned memory)
* (ii) Use special data handle type (e.g. add Cuda Texture Object)
* (iii) Use special access intrinsics (e.g. texture fetch and non-caching loads)
template<class ViewTraits , class Enable = void>
class ViewDataHandle {
enum {ReferenceAble = 1};
typedef typename ViewTraits::value_type* type;
typedef typename ViewTraits::value_type& return_type;
static type allocate(std::string label, size_t count) {
return (type) ViewTraits::memory_space::allocate( label ,
typeid(typename ViewTraits::value_type) ,
sizeof(typename ViewTraits::value_type) ,
count );
static typename ViewTraits::value_type* get_raw_ptr(type ptr) {
return ptr;
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Impl {
class ViewDefault {};
/** \brief Default view specialization has LayoutLeft, LayoutRight, or LayoutStride.
template< class ValueType , class MemorySpace , class MemoryTraits >
struct ViewSpecialize< ValueType , void , LayoutLeft , MemorySpace , MemoryTraits >
{ typedef ViewDefault type ; };
template< class ValueType , class MemorySpace , class MemoryTraits >
struct ViewSpecialize< ValueType , void , LayoutRight , MemorySpace , MemoryTraits >
{ typedef ViewDefault type ; };
template< class ValueType , class MemorySpace , class MemoryTraits >
struct ViewSpecialize< ValueType , void , LayoutStride , MemorySpace , MemoryTraits >
{ typedef ViewDefault type ; };
} /* namespace Impl */
} /* namespace Kokkos */
namespace Kokkos {
namespace Impl {
/** \brief Types for compile-time detection of View usage errors */
namespace ViewError {
struct allocation_constructor_requires_managed {};
struct allocation_constructor_requires_nonconst {};
struct user_pointer_constructor_requires_unmanaged {};
struct device_shmem_constructor_requires_unmanaged {};
struct scalar_operator_called_from_non_scalar_view {};
} /* namespace ViewError */
template< class Type >
struct IsViewLabel : public Kokkos::Impl::false_type {};
struct IsViewLabel<std::string> : public Kokkos::Impl::true_type {};
template< unsigned N >
struct IsViewLabel<char[N]> : public Kokkos::Impl::true_type {};
/** \brief Enable view parentheses operator for
* match of layout and integral arguments.
* If correct rank define type from traits,
* otherwise define type as an error message.
template< class ReturnType , class Traits , class Layout , unsigned Rank ,
typename iType0 = int , typename iType1 = int ,
typename iType2 = int , typename iType3 = int ,
typename iType4 = int , typename iType5 = int ,
typename iType6 = int , typename iType7 = int ,
class Enable = void >
struct ViewEnableArrayOper ;
template< class ReturnType , class Traits , class Layout , unsigned Rank ,
typename iType0 , typename iType1 ,
typename iType2 , typename iType3 ,
typename iType4 , typename iType5 ,
typename iType6 , typename iType7 >
struct ViewEnableArrayOper<
ReturnType , Traits , Layout , Rank ,
iType0 , iType1 , iType2 , iType3 ,
iType4 , iType5 , iType6 , iType7 ,
typename enable_if<
iType0(0) == 0 && iType1(0) == 0 && iType2(0) == 0 && iType3(0) == 0 &&
iType4(0) == 0 && iType5(0) == 0 && iType6(0) == 0 && iType7(0) == 0 &&
is_same< typename Traits::array_layout , Layout >::value &&
( unsigned(Traits::rank) == Rank )
>::type >
typedef ReturnType type ;
} /* namespace Impl */
} /* namespace Kokkos */
namespace Kokkos {
struct AllocateWithoutInitializing {};
struct ViewWithoutManaging {};
namespace {
const AllocateWithoutInitializing allocate_without_initializing = AllocateWithoutInitializing();
const ViewWithoutManaging view_without_managing = ViewWithoutManaging();
/** \class View
* \brief View to an array of data.
* A View represents an array of one or more dimensions.
* For details, please refer to Kokkos' tutorial materials.
* \section Kokkos_View_TemplateParameters Template parameters
* This class has both required and optional template parameters. The
* \c DataType parameter must always be provided, and must always be
* first. The parameters \c Arg1Type, \c Arg2Type, and \c Arg3Type are
* placeholders for different template parameters. The default value
* of the fifth template parameter \c Specialize suffices for most use
* cases. When explaining the template parameters, we won't refer to
* \c Arg1Type, \c Arg2Type, and \c Arg3Type; instead, we will refer
* to the valid categories of template parameters, in whatever order
* they may occur.
* Valid ways in which template arguments may be specified:
* - View< DataType , Device >
* - View< DataType , Device , MemoryTraits >
* - View< DataType , Device , void , MemoryTraits >
* - View< DataType , Layout , Device >
* - View< DataType , Layout , Device , MemoryTraits >
* \tparam DataType (required) This indicates both the type of each
* entry of the array, and the combination of compile-time and
* run-time array dimension(s). For example, <tt>double*</tt>
* indicates a one-dimensional array of \c double with run-time
* dimension, and <tt>int*[3]</tt> a two-dimensional array of \c int
* with run-time first dimension and compile-time second dimension
* (of 3). In general, the run-time dimensions (if any) must go
* first, followed by zero or more compile-time dimensions. For
* more examples, please refer to the tutorial materials.
* \tparam Device (required) The execution model for parallel
* operations. Examples include Threads, OpenMP, Cuda, and Serial.
* \tparam Layout (optional) The array's layout in memory. For
* example, LayoutLeft indicates a column-major (Fortran style)
* layout, and LayoutRight a row-major (C style) layout. If not
* specified, this defaults to the preferred layout for the
* <tt>Device</tt>.
* \tparam MemoryTraits (optional) Assertion of the user's intended
* access behavior. For example, RandomAccess indicates read-only
* access with limited spatial locality, and Unmanaged lets users
* wrap externally allocated memory in a View without automatic
* deallocation.
* \section Kokkos_View_MT MemoryTraits discussion
* \subsection Kokkos_View_MT_Interp MemoryTraits interpretation depends on Device
* Some \c MemoryTraits options may have different interpretations for
* different \c Device types. For example, with the Cuda device,
* \c RandomAccess tells Kokkos to fetch the data through the texture
* cache, whereas the non-GPU devices have no such hardware construct.
* \subsection Kokkos_View_MT_PrefUse Preferred use of MemoryTraits
* Users should defer applying the optional \c MemoryTraits parameter
* until the point at which they actually plan to rely on it in a
* computational kernel. This minimizes the number of template
* parameters exposed in their code, which reduces the cost of
* compilation. Users may always assign a View without specified
* \c MemoryTraits to a compatible View with that specification.
* For example:
* \code
* // Pass in the simplest types of View possible.
* void
* doSomething (View<double*, Cuda> out,
* View<const double*, Cuda> in)
* {
* // Assign the "generic" View in to a RandomAccess View in_rr.
* // Note that RandomAccess View objects must have const data.
* View<const double*, Cuda, RandomAccess> in_rr = in;
* // ... do something with in_rr and out ...
* }
* \endcode
template< class DataType ,
class Arg1Type = void , /* ArrayLayout, DeviceType or MemoryTraits*/
class Arg2Type = void , /* DeviceType or MemoryTraits */
class Arg3Type = void , /* MemoryTraits */
class Specialize =
typename ViewTraits<DataType,Arg1Type,Arg2Type,Arg3Type>::specialize >
class View ;
namespace Impl {
template< class C >
struct is_view : public bool_< false > {};
template< class D , class A1 , class A2 , class A3 , class S >
struct is_view< View< D , A1 , A2 , A3 , S > > : public bool_< true > {};
template< class DataType ,
class Arg1Type ,
class Arg2Type ,
class Arg3Type >
class View< DataType , Arg1Type , Arg2Type , Arg3Type , Impl::ViewDefault >
: public ViewTraits< DataType , Arg1Type , Arg2Type, Arg3Type >
typedef ViewTraits< DataType , Arg1Type , Arg2Type, Arg3Type > traits ;
// Assignment of compatible views requirement:
template< class , class , class , class , class > friend class View ;
// Assignment of compatible subview requirement:
template< class , class , class > friend struct Impl::ViewAssignment ;
// Dimensions, cardinality, capacity, and offset computation for
// multidimensional array view of contiguous memory.
// Inherits from Impl::Shape
typedef Impl::ViewOffset< typename traits::shape_type
, typename traits::array_layout
> offset_map_type ;
typedef Impl::ViewDataHandle< traits > data_handle_type;
typename data_handle_type::type m_ptr_on_device ;
typedef typename data_handle_type::return_type return_type;
offset_map_type m_offset_map ;
Impl::ViewTracking< traits > m_tracking ;
typedef View< typename traits::array_type ,
typename traits::array_layout ,
typename traits::device_type ,
typename traits::memory_traits > array_type ;
typedef View< typename traits::const_data_type ,
typename traits::array_layout ,
typename traits::device_type ,
typename traits::memory_traits > const_type ;
typedef View< typename traits::non_const_data_type ,
typename traits::array_layout ,
typename traits::device_type ,
typename traits::memory_traits > non_const_type ;
typedef View< typename traits::non_const_data_type ,
typename traits::array_layout ,
typename traits::device_type::host_mirror_device_type ,
void > HostMirror ;
// Shape
enum { Rank = traits::rank };
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION offset_map_type shape() const { return m_offset_map ; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename traits::size_type dimension_0() const { return m_offset_map.N0 ; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename traits::size_type dimension_1() const { return m_offset_map.N1 ; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename traits::size_type dimension_2() const { return m_offset_map.N2 ; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename traits::size_type dimension_3() const { return m_offset_map.N3 ; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename traits::size_type dimension_4() const { return m_offset_map.N4 ; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename traits::size_type dimension_5() const { return m_offset_map.N5 ; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename traits::size_type dimension_6() const { return m_offset_map.N6 ; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename traits::size_type dimension_7() const { return m_offset_map.N7 ; }
KOKKOS_INLINE_FUNCTION typename traits::size_type size() const { return m_offset_map.cardinality(); }
template< typename iType >
typename traits::size_type dimension( const iType & i ) const
{ return Impl::dimension( m_offset_map , i ); }
// Destructor, constructors, assignment operators:
~View() { m_tracking.decrement( data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr(m_ptr_on_device) ); }
View() : m_ptr_on_device((typename traits::value_type*) NULL)
{ m_offset_map.assign(0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0); }
View( const View & rhs ) : m_ptr_on_device((typename traits::value_type*) NULL)
(void) Impl::ViewAssignment<
typename traits::specialize ,
typename traits::specialize >( *this , rhs );
View & operator = ( const View & rhs )
(void) Impl::ViewAssignment<
typename traits::specialize ,
typename traits::specialize >( *this , rhs );
return *this ;
// Construct or assign compatible view:
template< class RT , class RL , class RD , class RM , class RS >
View( const View<RT,RL,RD,RM,RS> & rhs )
: m_ptr_on_device((typename traits::value_type*) NULL)
(void) Impl::ViewAssignment<
typename traits::specialize , RS >( *this , rhs );
template< class RT , class RL , class RD , class RM , class RS >
View & operator = ( const View<RT,RL,RD,RM,RS> & rhs )
(void) Impl::ViewAssignment<
typename traits::specialize , RS >( *this , rhs );
return *this ;
// Allocation of a managed view with possible alignment padding.
// Allocation constructor enabled for managed and non-const values
template< class LabelType >
explicit inline
View( const LabelType & label ,
const size_t n0 = 0 ,
const size_t n1 = 0 ,
const size_t n2 = 0 ,
const size_t n3 = 0 ,
const size_t n4 = 0 ,
const size_t n5 = 0 ,
const size_t n6 = 0 ,
const size_t n7 = 0 ,
typename Impl::enable_if<(
Impl::IsViewLabel< LabelType >::value &&
( ! Impl::is_const< typename traits::value_type >::value ) &&
traits::is_managed ),
const size_t >::type n8 = 0 )
: m_ptr_on_device(0)
// typedef typename traits::memory_space memory_space_ ; // unused
// typedef typename traits::value_type value_type_ ; // unused
m_offset_map.assign( n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8 );
m_ptr_on_device = data_handle_type::allocate( label , m_offset_map.capacity() );
(void) Impl::ViewFill< View >( *this , typename traits::value_type() );
template< class LabelType >
explicit inline
View( const AllocateWithoutInitializing & ,
const LabelType & label ,
const size_t n0 = 0 ,
const size_t n1 = 0 ,
const size_t n2 = 0 ,
const size_t n3 = 0 ,
const size_t n4 = 0 ,
const size_t n5 = 0 ,
const size_t n6 = 0 ,
const size_t n7 = 0 ,
typename Impl::enable_if<(
Impl::IsViewLabel< LabelType >::value &&
( ! Impl::is_const< typename traits::value_type >::value ) &&
traits::is_managed ),
const size_t >::type n8 = 0 )
: m_ptr_on_device(0)
// typedef typename traits::memory_space memory_space_ ; // unused
// typedef typename traits::value_type value_type_ ; // unused
m_offset_map.assign( n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8 );
m_ptr_on_device = data_handle_type::allocate( label , m_offset_map.capacity() );
template< class LabelType >
explicit inline
View( const AllocateWithoutInitializing & ,
const LabelType & label ,
typename Impl::enable_if<(
Impl::IsViewLabel< LabelType >::value &&
( ! Impl::is_const< typename traits::value_type >::value ) &&
traits::is_managed ),
const typename traits::array_layout >::type layout )
: m_ptr_on_device(0)
// typedef typename traits::memory_space memory_space_ ; // unused
// typedef typename traits::value_type value_type_ ; // unused
m_offset_map.assign( layout );
m_ptr_on_device = data_handle_type::allocate( label , m_offset_map.capacity() );
template< class LabelType >
explicit inline
View( const LabelType & label ,
typename Impl::enable_if<(
Impl::IsViewLabel< LabelType >::value &&
( ! Impl::is_const< typename traits::value_type >::value ) &&
), typename traits::array_layout const & >::type layout )
: m_ptr_on_device(0)
// typedef typename traits::memory_space memory_space_ ; // unused
// typedef typename traits::value_type value_type_ ; // unused
m_offset_map.assign( layout );
m_ptr_on_device = data_handle_type::allocate( label , m_offset_map.capacity() );
(void) Impl::ViewFill< View >( *this , typename traits::value_type() );
// Assign an unmanaged View from pointer, can be called in functors.
// No alignment padding is performed.
template< typename T >
View( T * ptr ,
const size_t n0 = 0 ,
const size_t n1 = 0 ,
const size_t n2 = 0 ,
const size_t n3 = 0 ,
const size_t n4 = 0 ,
const size_t n5 = 0 ,
const size_t n6 = 0 ,
const size_t n7 = 0 ,
typename Impl::enable_if<(
( Impl::is_same<T,typename traits::value_type>::value ||
Impl::is_same<T,typename traits::const_value_type>::value )
( ! traits::is_managed )
), const size_t >::type n8 = 0 )
: m_ptr_on_device(ptr)
m_offset_map.assign( n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8 );
m_tracking = false ;
template< typename T >
View( T * ptr ,
typename Impl::enable_if<(
( Impl::is_same<T,typename traits::value_type>::value ||
Impl::is_same<T,typename traits::const_value_type>::value )
( ! traits::is_managed )
), typename traits::array_layout const & >::type layout )
: m_ptr_on_device(ptr)
m_offset_map.assign( layout );
m_tracking = false ;
explicit inline
View( const ViewWithoutManaging & ,
typename traits::value_type * ptr ,
const size_t n0 = 0 ,
const size_t n1 = 0 ,
const size_t n2 = 0 ,
const size_t n3 = 0 ,
const size_t n4 = 0 ,
const size_t n5 = 0 ,
const size_t n6 = 0 ,
const size_t n7 = 0 ,
const size_t n8 = 0 )
: m_ptr_on_device(ptr)
m_offset_map.assign( n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7, n8 );
m_tracking = false ;
View( const ViewWithoutManaging &
, typename traits::value_type * ptr
, typename traits::array_layout const & layout )
: m_ptr_on_device(ptr)
m_offset_map.assign( layout );
m_tracking = false ;
// Assign unmanaged View to portion of Device shared memory
typedef Impl::if_c< ! traits::is_managed ,
const typename traits::device_type::scratch_memory_space & ,
Impl::ViewError::device_shmem_constructor_requires_unmanaged >
if_scratch_memory_constructor ;
View( typename if_scratch_memory_constructor::type space ,
const unsigned n0 = 0 ,
const unsigned n1 = 0 ,
const unsigned n2 = 0 ,
const unsigned n3 = 0 ,
const unsigned n4 = 0 ,
const unsigned n5 = 0 ,
const unsigned n6 = 0 ,
const unsigned n7 = 0 )
: m_ptr_on_device(0)
typedef typename traits::value_type value_type_ ;
enum { align = 8 };
enum { mask = align - 1 };
m_offset_map.assign( n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 );
typedef Impl::if_c< ! traits::is_managed ,
value_type_ * ,
Impl::ViewError::device_shmem_constructor_requires_unmanaged >
if_device_shmem_pointer ;
// Select the first argument:
m_ptr_on_device = if_device_shmem_pointer::select(
(value_type_*) space.get_shmem( unsigned( sizeof(value_type_) * m_offset_map.capacity() + unsigned(mask) ) & ~unsigned(mask) ) );
static inline
unsigned shmem_size( const unsigned n0 = 0 ,
const unsigned n1 = 0 ,
const unsigned n2 = 0 ,
const unsigned n3 = 0 ,
const unsigned n4 = 0 ,
const unsigned n5 = 0 ,
const unsigned n6 = 0 ,
const unsigned n7 = 0 )
enum { align = 8 };
enum { mask = align - 1 };
typedef typename traits::value_type value_type_ ;
offset_map_type offset_map ;
offset_map.assign( n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 );
return unsigned( sizeof(value_type_) * offset_map.capacity() + unsigned(mask) ) & ~unsigned(mask) ;
// Is not allocated
bool is_null() const { return 0 == data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr(m_ptr_on_device) ; }
// Operators for scalar (rank zero) views.
typedef Impl::if_c< traits::rank == 0 ,
typename traits::value_type ,
Impl::ViewError::scalar_operator_called_from_non_scalar_view >
if_scalar_operator ;
const View & operator = ( const typename if_scalar_operator::type & rhs ) const
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
*m_ptr_on_device = if_scalar_operator::select( rhs );
return *this ;
operator typename if_scalar_operator::type & () const
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return if_scalar_operator::select( *m_ptr_on_device );
typename if_scalar_operator::type & operator()() const
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return if_scalar_operator::select( *m_ptr_on_device );
typename if_scalar_operator::type & operator*() const
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return if_scalar_operator::select( *m_ptr_on_device );
// Array member access operators enabled if
// (1) a zero value of all argument types are compile-time comparable to zero
// (2) the rank matches the number of arguments
// (3) the memory space is valid for the access
// rank 1:
template< typename iType0 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type , traits, typename traits::array_layout, 1, iType0 >::type
operator[] ( const iType0 & i0 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_1( m_offset_map, i0 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ i0 ];
template< typename iType0 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type , traits, typename traits::array_layout, 1, iType0 >::type
operator() ( const iType0 & i0 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_1( m_offset_map, i0 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ i0 ];
template< typename iType0 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type , traits, typename traits::array_layout, 1, iType0 >::type
at( const iType0 & i0 , const int , const int , const int ,
const int , const int , const int , const int ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_1( m_offset_map, i0 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ i0 ];
// rank 2:
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 2, iType0, iType1 >::type
operator() ( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_2( m_offset_map, i0,i1 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1) ];
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 2, iType0, iType1 >::type
at( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const int , const int ,
const int , const int , const int , const int ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_2( m_offset_map, i0,i1 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1) ];
// rank 3:
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 3, iType0, iType1, iType2 >::type
operator() ( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_3( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2) ];
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 3, iType0, iType1, iType2 >::type
at( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const int ,
const int , const int , const int , const int ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_3( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2) ];
// rank 4:
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 4, iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 >::type
operator() ( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_4( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3) ];
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 4, iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 >::type
at( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ,
const int , const int , const int , const int ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_4( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3) ];
// rank 5:
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 ,
typename iType4 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 5, iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 , iType4 >::type
operator() ( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ,
const iType4 & i4 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_5( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3,i4 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4) ];
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 ,
typename iType4 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 5, iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 , iType4 >::type
at( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ,
const iType4 & i4 , const int , const int , const int ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_5( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3,i4 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4) ];
// rank 6:
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 ,
typename iType4 , typename iType5 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 6,
iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 , iType4, iType5 >::type
operator() ( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ,
const iType4 & i4 , const iType5 & i5 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_6( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) ];
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 ,
typename iType4 , typename iType5 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 6,
iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 , iType4, iType5 >::type
at( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ,
const iType4 & i4 , const iType5 & i5 , const int , const int ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_6( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5) ];
// rank 7:
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 ,
typename iType4 , typename iType5 , typename iType6 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 7,
iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 , iType4, iType5, iType6 >::type
operator() ( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ,
const iType4 & i4 , const iType5 & i5 , const iType6 & i6 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_7( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6) ];
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 ,
typename iType4 , typename iType5 , typename iType6 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 7,
iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 , iType4, iType5, iType6 >::type
at( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ,
const iType4 & i4 , const iType5 & i5 , const iType6 & i6 , const int ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_7( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6) ];
// rank 8:
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 ,
typename iType4 , typename iType5 , typename iType6 , typename iType7 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 8,
iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 , iType4, iType5, iType6, iType7 >::type
operator() ( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ,
const iType4 & i4 , const iType5 & i5 , const iType6 & i6 , const iType7 & i7 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_8( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7) ];
template< typename iType0 , typename iType1 , typename iType2 , typename iType3 ,
typename iType4 , typename iType5 , typename iType6 , typename iType7 >
typename Impl::ViewEnableArrayOper< return_type ,
traits, typename traits::array_layout, 8,
iType0, iType1, iType2, iType3 , iType4, iType5, iType6, iType7 >::type
at( const iType0 & i0 , const iType1 & i1 , const iType2 & i2 , const iType3 & i3 ,
const iType4 & i4 , const iType5 & i5 , const iType6 & i6 , const iType7 & i7 ) const
KOKKOS_ASSERT_SHAPE_BOUNDS_8( m_offset_map, i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7 );
KOKKOS_RESTRICT_EXECUTION_TO_DATA( typename traits::memory_space , data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr( m_ptr_on_device ) );
return m_ptr_on_device[ m_offset_map(i0,i1,i2,i3,i4,i5,i6,i7) ];
// Access to the underlying contiguous storage of this view specialization.
// These methods are specific to specialization of a view.
typename traits::value_type * ptr_on_device() const {
return data_handle_type::get_raw_ptr(m_ptr_on_device);
// Stride of physical storage, dimensioned to at least Rank
template< typename iType >
void stride( iType * const s ) const
{ m_offset_map.stride(s); }
// Count of contiguously allocated data members including padding.
typename traits::size_type capacity() const
{ return m_offset_map.capacity(); }
} /* namespace Kokkos */
namespace Kokkos {
template< class LT , class LL , class LD , class LM , class LS ,
class RT , class RL , class RD , class RM , class RS >
typename Impl::enable_if<( Impl::is_same< LS , RS >::value ), bool >::type
operator == ( const View<LT,LL,LD,LM,LS> & lhs ,
const View<RT,RL,RD,RM,RS> & rhs )
// Same data, layout, dimensions
typedef ViewTraits<LT,LL,LD,LM> lhs_traits ;
typedef ViewTraits<RT,RL,RD,RM> rhs_traits ;
Impl::is_same< typename lhs_traits::const_data_type ,
typename rhs_traits::const_data_type >::value &&
Impl::is_same< typename lhs_traits::array_layout ,
typename rhs_traits::array_layout >::value &&
Impl::is_same< typename lhs_traits::memory_space ,
typename rhs_traits::memory_space >::value &&
Impl::is_same< typename lhs_traits::specialize ,
typename rhs_traits::specialize >::value &&
lhs.ptr_on_device() == rhs.ptr_on_device() &&
lhs.shape() == rhs.shape() ;
template< class LT , class LL , class LD , class LM , class LS ,
class RT , class RL , class RD , class RM , class RS >
bool operator != ( const View<LT,LL,LD,LM,LS> & lhs ,
const View<RT,RL,RD,RM,RS> & rhs )
return ! operator==( lhs , rhs );
} // namespace Kokkos
namespace Kokkos {
/** \brief Deep copy a value into a view.
template< class DT , class DL , class DD , class DM , class DS >
void deep_copy( const View<DT,DL,DD,DM,DS> & dst ,
typename Impl::enable_if<(
Impl::is_same< typename ViewTraits<DT,DL,DD,DM>::non_const_value_type ,
typename ViewTraits<DT,DL,DD,DM>::value_type >::value
), typename ViewTraits<DT,DL,DD,DM>::const_value_type >::type & value )
Impl::ViewFill< View<DT,DL,DD,DM,DS> >( dst , value );
template< class ST , class SL , class SD , class SM , class SS >
typename Impl::enable_if<( ViewTraits<ST,SL,SD,SM>::rank == 0 )>::type
deep_copy( ST & dst , const View<ST,SL,SD,SM,SS> & src )
typedef ViewTraits<ST,SL,SD,SM> src_traits ;
typedef typename src_traits::memory_space src_memory_space ;
Impl::DeepCopy< HostSpace , src_memory_space >( & dst , src.ptr_on_device() , sizeof(ST) );
/** \brief A deep copy between views of the same specialization, compatible type,
* same rank, same layout are handled by that specialization.
template< class DT , class DL , class DD , class DM ,
class ST , class SL , class SD , class SM >
void deep_copy( const View<DT,DL,DD,DM,Impl::ViewDefault> & dst ,
const View<ST,SL,SD,SM,Impl::ViewDefault> & src ,
typename Impl::enable_if<(
// Destination is not constant:
Impl::is_same< typename View<DT,DL,DD,DM,Impl::ViewDefault>::value_type ,
typename View<ST,SL,SD,SM,Impl::ViewDefault>::non_const_value_type >::value
// Same layout:
Impl::is_same< typename View<DT,DL,DD,DM,Impl::ViewDefault>::array_layout ,
typename View<ST,SL,SD,SM,Impl::ViewDefault>::array_layout >::value
// Same rank:
( unsigned(View<DT,DL,DD,DM,Impl::ViewDefault>::rank) == unsigned(View<ST,SL,SD,SM,Impl::ViewDefault>::rank) )
)>::type * = 0 )
typedef View<DT,DL,DD,DM,Impl::ViewDefault> dst_type ;
typedef View<ST,SL,SD,SM,Impl::ViewDefault> src_type ;
typedef typename dst_type::memory_space dst_memory_space ;
typedef typename src_type::memory_space src_memory_space ;
if ( dst.ptr_on_device() != src.ptr_on_device() ) {
// Same shape (dimensions)
Impl::assert_shapes_are_equal( dst.shape() , src.shape() );
if ( dst.capacity() == src.capacity() ) {
// Views span equal length contiguous range.
// Assuming can perform a straight memory copy over this range.
// TODO: Problem if these are subviews spanning equal length
// contiguous range have non-padding gaps then those
// gaps will be erroneously copied.
// Need to detect if gaps are mere padding or valid subranges.
// If subranges then cannot do a straight memory copy.
const size_t nbytes = sizeof(typename dst_type::value_type) * dst.capacity();
Impl::DeepCopy< dst_memory_space , src_memory_space >( dst.ptr_on_device() , src.ptr_on_device() , nbytes );
else {
// Destination view's execution space must be able to directly access source memory space
// in order for the ViewRemap functor run in the destination memory space's execution space.
Kokkos::Impl::VerifyExecutionCanAccessMemorySpace< dst_memory_space , src_memory_space >::verify();
Impl::ViewRemap< dst_type , src_type >( dst , src );
/** \brief Deep copy equal dimension arrays in the same space which
* have different layouts or specializations.
template< class DT , class DL , class DD , class DM , class DS ,
class ST , class SL , class SD , class SM , class SS >
void deep_copy( const View< DT, DL, DD, DM, DS > & dst ,
const View< ST, SL, SD, SM, SS > & src ,
const typename Impl::enable_if<(
// Destination is not constant:
Impl::is_same< typename View<DT,DL,DD,DM,DS>::value_type ,
typename View<DT,DL,DD,DM,DS>::non_const_value_type >::value
// Same space
Impl::is_same< typename View<DT,DL,DD,DM,DS>::memory_space ,
typename View<ST,SL,SD,SM,SS>::memory_space >::value
// Same rank
( unsigned( View<DT,DL,DD,DM,DS>::rank ) ==
unsigned( View<ST,SL,SD,SM,SS>::rank ) )
// Different layout or different specialization:
( ( ! Impl::is_same< typename View<DT,DL,DD,DM,DS>::array_layout ,
typename View<ST,SL,SD,SM,SS>::array_layout >::value )
( ! Impl::is_same< DS , SS >::value )
)>::type * = 0 )
typedef View< DT, DL, DD, DM, DS > dst_type ;
typedef View< ST, SL, SD, SM, SS > src_type ;
assert_shapes_equal_dimension( dst.shape() , src.shape() );
Impl::ViewRemap< dst_type , src_type >( dst , src );
template< class T , class L , class D , class M , class S >
typename Impl::enable_if<(
), typename View<T,L,D,M,S>::HostMirror >::type
create_mirror( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src )
typedef View<T,L,D,M,S> view_type ;
typedef typename view_type::HostMirror host_view_type ;
typedef typename view_type::memory_space memory_space ;
// 'view' is managed therefore we can allocate a
// compatible host_view through the ordinary constructor.
std::string label = memory_space::query_label( src.ptr_on_device() );
return host_view_type( label ,
src.dimension_0() ,
src.dimension_1() ,
src.dimension_2() ,
src.dimension_3() ,
src.dimension_4() ,
src.dimension_5() ,
src.dimension_6() ,
src.dimension_7() );
template< class T , class L , class D , class M , class S >
typename Impl::enable_if<(
View<T,L,D,M,S>::is_managed &&
Impl::ViewAssignable< typename View<T,L,D,M,S>::HostMirror , View<T,L,D,M,S> >::value
), typename View<T,L,D,M,S>::HostMirror >::type
create_mirror_view( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src )
return src ;
template< class T , class L , class D , class M , class S >
typename Impl::enable_if<(
View<T,L,D,M,S>::is_managed &&
! Impl::ViewAssignable< typename View<T,L,D,M,S>::HostMirror , View<T,L,D,M,S> >::value
), typename View<T,L,D,M,S>::HostMirror >::type
create_mirror_view( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src )
return create_mirror( src );
/** \brief Resize a view with copying old data to new data at the corresponding indices. */
template< class T , class L , class D , class M , class S >
void resize( View<T,L,D,M,S> & v ,
const typename Impl::enable_if< ViewTraits<T,L,D,M>::is_managed , size_t >::type n0 ,
const size_t n1 = 0 ,
const size_t n2 = 0 ,
const size_t n3 = 0 ,
const size_t n4 = 0 ,
const size_t n5 = 0 ,
const size_t n6 = 0 ,
const size_t n7 = 0 )
typedef View<T,L,D,M,S> view_type ;
typedef typename view_type::memory_space memory_space ;
const std::string label = memory_space::query_label( v.ptr_on_device() );
view_type v_resized( label, n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 );
Impl::ViewRemap< view_type , view_type >( v_resized , v );
v = v_resized ;
/** \brief Reallocate a view without copying old data to new data */
template< class T , class L , class D , class M , class S >
void realloc( View<T,L,D,M,S> & v ,
const typename Impl::enable_if< ViewTraits<T,L,D,M>::is_managed , size_t >::type n0 ,
const size_t n1 = 0 ,
const size_t n2 = 0 ,
const size_t n3 = 0 ,
const size_t n4 = 0 ,
const size_t n5 = 0 ,
const size_t n6 = 0 ,
const size_t n7 = 0 )
typedef View<T,L,D,M,S> view_type ;
typedef typename view_type::memory_space memory_space ;
// Query the current label and reuse it.
const std::string label = memory_space::query_label( v.ptr_on_device() );
v = view_type(); // deallocate first, if the only view to memory.
v = view_type( label, n0, n1, n2, n3, n4, n5, n6, n7 );
} // namespace Kokkos
namespace Kokkos {
template< class DstViewType ,
class T , class L , class D , class M , class S ,
class ArgType0 >
subview( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src ,
const ArgType0 & arg0 )
DstViewType dst ;
Impl::ViewAssignment<typename DstViewType::specialize,S>( dst , src , arg0 );
return dst ;
template< class DstViewType ,
class T , class L , class D , class M , class S ,
class ArgType0 , class ArgType1 >
subview( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src ,
const ArgType0 & arg0 ,
const ArgType1 & arg1 )
DstViewType dst ;
Impl::ViewAssignment<typename DstViewType::specialize,S>( dst, src, arg0, arg1 );
return dst ;
template< class DstViewType ,
class T , class L , class D , class M , class S ,
class ArgType0 , class ArgType1 , class ArgType2 >
subview( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src ,
const ArgType0 & arg0 ,
const ArgType1 & arg1 ,
const ArgType2 & arg2 )
DstViewType dst ;
Impl::ViewAssignment<typename DstViewType::specialize,S>( dst, src, arg0, arg1, arg2 );
return dst ;
template< class DstViewType ,
class T , class L , class D , class M , class S ,
class ArgType0 , class ArgType1 , class ArgType2 , class ArgType3 >
subview( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src ,
const ArgType0 & arg0 ,
const ArgType1 & arg1 ,
const ArgType2 & arg2 ,
const ArgType3 & arg3 )
DstViewType dst ;
Impl::ViewAssignment<typename DstViewType::specialize,S>( dst, src, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3 );
return dst ;
template< class DstViewType ,
class T , class L , class D , class M , class S ,
class ArgType0 , class ArgType1 , class ArgType2 , class ArgType3 ,
class ArgType4 >
subview( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src ,
const ArgType0 & arg0 ,
const ArgType1 & arg1 ,
const ArgType2 & arg2 ,
const ArgType3 & arg3 ,
const ArgType4 & arg4 )
DstViewType dst ;
Impl::ViewAssignment<typename DstViewType::specialize,S>( dst, src, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 );
return dst ;
template< class DstViewType ,
class T , class L , class D , class M , class S ,
class ArgType0 , class ArgType1 , class ArgType2 , class ArgType3 ,
class ArgType4 , class ArgType5 >
subview( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src ,
const ArgType0 & arg0 ,
const ArgType1 & arg1 ,
const ArgType2 & arg2 ,
const ArgType3 & arg3 ,
const ArgType4 & arg4 ,
const ArgType5 & arg5 )
DstViewType dst ;
Impl::ViewAssignment<typename DstViewType::specialize,S>( dst, src, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5 );
return dst ;
template< class DstViewType ,
class T , class L , class D , class M , class S ,
class ArgType0 , class ArgType1 , class ArgType2 , class ArgType3 ,
class ArgType4 , class ArgType5 , class ArgType6 >
subview( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src ,
const ArgType0 & arg0 ,
const ArgType1 & arg1 ,
const ArgType2 & arg2 ,
const ArgType3 & arg3 ,
const ArgType4 & arg4 ,
const ArgType5 & arg5 ,
const ArgType6 & arg6 )
DstViewType dst ;
Impl::ViewAssignment<typename DstViewType::specialize,S>( dst, src, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6 );
return dst ;
template< class DstViewType ,
class T , class L , class D , class M , class S ,
class ArgType0 , class ArgType1 , class ArgType2 , class ArgType3 ,
class ArgType4 , class ArgType5 , class ArgType6 , class ArgType7 >
subview( const View<T,L,D,M,S> & src ,
const ArgType0 & arg0 ,
const ArgType1 & arg1 ,
const ArgType2 & arg2 ,
const ArgType3 & arg3 ,
const ArgType4 & arg4 ,
const ArgType5 & arg5 ,
const ArgType6 & arg6 ,
const ArgType7 & arg7 )
DstViewType dst ;
Impl::ViewAssignment<typename DstViewType::specialize,S>( dst, src, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7 );
return dst ;
} // namespace Kokkos
#include <impl/Kokkos_ViewDefault.hpp>
#include <impl/Kokkos_Atomic_View.hpp>

Event Timeline