Extra examples
This directory contains miscellaneous extra examples of the code. - this creates a large Voronoi cell, and then cuts the cell by a group of points within a small box, to demonstrate space that particles within a block can possibly affect. Different topologies are visible depending on whether a face, edge, or corner of the box is aligned with the cell. - this program demonstrates the plane_intersects() routine for determining whether a plane has any intersection with a Voronoi cell. The program creates a test Voronoi cell, saves it to "cell.gnu", and then maps out the region of space which can possibly influence it and saves an outline of it to "cell_cut_region.gnu". These can be visualized in gnuplot using:
splot 'cell.gnu' with lines, 'cell_cut_region.gnu' with dots - this creates a cell in the shape of a superellipsoid (satisfying the equation x^4+y^4+z^4=1) and outputs the results in gnuplot format to "superellipsoid.gnu". - this code makes use of a wall class as a method of handling a Voronoi tessellation for an irregular group of particles. Each Voronoi cell is initialized to be a dodecahedron surronding the particle, which is then cut. This stops Voronoi cells from extending a long way out to the computational boundaries. The output can be visualized using the POV-Ray header file irregular.pov.