# cheetah = ORNL IBM machine, mpCC, native MPI, FFTW SHELL = /bin/sh .SUFFIXES: .cpp .u .IGNORE: # System-specific settings # LINKFORT/FORTLIB settings can be removed if not using meam or reax packages # LINKBLAS/BLASLIB settings can be removed if not using user-atc package # LINKGPU/GPULIB settings can be removed if not using gpu package include Makefile.package CC = mpCC_r CCFLAGS = $(PKGINC) -O4 -qnoipa -I/usr/apps/include -DFFT_FFTW DEPFLAGS = -M LINK = mpCC_r LINKFORT = LINKBLAS = LINKGPU = LINKFLAGS = $(PKGPATH) $(LINKFORT) $(LINKBLAS) $(LINKGPU) USRLIB = $(PKGLIB) -lfftw FORTLIB = BLASLIB = GPULIB = SYSLIB = $(FORTLIB) $(BLASLIB) $(GPULIB) SIZE = size # Link rule $(EXE): $(OBJ) $(LINK) $(LINKFLAGS) $(OBJ) $(USRLIB) $(SYSLIB) -o $(EXE) $(SIZE) $(EXE) # --------- old section ------------- # Compilation rules #.cpp.o: # $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< # Individual dependencies #$(OBJ): $(INC) # --------- new section ------------- # Compilation rules %.o:%.cpp $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) -c $< %.u:%.cpp $(CC) $(CCFLAGS) $(DEPFLAGS) -c $< # Individual dependencies DEPENDS = $(OBJ:.o=.u) include $(DEPENDS)